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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12052431 No.12052431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we short this toilet of Europe?
Oi, help me bruvs it's a toilet innit?

>> No.12052446

Pajeet here from up north, sir, I can confirm UK is the biggest toilet of EU.

>> No.12052456

France, Germany, Sweden are all worse

>> No.12052458
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Nah bruv its a shithole senpai. I sweardown Bare pagan mandem innit cuz.. Fuck Police, Fuck David Cameron & Fuck da Judge 2... U GET ME... E1 ALL DAY BRUV

>> No.12052494

Based on what criteria?

>> No.12052503

Long USD

>> No.12052517

It's a shithole. Essex here.
Still probably going to buy some Copper mining stocks listed on LSE and maybe Centrica.
But for now I'm using all the high street bank switch offers for free money.

>> No.12052541

put yellow vests on dogs and FOMO the normies into protesting

>> No.12052544

Which is the biggest toilet

>> No.12052553
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British/scottish accent is cool af tho

>> No.12052557
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>> No.12052578

Is it the country or the shitskin invasion of said country?

Just ship them back, and watch everything get better.

>> No.12052591

It's both. They wouldn't be as much of a problem if the state didn't bend over for them.
Anarcho-tyranny, Muslims and Blacks can get away with all sorts. But you'll get locked up for pointing it out.

>> No.12052599
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Your biggest sell signal is pic related

>> No.12052609

Thank you

>> No.12052611


Its fuckin comfy in country side!

>> No.12052621


This is not a good company to be in

>> No.12052626


>> No.12052634
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Can't remember a Rotherham like situation in either of the three countries. While none of them are in a particularely pretty situation, they haven't yet fully transformed into an Orwellian surveilance state like Britain has done years ago.

Stop with the delusion. Your knee-jerk "but we're stil better than THEM" wont save the realm.

>> No.12052643
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>> No.12052649

you can't.
they promised hardbrexit March 2019.
you won't be able.
you're doomed.

>> No.12052717
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>> No.12052740

what is this degeneracy?

>> No.12052752

Devilman blud. Get 2 no

>> No.12052832

fucking paki

>> No.12052840

> the state
Mayor of London is who??

you must be a Tommy Robinson supporter and pro-brexit.

>> No.12053263

Be poor in the UK and it's a shit hole, you live in a concrete city full of Muslims, niggers and trash. Being rich in UK is amazing, you live in the countryside in a big house in a small village where everyone says hello. You don't need to lock doors and you see a lot of range rovers. Pro tip, stop being poor. You're bit of England is a shit hole, but not all of it is bruv.

>> No.12053305

>He thinks he's safe
>Government will continue to build council houses or force new builds to make a fraction of the build council housing.
>Ship undesirables out from London to new council housing.

>> No.12053358

I'm looking to move to the UK soon from Australia. What's your recommendation for areas outside of London? I've travelled across Cornwall and Sussex and it seemed great, haven't been north of London yet

>> No.12053375

wtf why would someone move from aus to uk?!

>> No.12053382

don't go north west, sharia central and it's spreading like a tumor
i'd stay in australia desu

>> No.12053398

To escape climate breakdown

>> No.12053400

Why do you think Aus would be better than UK (not talking about London)?

>> No.12053406

Green belt, plus most of the land round me is owned by farmers who would rather die then see development, not to mention council connections. Just says it's not all council houses, pushchairs n scum. Like any country, money is the key... Problem is the 'great unwashed' make a lot of noise on public platforms and people assume we are all like that, but it's not true. England is an unbelievable beautiful place, both country n people. just not where you can afford to live or are welcome in your football clothing n vauxhall cars. Fuck I hate the poor so much, why are all your clothes made of plastic?? Why do you shout so much? why do you have dogs? Why can't you work? How did you get so fat? Why is your back garden full of rubbish and kids toys?? Sterilisation is the answer.

>> No.12053483

i don't know shit about aus but it's warm
it's shitty weather here most of the time, and we're overpopulated with poverty the further north you go
brexit has potential for a huge mess as well
if you come here, the best place imo is the south west wing anywhere south of wales

>> No.12053495

Try Lincolnshire, Marlborough, the wolds, York, Derbyshire around Matlock, the peek district, the fens. Basically anywhere you haven't already heard of and looks green on a map. Avoid mayor cities like Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds etc they are fucking shit holes. If you wander around any of the above your experience will be a lot different then in a concrete city full of niggers.

>> No.12053501

How do I long Israel?

>> No.12053519

Kill yourself

>> No.12053531

Utter rubbish.

>> No.12053533

There are other little known places also like Olde Harwich, and Shotley Gate. There's fuckall there, but maybe it's what you're looking for.

>> No.12053556

Make sure your giro has gone into your account anon or you will need to call the council on Monday with your pay as you go phone. Hope the lifts are working in the blocks so you can get to the shops for cheep larger n cigarettes.

