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12036974 No.12036974 [Reply] [Original]

what is a good paying entry job. i have 1200 a month student loan payment so i must make at least 1200 after taxes.

>> No.12036987

mcdonalds pays more than that.

>> No.12036990

what did you do

>> No.12037001

Why the fuck do you owe so much... How much did you borrow...

>> No.12037076

guidance counselors, entered college realized it was a waste of time due to the amount of busy work, got addicted to drugs, dropped out, found out about crypto, invested 20k savings in crypto, peaked at 250k, hodled, now worth 5k. i would of killed myself if it wasn't for my pets

>> No.12037112

i got jewed by sallie mae, i was never told about how fucked up student loans are, luckily i'm only 23, so i can possibly dig myself out of this shitty situation by the time i am 30.

>> No.12037183

how much do you owe? you do know income based repayment is a thing right?

>> No.12037210

i owe 70k private, 10k federal.

>> No.12037238

Do something with the degree you paid for retard

>> No.12037253

no body hires physics majors

>> No.12037346

ever considered programming/ web dev? theodinproject.com is a good starting point

>> No.12037384

will look into it. you think it is possible to learn it all in the span of 1 month? and get hired a week after the 1 month?

>> No.12037411

Holy fucking shit. Just declare bankruptcy or something
>80k after taxes and living expenses on a min wage job
Have fun for the next 10 years otherwise

>> No.12037421

he's american he's fucked for life. student loans cant be wiped by bankruptcy

>> No.12037428

Thats the problem. You can't declare bankruptcy on student loans. The kikes in the government made it so private student loans are guaranteed to be repaid by the person who takes it out, on top of that they charge retarded amount of interest. We need government reform for me to declare bankruptcy. :(

>> No.12037484

no, I'm proposing a mid-long term solution. Should take around 5 months to have a solid base and apply for junior full stack roles.

Ever looked into data science jobs? Those roles always call for people with stats/math/physics degrees

>> No.12037501

>a span of a month

Pretty insulting mate. Come back in three years. Don't forget to study your math too.

>> No.12037532

>what is a good paying entry job.
Street sweeper in the 1960s probably.

>> No.12037543

i already know programming, i do not know web dev but web dev is easy from what i hear.

>> No.12037558

Can't he ask for refinance?

>> No.12037560

wtf if you already have programming exp + physics degree there is no reason why you can't get a tech job

>> No.12037572

sallie mae does not offer refinancing. :(

>> No.12037581

Union Trades

>> No.12037586

need to know his interest rates and the rate he'll be put on if he refinances
i'm on fixed interest around 5.9% myself but a lot of student loan refinances are variable rate. i wish i knew a way to short student debt.

>> No.12037590

no experience.

>> No.12037593

Guaranteed you haven’t even tried looking for a job. A physics major paired with coding can possibly open you to a bunch of different jobs depending on how you market yourself. What’s your gpa and did you do research during your undergrad? Also, have you ever considered grad school?

>> No.12037604

i have 4 separate private loans some at 12% some at 9% it really is fucked up how the government allows private institutions to fuck over their citizens.

>> No.12037625

yes. i haven't b/c i like being a NEET now that I can no longer be a NEET i must be wagecuck. :(

>> No.12037639

with the fed raising the prime rate you're fucked on refinancing. you really need to look into income based repayment plans

>> No.12037673

As a fellow physics major it’s insulting that after putting in the work to getting a physics degree you automatically surcumb to the idea of “wage cucking”. How about instead you develop your coding ability so that you can get a solid job with a good pay and meaningful work. Personally, I believe anything a engineer can do, a physicist can either do better or at least learn quickly since you have a very good foundation of fundamentals. Your other option is to apply to grad school, given that your gpa is good and you have professors who can write you letters of rec. you won’t make a ton of money but a PhD in physics can open a ton of options after grad school. Only do this though if you really love physics.

>> No.12037675
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>i have 1200 a month student loan payment

you're fucked bro. sorry

>> No.12037751

This is bait but...

Nobody jewed you you fucked yourself
>I didn’t realize 70k was a lot
>no idea what kind of job to get

Maybe do some research before you make any more decisions

>> No.12037832


Here’s how it works
You give them 6 months of your life for training
You agree not to do drugs for 6 years
You give them 2 days per month and a 2week slot in the summer

They give you
65k to pay off your retarded loans
7k after taxes for your 6 months
250 for 2 days per month (think of it as 1750 for 2 days per month, pretty good deal there)
50 per month health insurance option
Ability to work during the workweek for above market rates
Minority status (“vet”)

Most importantly they’ll teach you to be accountable for yourself.

This has been my good deed for the day.

>> No.12037859

Work at whole foods. You'll probably get around 30 hours a week making 15 dollaroos/hour. That should be a little bot above 1200/month after taxes. Then you can find another easy to obtain job to supplement that income.

Whatever you do, don't mention you have a college degree. I made the mistake of telling the hiring manager I was a student in grad school over the phone. She could tell I was gonna quit when I graduated to find a real job. Got the rejection email shortly after. Applied to another whole foods in the area, shut my lips, and they hired me.

>> No.12037877

First thing first......... take a deep breath
Take another one
And another deeeeeeeep one
Second, remove the idea of bankruptcy from ur head and only do it if it’s your last choice. You’ll suffer for the rest of your life because of this mistake.
Third, get any job, literally any job. I promise you getting a job while on a job is ten times easier than finding one when you’re unemployed.
Fourth, get a car and Uber/Lyft when you’re not working at your 9-5.
Fifth get a third job if possible, I know it’s a lot but you’ll end up grinding out for 2-3 years but the end result is beautiful.
I’ve done it, put it all in Crypto ATH and now left with bags. I still work three jobs, much better jobs than the ones I mentioned and live extremely comfortable and Crypto was a learning experience, I don’t even care anymore. It made me dead inside.
Bottom line, grind it out I promise it’ll pay off. The less free time you have the better your life is and the less bad things you’ll do and less bad situations you’ll find yourself in.
Finally, it’s all in your head anon, I swear. The moment you realize that life gets easier. Money is Just fuckjng paper and the sooner you realize the sooner you’ll be able to get it.
Best wishes anon.

>> No.12037892

Did you get a degree you dipshit

>> No.12038175

You can easily make 4-5k a month as a freelance programmer, given that you most likely have a solid math foundation.
Of course, you will have to learn coding first. A month or two of coding in C++ with internet tutorials can get you through several smaller projects. This is not an instant fool-proof solution, but if you put your mind to it, you will make it.

>> No.12038201

i thought physics majors were supposed to be smart lmfao

>> No.12038206

>gets shipped off to fight china in ww3

>> No.12038283

If there’s ww3 there’s going to be a draft
In which case I’ll be fixing helicopters and you’ll be infantry (bullet sponge)

>> No.12038509

checked. I think this is the best advice I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.12038554

>has a degree
>doesn't know what job to get
Sounds like you fucked up big time OP! Good luck in your next life!

>> No.12038566


>> No.12038578

>work yourself so hard that you feel numb and don't feel anything at all
Great life.