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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12084012 No.12084012 [Reply] [Original]

>postpones need it vote
>pic related

>> No.12084025


>that meme

/biz/ is reddit now, isn’t it

>> No.12084036

You only need to hit enter once to start a new line here

>> No.12084037


did you make it yourself? have some gold

>> No.12084038

Nice spacing you pozzed faggot

>> No.12084039

Fuck off faggot

>> No.12084049

Bunch of pajeets in here I swear.

>> No.12084057

like no one thought that would happen..

>> No.12084074

kys faggot nigger

>> No.12084104

EU-Fag here.
You Britfags had the best EU deal ever and all kinds of special treatment (no Schengen, no Euro, no mandatory second language in School, UK Rebate) and you still thought you could do better.
I hope you crash out with no deal and suffer all the consequences.

>> No.12084113

I hope we do as well. We will be far more competitive than the EU and we will watch you burn while we prosper. I can NOT wait.

>> No.12084115
File: 91 KB, 405x596, 256472287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well how is it going for the populists you fell for?
Jonson resigned.
Farage resigned.

Farage is fucking a German woman, left UKIP, and plans to move to Germany.
>What's the definition of rat?

>> No.12084122

we can do better, the EU is holding us back from becoming great again

>> No.12084126

>We will be far more competitive than the EU

dude. how much cope can u pack in one post.
there will be no competition because your products get tariffed so fucking hard that nobody will buy your shit. what shit? what do you guys even export? nothing besides cringe and political mistakes.
enjoy buying EU goods for twice the price while your financial sector moves to Paris and Frankfurt.

>> No.12084140

eu fags are pozzed beyond belief. seriously pathetic people.

>> No.12084141

great at what, bad teeth and broken dreams

>> No.12084153

How? You do know that the UK has a Veto on every Regulation that is signed by the EU, right?
Everything the UK never wanted didn't even become an EU regulation in the first place.

>> No.12084155

we generate income from finance markets
and export some machinery and aircraft parts
we mainly import things, the rest of the world are creaming their pants to sell their shit to us
btw tariffs increase to 3% under WTO from 1.5%
literally nothing, kys

>> No.12084168

>a 1.5% increase is literally nothing
you fucking retard

>> No.12084173

The only reason your finance sector is as big as it is is because of your access to the single market.

>> No.12084177

>btw tariffs increase to 3% under WTO from 1.5%

I just wonder how u managed to survive with that level of brain damage.
your brave leader is leaving your great country to live in the badbad EU. how deluded are you to still deny that you fell for the populists?

>> No.12084178

We don’t export SHIT though

>> No.12084195

Sorry Theresea, but I’m out. I hate on the UK gov a lot but that doesnt mean I dont recognise and appreciate all that the UK gov have done, and perhaps this really will pay off, but I really value my freedom of movement and the freedom of movement of others.

>> No.12084225

it was big before the EU even came about
the single market stunts growth and favours the big corporations that advocate for more rules and regs that prevent their competition.
EU = corporation lobbyist capital of the world
you anti-populists should be in favour of gutting the EU completely

>> No.12084242


This. The only one profiting off of EU was Germany who made a killing.

>> No.12084255

>we need no help from other countries
>cries to other countries for help
this is your brain on brexit

>> No.12084258

what the fuck happened to this board, brainded normies everywhere
EU has 25% tarrifs on all imports outside of the EU to the single market
Hard brexit means WTO rules allowing to negotiate and have far cheaper products from other markets like Asia
Removal of freedom of movement means a healthier housing market in the UK where people can actually afford to buy houses
Any EU grants were from our GDP anyway
The need to set up our own regulatory bodies suddenly means a lot more new jobs and new taxation sources
Only concern is having a hard Irish border that unsettles those regions and makes room for shit like the IRA bombings again
Go fucking figure

>> No.12084272

and don't get me started on the EU bailing out 3rd world shit holes and the EUR inflation rate
ticking fucking timebomb

>> No.12084325

>EU has 25% tarrifs on all imports outside of the EU to the single market
Not true. The EU already has trade agreements with 60 other non-EU countries.
>Hard brexit means WTO rules allowing to negotiate and have far cheaper products from other markets like Asia
No other country will negotiate with you until you have a TA with the EU first. We still are your #1 Trading Partner and unless the base terms are settled nobody will bother.

>> No.12084369
File: 31 KB, 545x675, Balance_by_countries_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we announce an intention of a no deal brexit
the EU will panic like you have never seen
we are their cash cow

>> No.12084372

> Not true. The EU already has trade agreements with 60 other non-EU countries
doesnt mean theyre good deals, still largely tariffs of 10-15%
> No other country will negotiate with you until you have a TA with the EU first. We still are your #1 Trading Partner and unless the base terms are settled nobody will bother.
And? We're talking about long term effects on our own GDP, everyone knows its in for a decrease on leaving the EU initially, but were talking decades not a year or two
All it takes is another large member nation to leave the EU and its fucked, their inflation rates are the highest theyve ever been

>> No.12084451

Woooohoooo be winnin lad

>> No.12084519

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/196323046