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File: 611 KB, 1000x1000, Gold-Bullion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12062144 No.12062144 [Reply] [Original]

Protip: you can't

>> No.12062151
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, Open Mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope I can't

>> No.12062174

Australian property

>> No.12062197

t. China

>> No.12062198

>storing value instead of accumulating value with your capital
Dumb boomer.

>> No.12062219
File: 57 KB, 1066x600, Derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still has to accumulate capital
Super smart BROKE millennial

>> No.12062255

This idiot knows gold's price is lower than Bitcoin right? 3 of those bars = 1 Bitcoin. My best assest for 2018 has been some shitcoin called WAU coin. Idiots like you act like they know something about a store of value. Tell us why gold isn't manipulated by comex?

>> No.12062269

1 of those bars costs 11.5 BTC

>> No.12062277
File: 107 KB, 1125x925, Expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAU coin

>> No.12062298

Don't act like you've used the waves dex much less heard of some tiny shit like WAU coin. I should have bought Bitconnect too even though i figured out it was a scam. I could have made a killing if I got in at the beginning.

>> No.12062315

i thought they were 1 ounce bars. Doesn't matter because gold price won't increase at the same rate as bitcoin in the long term. its price has been discovered.

>> No.12062321


>> No.12062327

I'd say its price has been inaccurate ever since the end of the gold standard and the start of the paper gold derivatives

>> No.12062341
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, Store of Value.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF are you babbling about?
Are drunk or mentally retarded?

>> No.12062361

And how long will we have to wait for the fraud to end? I don't see central banks and clearing houses cleaning up their acts soon. Scarcity that can't be counterfeited or duplicated is what I'm interested in in these times of QE and hyper inflated fiats.

>> No.12062367

bitconnect memes are the lowest form of internet humor go learn about crypto before offering your opinion. I actually make money

>> No.12062374
File: 80 KB, 1077x1200, Pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually make money

>> No.12062411


>> No.12062547
File: 30 KB, 263x473, Captain Shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Shitcoin

>> No.12062609

Property in an area that isn't prone to natural disasters. Your gold will go poof the minute some faggot learns how to mass produce it for cheap in a nuclear reactor

>> No.12063524

>converting his money in useless shiny rocks
sure is boomer in here

>> No.12063573

>that moment when you realize bitcoin is going to zero

>> No.12063629


>> No.12063636

braindead boomer alert.

have fun with your rock bags, you might be able to sell them to some pajeets for pennies one day

>> No.12063646

This is why I use vaultoro.com to trade in and out of physical allocated gold.
I just wish they also had silver.

>> No.12063653

might as well go collect pebbles from the beach, they are shiny too

>> No.12063659

Yeah but there is only a tennis court cubed of gold above ground. Pebbles are infinite you fuck tard

>> No.12063667

Do you buy it and store it in your safe ?

>> No.12063672

I’ve never bought gold, and I’m not entirely sure how it works.

>> No.12063681

I hope one day your little boomer brain understands that nobody cares about shiny rocks anymore, they are useless, nobody is gonna buy back your rock bags pajeet

>> No.12063689

That's one way to do it. You can also get exposure to gold without having to handle the physical stuff yourself through etfs and such.

>> No.12063693

you buy it and hide it under your pillow and then just wait for the world to end. Don't forget to also invest in tinfoil you gonna need that too

>> No.12063711
File: 11 KB, 246x250, 1538616824361s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can. B...B..B-Bitcoin.

>> No.12063718

Safes are fucking dangerous because people can rob you. Insurance is also fucking expensive. Better off using a professional vaulting facility, audited and insured.
I use vaultoro

>> No.12063727

LOL you literally are an NPC. Gold is the second most liquid market in the world under the FX market. Stop repeating your retarded programmers programming.

>> No.12063754

even if you don't have a safe people would rob you if they were supposed to lol.

>> No.12063758
File: 756 KB, 2276x1192, Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at 14.01.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks...pic related

There are legit Anon Vaults in Austria

>> No.12063765
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 3254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquid market
imagine being THIS dumb. The only liquid "gold" market are futures which are basically gambling on gold price

>> No.12063798


That is just a business address. They use Pro aurum in Switzerland and have been trading for 4 years. The CEO is always at conferences and always educating people about Austrian economic theory. Old school bitcoiner that got fucked over by MtGox and build one of the most transparent exchanges in the world. Check out their glass books protocol. It's epic.

>> No.12063824

Nope, physical gold is very liquid if it is LBMA approved

>> No.12063849
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 1506610241340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you are retarded, go look the definition of what liquid means you moron.
The shiny rock you hide under your mattress is the literal definition of an illiquid asset

>> No.12063887

You have to pay to have it stored or pay for security to store it so no good, only offsite electronic is safe.

>> No.12063895
File: 18 KB, 326x294, Smart man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So smart man
Activity brain
>ding ding ding

>> No.12063896
File: 78 KB, 624x434, 1542944406068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profit producing land and property. Gold is still good too, but should only be a fraction of your portfolio.

>> No.12063897

you can literally convert gold to cash in 3 minutes, fuck off retard

>> No.12063909

What do I win?


>> No.12063911
File: 716 KB, 942x802, 1518404819513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you can't refute my argument, thanks for playing. Come again

>you can literally convert gold to cash in 3 minutes

yeah if you bought gold futures not actual physical gold, dumbass

>> No.12063921

>yeah if you bought gold futures not actual physical gold, dumbass
APMEX will pay you spot with a simple 3 minute phone call and wire the money to your account

>> No.12063925
File: 34 KB, 408x450, 3325235626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phone call
>wire transfer

>> No.12063936

or they can send you a check, or you can sell it locally for cash. I've done both, it's super easy.

