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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, eos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12063908 No.12063908 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you bought EOS yet? Are you really waiting for it to hit $6 again? lol

>> No.12063916

Can’t wait til faggots fomo in when it’s 2 on CMC

>> No.12063918

Has this shit yet to deliver anything?

>> No.12063940

no and will not

>> No.12063948

Yes it has and it will
People hate on things they can’t understand

>> No.12063956
File: 124 KB, 960x953, EOS Connect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is Bitconnect 2.0
It is a master clusterfuck.
Dan Larimer is already working on a new project.
It will follow Steem and Bitshares.

>> No.12063969

Novusphere is reddit on a blockchain.

>> No.12063985

>Yes it has
Can you give me a quick run down of how this project is commencing?

>> No.12063987

So far, the only thing that actually requires eos is eos knights, atari-tier pay to win game. I can't believe people use it.
The rest is gambling, done on-chain for no reason.

>> No.12064035

>Dan Larimer is already working on a new project.

Its a EOS token similar to Atmos which is an EOS token.

>> No.12064059

what does EOS do besides losing 90+% in value

>> No.12064061

>Can you give me a quick run down of how this project is commencing?


It can, right now, in its current state replace both reddit and 4chan at the same time. Not two years from now. Not some day in the future with a maybe attached to it.

Novusphere can right now replace both reddit and 4chan at the same fucking time. Nobody can ban you for saying anything you want.


>> No.12064218

Actually it hasn’t and it’s one of the few coins in the whole market that’s way up from ICO prices

>> No.12064232

but is that it does, ok it only lost 80%
EOS has no value at all, it has no purpose

>> No.12064261

Happy FOMOIng when it’s pumping

>> No.12064268

why would I fomo, I care about what it does not the price
it does nothing, I have no use for it

>> No.12064274

>EOS has no value at all, it has no purpose

Yeah, people should be eternally cucked into 4channel and reddit posting until the end of time.

EOS and ETH are arguably the two most useful cryptos on the market overall right now.

>> No.12064290

I can issue a contract on ETH, I use it for my shitcoins, actually I have only 0.25 ETH so I can pay the fees
what does EOS do ?

>> No.12064297


>> No.12064311

I wouldn't go near this total scam piece of shit.

>> No.12064322

>what does EOS do ?
not be permissionless

>> No.12064332

Literally everything ETH does. Also I love how you idiots keep ignoring Novusphere which right now can easily be used instead of reddit and 4 chan. I put a link and you can fucking see it for yourself right fucking now.

You need to be in absolute cope mode to deny this obvious fact presented right in fucking front of you. If 4channel and fucking reddit died TODAY then Novusphere would not only be an upgrade RIGHT FUCKING NOW it would be able to take their place.

So you either fucking admit you are acting stupid and conveniently ignoring this absolute fucking fact right in front of you. Or you just look like an idiot who has nothing to counter what I am pointing out.

>> No.12064338

>not be permissionless

It is permissionless.

>> No.12064351

with ETH you can actuality finance a thing
with EOS you cannot even make a wallet

show me one thing that is done on EOS, seriously

>> No.12064367

>show me one thing that is done on EOS, seriously

Replace most social media platforms right fucking now. I know you are having some serious cope issues and cant bring yourself to admit this fact but you are rekt as fuck right now if you keep trying to pretend I didnt answer your dumb fucking question like 4 times now.

Also EOS can finance a thing. What the fuck are you retarded?

>> No.12064370


waiting for 1$

>> No.12064378

I am waiting for 0.50 cents
Its going lower.

Buuut it can replace 4chan and reddit right now regardless.

>> No.12064379

you will replace them with what
something that is 100x more expensive

how is that useful to the end user, can I post CP on EOS

>> No.12064450

>something that is 100x more expensive

Ah yes so we finally got past the phase of the discussion where you ignored the fact Novusphere exists. So now we begin the phase where you make the claim ETH is more expensive

Welcome to crypto by the way. Did you know that crypto based platforms are going to put the cost on the end users in favor of censorship resistance, no ads and no data mining your private information.

> can I post CP on EOS

Nobody will see it if they use a proper delegated moderator.

So we should skip the part of the discussion where you do literally everything you can to pretend Nvusphere isn't perfect and let me know if Novusphere on ETH would not be the exact same thing but slower and generally more expensive.

>> No.12064459

it is more expensive
I and not free to use it

it has no usecase, none

show me one thing working, a coin a something

>> No.12064462

>where you make the claim ETH is more expensive

And yes I said ETH not EOS. Because any argument you make against EOS also applies to ETH and every other crypto. So if you don't like it then maybe crypto isn't for you?

