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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12084322 No.12084322 [Reply] [Original]

For me when NEO is sub 1$, LTC 5-6$, IOTA around 5c.......i will than start buying....
Do you anons have some targets?
Also fuck of with the "its going to 0" because its retarded

>> No.12084685

$0, all of them

>> No.12084716
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Reminder that Bitcoin started out trading for only a few dollars.

>> No.12084730
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when i break even

>> No.12084753
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I don't know, I'm really starting to think now that this can't even go up anymore. I've everything I had in this shit. All the money gone in months of HODL xDDDD I could have just cashed out or 5x my crypto holdings

>> No.12084760

when tron is ashes
as long as that chinky shit is bear a billion valuation we are not out of bear

>> No.12084774

why do you say it's trash

>> No.12084795

>It's a scam
>Copied white paper

He still hasn't realised TRX is the Google of the dot-com bubble. Eos and Eth Devs are fleeing to it as I type, and that was before Sun started giving incentives

t. 350k TRX

>> No.12084796
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VeChain at 4 SATs or exit scammed

A whole string of 2017 ICO insolvencies

People being sent to actual prison

I'd say we're still in a frothy bubble.

>> No.12084809

i don't give a shit about fiat but it hurts me to know i could be above 1k ETH today if i just sold at $400 or some shit

>> No.12084848

btc below 1k

>> No.12084863

still waiting for my entry price back in Dec 2010, kek

>> No.12084865

when shorts start going down. bears test either sub 2.5k or 3k which ever is the bottom and can't get their dildo in for more than a week then that'll show bears loss of momentum. After that it'll be a sideways game until a noticable upwards trend going parabolic to 42+trillion total market cap

>> No.12084871

2-4 trillion*

>> No.12084875

yeah desu tron seems more promising than eth right now (i dont eaven have to mention eos)....i mean both will fail and become worthless but once the bear market ends i think tron will have more moon potential....

>> No.12084880

it isnt retarded its gonna reach 0

>> No.12084903

I would buy some every month starting now.. waiting for 5c IOTA might leave you empty handed. After 2020 you will look back these days and regret you didn't buy more (quality coins and tokens).

>> No.12085015

When fed lower rates and start printing money. Bubbles can't grow without free monies.

>> No.12085180

i bet the Enron employees buying the shares in the last weeks before the bankruptcy said exactly the same things

>> No.12085260

Shitcoin and confirmed scam months ago