>> No.12063938

Fuck u guys are too funny, I can go trade physical gold for cash in about one hour depending on traffic, is it completely liquid - of course not - but saying gold provides no liquidity is only something you hear from basement dwellers on biz who have never traded gold and think just because they can switch btc to tether that makes btc more liquid...idiots

>> No.12063946
File: 45 KB, 645x729, 1505953097341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dumbass, electronic stores can buyback your shitty used laptop too that doesn't make laptops a liquid asset

>> No.12063951

>yeah if you bought gold futures not actual physical gold, dumbass
The point of gold is a hedge against a massive collapse. Its no fun owning without holding it. if shit hits the fan, you'll never get your money.

>> No.12063958

you're not too smart are ya

>> No.12063967
File: 40 KB, 645x729, 1506879178657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The point of gold is a hedge against a massive collapse

yes dumbass, we already know that goldtards are tinfoil tards that think the world is about to collapse aaaany moment now and have been telling this for 200 years.

I know for sure I am smarter from a retard that thinks buying rocks is a good investment

>> No.12063968

The dollar price of gold is irrelevant you Brainlet dumbass.

Literally the ENTIRE POINT of buying gold in the first place is so you can protect your wealth for when the dollar implodes.

So why in the fuck would you give a shit about the Jew dollar price of gold?

>> No.12063971
File: 62 KB, 398x710, Public Key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Wau Wau coin sir, please sir help?!

>> No.12063975

>fiat price doesn't matter!
>said while his shiny rock has been in a bear market for 6 years
lmao cope

>> No.12063986

Holy fuck. You must be black. Gold isn't liquid? You can sell gold for any currency on every corner of the planet.

Also, you buy gold because fiat is imploding. So even IF you couldn't. Exchange for fiat....it wouldn't matter! BecUse the gold is valuable and the paper is just worthless paper

>> No.12063991

>BecUse the gold is valuable and the paper is just worthless paper

gold is a worthless shiny rock buddy, get it through your small skull

>> No.12064001

Dude.... I own a lot of gold and I hope that gold goes back down to $250/oz. because a 250$ gold price means the govt isn't fiscally out of control anymore.

And a 250$ ounce gold price means a loaf of bread would be 90 cents again. So in real terms I wouldn't lose anyway.

All the dollar price of gold going up means is that the dollar is getting more worthless. Gold isn't getting more valuable in it or itself.

A gold ounce 900 years ago is still a gold ounce today. Doesn't matter if the dollar exists or not... get it?

>> No.12064005

>rare transition metals
can't even properly identify what he is trashing

>> No.12064013
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1517263414864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I own a lot of gold and I hope that gold goes back down to $250/oz.

I really hope you are merely trolling and nobody is actually THIS dumb

>> No.12064021

Isn't that what cryptofags said when their shitcoins lost 90% value from ATH?

>> No.12064027

Its also the commodity to have proven the best at holding its value through time.
>inb4 charts with fluctuations.
Show me a better store of value, fiat or other.

>> No.12064034
File: 15 KB, 800x450, 1507455206419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and they only say that for coping because they lost their money

government bonds are much better store of value and more liquid
>inb4 bb-but muh ebil guberment is about to collapse aaaaany moment now! aaaaaaaaaaany moment now guis!

>> No.12064038
File: 57 KB, 567x561, 12d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but... my ones and zeros!
They're the most stable form of value!
The innernet will always need ones and zeros!!!

>> No.12064045

Not trolling at all. I only buy gold because I'm converting by wealth into a real store of value because the govt is out of control and printing fake money out of thin air.

A healthy sane economy means prices are dropping.

100 years ago gold was 20$ ounce. Are you telling me that gold is 500 times more sought after today than it was 100 years ago? Nope! All that happened in the last 100 years is that the dollar lost all its value. That gold ounce stayed the same for 100 years. Since a gold ounce equaled 20$ 100 years ago and both were a good weekly salary. And that gold ounce still equals a good weekly salary today but that 20$ buys you nothing today in comparison to what it bought you 100 years ago

>> No.12064050
File: 147 KB, 645x729, 1507445348645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A healthy sane economy means prices are dropping.

wow, you really are a complete economic illeterate. Prices dropping is the literal definition of a recession you absolute moron

>> No.12064052

Your trolling.

>> No.12064055

>government bonds
Bonds that were created centuries ago vs 10,000 of commerce Keep trying.

>> No.12064062

Right. But one thing you got wrong is gold is not a commodity it is real money. WHeat is a commodity not gold.

"Gold is money, everything else is credit." - JP Morgan (1912 testimony to congress)

>> No.12064063

*years of

>> No.12064073

Sorry semantics but i get your meaning, commodities are perishablesgold is forever and a set amount until space, etc.

>> No.12064074
File: 190 KB, 661x394, TraitsOfMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one that doesn't get you cucked when you need to cross any borders.

>> No.12064075

you guys are tinfoil tards, your whole premise is based on the assumption that the world is about to collapse any moment now, you are literally no different from religious doomsday tards, no point in arguing with you

>> No.12064078

So wait..... you want higher prices? So you earn 10$ today and a meal at subway costs you 10$. You decide to hold that 10$ in your wallet for 5 years. And 5 years from now that meal at subway costs you 13$.

So you think paying 13$ for that meal is better than paying 10$ for that meal?

In what universe or galaxy are you from that you think higher prices is a good thing?

