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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 548 KB, 1652x1342, swingingfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12077488 No.12077488 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12077518
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>> No.12077551
File: 15 KB, 600x539, 1543827908395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how he felt when it went to over $1000

>> No.12077570
File: 23 KB, 846x744, 1333323483265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12077581

>I really want this pain to end, my family would never forgive me if I commited suicide,I've thought about killing my entire family so they would have to suffer my suicide but that would be impossible because my family is scattered all over the map. I just don't know what to do, I don't want to live anymore :( i'm serious


>> No.12077615


Yep this is the fate of all TA fags eventually. Your meme lines work until they don’t anymore and then you’re left in the dust because you sold too early.

>> No.12077627

This happened to me with ADA last year. Never again.

>> No.12077637


And indeed, swinglinkers can act all smug and happy for now. But one day...one fateful day, they will destroy their lives forever. Sad.

>> No.12077663

>go on a killing spree
jesus fucking christ, i hate you losers.

Everytime i hear a remote death threat on here, i report it to 8 different police departments.
I hope all you elliot rodger wannabes get doubled penetrated by jamal and tyrone in a cell.

>> No.12077727

I'm gonna choke you with my cum

>> No.12078073

The fact that normies like you are still here...
Means btc is going down at least 50% more.

>> No.12078135

wow other people's misery is funny to you, you're so cool and edgy dude.

>> No.12078198

Pretty bad swing trader if you ask me. He should have bought the new high

>> No.12078214

>Not a normie hang out

Hate to break it to you chum but "muh secret club" has been infested with normies since at least 2016.

>> No.12078257

CL went from 60 to 20 cents too often, im going to wait til it hit 20 again like so many time.

>> No.12078303

Did you enjoy buying in January?

>> No.12078331

kek faggot I mined my first BTC when it was still possible with my stupid PC just for the fuck of it.

>> No.12078339

Jake's on you I'm only swingtrading my swingtrading profits.

>> No.12078378

Hindsight like that...

If I bought $1 bitcoin I would have sold at $10

>> No.12078490

these people just don't understand mathematics
the price will go up again
the adoption on crypto tokens is still minimal
every year the market cap grows and grows
yes, the 2017 pump was amazing, but thinking it can't happen again is just ridiculous

just think about this:
we have a 120 billion market over some coins who are still in their baby stage
and anyone who has understood and read abotu blockchain knows that it's not a fucking meme, it's a paradigm shift
it might not be an overnight shift, but it's here and it's happening

>> No.12078539

>>12077663 this

Boards have their own deterence mechanisms against unworthy newfags and normies who would otherwise pollute these boards with NPC type opinions that they picked up from the MSM or academic institutions. Depending on the board you see swastikas, porn, gore, wired shit and a lot of humor that is largely inaccessible to outsiders.

/biz/ however is filled with pajeets shilling their scamcoins and every idea is tested in real life against the market which will literally bankrupt every wrong opinion and keep this board clean. Thus if you lack the necessary intellectual integrity and character to make the right decission then you deserve to be poor. There is nobody else to blame but yourself. Everything is your own fault. And when you feel the pain when realitiy kicks fucks you in your ass is the moment when your illusions collapse and you finally get disgusted by the mirror image of your own soul.

>> No.12078663

That faggot got what he deserved fucking swingtrader. He sold so he got fucked he did it to himself...worst part is that he actually believed in ETH...what a fucking idiot srsly...just like the faggots who swingtrade lini knowing its literally the next and final step for blockchain mass adoption....

>> No.12078676


>> No.12079140
File: 427 KB, 1331x1142, swingtrader-collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12079156

It's a miracle on the Mississippah!

>> No.12079379

just wait for the singularity

>> No.12079408
File: 649 KB, 538x720, lonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i have wanted this screencap for fucking ages, thank you so much!