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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12050917 No.12050917 [Reply] [Original]

Why would I mine (((BTC))) or (((BCH))) when I can earn $10k per block mining this Satoshi's chain?

>> No.12050929

Who cares. PoW will be dead by 2020 thanks to this faggot

>> No.12050939

>accidentally read onchain as oneechan

>> No.12050942

Why? It's the only system that works. Name one PoS coin that's not centralized. Most of PoS shitcoins are just glorified databases

>> No.12050943

This is actually a good point

BCH is dead in the water as Bitmain gets sued to death as well as bleeds to death from their failing IPO.

Go where the money is desu. We may not like BCHSV but it's going to rocket one day thanks to the power these guys possess.

>> No.12050944
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How many trees will 1gb blocks kill? I look forward to the outrage.

>> No.12050959

both PoW and PoS start off as centralized. get back to me in five years and we'll see how centralized PoS really is. Crypto is still highly experimental, i don't understand how fags think current conditions are set in stone forever

>> No.12050963

Haha faggot you’ve been played. Sv was a pond which has now ended. If you’re a trader you need to play the price,and the divergence on bchabc is obvious. Go in now for flippening v2.

>> No.12050971

anyone who calls themselves satoshi isnt the real satoshi

>> No.12050976

he does not need to be satoshi to become satoshi, anon

>> No.12050979

brainlets think new = better, most of the people spamming the PoS meme are people who dont even know how any of the concensus mechanisms actually work. you are right, PoW is the only mechanism that doesnt end up in a rigged shitshow, but youre wasting your time
>inb4 muh miners monopoly
no one is stopping you from developing powerful mining rigs to compete with them. on PoS, if they dont sell you their coins, there is no way to compete with them. its a rigged system

>> No.12050981

What's to stop the financial industry from creating their own blockchains that are decentralized (but owned by the company) on the cloud? They get the benefits of full + negating single point failures.

>> No.12050984

fuck off pajeet, i'm not here to gamble but invest long term
Why would you pnd a top 10 coin? That's completely retarded

>> No.12051001

>muh miners monopoly
typical cope that don't want to admit that one or two mining pools are minting your coins. nicely decentralized!..not

>> No.12051017

PoS encourages rent seeking, the rich become richer over time.

> decentralized (but owned by the company)
That doesn't make any sense. If it's owned by the company, it is not decentralized

>> No.12051020

PoW literally can't scale. Any PoW exclusive coin or token is fucking dead in the water, we don't have the resources for it to ever be mainstream. PoS is the only possible future for any proof-consensus crypto. And PoS absolutely can be decentralized, so your point is moot.

>> No.12051037

everything he says is common sense. why does everyone make such complicated and stupid ideas?

>> No.12051048

you realise that a pool just means that they distribute the rewards between them evenly according to hash power, right? there are thousands of miners around the world.
>but but muh 51% attack
a mining pool isnt 1 person. if a part of the mining pool goes rogue and has bad intentions, the others will separate from them because, as stated in the whitepaper, there is no incentive to burn the system from which you are profiting.

>> No.12051049

>If it's owned by the company, it is not decentralized
One of the arguments for decentralization is about physical decentralization, not necessarily the decentralization of ownership. A company can own many nodes running a blockchain in many difference locations across the world.

>> No.12051585
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>> No.12051602

proof of transaction is the future. it will incentivise people to make transactions not just hodl like tards. and we know money flow is important for capitalism to work.

>> No.12051616

reminder this faggot still owes proof he is satoshi as he claimed