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File: 150 KB, 1568x857, GOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12053689 No.12053689 [Reply] [Original]

/forex/ - Forex Market General



>I'm new to the forex market, what are the fundamentals and how does anyone make money on such "small moves"?
Forex market is the biggest and most liquid market in the world, meaning brokers afford you to take huge leverage.

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What are you looking at big dicks? Sorry for lack of threads, was really busy and still am until February.

Had a nice run with trading GOLD this week, but got fuck kind of on day trading oil.

My plan this week, shorting GOLD on 1250$, then buying when it reverses. Hopefully indexes bleed more.

>> No.12053698

>Open /biz/ Catalog
>FOREX thread
>Close /biz/

>> No.12053704

Glad you made a comment before you closed /biz/ and bumped this thread.

>> No.12053746
File: 33 KB, 800x600, EURUSDH1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to believe palladium is roughly same as gold.

Been trading forex for years; if you are new to forex this may be the best time to learn because volatility is rather low compared to past ten years.
Start small, learn charting and price leveling, immerse yourself in it and you will fail at first but eventually become enormously successful. Avoid this crypto shit, its cancer.

>> No.12053769

if oil doesn't go up next week i'll be very poor

>> No.12053777

lol, volatility this year has been great:


>> No.12053812
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eur, gbp, cad vs usd is 90+% of my trades, rest mostly index

>> No.12053847

ye, but usdcad is basically eurusd + oil anyway, self explanatory.

I think I had few USDCAD trades also.

>> No.12053855

what about trading systems on forexfactory? anybody go there?

>> No.12053858

Made a nice profit on gold after NFP

>> No.12053872

I did trade all sorts of pairs long ago but concentrating on a relative few has been immensely better and profitable.
Note to everyone reading this, ...try forex for a few months paper-demo trading and see if you like it.

>> No.12053874

It's not just NFP, it's also the fact that indexes are dropping like rocks.

>> No.12053876

i think its probably best if you spend the time to develope your own

>> No.12053884

Yeah, sometimes I feel like I completely understand what EURUSD is doing.

I'm pretty comfy in indexes and EURUSD, USDCAD, GOLD. However, I jump in when I see things are getting out of hand in once direction due to TA.

>> No.12053896
File: 502 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20181208-150204_MetaTrader 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any thoughts on usd/jpy? looks like the up trend is weakening

>> No.12053937
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I wouldn't go against this trend. +EURUSD is probably going to get pushed up by GOLD rising also, in case indexe bleed even more.

>> No.12053981

Do you guys think EURUSD will revisit the 1.12 lows again?

>> No.12053994

It did already by breaking 1.13 and going to 1.121?

>> No.12054004

depends on how much brexit fud gets put out, but if i had to guess i'd say yes

>> No.12054065


Yeah, I mean will it do it again soon?

>> No.12054083

Personally I don't think so. GOLD is probably going to cool down a bit from this run up to 1250$, but it's still on a bullish run and indexes don't seem to be cooling down. Will this small cool down cause EURUSD to visit 1.12 again? I don't believe so, maybe 1.13, but that's about it.

It just tested 1.142, I don't think it will bounce down so hard.

>> No.12054096

Fundamentally speaking and what news are coming out and what's to expect, ask others. If there's a big cataclyst happening, idk.

>> No.12054113

look at all the previous declines in gold.. they all follow the ABC correction pattern.. gold respeccs EW

we are looking at one more leg down for gold and i suspect the fed are going to postpone the rate hike and we will see a final death rattle of the stock market and the bell tolling for the dollar

>> No.12054123

The house always wins in the end.

>> No.12054141

I wouldn't know, perhaps you and your newly bought kneepads do.

>> No.12054142


You mean postponing the December rate hike or future ones in 2019?

Everyone says December is a given rate hike due to all the previous data coming out.

>> No.12054152
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>> No.12054162

ehhh i think 2019..?

im no expert.. it's just with the recent statements about being only mildly below average and unironically listening to peter schiff's podcast.. im not forex trader so not financial advice lol

>> No.12054175

DJI had almost 100% rise in less than a year, then correction another test of top and is now falling like shit after G20.

You can't compare this situation that is unfolding to anything before 2008.

>> No.12054178

but i know EW works especially with crypto and i have heard forex traders say that gold follows TA pretty well and some of those declines look uncannily like EW waves and big whales need long liquidity to sell into so there is always a spike (B) in the middle of an ABC correction

>> No.12054186

less than 2 years*

>> No.12054198

look at the chart again.. even this last shit follow an ABC correction pattern

>> No.12054199

I hate EW waves desu. It's too much of a wishfull thinking desu.

>> No.12054207

go to evolve.markets
i have several accounts with them, have had zero problems withdrawing or depositing.

Big concern is if the price of btc goes down, so does your purchase power for lots so it has to be monitored until you get the hang of it

>> No.12054208

Whatever floats your boat, but I find them to be incredibly retarded to predict future. Anyone can look back and say 'it followed "x" pattern according to EW'.

>> No.12054221

and you could say DJI is ranging now but if you look at each of downtrends they all follow EW and gold is trending but what reason do you have that it wont follow the fractal pattern?

>> No.12054239
File: 144 KB, 1569x884, GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GE looks like a nice buy right now and also:


>> No.12054240

how do you counter the argument "if trading forex using x method worked everyone would be doing it"

>> No.12054249

Okay faggots, let me give you a rundown on WHY you will never make money on either shitcoins or FX:

1) All the demo practice accounts in the world will not prepare you for real live trading.
2) ECN accounts keep small lot size trades 'in house' while other larger lot sizes go through to interbank.
3) Bigger size traders will swamp your relatively small trade.
4) 'Retail' traders even with a VPS are still at a massive disadvantage because of internet connection, lack of funding etc.
5) Backend programs like MT4s 'Virtual dealer plugin' will make sure you loose money.

