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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12057794 No.12057794 [Reply] [Original]

tfw she moved on

>> No.12057842

you gave her all that closure, so it's your fault

maybe if you changed your behavior to where you arent just hanging on her every word, then maybe she'd give a shit

quit being a doormat

>> No.12057858


>> No.12058012

you need to start passing her shit tests.

im speaking as someone whose ex broke up with him for someone else. and then who stayed in a lease with her while she was getting plowed by another dude. i've been humiliated more than most people, i feel.

but i turned it around, put her on blast, her new guy on blast, and her dad on blast (who is a cop, so i successfully dodged any possible harrassment charge)

results? i was successful enough that now she talks about me often, totally repentant, on her simblr (a tumblr for sims). and she has no idea i can see what she's said, and hasnt made any attempt to show me. it's been like this for years.

here's how to pass shit tests. they can seem cheesy when just reading them, but you dont have to say exactly what's here. what matters is the laconic nature of them.


google "heartiste shit test" for more

next ill post some proof of what i said to show how i turned it around

>> No.12058619
File: 1.54 MB, 2000x6952, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, hopefully it helps you

>> No.12058649

It truly is the worst of feels

>> No.12058665
File: 34 KB, 720x498, 1.21giggawatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw she tried to set you up on behalf of the police

>> No.12058667

Ive been so fucking horny today. Im 36 and my dick is killing me. I stopped smoking 10 days and cut all the coffee. Been eating chocolate and meat. And today I had to shuffle snow. I think that little workout made my blood pump as mad. I just fapped but my dick wants more.

>> No.12058735

hanging on to your screengrabs from a relationship that happened 7 years ago and actually saving this bullshit really shows how well you got over the situation

>> No.12058739


>> No.12058746

She's probably getting smashed as we speak

>> No.12058750

what the fuck dude

>> No.12058752 [DELETED] 

never said i was over it

>> No.12058771

never said i was over it, and it was 4 years ago get your eyes checked

>> No.12058796 [DELETED] 

>hook ex by putting 5k worth of credit in her name before break up
>unintentionally break up with ex and use all of the credit at once
>don't pay it back
>ex calls and begs for help on said accts
>ex has a new boyfriend
>ex has ruined credit now

Was this justifiable or should I seek psychiatric help?

>> No.12058803 [DELETED] 


>> No.12058891

This physically hurt to read so much I had quit

>> No.12059003

i can corroborate your theory

>> No.12059009

you have to eat all of the eggs, read every line of what i wrote

>> No.12059046 [DELETED] 

Oh well, I got full custody. Enjoy child support bitch

>> No.12059075

you sound like a beta faggot. Stick your tests up your ass you fucking cuck.

>> No.12059135

same guy, my ID keeps changing, no idea why.

but what in the world is wrong with you? what's making you so angry?

>> No.12059156

>i know you are but what am i
Holy shit /biz/ is actually full of autists. Time ti leave this place forever

>> No.12059162
File: 1.21 MB, 5000x5000, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she moved on but your friend at the pharmacy pulled up her profile and she started taking herpes medicine last month

>> No.12059170

it's anti-game, retard

>> No.12059171 [DELETED] 



>> No.12059176


>> No.12059206


>> No.12059227

You are unironically one of the few based men left in existence, congratulations

>> No.12059244

What the fuck is antigane? Sounds like “i was just pretending to be retarded” type shit

>> No.12059297

exactly right, said it to show it was a joke. not every line has to be mean-spirited

>> No.12059349

Lol what the fuck anon

>> No.12059359

no bully

>> No.12059369

Based and redpilled af

>> No.12059769

Dude.. learn one thing for your life.. nobody cares to you unless they trully love you and what matters is what you really do.

You dont bypassed any shit test, you just induced mental ilness and paranoia in a woman, that doesnt make you different from any normie with their cope "fake until you make it" behavior, that doesnt make you a better human being, you are just a cope guy that had to learn through others because he was so dumb to realize how the world is.

Wish you luck

>> No.12059883
File: 84 KB, 474x588, zsezntitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mental illness and paranoia

please, stuff your pedestalization of women and the insinuation that they cant handle some harsh words. where i pretended to go beyond that, it was a lie (the FWB girl).

it's a cuck or be cucked world. i got completely shat on, but i still eked out a tiny pyrrhic victory.

i agree, im not a nice person. but she's just fine, believe me.

>> No.12060048

The only one with distorted reality and world view is you.

Search for treatment.

>> No.12060057


>> No.12060297

You are either a master troll or a complete autist.
> Dumped by ex.
> Keeps living with her while she is getting plowed by Chad.
> mans up to leave
> stalks her sims Instagram
Really tips my fedora

>> No.12060314

Just tell us the name of very good coin and fuck out of here.

>> No.12060317

Holy fuck I know that bitch!

>> No.12060319

What is 'closure'?

>> No.12060368

>either a master troll or a complete autist.


>> No.12060381

Show us her feet!

>> No.12060499

This, holy shit what a fucking retard

>> No.12060552 [DELETED] 

your stubby wretched fingers type such hurtful things about me

t. man whose ex which betrayed him in the worst way is 100% at his will, literally the best revenge possible

>> No.12060557

your stubby wretched fingers type such hurtful things about me

t. man whose ex which betrayed him in the worst way is 100% at his will, literally the best revenge possible