>> No.12064472

>show me one thing working, a coin a something

Crypto isnt for you bro. Peace.
Anyway I can make fun of your dumb ass on Novusphere, that would be a nice use case. I guess.

>> No.12064504

>If 4channel and fucking reddit died TODAY then Novusphere would not only be an upgrade RIGHT FUCKING NOW it would be able to take their place.
Steem already showed that forum on the blockchain is an idiotic and worthless idea. Nobody is ever going to pay just to post.

The decentralized version of a forum is called a mailing list. It's not used outside of opensource projects because people prefer centralization. The blockchain gives literally zero advantages.

>> No.12064538

>Steem already showed that forum on the blockchain is an idiotic and worthless idea.

Ah yes, the part of the discussion where you side step and bring steem into it. Steem isnt a fucking EOS dapp so its irrelevant.

> Nobody is ever going to pay just to post.

You don't pay to post on Novusphere. its free dumbass. You only pay if you want your own wallet. Posting on Novusphere is 100% free and it also supports anon style posting too.

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about! HAHAHA

>> No.12064549

Hey dude do you remember the time when you found out Novusphere is free and requires no wallet to post on the platform? Man that was like 2 minutes ago but I feel like it was yesterday! You got so rekt!

>> No.12064553

im waiting for sub $1, how many to make it?!

>> No.12064575

>The blockchain gives literally zero advantages.

Hey did you know that its free though?
Also censorship resistant to.

>> No.12064611


> No use cases outside of a free to use open ended censorship resistant social media platform like reddit but also supports anon posting.

That thread is for you. It cost zero dollars and no need for an EOS wallet.

>> No.12064664


Nobody is falling for this shit. It will go to zero and the tears will be delicious. Get the popcorn boys.

>> No.12064697

>Steem isnt a fucking EOS dapp so its irrelevant.
The fundamental model is the same.
>You don't pay to post on Novusphere. its free dumbass.
Storage on eos isn't free, that's just initial marketing, paid by devs or whoever.
The only truly 'free' solution is for everyone to use their own disk space, which is how mailing list works. An interim solution is ipfs. Blockchain doesn't make sense at all.

>> No.12064705

Added your post to the thread. kek

Anyway now that you guys are fucking rekt, Atmos is the token that powers Novusphere. You should consider keeping an eye out for it as the market recovers. Its cheap as hell right now.

>> No.12064721

not a single use case
not one
this is literally worse than ripple
at least you get a fidget spinner there

>> No.12064747

>The fundamental model is the same.

Nope its 100% different. Steem requires a wallet to post and isnt free.

> Storage on eos isn't free, that's just initial marketing, paid by devs or whoever.

Sounds like every fucking platform ever.




The end user pays nothing on Novusphere unless they want to. Kinda like everything else out there. Sorry guys you are fucking boned on this LOL
Its fundamentally nothing like steemit.

>> No.12064780

I actually don't think I have witnessed people get this boned in a discussion on here. You literally assumed Novusphere costs money to post when its nothing like that at all.

It is legit superior to both 4chan and reddit right now system wise. No ads, no censorship. IPFS supported already. Even if Novusphere was on ETH the dapp in its current state would be awesome.

Soooo You are in severe cope mode at this point.

>> No.12064792

It's literally the same model as steem, steemit.com gives some free tokens too.
They make money from ads

>> No.12064826

>It's literally the same model as steem, steemit.com gives some free tokens too.

You don't need a fucking wallet, its fundamentally different than steemit. I explained this like 4 fucking times. Pretending I didn't say something doesn't allow you to get past the facts! Dude I have think you are sitting their rocking back and forth trying your hardest to not hear what I am telling you so you can remain in cope mode.

Novusphere is legitimately one of the coolest things to ever happen in crypto right now. Its a free to use platform in a fully functional fucking state right fucking now. You can use it right now for fucking free. Everything I said about it is ALREADY PRESENT AND FUNCTIONAL!

Holy fucking cope mode man!

>> No.12064834

Centralised shitcoin that literally had a part of their " constitution" say that they could confiscate funds that "haven't been moved in a long time"

What a fucking joke

>> No.12064862

Damn you're dense
>storage isn't free on eos
>some (?) storage is given for free on novusphere
>therefore, it's running at a loss and can't continue that indefinitely
Explain how it works once free funds run out

>> No.12064915

>Damn you're dense

You are just losing the argument. First you pretended it doesn't exist. Then you claimed it costs money to post. Now you are claiming its ANYTHING like steemit when its obviously nothing like steemit. Did you know Atmos is a privacy coin like Monero? Literally nothing about it is like steemit.