I could go on and on...

>> No.12054254

read misbehavior of markets by benoit mandelbrot.. price patterns are fractal and i was calling tops all the time in the ranging market of crypto using EW although i had to readjust when it started trending and we got wave extensions all the time

i used to think the same as you but it's invaluable knowledge although of course not the end all be all... and ofc this isn't financial advice

if i were playing forex rn i would just be aware of it but still play the uptrend and be ready for another downleg


>> No.12054261

By showing them your bank account or winning trades with this same exact method over and over again. I'm pretty sure that should shut up anyone.

draw me what you see and let's go through it.

>> No.12054274

>Virtual dealer plugin
listen to dante's vids where he recounts how he use this as his advantage to play brokers against eachother

>> No.12054276
File: 6 KB, 214x231, ug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just substitute 'trading forex' with 'anything under the sun a human can do, think or believe' and you got your answer

>> No.12054286

Do you think any of us will stop trading? I make money and stick to my strategy and feel comfy swing trading. Nobody cares, if you believe none of us will make money. Every one does with their money what they want to. I won't tell my neighbour to stop buying horse dildos, if I know he's doing fine with life and throws money at something he enjoys.

We are all just ignoring comments like this.

>> No.12054303 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1608x766, djiabc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smthn like dis?

>> No.12054305

>>>12054249 (You)
>>Virtual dealer plugin
>listen to dante's vids where he recounts how he use this as his advantage to play brokers against eachother
Post link.

>>>12054249 (You)
>Do you think any of us will stop trading? I make money and stick to my strategy and feel comfy swing trading. Nobody cares, if you believe none of us will make money. Every one does with their money what they want to. I won't tell my neighbour to stop buying horse dildos, if I know he's doing fine with life and throws money at something he enjoys.
>We are all just ignoring comments like this.
Good goyim.

>> No.12054313
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, whisper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've consistently made over 200k per year over the past 5 years. i cant prove it to you here in this forum, but 'never' isn't applicable to my situation. I will say I failed miserably for the first few YEARS but I kept my day job and kept at it. Like every other job out there, you learn the ins and outs and the 'tricks of the trade'.
I wish you luck though...persevere.

>> No.12054321

They needed that. All of this is true, better to just save up some good money and invest in something more reliable....

>> No.12054322

So how would you know when to enter?

Even a child could guess the direction of a market from looking at a chart and be correct allot but actually placing trades and making a profit is the difficult part

>> No.12054324
File: 61 KB, 1534x670, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean like dis ;)

>> No.12054329

your bitterness is palpable or as they say on /pol/

>> No.12054343



i forget which part of the vids he talks about it but theyre both great listens

>Good goyim

nah that's you because you can think outside the box and use their edge as an edge against them.. for example i like to fade stop hunts

>> No.12054361
File: 5 KB, 302x208, chapter2lesson7_img2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with confirmation

enter in at wave 2 or 4


or after 5 waves previous.. or ladder in and oujt

>> No.12054371
File: 6 KB, 315x271, chapter2lesson7_img4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opposite way

>> No.12054404

okay cool but how do you determine what is and isn't a valid wave?

>> No.12054405


I see, technically I agree it's a good buy. Plus TRUMP just tweeted he was cleared of Russian colluding investigation, so a bit of hope for indexes this week. We'll see how it goes from there on. I'm short on gold anyway, but for how long I'll see.

>> No.12054420

judt to be specific i mean

>> No.12054422

Oh Trump tweeted he's cleared?

Cast iron guaranteen innocent then.

>> No.12054446
File: 18 KB, 240x280, 1534079713802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants the most "simple and stupid easy, but it works" strategy. Just use RSI and MFI on 4hours and whenever RSI<25 and MFI<20 go long and vice versa for short.

You can even plug it in right now on any asset and do some backtesting to see how many time this would work on different timeframes. If there's some old strong resistance or support and fundamentals coming into it, then so much better.

inb4 gonna be called a goyim for saying something anyone can check out for themselves

>> No.12054454

It doesn't matter if it's 100% true he's cleared.

Positive tweetes mean positive reaction in markets.

>> No.12054463
File: 55 KB, 600x300, 1537637044396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i buy dollars now
i am a eurocunt, and with the fed hold the rates i am afraid that it will be a "go" sign for a dollar rarity again

>> No.12054481

experience and time? lol.. each of the waves is fractal so you can tell which degree you are looking at because they look the same on big and small time scales

read some books ;)

hmm ok ;) idk if it's a good buy tbqh but i would wait for confirmation somehow but im more of a shitcoin trader

>> No.12054489

basically eacho of those waves breaks down to 5 smaller waves

>> No.12054492

Always wait for confirmation lol.

Also this shit seems to work the best on 1h charts.

>> No.12054503

oh yeah and also you can see that A and C of ABC are usually equal in length and this last C of DJI is shorter than the A so there looks to be more room down

>> No.12054517

I've been holdiing EUR/USD bags @ 1.141 for like a month now waiting for that 1.16 rebound

this fucking game sucks

>> No.12054586

same >>12054463
i need an advice too, since the FED hold the rates

>> No.12054617
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, putin50_tight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xpd in his sites....

>> No.12054675

I just trade trendline breakouts and enjoy my nice 3.4:1 at 7% winrate

>> No.12054789

7%? or 70

>> No.12055468

any ideas trailing stops?

>> No.12055480

Go short on usdchf if gold goes up