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12040924 No.12040924 [Reply] [Original]

are linkies brainlets? what are you waiting for top fkin kek! 1000$ gets you 5k linkies loool! just bought 15k linkies at 6.3k sats its fking good lmaoooooo (21cents) sure it could go back to 17 cents but withe recent announcements an TC acquisition... not so sure

it feels so satisfying to buy low kek! oh btw im the one who wrimote that fud about no roadmap primissioned blockchain and typos in goodies lmao been spamming it here since link was 25 cents my entry is at 21...it can go lower i dont give two shits kek

chainlink to the moooon!

>> No.12040935

Im just buying the way up and the way down
bought at 18 cents bought at 20cents bought at 40cents bought at 50cents and again at 35 cents and 30 cents. no more money to invest.

>> No.12040945

Look at the daily charts and tell me link is bullish

Protip you cant

>> No.12040950

ok i'm posting prrof taht it's me, look i'm referencing this thread from here >>>>>12040439

>> No.12040979

>instead of fomoing at the top....why dont you fomo at the bottom

"instead of getting fooled by a scam, why not just buy in after it's run it course and everyone wants out?"

>> No.12040983
File: 88 KB, 1052x702, granppw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here, but whenever I need to buy more, I FUD for 3 days straight, usually works fine

>> No.12040992

its not a scam you dumb cuck hahahhahahahha, stay cucked believing its a scam, meanwhile smart money is buying the bottom

>> No.12041031
File: 325 KB, 808x805, 1512537457342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't know

>> No.12041087

some of them are legit nolinkers :)
2019 is gonna be fun

>> No.12041095

exactly. zero evidence this is anywhere near a bottom. op is a dunning kruger retard

>> No.12041097
File: 1.99 MB, 1024x768, shittydogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never going to make it

>> No.12041143

>dunning kruger
ummm been holding for quite some while now, like a year, and i'm pretty confident a 20 cents link is a very nice entry point, i missed the dump of july, not gonna miss this one, last dump I watched it go from 17 cents to 26 cents and bought at 26...

this is def my record so far, and it feels soo satisfying.

dunning kruger my ass, you bizlets are so fucking stupid, just write some concerns you have about anything link relate compile it with some evidence, and you guys literally start dumping. you are soe asy to decieve...

>> No.12041471

same to me, my average is about 23 cents, been buying since june. im bummed because now im out of money for investments for now.

getting some next week, i hope it goes even lower by then.

>> No.12041501

pretty sure people are waking up, I managed to squeeze 15k, but many people are right now transferring funds to buy more, this is fucking golden ticket

>> No.12041617

im sitting at 12k, my target is 15k.
im so damn close to my target and out of money REEEE!

>> No.12041671

i dunno dude, i'm not sure we will see link this low again kek! suck some dick or even fucking do a load of 2k$ that'll fucking lend you 10k linkies