>> No.12064081

> no point arguing
That part you got right

>> No.12064083

how many traffic lights did you have to select to make this shitpost?

>> No.12064085

Do you even hear yourself? If all I have to worry about is someone replicating gold via nuclear fusion, I think I'll be ok. Do you have any idea how insanely expensive that would be. Also have fun with your radioactive gold that decays into other elements

>> No.12064090

Not true dude!

If you held your wealth in gold for 100 years versus US dollars your value was stored perfectly! There was no systematic collapse in the last 100 but your wealth in gold was stored has you put your wealth in dollars you lost it all over the past 100 years

>> No.12064095

As long as you can find another autistic willing to buy it for fiat

>> No.12064096
File: 75 KB, 628x534, 1517360741272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold is a commodity, its a shiny rock. Some people might use it for jewelry or some wires. The rest of its price is inflated by tinfoil gambling tards like you

>you decide to hold that 10$ in your wallet for 5 years.

you are retarded. why would someone hold 10$ in their pocket for 5 years you moron? thats not the point of money

go buy some more canned tuna and bullets for your bunker buddy you gonna need it for the zombie apocalypse

and if you also put your money in stock market for 100 years you would have even more money

>> No.12064097

buttcoin isn't anonymous so they can find out who you are and confiscate your coins easily. gold on the other hand, you can bury deep in the ground and memorize the GPS coordinates. good luck confiscating that.

>> No.12064100

at least you can hack off a piece of gold bullion to spend at the shops

>> No.12064101

I could literally leave gold for my great great great grandson in 200 yearsand know he would be rich, that has been the constancy of gold which cannot be said about very many other stores of value, certainly not currencies.

>> No.12064103
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1516929349676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, just like the middle ages!

>> No.12064106

>go buy some more canned tuna and bullets for your bunker buddy you gonna need it for the zombie apocalypse
>not buying salmon
enjoy your mercury poisoning

>> No.12064116

silver is for buying food water and ammo, gold is for buying land and horses and livestock

>> No.12064131
File: 27 KB, 741x630, 1514484961199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, just like in that cowboy show you saw when you were kid!! if only we were back in those good ol times amirite bro?

>> No.12064139
File: 208 KB, 393x575, larp-medieval-tunic-[3]-15564-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> middle ages
> not wild west
You medieval larpers need to gtfo.

>> No.12064143

Why would someone hold 10$ in their pocket for 5 years? Are you retarded??? Have you ever heard of the word savings? You understand savings is a good thing?

Stock market is stocks. Stocks are not money. Gold and dollars are money. Nobody is saying don't invest but you don't put 100% of your wealth in the stock market you moron. Especially now with a manipulated propped up market as a result of criminally suppressed interest rates.

You think every single person wants to gamble in the stock market? Some people just want to work and save the money they make without risk of losing it.

Are you black seriously? Do you know the importance of savings?

>> No.12064147
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1516555303614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeee just like bonanza right? xDDD when da dollur collapse we gonna become like bonanza again! xD

>> No.12064148
File: 191 KB, 671x1004, MuhSafeHaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that Bitcoin is the only way to not get cucked by borders and etc, it will be pretty easy to find people wanting to trade since it will always have desirable traits.

Gold on the other hand, it's fucking useless in the information age.

>> No.12064156

automation /thread

>> No.12064160
File: 105 KB, 645x729, 1517429337730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever heard of the word savings? You understand savings is a good thing?

have ever heard the word INVESTMENT? you understand investment is a good thing? you INVEST those 5 dollars in equities not put them under your mattress you moron. I honestly can't understand how can someone be THIS dumb and be able to operate a computer

>> No.12064161
File: 2.65 MB, 1422x4627, boomerstheabsolutestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you black seriously? Do you know the importance of savings?
I suspect he is brainwashed by Krugman tier scammers. However you are wrong with gold, dump it for Bitcoin while it's cheap.

>> No.12064167

how many crosswalks did you have to click to post that?

>> No.12064176


>> No.12064187
File: 52 KB, 686x582, 1232143423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INVEST those 5 dollars in equities

>> No.12064202

Silver is the most undervalued asset on planet earth.

Remember... a silver piece the size of a silver dime used to be a days wage for most of human history and even in America a long time ago.

So every silver ounce you buy today for 13$ you are literally obtaining 2 weeks worth of wages after the fiat implosion. Since 14 silver dimes equals 1 ounce of silver.

So if you buy a mere 500 ounces of silver that will be the equivalent of 7,500 days wages or 20 years worth of days wages. And when the pendulum swings it'll swing hard and it'll probably actually equal 2-3x that because there are billions more people on the planet and much less silver available.

I'm surprised biz hasn't identified how amazingly undervalued silver is.

Most American work jobs like insurance agents providing zero real value for society yet make 200$ per day. 200$ a day equals like 15 ounces of silver a day which flies in the face of all historical economic reality when it comes to earnings for plebs.

It is only because of Jew man made inflation that a dime doesn't buy you anything anymore

>> No.12064214


>> No.12064219
File: 206 KB, 761x1025, gold-nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver lost 70% of its value the last few years. Even shitcoins would have been better than that LMAO

>hurr durr im poor bcs da evil joos stole my money

pic related, its you

>> No.12064240
File: 137 KB, 634x796, 3234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only retards that think shiny rocks are valuable are pajeets and niggers. Just remember, there will be no one to buy your rock bags in the future

>> No.12064241

I'm not saying don't put some money in bitcoin but you are stupid if you are anti gold. I'm not meaning to be a dick when I say that but you need to understand (because you don't seem dumb) that you are fucking stupid if you are advising to not own any gold or silver.

