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12062248 No.12062248 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else went through hell this year? the ups and downs killed my aesthetics, good food habits and strength.

im also addicted to cocaine, booze, porn and gambling now.

2019 new year new me amiright guys

>> No.12062252

kys and start again
i'm not even memeing

>> No.12062258
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What ups

>> No.12062270
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>mfw there's a me in another timeline who made it in his early twenties living life to the fullest
>and I am here rotting away waiting for my imaginary internet money to be worth something while I masturbate to trap porn for the 4th time today

>> No.12062283

Yeah, worst year so far in my life, got in my first big car accident, had pink eye for over a month, got hooked on research chemicals, lost my long time girlfriend, 2019 will be better

>> No.12062311

2018 was not so bad for me because while I still didn't make it, I was at least efficient. Not watching prices anymore 24/7 and the market being totally in the shitter, at some point I stopped to care and invest my energy into finding a decently paid job (yes, wagecuck until I make it, no other choice), doing a healthy diet, seriously caring about my health (no coffee, no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs), been training seriously a lot to improve my fitness and appearance, updated my fashion level because of that I also have a qt gf as well as for the first time in years a good sleep cycle because I dont need to check prices at 4am.

All in all it was a good year. I just don't have big amounts of money, but still happy somehow. I still DCA 500-1000$ per month into cryptos and will keep doing this for next 1-2 years. Just wait and see. Just have to use the conditions you have, anons.

>> No.12062324

Get over addictions
Embrace the pain

>> No.12062331
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It was and is the worst year of my life. Crypto wasn't even that big of a factor funnily enough. Every aspect of my life went down the toilet. It was the culmination of a downtrend in my life that has lasted years. It will probably continue into next year too.

>> No.12062340

sounds like you were a weak bitch to begin with

>> No.12062365

lost contact to most friends, have done nothing useful the whole year, got depressed and have anxiety
used to weigh over 200 and bench over 300, now I weigh like 120 and can barely move 100

>worst year so far in my life

>> No.12062368

> got cocky with late 2017 gain, thought to let it run 2-3x more
> decided to just let it go up, while I open a software company with a few people and run an ICO as well
> start setting up the development, a lot of similar ICO emerge and bear hit
> dump the ICO and keep looking for a good SaaS idea to run
> nothing to be found, dump the looking as well, decide to close the company, realize I would have been much better of had I focused on trading
> actually found a great spot to move to fiat just before the recent dump
> tried to catch a falling knife on some crypto and now I am really down
> realized today that if an overall recession hit, BTC could go sub $500 levels
> realize that soon I may have to wage-slave

>> No.12062435

I know that feel. 2018 raped me

>> No.12062453

yeah losing almost $300k gains broke me physically and mentally I lost 8kg which is funny because I was never able to lose as much with workout

>> No.12062464

All of your 4chan posts this year will be sent to friends and family as postcards

>> No.12062468

looks to me like you stopped with your testosterone
otherwise you dont lose so much

>> No.12062526

Oh, I also lost 300k usd

>> No.12062645

mom passed away
dad in hospital
boss said company's not doing well
got saddled with more work because the most capable people left the company

>> No.12062665
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>im also addicted to cocaine, booze, porn and gambling now
You are weak! You are a loser, what do you think happens to losers? Thats right they lose! You will still be a loser next year

>> No.12062698

Hey op def had the worst year of my life i got addicted to Benzos, crashed my car and ended up in jail twice. Went too multiple funerals for dead friends. Got my head cracked open and didn’t have insurance so I super glued my head I look like a killer now 2018 just fucked me up . Now I’m stone cold sober won’t smoke weed or drink at all. I’m lucky to have money but god damn fuck 2018. When their was a warrant for my arrest the cops called all my friends and family including my boss so I lost my job lol. Keep your head up mate

>> No.12062731

2018 pretty bad

Me cash out only 30k profit and Jack it to 2hus

>> No.12062732

My immune system fucked up and decided to attack my nerves for the rest of my life. I can barely walk and lost 90% of my strength. I require blood infusions fortnightly and immune system blocking drugs and most days struggle to get out of bed. I'm also gradually going blind and there's a constant ringing in my ears and I have heavy tremors similar to Parkinson's. No one i know has heard of the disease so they think I'm just lazy including my wife and boss. My 2 year old kid also won't stop screaming.

>> No.12062787

Some guys have all the luck.

I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms.

At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

>> No.12062814


Glass bones?? I dream of having bones. I'm just a blob of flesh

>> No.12062819

same here famalals

>> No.12062844

I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.12062926

What is the story behind the benzo addiction ? It is well known that they are extremely addicitive, did you fall for the research chem benzo meme ?

>> No.12063673

Bullshit. You don't go from 300 to 100, even in a few years of inactivity. Maybe if you weight 120...

>> No.12063777
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Every year is worse than the last

>> No.12064624

Ok fine maybe I can still do 150, but like I said I weigh about 120 now