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12042096 No.12042096 [Reply] [Original]

Are the jews to blame for this?

>> No.12042110

Stupid retarded people will always blame jews for any fucking problem in the world and in their life, so why wouldn't u?

>> No.12042114

>We will tame Bitcoin

>> No.12042166

it totally is. its definitely not your fault for being dumb, reckless and greedy

>> No.12042245

Yes anon.
its always the jew. always...

>> No.12042265

well they are easily the most subversive and destructive group on the planet, dont play dumb kiddo.

>> No.12042294

Just proving you're retarded who believes anything it suits him. embarrasing statement.

>> No.12042305
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>> No.12042323
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>> No.12042328

>Jews invented usury
>Thefore the banks
>Thefore control the deb system
>Thefore the world money supply

But they hey, they dont use it to their porpuse, dont fool yourself ;)

>> No.12042333


>> No.12042336
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>> No.12042339
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>jews invented usury
I really hope you are just larping and nobody is dumb enough to actually believe that

>> No.12042376

kys . you fucking kike

>> No.12042377

U people make me happy that i'm not so stupid as you - All time retardation.
i'm christian, but pure stupidity makes me comment.

>> No.12042387

no u!

>> No.12042388

Ok keep garnishing those neshekh ;)

>> No.12042394
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>> No.12042398

I am wondering what else did jews invent? did they invent gays and dumb goyim too?

>> No.12042403

they invented kike defending subhumans like you.

>> No.12042412



>> No.12042419
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>> No.12042423
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They invented this

>> No.12042430

amerimutts cut off their penises willingly too and they aren't even jews

>> No.12042442

>not jewish

pick one fucking retard

>> No.12042448

Niggers use electronic goods too and they aren't even White

>> No.12042454

good goy 2 shekels has been deposited to your account

>> No.12042470

amerimutts cut off their penises because they are christard fanatics. Kelloggs didn't want kids masturbating so he started promoting cutting off their penis, and no he wasn't jewish

>> No.12042472

Another pure stupidity. this only happens with sick fanatics, most (almost 100 percent) of jews would be horrified as much as you from this. keep on spreading stupidity...

>> No.12042476

satanic ritual imo

>> No.12042484
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>> No.12042504
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>> No.12042516
File: 12 KB, 380x268, King-of-Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet all you based and rebilled anti-semites also worship Yeshua Christ, the king of Jews but are still too stupid to understand the irony

>> No.12042527

Oh here's anoter brainlet who thinks what he read in some paper. u people will be the first to fall in mind control if we ever get to that (or is it a proof were already in mind control era?)

>> No.12042541


HAHA look at this 120kg jew defending, cringy, neckbeard faggot

>> No.12042551
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Why would the jews lie about themselves in a negative way in their own papers? And you call me a brainlet?

>> No.12042550

good source. u kids are embarrasing yourself. keep following hatred that's were stupid people follows, the smart and inteligent ones doesn't classify group of millions of people as all the same only the stupid ones,

>> No.12042554

who said it is "their paper" lol u decided that.

>> No.12042565

who knows who behind a specific news paper? believing the media is the perfect proof you're a brainlet.

>> No.12042567

Here’s a shekel shlomo

>> No.12042570



>> No.12042574

Biz - Sea of morronic kids.

>> No.12042606
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>> No.12042625

but jews always win, they don't have to cope

>> No.12042654

As i can clearly see, i'm overaged in this stupid thread. i'll leave it to you sweet kids, and maybe...one day when u kids grow up we can talk now it's just a mix of embarrasing arguments of badly influenced littls kids.

>> No.12042665
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Bye jew

>> No.12042670

>everyone who doesnt like sucking nigga dicks is underaged

okay brah, you have to back to r*ddit

>> No.12042698

Thanks for proving youre a litte kid. omg can u be any more stupid? lol

>> No.12042705


>everyone who doesnt like sucking nigga dicks is underaged and stupid

and again, you have to go back to r*ddit.

>> No.12042730

So, in your honest opinion, the jews as a whole are an icon to follow?

>> No.12042746
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>tfw the goyim know