Being anti gold is literally like being anti water. That's how fucking brainwashed you are.

If the dollar buys you nothing at all next week and loses all of its value. Wtf is a bitcoin worth then since it relies on the dollar?

If the dollar implodes next week my gold is 100% unaffected. My wealth in gold is absolutely secure.a gold fucking ounce doesn't rely on the dollar existing

>> No.12064251

A silver dime bought you a gallon of gas 60 years ago and a silver dime still buys you a gallon of gas today. The dollar price of silver doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.12064253
File: 31 KB, 660x371, 323243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pls sir, buy rock , very shiny and value sir

>> No.12064264

Now yes... if you bought silver and then were forced to sell... you lost some value in the fiat value because comex suppressed the price of silver and gold.

But you are buying gold and silver for when the fiat paradigm ends. That's when you make it with gold and silver

>> No.12064275

When the dollar implodes you don't go out into the streets to sell gold. You use your gold to buy a fucking apartment building you retard

>> No.12064283
File: 630 KB, 1010x778, 3232432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayo boi jus be buyin som shiny rock yo n u gon be rich yo

>> No.12064287

In a dollar collapse nobody will be able to buy your gold anyway since the dollar will be worthless. That's when you offer someone 2 ounces of gold for their mansion.

>> No.12064289


>> No.12064303
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 1542580607662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes brainlet, when people are poor are gonna trade their valuable land for a useless shiny rock. Imagine someone being THIS retarded

>> No.12064325

how many buses did you have to click to post that?

>> No.12064329

People are eating their pets in Venezuela. 7-8 years ago if a Venezuelan bought up just 5-10 ounces of gold... they'd be sitting fucking pretty right now.

>> No.12064344
File: 34 KB, 326x294, 1542102197609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if they had converted their money to USD they would be sitting pretty too. Nobody accepts gold for trade anymore you moron, if they had converted them in gold they would have to pay large fees to trade them back for tradeable currency like dollars

>> No.12064377
File: 116 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go you stupid fuck.

1 ounce of gold equals = 300 million bolivars

>> No.12064384

I understand that you aren't going to use your gold ounce to buy a chicken. But your wealth would have. Even secure in gold instead of bolivars.

>> No.12064385


>> No.12064398
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1540940018317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Recent studies have refuted the idea that deflation is recessionary. There have been many recessions with inflation as well as economic expansions with deflation. In the latest 10 year expansion the price of many consumer goods has decreased in real terms, only services highly altered by government involvement have gone up in price (education, healthcare, housing, government itself)

>> No.12064404
File: 21 KB, 645x773, 1516736680336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't very bright are you? 1 ounce of gold is 1200 dollars, 1200 dollars are guess what... equal to 300 million bolivar too

I honestly think your brain is damaged, no normal person can be THIS dumb

>> No.12064428



Gold Could Save Your Life
So where does this put gold? At some point, hyperinflation gets so ludicrously out of control that discussing exchange rates becomes pointless. But as of July 30, an ounce of the yellow metal would have gone for 211 million bolivars—an increase of more than 3.1 million percent from just the beginning of the year.

>> No.12064440

1 dollar equals 9 bolivars dummy!!!!!!!!!!

If you kept 1 ounce of gold you'd have 300 million bolivars right now.

If you had 1,200 dollars you could only about a million bolivars!

>> No.12064456
File: 8 KB, 442x500, 1517709735962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you absolute moron, gold didn't go up in price, their shitty currency lost its value. It doesn't matter if they had converted their money to gold, or USD or EURO or anything, it would still go up in value just as much. Your retarded brain can't even comprehend simple math conversions, you are completely hopeless

>1 dollar equals 9 bolivars dummy!

no its not you retard, 1 dollar equals 250,000 bolivars

>> No.12064465


>> No.12064484

>the bars say "1000g" on them, what could that odd cypher mean?

>> No.12064498

Have you never played wow? It's obviously 1000 gold.

>> No.12064535

amerilards don't understand the metric system

>> No.12064545

Lol exactly what I've been saying all along! Gold price doesn't matter! Just like when the USD pride of gold went from 300$ to $1900.... gold didn't go up in value it is the currency that was dying.

Just like you just fucking said that gold didn't go up in price but the bolivar got more worthless!

You just admitted to what I've been saying all along with respect to buying gold with USD.

>> No.12064560

You just fucking admitted that your wealth was protected owning gold instead of bolivars. The entire point of buying gold lol

>> No.12064571
File: 50 KB, 696x391, Echo chamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12064577

Sounds like Bitcoin desu

>> No.12064585

your wealth would have been protected if you also had converted bolivars in USD or EURO too you moron, you are completely incapable of doing simple math equations, how old are you?

you fucking moron got rekt so many times and you still try to embarass yourself? You though 1 dollar is worth 9 bolivar instead of 250,000 and you want me to take you seriously? fuck off back to your hole moron

>> No.12064615

confirmed, based and redpilled

>> No.12064623

>31 posts by this ID
>he finally ran out of moron memes

>> No.12064627

I understand that I fucked up on the math. But if your living in Venezuela pre collapse why in the fuck would you be holding dollars?

Also.... the point is for us.... when the dollar collapses you'll be fucked. Sure if you lived in Venezuela and held dollars instead of bolivars or gold you'd be fine. But what happens when the dollar hyperinflates? Get it now?

What are you going to do now before a dollar collapse? Exchange your dollars for the Ecuadorian currency?