So now we moved to

> I don't understand how its profitable thus it doesn't exist!

Click the link faggot. Fucking google it.

> Explain how it works once free funds run out

They don't run out. EOS resources replenish over time. If they got enough traffic to use up those resources it would be a minor inconvenience and they would make money of anon account upvotes ect.

Dude just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't exist and fully functional right now. You cant call me dense when I am literally telling what you can see with your own two fucking eyes IF YOU OPENED THEM AND LOOKED FOR 2 FUCKING SECONDS YOURSELF.

>> No.12065303


It’s a bad blockchain, and developers know this. They rushed it out

>> No.12065309
File: 158 KB, 1024x707, 1523071511931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smart money starting to FOMO in


>> No.12065359

>Replace most social media platforms right fucking now
hahaHAHAHAHA imagine believing this shit. You are worse than bat holders believing their browser will magically gain market share and pump their bags.

>> No.12065387

>hahaHAHAHAHA imagine believing this shit.

I didn't say it would. I said it can. Which is factually correct.

>> No.12065391

It will replace Jews from social media.

>> No.12065409

Yeah, and my dick can fuck Emma Watson and Taylor swift one after the other, but at least I know I am wanking to a fantasy.

>> No.12065439

>Yeah, and my dick can fuck Emma Watson and Taylor swift one after the other, but at least I know I am wanking to a fantasy.

Dumb point, bad example for multiple reasons. *yawn*

>> No.12065529

>desperately trying to save face

y u mad, it is ok to be dumb like you.

>> No.12065582

>y u mad, it is ok to be dumb like you.

You gotta come at me with something man lol
My point still stands.

>> No.12065670

>has no point
>muh 4chan on blockchain pls buy EOS bags

Imagine being reduced to shilling eos on 4ch.

>> No.12065688

>Imagine being reduced to shilling eos on 4ch.

So you acknowledged it exists and its functional right? So whats the issue anon, you seem to agree with me.

>> No.12066364

>They don't run out. EOS resources replenish over time
Storage doesn't replenish, did you miss the eosram ponzi?
>You cant call me dense when I am literally telling what you can see with your own two fucking eyes
Paypal literally paid people $10 to open an account when they started. It was obviously temporary.

>> No.12066811

>Storage doesn't replenish, did you miss the eosram ponzi?

It only uses CPU and Net. Posts are nothing more than transactions.

>Paypal literally paid people $10 to open an account when they started. It was obviously temporary.

Can you do yourself and everyone else a favor and stop being so butt hurt over the fact that the end user posts for free on the page.

Also its not even a good argument that people wont pay to post. I mean that's pretty bullshit too.

> Oh no it costs 10 cents to post something on ETH! Game over man! I might have to get an upvote or a tip/donation.

I actually firmly believe that being forced to pay a small amount for each post would at the very least force people to stop being cope happy dumb asses who WONT ACCEPT SOMETHING IN FRONT OF HIS FUCKING FACE.

I would no bullshit use a page like Novusphere if it was on ETH too.

>> No.12066830

So you are not even right on your original premise. And in addition to that you literally fucking have no fucking clue how Novusphere works or EOS for that matter.

>> No.12067584


>> No.12067860

Tried to post in the anon sub over there and got this:

Error: failed to verify integrity of anonymous identity

>> No.12067941

I have unironically made more money playing eos knights for 3 months than I have all year trying to trade crypto.

>> No.12068979
File: 293 KB, 558x561, smug bitch from chinese cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, nice eos thread, with one guy posting a quarter of it in fevered defense of his pedocoin.

Use eos
>pay account creation fee.
>find someone with a trusted account who can vouch for you to get your account setup.
>wait 48 hours for the account to be cleared.
>buy eos coins through the guy, because you have none.
>want to get some dapps.
>look for block producer.
>he wants 2000 dollars for 1 meg of RAM.
>must pay pedophile king Brock Pierce a commission fee, or the deal is invalidated.
>pay almighty block producer his pound of flesh to get enough RAM to run a dapp that's just a farting anime girl.
>get into a shitposting fight with almighty block producer.
>block producer is part of the supreme court.
>he reverses your RAM purchase, killing your farting anime girl project.
>complain to Brock Pierce.
>he cites eos constitution.
>account closed, all funds given to block producer.
>bitch on ribbit and biz about the tyranny of evil centralized mega shit corporations that answer to no one, and has absolute power to fuck you over without any kind of due process, or even an explanation.
>mocked endlessly for giving money to a gay pedo cowboy.

>> No.12069062

No, just waiting for .25¢

>> No.12069551

we don't give a shit about the technology