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12037827 No.12037827 [Reply] [Original]

...My first shift is Saturday. I just wanted to be a whale and fuck escorts and play vidya all day and buy groceries in a Ferrari. I borrowed $15k from my parents retirement and lost it all. I was up to $85k at one point. Now nothing.

I have to give my parents half of my paycheck until they're paid back. They tried to warn me. I didn't listen. Should I just kill myself? What's it like being a sandwich-artisan? Will I be the only white person working there?

You will never understand these feels.

>> No.12037837

You will be fine, but you need to unironicaly borrow theem another 15k now.

>> No.12037865

This. borrow more faggot now is the time to buy in

>> No.12037874

ur kinda dumb my nigga coins are for quick cash, not something to invest your life into.

You should’ve done soemthing more realistic with the 15k,

>> No.12037887

Only up 85k, jesus how bad a trader are you

>> No.12037890

...How can I become a whale with $15k by investing in no-cost index funds? Should I have flipped houses?


I'm done listening to you people. THis is all you're fault

>> No.12037893

The state of obese incels, everyone.
>waaaah my get rich quick scheme didn't work
>I did everything I could to get rich meaning sitting on my fat ass all day looking at scamcoins
Grow the fuck up, learn a trade, stop being a fucking manchild who can only expect sex if he pays for it, you fucking loser

>> No.12037898

Watch this esoteric guy's video. He has a good part about pain in there.

>> No.12037917
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>Man up manchild!

>> No.12037936

>Grow the fuck up, learn a trade

Like a blue collar job? We have 100 million brown people to do that work. Why should I become part of the growing white underclass? I want to be in the 1%....not sweating my ass off roofing houses and pretending that I have "pride" in doing drudgery.

The Trades are for non-whites and untermensch.

>> No.12038102

>The Trades are for non-whites and untermensch.
Bullshit, I agree trades are shit on your body but we didn't hire fucking Mexicans to build all our infrastructure, tradesmen have always been valuable. You are not gonna ever be in the 1% anon, that's something you are born into or a VERY select few are groomed for while growing up.

>> No.12038596

Can't imagine how successful you are

>> No.12038650 [DELETED] 


>hurrr I'm white and above wagie work

29 self-employed illustrator. Had to work wagie bitch work too. Suck it up faggot. You sound like a spoiled boomer chud anyway, normally I don't see the rite of passage mcjob shit as fair but you sound like you need to be humbled.

>> No.12038843

Based NEET

I been reading some Rothbard and Mises, i have an unquenchable thirst to understand how the world works on first principles

>> No.12038890

>What's it like being a sandwich-artisan?
Darn you anon my stomach hurts from laughing too much at your question!

>> No.12038911

This is disgusting. Work like a man.

Invest your earning well and responsibly, and you should only have to toil for 10 or so years.

>> No.12038924

Well technically the 1% worldwide is...like 30k. So no, working whatever shit job he is now, he wont be haha

he wants to be jake paul, let him serve fries and buy his merch

>> No.12038955
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Me too. I started last week anon.

>> No.12038974

Tough titties..

>> No.12038995


>> No.12039170

pulled out 150K from 6k invest.

>> No.12040048

prove it

>> No.12040078

I was once up 500k but lost it all. I started at burger king last month. my fucking bully from high school is the manager. you cant make this shit up.

he always makes fun of me whenever we are both working with this 6/10 girl he likes.

>> No.12040092

You sound like an egotist who doesn’t deserve help

>> No.12040123

heh, you believe happiness is attained when you gain enough riches. you'll likely never get those riches, and you'll likely never be happy, and you'll associate the 2, so you'll believe that you never got to be happy because you never got to be rich.

>> No.12040471

Why burger joint? Why not better job? what's your education?

>> No.12040518


Enjoy your new life. What was supposed to be a temporary job will become your "career" as the years quickly go by and you come to depend on your meagre income to survive. Your only thoughts outside of work will be those previous 2 days off you get every week. Before you know it, you'll be a middle aged man still working at McDonalds, wondering where all the time went, and looking forward to retirement and death.

>> No.12040782

>The Trades are for non-whites and untermensch.
Man I'm glad hateful people like you are suffering.

>> No.12040802
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>Will I be the only white person working there?

>> No.12040816

buying internet money with real money...
anon wtf ????????

>> No.12040830

im so sorry for you anon
maybe go work at mcdonalds

>> No.12040841

you deserve it! gambling with your dads money... LOL

>> No.12040858

You can't afford to kill your self. First pay back your parents and than kill yourself.

>> No.12040931

>Will I be the only white person working there

h u e h u a h u e

>> No.12040938



Buy the dip, invest, and take your parents to lambo land.

>> No.12040953

if this is your mentality, then you need to evaluate your life. Otherwise you , n e v e r - going to make it.
>Trade job
>pay off parent's debt in half a year
>save money
>get loan for a house
>rent said house out
>live with parent's one more year
>you get the pay increase
>rent another place out
That simple anons. You can live the dream too. That's not counting a wife that works either. If you're both on board for saving the first three years then you'll be sitting pretty with three houses in seven years.

>> No.12041025

You were never going to make it

>> No.12041085

you are very naive.

>> No.12041099

This, and then pay them back with the same money, they will never expect it.

>> No.12041101

Are these fries fresh??

>> No.12041276

Evil Jew

>> No.12041338

dont borrow more money, crypto is a russian/chinese scam aimed at transering wealth from the west to the east

>> No.12042002

The point of skilled labor is to own your own business or get a foreman job

>> No.12042999

Commit mass shooting.

>> No.12043106

Find some form of wagecuckery you're good at or enjoy - surely you have some marketable talent besides whining.

Get good at said wagecuckery skill and sign up to work for new overlords.

Stay out of crypto in general, just show up on time like a good goy. Bignose Steingoldburgstein will be happy to throw some worthless shekels your way every week.

Build up your good goy points by paying back mommy and daddy. Give up on crypto.

>> No.12043118

I agree with this post 100%. Fuck all the brown people responding to you