>> No.12064634

When the dollar implodes you'll be fine in gold just like you'd be fine in gold in Venezuela. Except we won't be able to buy another currency now and end up fine like Venezuelans could have bought dollars

>> No.12064635
File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1516077190078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 posts by this ID
>0 arguments so far

>But if your living in Venezuela pre collapse why in the fuck would you be holding dollars?

because Venezuela is a shithole you moron. The fact that you try to compare USA with a 3rd word shithole like Venezuela makes you look retarded. Just stop already

>> No.12064644

>32 posts by this ID
>0 arguments so far

>> No.12064654
File: 476 KB, 1312x1340, Value_Village_store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this store of value faggots


>> No.12064655

if dollar goes down in value stock go up you moron. you are a complete economic illiterate, the more you post the more you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.12064796

The Venezuelan stock market has been at all time highs while people are starving in the streets you idiot. Who gives a fuck if the stock market goes up if the currency doesn't buy you shit?

You people are fucking stupid as fuck

>> No.12064818

How the fuck does Bitcoin rely on the dollar? It's measured in dollars, euros, and whatever the fuck your favorite maddof scheme is. Bitcoin doesn't care about it.

>> No.12064819
File: 6 KB, 245x206, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why you invest in the US stock market not the Venezualan stock market you moron.
Venezuela is a 3rd word socialist shithole, how fucking dense you are to not be able to understand the difference?

>> No.12064821

>gold found in asteroids
>gold in asteroids becomes the norm
>everyone has gold, everyone who had gold before the discovery JUST'd due to market flooding

There's no such thing as a 0xBTC asteroid, anon.

>> No.12064825

But why would you hold dollars in Venezuela? Do you hold yuan in America? Do you think people in Mongolia have US dollars?

I understand completely that if you have $1,200 worth of USD or 1 ounce of gold in Venezuela right now that you are fine either way....

But what happens when the dollar hyperinflates? Get whatim getting st fuckhead? There isn't another USD to store our wealth in when the dollar implodes. Which is why I'm saying if you don't buy gold your fucked in a currency crisis

>> No.12064835
File: 145 KB, 645x729, 1507036717990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But why would you hold dollars in Venezuela? Do you hold yuan in America? Do you think people in Mongolia have US dollars?

YES you fucking moron. Ever heard of Forex reserves? man, you REALLY are completely ignorant about everything

>> No.12064837
File: 275 KB, 750x1397, JUST_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sustainable is this?

>> No.12064845

the total wealth in USA is more than 100 trillion

>> No.12064858

>buttcoin isn't anonymous so they can find out who you are and confiscate your coins easily.
if you are an idiot

> gold on the other hand, you can bury deep in the ground and memorize the GPS coordinates. good luck confiscating that.

good luck doing that when the world is now filled with cameras and (((cuckerment))) has huge radars that can easily find buried shit

>> No.12064873
File: 2.60 MB, 1027x9999, worlds money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overleveraged phantom derivative scams
pick one

>> No.12064885
File: 95 KB, 682x1024, 321423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if derivatives are fake then debt is also fake

>> No.12064910
File: 105 KB, 666x660, ppmadeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how it works, Tim.

>> No.12064913

Pre bolivar collapse. How many sub human spic Venezuelans out of every 100 of them do you think we're involved with forex?

>> No.12064921

it does though. Also those 100 trillion in wealth are based on assets like land, houses and equities

if they were too dumb to buy dollars before the collapse it means they were too dumb to buy gold too. Your argument is null

>> No.12064923

Fucking poverty people making fucking tortillas for a living are going to put their bolivars into dollars using forex. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.12064932
File: 207 KB, 1200x600, boomer delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have Krugman trier analysis bias.

>> No.12064943
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes retard, but those same povery people making tortillas can buy a fucking gold bar. Fuck off with your retarded arguments nigger

and you have some retarded austrian monkey tier analysis bias

>> No.12064945

Here here good fellow!
A learned man amongst mongrols.

>> No.12064954

You forgot tacky Italians, but they are just swimming niggers.

>> No.12064980

>the internet will collapse by 2005
>just print 1 trillion coin
These guys get PhD's.

>> No.12064993
File: 21 KB, 211x220, 1487845177230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't make any arguments
>better use some strawman
good job anon, u very smart smart

>> No.12065027
File: 36 KB, 712x233, trillioncoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how you cope?

>> No.12065036

>1000 golds
gtfo mercel

>> No.12065042

I don't care about some dumb boomer economist, but it seems like you have some kind of obsession with him bud

>> No.12065051

Well considering you are sucking his ideological dick im pointing out at how retarded he and by extension you are.

>> No.12065058
File: 56 KB, 621x702, vO7lRZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr Hitler was vegeterian
>that means if you are vegeterian you are a nazi
imagine someone being THIS dumb

>> No.12065072

We are talking about the economy and you share the same economic delusions as Krugman. Keep coping tho.

>> No.12065099

so if someone is against the gold standard it means he supports anything some faggot Krugman said?

I see you are too dumb to make your own arguments to refute me so your only cope is to strawman lmao

>> No.12065136

"In the absence of a gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation - there is no safe store of value." - Alan Greenspan (1966)

>> No.12065162

I like how you stop replying after I rekt you so many times and then just return to post a dumb quote lmao. Just go to sleep with your shiny rocks and stop embarrassing yourself buddy, you did it enough today

>> No.12065438

You didn't rekt anyone. You have the same ideology as all those keynesian fucktards which rekt themselves with every prediction and "solution" they offer.