>> No.12053587

all the money is down there brainlet
the best place to live
i live in linconshire fyi, diversity is creeping

>> No.12053652

The large financial institutions are based in London, but you can be sure the CEOs of such companies are not. Be London worker get paid 50% more. Spend 100% more on living costs. Have to sit on tube for two hours a day to get to work. It's rubbish. Or..
Own small company in London, go down twice a week on train from Lincoln in 60 mins, live in a castle with acres of land. my kids go to a really good school, can go out into the countryside whenever I like, horse ride, shoot, quad bike. That's why all but central London is a fucking shit hole. And if you do live in Kensington you will probably be out the city a lot so no problems.

>> No.12053734


God tier:
>Northumberland, Lake District, rural East Anglia, Scotland north of Glasgow

Mid tier:
>Cheshire, Yorkshire, Oxfordshire and Home Counties, south coast, County Durham

Shit tier:
>London, Birmingham, most northern towns which were once industrial cities based around a now extinct industry - mining, textile factories, ship building etc.

I am emigrating to Eastern Europe shortly. The main thing I will miss is the moors of the pennines and sheep. Most of the people are shit tier.

>> No.12053775
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Mate, i get that us plebs are annoying but we are necessary to you. This country wouldn't exist without the plebs having fought our wars and done the manual labor required. You should respect that. We wuz warriors and laborers and sheeeit.

>> No.12053802

>poorfags and pajeets in this thread think london is england
try visiting the countryside poorfags
no wait, don't. we don't want niggers.

>> No.12053805

Peak District is also god tier

>> No.12053815

Which ones? there's literally dozens of accents in Britain. Also Scotland is part of Britain.

>> No.12053821


>> No.12053833

Based britbong.

>> No.12053859


You forgot Cymru, land of mountains.

Saesneg cont

>> No.12053907

True, but since the middle class has been squeezed so thin, we have little manual industry left and infantry soldiers are no longer required. Maybe don't get that third pit bull dog, or five sausage rolls from Greg's in the morning. I think it's a shame the way the working class is demonized, but everyone is able to get off the sofa and start a business or get free education or a job. We should be celebrating small business and the 'pulled up by his own bootstrap' stories, instead the media uses the working class as a tool for the global agenda. When do you ever hear a success story in the news, or that a new factory has been built or new housing. It's happening, but you only hear the bad stuff to compound the felling of hopelessness. Start any business you have passion for n In five years you will have a good chance of making it out. Don't buy into the bullshit.

>> No.12054000


I know you are trying to be edgy, but post-Feudalism pre-industrial revolution, 90% of people were self-employed cottage industry workers. The memes you bait with are all symptoms of late stage capitalism - which is characterised by offshoring low to mid skilled manual work to low cost countries and financialisation of the entire economy.

Hence Mr Billybigballs can feel superior driving around in his shit tier Range Rover Velur managing his scam ponzi pension fund in the City.

>> No.12054037

>symptoms of late stage capitalism

>Government allows flow of capital freely
>Government restricts flow of people and labour
You blame capitalism for this because?

>> No.12054386

It's true I do have a shit tier range rover, well just normal range rover, but I make bike components and have a small business employing 20 people doing it. Playing the victim again, you can't succeed due to 'late stage capitalism' wow. You can't succeed if your a lazy fag blaming others or the government for all your problems. The fact you think anyone with any money is playing 'billy big balls' says everything about your mindset and is exactly the point I was making. Don't buy into the bullshit.

>> No.12055176

>owns dumb biz in stagnant industry employing 20 people
>larps as a richfag
Let's be honest now. Your net worth is <1MM. You bought your range rover brand new, and your wife picked the house. Your kids spend their days having fun, while you dedicate the bare minimum to work while spending lavishly on your wife and yourself.
I know your type. Your life goal is to become philip schofeld, while your wife's life goal is to become holly wiloughby. Gin sampling, reading flavour of the month books and larping as happy families is all you do.
Here's a wake up call: your lifestyle is unsustainable, and pretty soon it'll all come crashing down. Your children will definitely be losers, and your wife will definitely cheat on you.
People like you are so full of themselves that they can't see what's right in front of them, and they unashamedly believe that they're superior to poorfags, even though their grandparents were working class scum.

>> No.12055348


I have come across many like that, especially the last few years when easy low interest money is sloshing around.

So many fags in London who come from Home Counties set up startups and LARP as entrepreneurs with their daddy as an Angel Investor while producing nothing of value.

>> No.12055526

No mate, that's not me at all. look, your problem with anyone better off than you is your problem. You should be asking how do I start a business, how do get on in life. Instead you blame everyone else and buy into the hopelessness all around you. Thinking a get rich scheme is a substitute for hard work. It is not, but hard work now will make you life a lot easier in the long run, help your kids for life and give you some self respect. But shit, better stay in my council flat n blame the government n everyone else for my shit position. Pathetic.

>> No.12055859
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>oi m8 you got a loicenes for that house???