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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12071425 No.12071425 [Reply] [Original]

How’s he doing? Anyone still write to him?

>> No.12071432

He never responded to my twitter dm so I will not be writing him in prison.

>> No.12071590

>How’s he doing?
I hope he’s doing alright, how would I write to him if I wanted to do so?

>> No.12071733


He has a contact through which he allegedly keeps blog updates from prison.

>> No.12071902

someone needs to ask him if his cellie is gentle with his boibussi

>> No.12071926

His blog has him sounding pretty good. His last specific call was Celgene (CELG) with conservative target of $90 but could be up to $110

>> No.12071936

actually his optimistic price was up to 130

>> No.12072973

I miss

>> No.12073024

Is he allowed to trade stocks in jail?

>> No.12073043

Yeah he is directing someone that is managing his funds

>> No.12073290


Last I read he was challenging the local niggers because they were rapping loudly against each other which disturbed his sleep.

idk how that shit ended

>> No.12073513

When is he expected to be released

>> No.12073518


kek based

>> No.12074049

I think the thot audit lifted his spirits no end

>> No.12074060

I used to play league of legends with him.

>> No.12075214


I saw the very qualified and excellent dentist here today, again. He shaved the tooth down and it appeared the filling he did last week was a bit high and occluding a proper bite. I am suspicious and believe I am harboring an infection. He is of course, right, and there is almost certainly no infection, despite the pain I feel in my jaw. X-rays showed no abscess. Despite all this I will happily down a prescription of clindamycin, gleefully overusing antibiotics, destroying gut flora, all cost-free to me and $50,000 of annual taxes to you.

What is the DOJ doing arresting a Chinese MNC CFO? The rogue EDNY has again lost its mind. There are evidently not enough American criminals to prosecute. The ever-growing leviathan needs to be slayed. A 50% budget cut to DOJ and FBI would restore piority to these afflicted institutions.


>> No.12075675

I deposited $14.88 in his commissary.

>> No.12076237 [DELETED] 

This pos capitalist needs to be a bullet to his head

>> No.12076267


>> No.12076367

>poorfags worship this selfish, pretentious prick just out of their own greed and contrarianism
>being so jaded as to idolize someone who does not give a fuck about anyone else


>> No.12076602

This. How big of a manipulated retard do you have to be to idolize a greedy POS capitalist scum that is poisoning the world?

>> No.12076650

how big of a normie do you have to be to believe all the lies fed to you

>> No.12077163

Do they have aids medication in prison?

>> No.12077815

he was my neighbour when push come to shove

>> No.12077856

Only crook in history to go to jail for making his clients money

>> No.12077878

He trolled too hard and got so far, but in the end..

>> No.12077891
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>> No.12077899


Seriously DoJ still cares this fucking much? Shouldn't you be running entrapment in /k/ and /pol/? Faggot.

>> No.12078902

His livestreams were unironically incredibly entertaining

>> No.12078930

I sent him a book from Amazon. It's easy to do. You guys should send him books

>> No.12078949

What book in particular did u send him

>> No.12078999

The amorosa one. It's there closest way to keep him up to current events I thought. I'm thinking of sending him the Michelle Obama one once the price goes down. Maybe it's already down

>> No.12079039

can I get an update on his asspussy?

>> No.12079069
File: 98 KB, 1462x2046, brainlethead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr durr, let me repeat the narrative the nice man on TV told me