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1203738 No.1203738 [Reply] [Original]

>got married in 2011
>it's 2015 and I'm a very different person than I was 4 years ago
> have a business idea for an industry that I am very passionate about
> community college classes in macro / micro economics, accounting, etc
> learned about assets and equity

>...and then I learned that my wife could divorce me and get half of everything I own
>she doesn't even need a reason to divorce, all she has to do is say "irreconcilable differences"
> and then a "judge" will "award" her half of everything I own
>apparently it doesn't matter if she didn't create the business
>even if she didn't do anything to contribute value to the company
>even if she contributed no money
>even if she didn't work there at all
>she would be entitled to "up to 50%"
> I could work my ass off to build a 10 million dollar company...and, at any time, she could cut that in half by divorce

That's bullshit, that's not fair, she didn't do anything to earn that.

It makes me not want to do this any more, why bother when this threat is looming over me and could strike at any time?

>Why bother working at all when she’d take half of what I earn?
> I could get a promotion and earn 100,000 a year
>but she could divorce me at the end of a year and take half… so it’s like I only made 50,000 so why bother?
>fuck, I don’t even want to work a fuckin minimum wage job because even then I’d still be making half of that!

>> No.1203739


We didn't get a prenuptial agreement.

Back then, I was a very different person who would never aspire to do anything great in my life, I never would of considered starting a business.

A while after getting engaged, while discussing the wedding, I mentioned getting a prenup. Well she complained about it, it was obvious she was very uncomfortable about it. She said getting a prenup means we don't really love each other and that there’s no way she would agree to getting a prenup.

I was so stupid back then, I didn’t mention getting a prenup for it’s intended use (I hardly even knew much about a prenup back then anyways) I only brought it up because I thought that’s what everybody does. I thought she’d be ok with it, I didn’t expect her to get upset over it, so I dropped the subject and didn’t mention it again.

So here I am in a non-community property state, no prenuptial agreement, wide open if she ever decides to divorce me and take half my stuff.

>> No.1203741


>privately go see a lawyer
>he says if our combined assets was 10 million and my assets totaled 8 million, I’d have to find a way to take 3 million and “make it up to her” through:
>stocks (oh wow, like she spent the countless hours learning how to make the right picks, yeah she definitely earned that )
>the house (awesome, now I am kicked out of my own castle that I paid for)
>oh wait, if we’re 10 million and I’m 8 million…how’d she earn 2 million? No no no, this lawyer doesn’t know her, she’d be lucky to have 100,000 net worth on her own doing.

>even if this was true, what happens when my company becomes worth 100 million dollars?
>now our “combined” assets are worth 100 million…and she’s still 2 million!
>awesome, now she gets 48 million and my business is cut in half, ending my business if not crippling it.

>or what if growth explodes into a billion dollar business?

It makes me so bitter that it’s this difficult to actually own your own creation.

Founders often sell a piece of ownership to investors for cash to run/expand the business. I don’t like that, too many times the founder gets kicked out of his own company, and that’s bullshit. This is my creation, I own it, 100%.

I take steps to ensure that I won’t need outsider money, to prevent selling ownership…and now my own wife becomes a threat.

>> No.1203749


The thing is that we're not even considering divorce, we're doing alright. But I don't know what would happen 5, 10, 15 years in the future and I don't want this threat of losing the company in a divorce to be hanging over my head.

>don't get mad at her, she might divorce you if you get mad at her too many times
>don't say no to her, she might divorce you if you say no too many times

and, just like that, I become her bitch

If we ever do get divorced some day, unless she cheats, it's not like I won't make sure she's taken care of. I wouldn't leave her on the street, that's bullshit...but she doesn't get half the shares of my company, that's bullshit too.
I haven’t registered the company yet.

I haven’t done anything legal yet, so there’s still time to make a move before birthing this thing.

Hell, if it came to it, I could divorce her now, make a relatively painless asset split (no kids and she makes more than I do, so no alimony)…then I create and launch the company next year.

>> No.1203756
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Just take a step back. Don't even think about the idea of the $100 million business, let alone a billion dollar one.

You said you found something you're passionate about. Go after that and chase the dream you're after. Don't let all this divorce drama stop you.

At the end of the day it's just money, yeah it is complete bullshit but you're not going to be able to change the rules. That's just the world we live in friend.

If you get a divorce, then deal with it then. But don't bother demoralizing yourself now. It's just a waste of time. But if you're truly passionate about something, don't waste time not pursuing it. You can make any lost money back. Ain't getting any lost time back though.

>> No.1203760


If you're really that upset about it, I would force her into some kind of a prenup now. If she refuses, cut your losses and divorce her. Unless you as you are right now is as far as you'll ever be in life, you can always regrow your fortune, and most likely go further.

Or, you can do nothing. Really depends on how much risk you're comfortable with.

It's really no one's call to make since none of us really know the relationship between you and your wife.

>> No.1203775

Start a family trust


>> No.1203863

Divorce her now before its too late.

>> No.1203873

spend 50k and have her killed

>> No.1203882

OP, prenups are overrated anyways.

