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File: 242 KB, 700x435, 1473459085r34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12080505 No.12080505 [Reply] [Original]

He called crypto a scam. What does (((he))) know

>> No.12080514

Not a fucking thing bucko

>> No.12080518


Why do "Intellectuals" feel the need to comment on subjects they know nothing about? I think Thomas Sowell wrote a book about it

>> No.12080536


>> No.12080548

99% of crypto investors know nothing about crypto. He's as informed as them, if not better.

>> No.12080563


>> No.12080597

Cuz crypto is a scam retard

>> No.12080617
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he knows about clean rooms.

>> No.12080644

It's a natural initial reaction 2bh.

>> No.12080649

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.12080655

Sorry to say this guy is right.

>> No.12080666
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Sam Harris master race reporting for duty.

>> No.12080667

Yeah just go back to voluntarily shouldering the load of currency debasement.
Pick up your keynesian cross.

Fucking hypocrite. Wants to be a voice against socialism, has never even said the words central bank. Hope he enjoys the debasement of that patreon money
Never trust hair plugs

>> No.12080814

Nothing at all. He is a fucking retard.

>> No.12080819

He is right, I sold everything

>> No.12080821

I mean the fucking audacity of profiting of the existential crises that young men experience as a direct result of keynesian inflation the intention of which is to prohibit the accumulation of wealth so to maximise the employment rate/minimise the retirement rate and then call one of the best tools ever invented to make that system redundant a scam.

Fuck you peterson, you are the statins of mental health god forbid something fixes the cause and makes your business model dead

>> No.12081019
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What the fuck are you retard Americans talking about? Keynesian policies haven't been in place since the fucking 70's and Keynes didn't invent inflation.

If you have a problem with the way things are now then you have a problem with Jewish monetarism (i.e Milton Friedman) and neo-liberal economics.
Everything left of hard-core Libertarianism is not Keynesian. You're as bad as the lefties calling everyone Hitler.

>> No.12081025

(((somebody feels threatened)))


>> No.12081038
File: 296 KB, 592x1024, 6A48BDBA-A59C-4C1D-BF2A-8CF8EF9F213F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut it Nazi

>> No.12081048
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>> No.12081058

How do I subscribe to Ted’s patreon? Asking for a friend

>> No.12081068

I know that crypro uses the cryptographical layer of the internet to send cryptographic balances over the topographic layers of the web3.

>> No.12081081

Fittingly, Satan

>> No.12081091

I dont care what you call it, currency debasement in the name of maximising employment is communist.
Redistribution of wealth from the individual to the whole via inflation, financial repression

>> No.12081094
File: 2.65 MB, 1422x4627, boomerstheabsolutestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a boomer thing.

>> No.12081097


>Milton friedman

Probably the dumbest comment I've read today. holy fuck m8

>> No.12081123

Says the guy who wanted to go live as a caveman but is in the 'System"s jail right now

>> No.12081146


Fintech coder personally. I think I'm fine lel. There's fewer use cases than people here would like (most things are still better done with a regular database - ie private blockchains are even more a meme than public ones), but they're there. Look at MakerDAO, Compound, and other finance platforms. And yeah, a good oracle is needed for some. Currently you need to code your own, meaning you have a single point of failure. Decentralisation means the attack surface is spread out & tough to crack.

>> No.12081155

>Metcalfe's law
This is why I suspect the number of lurkers far outweighs the number of posters, as I was once a lurker for a long long time

>> No.12081156


1. I'm not sure where you picked up the idea that inflation is used to maximise employment when reserve banks aim to maintain 5% unemployment in order TO avoid inflation.

2. Deflationary currencies are bad because no one spends any money if their savings are worth more tomorrow.


Are you suggesting that Friedman's views have not been the basis for western economic thinking since the 80's? Or am I just wrong for being critical of him.

>> No.12081165


Which proves what exactly? Getting caught means you aren't right? He deliberately attacked the System he hated head on to bring attention to his cause. It was always going to go down that way.

>> No.12081240

Gold is the unit of value not cpi

>> No.12081335

Crypto - private, untraceable
Currency - circulation, interchangeability, not holding 10 years
XMR is the only cryptocurrency out there
Early ETH and BTC attempted the currency part at least.

