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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12043275 No.12043275 [Reply] [Original]

Press S to spit on this absolute shitcoins grave.


>> No.12043329

This was pretty much the biggest transfer of wealth in crypto... 4 BILLION $ raised, in exchange you get EOS tokens, which you can use to do anything!
>Like what?
well, anything you want!
>So nothing?

>> No.12043421


>> No.12043425


>> No.12043442

coin for gambling and utilizing the "blockchain"

absolute total trash of a coin, soon to be out of top 10 and in the dumpster where it belongs

>> No.12043450

I honestly hope somebody finds and kills Dan Larimer, Brock Pierce, Brendan Blumer, and everybody else involved in this scam. I hope someone hunts them down in Puerto Rico in their child sex camp and guns them all down

>> No.12043452

>trusting in dan larimer
just lol

>> No.12043453

Considering buying a lot of this if it goes under $1. Anyone have FUD to stop me?

>> No.12043463

why buy at $1 when you can buy at $0.80 it is where it is headed

>> No.12043475

why buy at $.80 when you can buy at $.05 where it is headed

>> No.12043479

also true

>> No.12043480


Why buy at $.05 when it's going to 0? Just light your money on fire.

>> No.12043819

Not too bright there are you?

>> No.12043874

$0 is quite tempting but I still wouldn't

>> No.12043990

Biz is just not gonna /makeit/

>> No.12044040

Going to buy the shit out of this when it gets into the 50 cent range. Also ETH is going to the 10 dollar range so that's going to be pretty cool. This coin is fucking awesome and its going to be a huge buy opportunity.

>> No.12044053
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>> No.12044062

Op I know you want to believe the coin is dead but EOS dead ETH is also dead because they are basically the same shit once ETH goes POS. So you might want to fucking neck yourself because you are buying EOS even if you buy ETH anyway.

>> No.12044087
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meme guy warned you but you didn't listen

>> No.12044511

how bout fuckin NO. eth is shit but you will not get your sats back from dans shitshow of a shittoken by trashing eth. eth and eos are NOT equivilent. also your stratagy of alligence to certain coins is fucking priceless. monitor the price, dont try to predict it. how much down from ath? i just started trading in june and im 10X . learn math and programming and dont be LOYAL to a fucking CRYPTO COIN KEK. your loyal to it as long as its going up, only til it slows down. brainlet cant tell the difference between eth and eos. dont hold coins. dont try to guess the price and then you dont have to keep losing money

>> No.12044693
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On the bright side, it's much cheaper to buy votes now on EOS.

>> No.12044697

Larimer has a genuinely low IQ. He’s so far below the intellectual league of people like Satoshi and money skeleton it’s not even funny. You can see this clearly in the discussions between him and the real CS guys on Bitcointalk back in the day. Satoshi himself basically called him a brainlet at one point. He doesn’t even understand what blockchain is all about on a CS level but he and his buddies have exactly the kind of low cunning needed to scam people out of their ICO bucks.

Mark my words, this shitcoin is the next Mt Gox and Bitconnect level meltdown and the price is going to zero. Two things will happen- the SEC will bust them because some of these inbred retards are dumb enough to live in the US and they didn’t require KYC in the ICO. Second, since EOS is not truly decentralized, the 21 companies hosting it are going to be held legally liable for all the illegal shit people use it for (gambling is basically all it’s used for at this point).

>> No.12044706

There are 21 block producers in EOS that receive and split between them 133 000 EOS tokens daily for basically doing nothing.

>> No.12044717


yeah, for the cartel of whales who control the entire chain, it's much cheaper for them to have an even greater control now that small investors are capitulating to them

>> No.12044737

>if it goes up i take full credit, im a genius
>if it goes down its a scam and the founders should go to jail
every time. never change

>> No.12044745


>> No.12044783

>eth and eos are NOT equivilent.

yeah they are, both will be DPOS basically. You are still going to have all the same shit with nodes colluding and having to fucking vote in some way to determine who controls the network.

Right now ETH is not equivalent to EOS but you can bet your dumb ass it will be if the shit goes POS. There is no denying it. POS means inflation collusion and politics. period, end of fucking story.

> brainlet cant tell the difference between eth and eos.

kek fucking brainlet here has no idea how any of this shit works then goes on a fucking emotional rant. Fuckhead, all proof of stake coins end up having similar fucking problems and only so many solutions. If you don't like it stick with proof of work. Otherwise welcome to the many blends of the same shit in different toilets.

>> No.12045438

Actually the solution for collusion is incredibly simple. It's randomness and a mix of non-electoral systems.

Fun fact: EOS cannot be shut down unless 21/21 producers collude and switch off the network all at once.

>> No.12045504

>Actually the solution for collusion is incredibly simple. It's randomness and a mix of non-electoral systems.

Doesn't Tezos do this?
Either way, we can say its easy to find a solution ect but realistically its going to always be a giant fucking unsolvable problem as long as the nodes are run by humans. And really the whole ETH vs EOS thing is just POW vs POS. I seriously cannot imagine proof of stake not being a shit show in these regards no matter what solutions are added. It will be a constant battle. And ETH is joining the fun when/if it goes POS.

>> No.12045508

easy money buying now this will pump back to 0.0005 thanks

>> No.12045668

I mean... I literally work with the system contract code for EOS on a daily basis. It's fairly straight forward on how to fix it...

>> No.12045704

>I mean... I literally work with the system contract code for EOS on a daily basis. It's fairly straight forward on how to fix it...

So is it going to be fixed then?

>> No.12045923

Depends on the chain. Not block.one directly. Also depends on referendums and choices made by the main chain.

It can be fixed in side chains. It can be fixed on the main net IF producers decide to fix it.

>> No.12045985

I hated EOS and shit talked it frequently but Dan Larimer is 1000x smarter than you lol.

>> No.12046266

nice fud lads, keep it up