If you sign one without children, if you have children it will usually be considered void. Same as if you have a large change in net worth. In general there's a statute of limitations on them, and they have to get periodically renewed. But if she's going to divorce, why would she sign again?

Look at what happened to Ben Affleck. His prenup was for 10 years. Wife left him on their 10th anniversary.

Look at
There's ways to shelter your worth.

>> No.1203883

Hey FBI, say hi to dad!

>> No.1203902

Look OP, if you are smart enough to build a multi-million dollar business, you should be able to outsmart a bitter ex-spouse. Also, a divorce does not have to be a life-destroying nightmare, a lot of couples just agree on something reasonably fair and avoid a costly legal trench war. You can also invest more effort in your marriage to decrease the chance of a divorce and have a better life in general.
Bottom line is, your scenario has way too many what-ifs to be a serious problem. Just focus on starting the business and keeping the relationship with your wife in a good state, you can worry about these problems much later, should they come nearer.

>> No.1203940


You create nothing, your business is still in your mind and you are talking about "million dollar company" "divorce" ?

Seriously ?...

>> No.1203942

While looking at Ben's situation keep in mind that Ben was allegedly fucking everything in sight and, well, sometimes that can piss people off.

>> No.1204012

Don't forget lifetime alimony.


>> No.1204076

I really don't get this marriage meme bullshit.

You people buy into Cultural norm that you have to get married with person you "love" that translated into = you have to sign contract you share everything and in case of divorce you own.

Marriage = very terrible and risky business deal.

If you love each other you don't need fucking contract in first place. I would rather divorce now, split bill and start without any worries and headaches what might happen. Because you will always have that terrible guilt if anything happens.
But before you decide to divorce try to hide and spend much as your own money, stock it somewhere hidden and then divorce so you can split as little as possible. Then return those hidden money and stocks you accumulated.

>> No.1204117

the consequences of divorce are a reminder for most people not to get married impulsively, but calling it a meme is like saying getting a job is a meme. also, traditional marriages are purely a business deal between families. you seem young so i won't slap you around too much but being scared of committing to a partner is the last thing you should be worried about. if you're educated and still call marriage a "risk" then you might as well call going outside a risk.

>pinning your midlife crisis on a cuck fantasy
take a 2 week break from 4chan and reddit and suddenly all your divorce problems are gone. you're getting ass fucked by awkward 16 year old kids who want to be playboys.

>> No.1204145

Happened to me OP, I have to give me ex wife 2k per month whilst she stays in the house I bought with her new boyfriend. Can't stop the alimony unless she marries her new bf which she won't do because alimony. Also give her 2k per month child support, all in all I'm losing 48k per year to her, including the house and car I lost. I'm only 30 so if I live to 80, that'll be, fuck, 2.4mil I'll have lost to her. I stay in an apartment complex now full of divorced guys in pretty much the same boat as me.

>> No.1204148


Oh wait my numbers are wrong, I only have to pay child support until my son is 18, he's 5 now so only 13 more years of that but the alimony is for life or until she remarries.

>> No.1204162

go read some /r/redpill. i think you might be interested in this.

>> No.1204163

what a bitch you are

>> No.1204169

what is motivation?

>> No.1204172

Cheaper to hire a professional killer and get rid of both of them. 10-50k/head I'm guessing.

>> No.1204209

Wew, and you coulda had hookers and blo instead, for about tree fiddy?

>> No.1204241


>> No.1204311

Thats stupid what you said, calling someone on age, when you clearly don't know who you are talking with.
You sound like brainwashed cuck by women and cant give logical reason to get married.

Marriage is unnecessary risk it has no benefit else than saying on paper you share if something happens.
If you love person you love if not not its not going to get better aniway with or without piece of paper

>> No.1204338

i wouldn't try so hard unless you can figure out what marriage is in the first place. i'm not saying you should get married or have a family personally, i'm saying it's not actually a big risk if it's something you want to do. especially if you're wealthy.

>> No.1204410

Offshores. Create a business, let it develop (if it develops) and, when it's time, "sell" it to an offshore in Botswana or wherever of your ownership. Just make sure to hide the money trail, never overspend and give yourself a nice rase once in a while, just so you can enjoy and make her happy about your sell. But be careful with how you're doing it all. Panama papers, man.

>> No.1204467

Sell the shares to your Mom or someone you trust

>> No.1204472

>traditional marriages are purely a business deal between families

How is India this time of year?

Getting married in the west is objectively insane. There is no benefit unless she has money.

>> No.1204476

that depends on what you value.
read a book sometime.

>> No.1204496

If you create a paper trail about trying to start one (scheduling an apt with a lawyer that you both should attend) will create evidence that you were trying to protect yourself and she is being spiteful.
That said, you're going to look like a prick because it is totally unfounded. Then again, the "if you loved me you'd do it" goes both ways.

>> No.1204501

What exactly are you getting of value from marriage in modern day?

>read a book sometime.

You're not in present day western society if you think marriage is about business deals between families. I'm well aware of the historical context of marriage but fail to see how that holds any bearing on modern marriage. What book is it you recommend I read?