>> No.12081439
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>> No.12081485

>Are you suggesting that Friedman's views have not been the basis for western economic thinking since the 80's?

if friedman's views were held as the standard. We wouldn't have welfare, the FDA, the FCC, the CIA/FBI/NSA, tariffs, rent control, or any tax rate above 10% for any person

>> No.12081493

he only called it that because he didn't get rich off it

>> No.12081561

>2. Deflationary currencies are bad because no one spends any money if their savings are worth more tomorrow.
>people don't need to buy food, shelter, transportation, clothing or other necessities

>> No.12081700

how can you be a conscious being and deny a god? absolute pleb

>> No.12081821

Doesn't make the criticism any less relevant. Nice deflection, bucko. I deserve to be ripped apart as much as anyone.

>> No.12082001
File: 63 KB, 501x504, cjfjoifuuaeca8i2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people don't over consume how will they go into debt?

>> No.12082466

explain pls

>> No.12082485

>And now, when you log into your portfolio... and its just a sea of red... thats CHAOS, right, thats unknown, where do you go from here?

>> No.12082496


Friedman was as far libertarian you can go without being an anarchist.

>> No.12082501

top kek how does he even live with himself

>> No.12082504

This guy again. He just rambles on like a depressed useful idiot. He has no clue about financial anything.

>> No.12082508

He wants hopeless zoomers to stay poor so they will keep buying his bullshit self help books.

>> No.12082576

this guy that said that about the internet killed himself, didn't he?
tell me he killed himself
you just can't live with the shame of having said that type of shit

>> No.12082634

I just shorted my messy room and went long on lobsters. Will I make it Reddit?

>> No.12083459

Brainlet race deporting for duty

>> No.12083474
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Listen to your Daddy

>> No.12083483

If you understand other people and animals also have hopes, dreams, and can suffer just the same as you. If you have a conscience that matters to you. If you don't all the fairy tales in the world won't make you ethical.

>> No.12083515
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it is only logical that he would condone crypto.
his mission is to get millennials off their asses - he therefore wants them to acquire realistic and productive goals instead of dreaming of "making it" by putting 1k$ into someone elses code, sitting back playing CoD with a piss-bottle between their legs and then retiring without ever facing life.
he probably knows himself that he is not knowledgeable enough to talk about the subject, and that doesn't even make it wrong in any way.
many people out there need basic life skills before ever "making it" and would unironically be still lost in this world with millions on their bank account.
he is doing gods work and from what i have seen so far i am really impressed.
no, i don't visit reddit and i don't own a fedora - but it has to be acknowledged that many people wouldn't even live a happier life if they weren't forced to work and face difficulties that emerge from that.

tl;dr: he keeps *some* people from making it and that is actually a good thing.

>> No.12083608
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Currently the crypto space is nothing else than a big scam. Public bolckchains as we know them now have delievered nothing special and are mostly used for financial currency tools.

In the end private bolckchains will succeed like all the other big private corporates in the tech scene are doing right now.

And the real use case...crypto as a mean of payment will be established by the GV itself aka e-euro or e-yen.

Blockchain is an interesting tech, but right now filled scams and non delievering start ups.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.

>> No.12083617

Based Ted

>> No.12083618

Back to the --->/oven/

>> No.12083635

>In the end private bolckchains will succeed like all the other big private corporates in the tech scene are doing right now.

No they won't. thats because Databases were invented decades ago.

>> No.12083671
File: 12 KB, 284x177, WHEEL-BARREL-OF-MONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you don't even understand the basic concept.

Here brainlet:

>> No.12083776
File: 42 KB, 1397x281, pajeet jewcharlatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh would you just LOOK at who wrote that article

>> No.12084174


>> No.12084256
File: 14 KB, 364x342, F3A97261-1E02-4265-A898-125D5C78DCB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how can you believe in something with no evidence

>> No.12084264
File: 14 KB, 465x406, wahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was the funniest thing I've read in a bit, anon.

>> No.12084273

Wish I was a Master Inventor

>> No.12084287

You don’t even know what “condone” means.

>> No.12085139
File: 36 KB, 712x233, trillioncoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's a PhD Nobel Prize and writes shit like this unironically

Suicides may begin in 3 years when we hit $100k

>> No.12085150
File: 48 KB, 550x430, blockchain without bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh private blockchains

>> No.12085953

so what are you doing here?

>> No.12086738
File: 494 KB, 1078x1332, lionking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not a simple question, those things are extremely complicated! it took me 30 years of my life to figure this one out! you know, man

>> No.12086786

first off, hes a globalist and he was invited to builderberg, so that should tell u everything u need to know
secondly, those globalist faggots dont want normies buying crypto and devaluing their fiat currency scam money
the last thing the central bankers want is for people to simply stop using their currency and switch over to crypto (something they dont control)
this is their main fear and why they get talking heads like this faggot to say "dont into crypto!"
u do the math