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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12056697 No.12056697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I haven't been outside for 4 months. Unironically.

>> No.12056707


>> No.12056710

short the outside no stoploss

>> No.12056716

Based frogposter

>> No.12056737


i left the house yesterday for the first time in a month and went to the shops and all the npc normies freaked me out

>> No.12056755


>> No.12056765

this, but unironically. Do all my shopping online etc.

>> No.12056774

that's nothing, try years

>> No.12056779

Reminds me of myself anon

>> No.12056832

absolutely based

what a fucking Chad, OP

>> No.12056846

Me too. Had to get food. I felt people looked at me funny, then I noticed in the mirror my nose hairs were super long

>> No.12056877

I work outside for it's pretty comfy

>> No.12056880


>> No.12057022

i'm the same as you anons, and sometimes i wonder how i'd manage if some apocalyptic event happened, like a solar flare destroying all electronic devices

on the one hand, i'm autistic as fug, so theoretically there should be little chance of survival, but on the other, all social conventions would disappear overnight, leaving just primal instincts and none of the normie bullshit we have to deal with on the daily, so maybe i could actually thrive in such an environment

>> No.12057032

Coming up to 2 weeks for me.

>> No.12057067

in such an environment, being socially versed will be even more important, because you'll rely on others wanting to give you stuff during scarcity.
unless your autism is the kind that instantly generates pity, you would be way more fucked than most people.

>> No.12057080

I would just rob and kill people until I get killed or die desu. Not going to join some normie tribe.

>> No.12057082

How long is required for special powers? I'm looking to improve myself?

>> No.12057147

I lift three times a week. That's basically the only thing I've left my house for in five years. I feel bad for the tard wrangler that's eventually gonna have to come and get me when I lose it completely.

>> No.12057456
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>I feel bad for the tard wrangler that's eventually gonna have to come and get me when I lose it completely.

>> No.12057467
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i only go outside to buy food, if the supermarket near me delivered, i wouldn't ever go outside.

>> No.12057806

You are basically Moses now.

>> No.12057809

>going outside
are you some kind of animal

>> No.12057825

Returning to primal life seems nice but an apocalyptic reset seems unlikely.

>> No.12057894

Same. Still gotta go to WalShart once every week or two.

>> No.12058347

I have to leave the house to go and wagecuck ffs

>> No.12058390

based and cavernpilled

>t. didn't go outside since 2013

>> No.12058402
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not comfy

>> No.12058428
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>going outside
Why? Your guardians bring home food and you play on the computer, that is all life is

>> No.12058681
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How do I short OP's sex life?
(Also how do I short my own sex life?)

>> No.12058692

me too fren

>> No.12058738
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>if some apocalyptic event happened, like a solar flare destroying all electronic devices

i pray for this every night.

>> No.12058773

you wouldnt do shit tardo

>> No.12058826

i imagine biz running on the streets yellin REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.12059093
File: 689 KB, 768x512, king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The top floor of an isolated apartment building, surrounded by security cameras ordered from Wal-mart
>I'm sitting in palace of solitude, the only thing I hear, is the chirping of the domesticated birds, living in my garden
>Their CHIRPING fills my heart WITH LOVE
>A feeling not even THE MILLIONS I've ACCUMULATED trading crypto currency could create
>I proceed to browse /biz/
>I read THE FINEST threads this ESTEEMED board has to offer
>I laugh numerous times
>*Knock knock*
>I open the door, it is THE DINNER MAN
>"AHH yes MR AHMED, how are you THIS FINE EVENING?"
>"I am very well sir. Here is your order of 20 hamburgers, chicken salads, sodas and everything else."
>"Thank you Ahmed... And my paper?"
>"Ah yes mister, of course!"
>Ahmed hands me the KLEENEX PAPERS I had previously requested
>"It shall be A BUSY night", I proclaim
>"Yes sir" Ahmed replies
>We both smile
>We talk for A WHILE, about THE NEWS and recent happenings
>"I must admit Ahmed, DURING THESE past 8 months, I've GROWN very fond our little conversations."
>"Thank you mister. I enjoy these talks as well"
>"Now Ahmed, I understand if I'm CROSSING THE LINE with this next question, BUT YOU SEE...."
>"A question has puzzled my for a while now... AND I know, I KNOW, that you are a man of relative PIGMENTATION, BUT NEVERTHELESS!"
>"Yes sir?"
>"I would like to ask your opinion on .... THE AFRICAN MAN.."
>*Ahmed thinks for a moment*
>"Sir.... quite frankly...."
>"Yes Ahmed?"
>*we both start laughing*
>"Good lad", I say
>I give Ahmed a 20 dollar tip and wish him a good evening
>I place my food inside my immense fridge, to await consumption
>"Alexa! COMMENCE erotic music PLEASE."
>I begin approaching my bedroom, where my FRESHLY UNPACKED real doll girlfriend awaits my EAGER penis.....
>I have not left my kingdom in two years.....

>> No.12059099


>> No.12059119


>> No.12059121

comfy frog

>> No.12059428

the outside is overvalued. stay long inside stay comfy!

>> No.12059733
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1460271588952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im unironically jealous

>> No.12060141

what is outside

>> No.12060172

I'd open the short and then get laid every night while losing my livelihood.