>> No.1204509

Not only that, but explain that you're doing it because you love her. Since you'll be starting a business, many things can go wrong. Protecting half of what you have now is a reasonable idea.

>> No.1204529

considering a large part of marriage is to dissolve the uncertainties and "risks" over getting into a relationship i don't understand how you can shill this hollywood meme under the guise of sanity and risk assessment.

i have no trouble with marriage becoming outdated and unnecessary because we're moving away from religion and familial values. i don't even recommend expecting marriage or strong relationships if you're from a poor/shitty community.

but most people still do get married and divorce is unlikely. especially for wealthy people who have the most to lose. the drama around divorce/cheating is as old as history and so is the cynical perspective of not trusting anyone. but as it turns out there are obvious benefits to stability and paid bonding in every culture and whether or not it takes "brainwashing" for people to pursue a committed partner, it takes a lot of stress out of life for a vast majority and it's a system that has worked. what should change is the mentality that adult bachelors are somehow losers and that divorce is even a possibility, but i don't think you'll ever convince people that their strongest desires are a "bad business move" even if they inevitably fail.

>> No.1204544

OP, why are you worried she'll divorce you?

To be perfectly realistic, if you aren't FUCKING UP your company, she's better off with the total income. Unless she has some mad skills she's been trying to use and just needs the dough, OR your "change" has turned you into an asshole, OR she has become an asshole, I'm not entirely sure why you are so worried.

This level of paranoia is really unjustified, unless I missed something.

As far as I kinda read:
>You started a business
>You're making a lot
>You're worried your wife might divorce you and take half
>You've changed

WHAT exactly has changed about you?
WHY might she divorce you?
Did you know that people who are paranoid about their significant other are actually more likely to cheat than the other?

Have you been cheating, OP?

Explain your reasoning; you just sound like a crackpot.

Hold the phone...
Read another post, now YOU'RE considering a divorce...
This almost goes to that paranoid about cheating thing. YOU'RE now considering that.

What the hell is your reasoning here? Do you not actually like each other? You seem to indicate it's going well.
Why are you so crazy?

And furthermore, there are several ways around it, regardless. You could get trusted friends to share most of the shares, and have them take priority shares, because those don't have voting rights.
You could also shift some of your shares into the company and run it privately. With a technical ownership of, say, 25% of the corporation, if she DOES get your shares, you can very briefly make the company public, selling, say 35% of the remaining shares, and buy them all right after the divorce goes through. Then, you own 47.5% of the company, she owns 12.%, and the remainder is still under the corporation.
Basically, you'd have to be REALLY sketchy about it.
But with so little control, your vote would count a LOT, and you still own it.

But again, WHY are you so fucking paranoid?

>> No.1204553

Not him but divorce rate is pretty high and it sounds like they got married young. His chance of getting divorced are 50/50. In the finance world that's a pretty huge risk to take on. Even if his wife is really cool, op could be an obnoxious autists who she gets tired of.

I don't get why he's just now freaking out though, this should have been something he knew about before he even got married. Prenups are mostly worthless too even though they keep getting suggested.

>> No.1204559

Yeah, with the way he's losing his mind atm, he sounds like he might be an Autist.

You got a point there, senpai.

>> No.1204563

fuck lol, I thought that was only on /g/.
They change f-a-m to senpai here, too?

>> No.1204566

that's like saying your chances of passing an exam in university are 50/50 because half the class fails it.

also it's more like 12% when he graduates and that's if the marriage lasts until he's 50-60.

>> No.1204580

>considering a large part of marriage is to dissolve the uncertainties and "risks" over getting into a relationship

What risks? There are virtually zero risks involved in starting a relationship, you can walk away at any time. There is, however, the large (50%) risk of losing half of your wealth and perhaps being saddled with alimony for the rest of your life should you get married. In the worst of cases you can even wind up paying for children that aren't yours.

The rest of this is drivel about only the poor/shitty people get divorced which is utter nonsense. Here's a nice list of people who had lots of money and lost huge piles of it because they chose to get married.


To summarize your post, the value men get from marriage is not having to date anymore and maybe finding a committed partner. Yes? So why not just date the same partner in perpetuity then? You don't need to marry to receive either of these benefits.

>> No.1204592

>common myths are my rationalization for being scared of marriage
you're completely misunderstanding my point and just posting garbage. you might as well be posting about how the gender wage gap keeps you from getting a job as a woman.

>> No.1204612

What myths?

Use whatever diseased logic you like to rationalize your desire to marry to yourself but don't come here and tell me it's a good idea unless you can back that up.

As far as posting garbage you failed to answer a single one of my questions and posted nothing but insults and vague "just be yourself" tier crap.

>> No.1204623
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The benefits of marriage can be had without the legal risk, with the exception of tax credits which don't outweigh the risks.

Marriage is literally no more than codifying your relationship with the state and giving the woman a loaded gun to fuck you over when she inevitably "isn't haaaaapy" anymore.

Why do some men still get married? Probably because of cultural conditioning telling them that being a """man""" means to forsake autonomy and personal freedoms to better cater to feminine imperatives.

I personally believe that men would still get married even if the penalty for a wife-initiated frivolous divorce included their beheading or burning.