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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12021371 No.12021371 [Reply] [Original]

>Didn't sell my portfolio at $250k

>> No.12021482

Got successfully fud'd by faggot media in early 2012 the very first time I heard about btc.

Looked it up, and saw it at about $3 after the first big p+d in 2011. When I tried to Google it for more info, most of the first page was news articles claiming that the bitcoin scam was over


>> No.12021490

I bought in 2011 when it ballooned up to $30, then saw it immediately crash down. I dont think it recovered for 1.5 years from what I paid. It scared me out of the market. The people who get in during the bullruns I think get scared off, then if you came in before or after you're more likely to stick around.

>> No.12021491

>>Didn't sell my portfolio at $250k
fucking exact same. $253k. fucking kill me.

>> No.12021518

one of my best friend's bought eth at the ico and spent about a month in the early days trying to convince me to stick a few thousand bucks in. he was worth millions at the ath

>> No.12021561

900k. Makes my heart hurt.

>> No.12021578

Didn't hang myself when I had the chance

>> No.12021588
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>didnt sell when I was 2000% profit

>> No.12021938

Kill me

>> No.12022028

220k. Shoulda bought a coffee shop at least

>> No.12022040

a year from now, not selling now will be your 2nd biggest mistake. any idiot can tell that it's going to <$1000 from here.

>> No.12022136
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160k -> 16K here.
Glad to see I'm not the only one.

>> No.12022173

Didn't sell this time last year. Could have bought a house and furnished it and still had plenty left over. Instead I am still stuck living with my parents sipping Monster and listening to 80's and 90's music.

Quake really was a good game, though.

>> No.12022390

>never bought any btc
only seen people use them on silk road, no thanks
>went to a thousand and crashed
was glad i didnt have any btc
>it went past 1000
huh, didnt see that

>> No.12022452


>> No.12022469

I'm from 200k to 2k, literally no point in selling now, may as well just hold and hope I get lucky

>> No.12022544
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155K ATH
Cashed out 5k in May
6K left in crypto.

>> No.12022553

>visiting 4chan

>> No.12023285
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