>> No.12065525
File: 24 KB, 550x543, aAxAvYg_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice strawman again. If you weren't so dumb you would try to make an argument to support your position instead of strawmanning, but you can't, because you are too dumb.

>> No.12065690

What hes saying is he hopes for no wars and peace. Gold going down means life is more sustained for his family and others families as well. It would mean responsible governments.
Sadly there will be a day where gold is not for sale for this very reason.
Would you sell an oz of gold if you knew that oz of gold could buy you your life one day?
Thats what hes getting at ultimately, when it comes down to it gold at times have literally bought people their life and the life of their families.

>> No.12065697

Thank you.

>> No.12065772

this isn't the wild west buddy. shiny rocks are useless and in time of a meltdown nobody is gonna trade valueable land and food for useless rocks. You'd be better off if you buy useful commodities like gas

your shiny rock stack is gonna be worthless in the future and your kids are gonna hate you for being a dumb boomer wasting their future on shiny rocks

>> No.12065889

If you are really a doomer invest in getting proper weapons, training and prepping supplies instead of pumping your money into gold.

>> No.12065890

Whenever someone says "protip", I instinctively want to say "bullshit", but here I can't. OP is correct.

>> No.12065903

>proceeds to spend it all on chainlink

>> No.12065906
File: 13 KB, 96x96, rs=h 175 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerusalem Love ( Coin / Cryptocurrency)

>> No.12065973

weapons and non expiring food
>here, I can

>> No.12066373 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 421x327, unemployment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope, but facts remain. You share a retarded ideology that's pushing states into a clusterfuck of debt.

Recessions are a logical consequence of unsound easy money. Until 1971 Switzerland was practically on a gold standard & unemployment practically didn't exist. Swiss Unemployment never exceeded 1% until they sold half their gold in 92 & joined (((IMF))). It hasn't dropped below 2% since.

Keep coping tho.

>> No.12066386 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 421x327, unemployment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope, but facts remain. You share a retarded ideology that's pushing states into a clusterfuck of debt.

Recessions are a logical consequence of unsound easy money. Until 1971 Switzerland was practically on a gold standard and unemployment practically didn't exist. Swiss Unemployment never exceeded 1% until they sold half their gold in 92 and joined (((IMF))). It hasn't dropped below 2% since.

Keep coping tho.

>> No.12066398
File: 22 KB, 421x327, 123423523412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope, but facts remain. You share a retarded ideology that's pushing states into a clusterfuck of debt.

Recessions are a logical consequence of unsound easy money. Until 1971 Switzerland was practically on a gold standard and unemployment practically didn't exist. Swiss Unemployment never exceeded 1% until they sold half their gold in 92 and joined (((IMF))). It hasn't dropped below 2% since.

Keep coping tho.

>> No.12066414

literally no country in the world has the gold standard anymore. Why you think is that? are you the smartest man in the world and everyone else is dumb? nobody believes in your dumb ideology anymore, you are at the bottom of the barrel of failed ideologies

>> No.12066428
File: 13 KB, 300x199, 1534045742476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>47 posts by this ID
>still not a single argument

>> No.12066449

>complains about lack of arguments while he still hasn't provided any argument himself
nice projection brainlet

>> No.12066451
File: 60 KB, 763x771, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why you think is that?
Exactly. If the population is obviously not benefit from it, then who do you think is benefiting?

>> No.12066455


u postin ur selfies there lad?

>> No.12066464

>hurrr itss a globbul conshpiracy by le evil jew reptilian illeminati
go take your meds grandpa. come back when you have actual economic arguments not conspiracy theories

>> No.12066467


>easily transactable

Good luck using Burtcorns at the grocery store, the pub, or the gas station.

I guess it’s okay if you want to order blow up dolls or piss jars online, though.

>> No.12066468


>> No.12066488


>> No.12066497

So tax payers protesting in france are all 70 year old boomers? Have you seen the news? your keynesian delusion is dead.

>> No.12066503

>hurr every problem that ever happens to any country is because they don't have the gold standard
imagine being THIS dumb. just stop posting brainlet you are embarrassing

>> No.12066506 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1277x960, btclambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's now what easily transactable means you single digit IQ mong. It means you can move it from A to B easily. If someone is stupid enough to not accept it in exchange of a good or service, that's their loss.

>> No.12066507

>Summing the notional values

Wew lad.

Imagine a 3 year interest rate swap... you know even if it's notional is 100 quadrilion if the floating rate is identical to the fixed rate no cash is exchanged. That is to say nobody actually moves any money for the whole three years.

Using the notional value of a derivatives contract is misleading at best... especially for swaps which are built to have no value when the contract is first formed.

>> No.12066514

>hurr durr every problem is solved by printing more money
imagine the IQ

>> No.12066536

>pointing out phantom derivative scams is missleading but OP's graphs aren't.
al these derivatives is what causes systemic risks and cyclical 2008's getting increasingly worse. the cope is strong.

>> No.12066540
File: 56 KB, 530x610, f40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr not having the gold standard means money printing hurrrrrr

wow, you really are that dumb. Quantitative easing (aka what you call money printing) was an extreme and rare measure that happened only after a big crisis you moron its not something that automatically happens without gold standard.
Regardless of that, having a "gold standard" doesn't mean government can't print money, they can just as easily devalue and change the conversion rate to gold . Why is every goldtard a complete economic illiterate? go read a book or something before embarrassing yourself online bucko

>> No.12066544

Well actually he's right. Take the simplest (and most common OTC) derivative. The interest rate swap. An interest rate swap is exactly equivalent to buying and selling two bonds with the same par value one floating and one fixed. So interest rate swaps are equivalent to pairs of bonds.

