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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12083200 No.12083200 [Reply] [Original]

>apply for job
>pass competency test
>pass aptitude test
>online interview 1
>online interview 2 (with higher ups)
>fly out for assessment centre
>in person interview 1
>site tour
>in person interview 2
>"sorry you aren't the right candidate for the job"

>> No.12083203

Kek wagies BTFO

>> No.12083213
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you'll get me nex time

>> No.12083223
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>job on indeed
>apply and send resume
>contacts me to come in and fill out an application in person
>thinking it's just a formality and they're going to hire me
>drive 30 minutes to go fill out the application
>asks me for my license and social security card
>fill out application
>hand it to lady
>"thanks, if they're interested they will call you for an interview"

>> No.12083980

Jesus, what kind of job and salary is that for?

Did you have to pay for the flights?

>> No.12084020
File: 501 KB, 910x914, faRpJqd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I hate job interviews. It's like they're designed to weed out spergs like me.
2 interviews in the last 3 weeks and I've failed both. Only reason I get them is because of my impressive CV and If they went on merit I would get the job but I can't communicate it to them because I'm socially retarded. Unemployment is fucking hell

>> No.12084030

>apply for a job
>call for interview
>interview is literally work induction
>you start tomorrow
>update linkedin with new job 2 weeks later
>2 days later "hi anon, we would like to invite you for an interview" for a higher paying job in the richest part of my city

Why dont you all just be like me and lie your way through interviews? Just act confident and say you learnt the stuff a while ago and so might be a little rusty

>> No.12084044

It's sad that your actual skills don't matter and all they care about is how you behave.

>> No.12084089

Because no matter how evil you are, lying is a grave and terrible sin to mankind.

>> No.12084551

>Unemployment is fucking hell
Not in socialism. I make more unemployed than working

>> No.12085095

>giving them your license and SSN before confirming you're getting hired

you just got your ID stolen

>> No.12085133

This. File a report with the BBB.

>> No.12085219
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>apply for a job
>it's my very specific expertise
>in a great country, finally a chance to save myself from the shithole I live in
>phone interview goes great
>hr roastie openly says I'm the best candidate so far
>pass all the bullshit online tests
>skype interview
>another hr roastie, another great interview until she asks if I've ever been abroad
>say no because I hadn't back then
>roastie's face changes
>interview done, says she will contact me about the on-site interview
>ghosted after that, never got a reply to my e-mails

It's almost like diversity is a meme.

>> No.12085228
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All of that for a motorized wage cage operator position.

Why is America such a dystopian hellscape?