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12052562 No.12052562 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else? It is objectively better if you're not a manlet

>ideal height, much faster due to not having to aim long distance
>more hygienic if you turn the taps on, no chance of missing
>saves about 5l of water each time
>no money spent on toilet paper if you hit the seat

>> No.12052630

Doing this every time I can, but not to save money. I like to wash my peepee for it to smell good and it's a senseless waste of good quality water to use it in toilet bowl.
I really hope separate water supplies (clean for drinking and unclean for wastes) will be implemented in the near future. Don't be a boomercunt destroying the Earth for the future generations. Act wise. Buy link

>> No.12052678

Was in a sober living house and got ridiculed repeatedly for not flushing the toilet to save water.. people r such Nancy uptight fuckin cunts just piss over it u pussy and if u gotta shit just throw some toilet paper in so it doesn’t splash then flush after u shit .. fuckin people r such privileged pricks I swear

>> No.12052679
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London mayor a few years ago recommended to not to flush after peeing. He did this to save water.

Sounds like you aren't a britfag.

>> No.12052708


Well, if you want the sink drain to smell like stale piss, it's a great idea.

If you dont want the sink drain to smell like piss, you'll need to run water down it to flush the piss out of the trap, thereby negating most of the cost savings of not using the toilet.

>> No.12052731
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Last time I renovated, I added a hole in the wall directly connected to the sewer.
Thus I can pee saving both water and toilet paper, zero risk of hitting the seat, zero risk of sink drain smelling.

>> No.12052746

A sink is basically a urinal

>> No.12052751
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>use clean water to wash hands, teeth, etc
>use the unclean water you created to flush toilet
>also save space

>> No.12052894



>> No.12052920

Throw some powdered soap every once in a while boomer cunt

>> No.12052981


Congrats now your place smells like a sewer

>> No.12053270

Good idea, terrible fucking design. There's no reason the toilet bowl can't be off to the side.

>> No.12053288

Whites claim more welfare and commit more crime than the minorities.

>> No.12053295

Doing that doesn't require litres of water though

>> No.12053297

>wasting piss and shit in the sink


>> No.12053303

Blacks rape

>> No.12053327

>not holding everything all day (solids and liquids), just to let it loose in the company shower after your long bike ride into work.

not going to make it.

and yes, this means you're also supposed to hold it all weekend, waiting until monday.

>> No.12054022

Congratulations on saving $7 total over the course of your entire life.

>> No.12054128


>implying powdered soap doesn’t cost orders of magnitude more than water

>> No.12054151
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>1 year ago we were debating what colour Lambo to get
>now saving water by pissing in the sink


>> No.12054656

I'm glad I saw this thread, I was beginning to think I was a complete weirdo for doing this. I also wash my hands as I pee so if my girlfriend walks in she doesn't realise what I'm doing.

>> No.12054674

Just piss yourself and save the maximum amount of money.

>> No.12054757


>Toilet flush
>5 gallons

>Run the faucet
>Less than 1/2 gallon
>You have to do that to wash your hands anyway

Coping dicklet

>> No.12054795

Piss bottles are objectively better
>near zero water usage
>easy collection of precious urea to fertilize your plants

>> No.12054860


>> No.12054884

pretty sure cities on mars are more expensive then letting in refugees

>> No.12054891

based and redpilled.

>> No.12054914

I live alone and I just flush once or twice a day. I drink enough water and never shit so it rarely smells or is very noticeable as urine (especially in winter). Of course I flush every time when someone comes over.

>> No.12054959

I've been pissing in the sink for about 5 years now. I've lived with my lady the whole time and she still doesn't have a clue I'm doing it. She does her makeup over that sink too.

>> No.12055107

it's actually how a lot of japanese toilets are
you have that sink above them
it's pretty good design-wise and it works like a charm. highly recommended

>> No.12055120
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>> No.12055227

>not living in a country where water is plentiful and free

>> No.12055490

Why not hold your puss until you have to take a shower every 2-3 days?

Increased sphincter control and saves 33l of water

>> No.12055513

/frugalbiz/ was pissing in sinks way before the golden bull run
why stop now

>> No.12055527

I'm glad I'm on a well.

>> No.12056109

I have been to Japan. All of your statements are false.

>> No.12056285

Yep I do this all time. Left the door open once and my sister walked in and saw my penis, I held in my piss for so long that my dick expanded and I legit pissed for like 4 minutes straight. Now she thinks my dick is big even though its really not lmao.

>> No.12056312

I like it.... piss upstairs, conserve the piss to flush away the shit. Damn that’s smart.

>> No.12056431

sit facing the sink for maximum efficiency. i used to sit facing the tank so i could build lego sets and shit at the same time, it works well.

>> No.12056517

I pee in my compost it's better for the environment lots of nitrogen