Similarly forwards/futures contracts are equivalent to buying a bond with one tenor a and selling a bond of another tenor.

Options contracts can be built by buying a puttable/callable bond and selling a vanilla bond etc.

Derivatives are basically pairs of debt.

>> No.12066557
File: 15 KB, 248x189, pptears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's just a r-rare and e-extreme measure!!

>> No.12066572
File: 21 KB, 190x190, 20090106_aziz_190x190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no counter argument
>no data
>no facts
thanks for playing. come again

>> No.12066578

Whoa. I was just responding to that particular statement. I'm not saying anything about OP's graphs.

As for the systemic risks... I think it's getting better, e.g central counterparties have removed the topological risk which made Lehman such a problem.

Leverage has come down. MIFID I/II have resulted in more aggressive reporting.

The problem was always the lack of transparency (as you can't tell who's exposed to who). It's hard to spit now in a bank without someone auditing it.

>> No.12066583


canned food

gold is boomer rocks

>> No.12066591
File: 1.71 MB, 331x197, banderas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets btfo for 52 posts
>"not an argument!!"

>> No.12066605
File: 6 KB, 255x198, 323234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rekt around 5 goldtards in this thread you included. You were probably the dumbest of them all since you barely made an argument at all

>> No.12066624
File: 7 KB, 250x237, pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically believes he has rekt anyone ever

>> No.12066647
File: 75 KB, 638x1000, uTXY2Yi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever makes you cope better brainlet

>> No.12066653

>Are you telling me that gold is 500 times more sought after today than it was 100 years ago?

Yes you dumb fuck, we invented electronics

>> No.12066663
File: 104 KB, 320x287, 1535760083612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>54 posts by this ID
>still not a single argument

>> No.12066666


>> No.12066673
File: 19 KB, 251x251, 1457565727783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quints, witnessed, based and absolutely redpilled

>> No.12066686
File: 45 KB, 903x960, 16e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is the 6 year bear market of shiny rocks treating you buddies? lmao seething brainlets

>> No.12066690

I bought most of my gold at the bottom (around $1180) so I'm doing great champ

>> No.12066693
File: 242 KB, 1488x792, dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12066705

congrats on making $ but i hope you realize still its a shitcoin in the long run

>> No.12066708
File: 956 KB, 1003x1024, 3463456346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao nice larping. You morons bought gold at 1900 and 6 years later you are still 40% down.

cope more

>> No.12066725

I didn't even start investing in PM until 2016, because up until then I had only been a broke college student. And even if I had the money 6 years ago I would have waited to enter the PM market because anyone could tell that it was overvalued in 2011. Timing is everything.

>> No.12066732

I dunno man. Last 6 years we've seen a recovering economy right? So obviously fixed value shit would do poorly. If these guys are right and we're heading for bad financial times buying gold futures wouldn't be a terrible idea. If we're just getting started and the really fat times are ahead then we'll call 'em morons and go about our business.
Given that I don't think any of us really know what's going to happen in 5 years I'd hold off calling someone a brainlet over their market view.

>> No.12066736


>> No.12066742

BTW. Actual fixed income investment banker here. AMA.

>> No.12066749
File: 30 KB, 499x499, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you did buddy. A guy that thinks shiny rocks is a good investment definitely knows about economics and finance. Have fun with your shiny pebble bags and hope some dumb pajeet buy your bags

in 2008 when economy crashed gold fell too. shiny rocks wont save you from any economic meltdown my little brainlet. buy useful commodities like gas and oil if you want to prepare for a meltdown

>> No.12066759

butt-hurt anon i mostly disagree with you but would like to know what you consider to be good holds and good liquid holds

>> No.12066788
File: 15 KB, 441x495, DeepinScreenshot_select-area_20181209200352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12066795

Should say this is an ounce of gold in GBP

>> No.12066797

>sure you did buddy.
yes, you're god, you can just tell instantly the life history and choices of everyone on the entire internet and know for certain what they did or didn't do. fuck you you pretentious asshole

>in 2008 when economy crashed gold fell too.
Gold is still much higher today than it was in 2008. If you had invested 10 years ago you'd be ahead today

>> No.12066798

Holy quints

Keynesiancuck eternally btfo

>> No.12066827

and stock market is still much higher today than it was in 2008, whats your point dumbass?

>> No.12066835

my point is you're a dumbass and a low quality troll

>> No.12066839

I've never held gold

On the other hand, i've held bitcoin since 100 ish bucks and bought a couple more dips.

I've bought enough property so I don't need to work ever again. Still hold enough to keep getting richer in the future as I watch nocoiners cope wondering why it always recovers.

>> No.12066840
File: 125 KB, 637x960, 4534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 posts
>still not a single argument
thanks for playing. come again

>> No.12066845

The point is that gold didn't fall during the crash, it actually rose in value. *so what*: So as we entered the crash investing in gold would have saved you from the weakened stock market. *so what*: So as things recovered you can transition back to the stock market and get maximum tendies.

>> No.12066855

>shilling for gold
>hurr I don't even have gold bcs im rich!!
try a less obvious larp next time

>> No.12066881

read again:

>I suspect he is brainwashed by Krugman tier scammers. However you are wrong with gold, dump it for Bitcoin while it's cheap.

Just because holding gold is better than holding fiat, it isn't better than holding Bitcoin.

>> No.12066910

You wouldn't be ahead. A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same ounce of gold today.

The dollar value of gold does not matter that's not how you value gold

You value gold using ratios to other real assets of which gold and especially silver are very undervalued

The entire point of buying gold is because you fear the dollar will implode

>> No.12066929

meh, that's too technical fren, I like it because it's shiny! that's how I know it has value!

>> No.12066941
File: 20 KB, 483x413, 1537598114192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, OP BTFO yet again

>> No.12066944

bitcoin cash

>> No.12066955

As long as women exist, rare shiny rocks will always have value.

>> No.12066958

stocks and treasuries are a great investment, until everything collapses, then they will be worthless, but you will ALWAYS be able to barter and trade with your gold and silver.

>> No.12066959

I just want throw something in.
- If you haven't have at least 1oz of gold and 20-30oz of silver, you are an idiot

- If you haven't some long-shelf-life food, you are an idiot.

- - If you haven't some guns, ammo and training, you are an idiot.

- If you don't have some part of your worth in ETFs, you are an idiot.

Hate on PMs as much as you want, only retards are saying to go all-in into one thing.
Have some gold/silver, it won't hurt you.

>> No.12066968


Homie that's showing that OP is right you know. "Name a better store of value". Dat dere gold is looking like it stores value pretty fucking well.

Also how's that 10Y-T calculated? Rollovers? If so then rolling over what period?

>> No.12066980

Doesn't look like he's here for discussion desu. Just to fud gold. The question is: why?

>> No.12067033

A precious metals "Bear" market is what metal buyers desire because it's the easiest time to acquire it.

They Acquire the gold to KEEP it, long term.

Zoomer attention spans can't seem to comprehend financial horizons beyond the 1 year mark.

>> No.12067045

Not Buying Gold to sell it. Gold is savings...that's literally what it's purpose is. It used to be currency but it serves better as a savings.

it being cheaper now makes it more accessible to amass.

>> No.12067047

>beyond the 1 year mark
more like 24 hours

>> No.12067098

He's spent here all day. He's either autistic or getting (((paid))). Given the IQ I lean towards the first option.

>> No.12067116

>Given the IQ I lean towards the first option.

>> No.12067162
File: 22 KB, 528x352, 546456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you pathetic goldtards are getting sad now. You guys got duped into buying shiny rocks with no actual value, there isn't any bull run coming, you are stuck with those rock bags. The sooner you accept this the sooner you can cut your losses and stop the coping.

>> No.12067175

>Name a better store of value

>> No.12067242

>shiny rocks with no actual value
yes anon, you're absolutely right!! that's why countries like China and Russia get all their gold bars for free each month!! because they are so worthless that they are just taking them to get them off of other peoples hands!! that's why the tech industry, aerospace, jewelers, dentists, government and private mints, and bullion dealers get free gold every year! You are a smart one!

>> No.12067259

exactly you moron, if gold only had real demand from the tech industry its real price would be around the cost of production of around 700 dollars. Gold being anything more than 700 dollars is a bubble created by speculative retard gamblers like you. Have fun with your rock bags

>> No.12067493
File: 240 KB, 443x747, ppcomfy btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have to wagecuck tomorrow along with the rest of mongs that didn't buy bitcoin at 100 bucks?

>> No.12067499

Obviously my image shows Treasuries are a better hedge against fiat as well as a better investment
Are you blind or something? Perhaps ignorant of reality?

>> No.12067538
File: 22 KB, 200x200, R14kkDj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took you 45 minutes to come up with that pathetic larp reply? lmao. go to sleep grandpa. Your rock bags aren't gonna make you rich

>> No.12067586

>Andromeda Research
I'm sure that's a totally legit thing

>> No.12067594

the rocks are valuable because they are shiny. humans love jewelry. humans inherently associate shinyness with wealth.

>> No.12067629
File: 61 KB, 545x409, 212133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why its mostly pajeets, niggers, boomers and women that like gold, they are all dumb shallow brainlets that like shiny stuff

>> No.12067708

yeah let's ignore J.P. Morgan, that nigga pajeet queer, with the biggest fucking hold in silver earth has ever seen.

>> No.12067722



Or, you know, literally any bank.

>> No.12067736

those dumb jews have been bleeding from gold for 6 straight years lmao

>> No.12067754

> dumb jews
oy vey that is an ban-able comment
Jannies have an strict "no insult the greatest ally" policy.

>> No.12067756

stop acting like the attraction to gold isn't across all races. its almost fundamental to the human condition and has history stretching back to antiquity.

>> No.12067938
File: 22 KB, 420x420, pp tux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of I bought bitcoin at sub 200 bucks don't you get?

>> No.12067942
File: 104 KB, 650x362, Mansa-Musa_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even gold's value has crashed before. Like when Mansa Musa went on his pilgrimage spending extravagant amounts of gold as he traveled. By the time he had passed through gold was worthless in the Mediterranean.

>> No.12067949

you're wasting your time arguing with him, anyone who claims to have bought anything at the right time is automatically larp according to him

>> No.12067965

That's how nocoiners cope.

>> No.12067987

t.brainlet that holds 1800 gold bags

the whole thread you shill for gold and now you pretend you are a bitcoiner? lmao. I haven't even mentioned crypto in this thread dumbass

>> No.12068015

>t.brainlet that holds 1800 gold bags
What part of I bought at 1180 don't you get?

>> No.12068035

so you made virtually zero profits so far? congratz anon

>> No.12068052

>3 of those bars = 1 bitcoin
Lol what????

>> No.12068074

I'm up about 2%, which is better than being down 90% like those who bought crypto this year

>> No.12068668

Once again you illiterate fucktard:


I've talked about Bitcoin since the begining and told the goldbug to dump for Bitcoin.