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12020251 No.12020251 [Reply] [Original]

ITSECfag here. This should be common sense, but this is a PSA to all Americans: Do NOT log into an exchange using your phone, especially if you live in a major metropolitan area. There is a crew using fake base stations and exploiting AKA protocol vulnerabilities to session jack people who log into remote wallets and exchanges using their phones. They are currently operating in NYC, SF bay area, LA, Houston, Chicago, Miami, Denver, Seattle, Portland, KC, DC area, Nashville, and probably many others. I've reported this activity to several LEAs, but I have no idea if/how it's being handled. Again, DO NOT USE YOUR PHONE TO MANAGE CRYPTO ASSETS IN THE USA.

>> No.12020271

I got 2FA so who kares

>> No.12020277
File: 199 KB, 500x500, the more you know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help OP! Stay safe frens!

>> No.12020285

2FA wont stop a MiTM attack

>> No.12020297

would a vpn help?

>> No.12020309

Will it stop me from having sex with your mother

>> No.12020311

No, they have set up fake base stations. The connection would be your phone -> their device -> the vpn

>> No.12020320

What if I use my houses Wifi on my phone to make the trades?

>> No.12020325

Definitely not.

>> No.12020326

Funds are safu

>> No.12020337

That is safe. Basically their devices imitate cell phone towers, similar to FEDs and LEOs using Stingrays.

>> No.12020356

Yes it will you retard. How can they get to your second factor, like email or phone, if they are impersonating the exchange and don't know the email or the phone number in the first place?
If you got scammed because you don’t have 2FA, it doesn’t mean others will too.

>> No.12020375

They aren't impersonating the exchange. Read my previous posts. They can intercept your texts, email accounts you log into, the hash for your 2FA authentication, and/or your browser session.

>> No.12020469

>they can intercept your texts
Stopped reading there. Are you brain dead? Do you know how difficult is what you’re talking about? And by that I mean literally not true?
Also, what are certificates? Jesus these brainlets know nothing about routing security and cryptography.
Just stop. 2FA is enough.

>> No.12020490

A VPN encrypts the data though. How would the imposter device read vpn traffic?

>> No.12020491

CISSP, Gsec and and old af Sec+
Funny you call me a retard but think RSA/GA hashes and SMS is safe from MiTM. Fucking idiot. Even a brainlet can google this basic fact.

>> No.12020498

>not using Authenticator
not gonna make it

>> No.12020509

Because they have live access to your session. It doesnt matter if your traffic is encrypted, they aren't "reading" your traffic. They are duplicating and controlling your session.

>> No.12020521

Reverse TCP/ICMP shell doesnt care about your encryption.

>> No.12020528

you're a skid and I can smell it

>> No.12020541

Skiddie from wayback. Built black boxes and prank called other countries when I was young.

>> No.12020546

you can't MiTM on iOS. you'll have to somehow get the user to trust a rando certificate unless you rooted their phone already (or have a 0-day).

maybe on shitdroid it's possible, I don't know.

>> No.12020563
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1544042336604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cant mitm on iOS
I'm here trying to help you faggots, probably better not to spout bullshit you know 0 about. Yes, iOS is susceptible to Stingray/fake base station attacks.

>> No.12020575

that would require getting a valid ssl certificate for exchange addresses.

>> No.12020577

Thanks for the warning, desu! Hopefully some anyone's have the common sense to listen. So this isn't just for trading, but even for logging in to check balances too, right?

>> No.12020592

hey, how's metasploit working for you

you fucking skiiiiiiiid

>> No.12020594

the future of money

>> No.12020595

Correct. DONT LOG IN on your phone. Afaik they aren't targeting banking credentials, this crew is specifically targeting crypto.
... no it does not. What is reverse TCP shell and how does it work?

>> No.12020612

I like Armitage because I need a GUI. ;)

>> No.12020613

Thanks OP. Now how do we set one of these base stations up to get teh n00dz. Do i just go into starbucks and name my hotspot Starbucks_public

>> No.12020615
File: 208 KB, 2000x1000, pragcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse TCP shell and how does it work?
he said it again

oh nonono. Gonna wait for another post.

>> No.12020626

Hey, thank you from a fellow paranoid non-retard.

To the retards doubting: What would ITSECanon's evil agenda be here? To get you to be safer? He's not shilling anything, just think about it.

>> No.12020639

realistically, who has the time to be anything else nowadays

>> No.12020640

holy shit stop embarrassing yourself.
Your story would make some sense if there was an exploit that allows hacking android with a fake base station, but you don't even know enough about how this all works to larp plausibly
'session jack' lmao

>> No.12020664

Bro, firesheep lmao

Finally, someone who gets me. <3

>> No.12020681

It's an exploit of the AKA protocol, as previously stated. Fuck. Why do I bother replying to you guys. White hat just trying to help you normies.

>> No.12020693

Relevant info Anon, thanks

>> No.12020697

Who would trade crypto on public wifi...period...?

>> No.12020705

>public wifi
Ok you guys are really dragging me down now. Read my previous posts.

>> No.12020706

it's irrelevant you dumb larper, the whole point of ssl is to ensure trusted and private (encrypted) communications over insecure medium.
Man in the middle attack only works for non-encrypted sites, or requires a valid certificate for a target site.

>> No.12020711

Technically stingrays only work on 3G networks. There are 4g equivalents. Honestly all you would need is an improvised IMSI catcher and you could probably intercept text messages, then it's just be a matter of getting that email address and/or username.

Things things aren't hard to build. Just Google it for fucks sake.

>> No.12020721

>hurr I think a base station attack is the same as a HTML redirect mitm
God, you are absolutely fucking daft.

>> No.12020728

how'd you find out about this? who do you think is doing it? what kind of costs and expertise are we talking about for such an intricate operation?

>> No.12020734

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.12020743

AKA protocol handles 3g, 4g, and 5g authentication and keys. Similar fundamental idea as IMSI catcher, but exploits AKA instead.

>> No.12020753

Nigger that's literally the point of SSL/TLS. Fuck you.

>> No.12020758

i believe OP is talking about this kind of equipment: https://theintercept.com/surveillance-catalogue/

>> No.12020768

>Ever leaving your house so you're not on wifi

>> No.12020771

Anyone giving you shit is either a genuine retard or is currently profiting from these attacks. Thanks OP. Do you have a safe keyboard and clipboard you can reccommend for android?

>> No.12020784

I'm pretty old, know a lot of people, have built and sold tools in the past, have a minor reputation.
Costs: Low, maybe $1k-1.5k a device
Expertise: High, custom built software and deep understanding of authentication protocols.

>> No.12020792
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again, it's irrelevant what's below the encrypted layer.
Also stop obvious phoneposting dumb nigger, nobody is falling for your larp.

>> No.12020811

ChainLink solves this problem anyway

>> No.12020830

Just google Stringray IMSI. The attack I'm talking about is somewhat similar. If you think SSL/TLS is ultimate protection you're better off shutting your mouth and reading a little.

>> No.12020841


>> No.12020854

what do you think this operation would look like? (brainlet here) is it fake cell phone tower boxes placed into existing arrays on the sides of buildings? or boxes in peoples' houses? what do you think such an operation physically looks like and what would you need to track it?

>> No.12020860

>have a minor reputation.
Whatever you say, Zero Cool.

>> No.12020879

This is literally the only post I have made in this thread:
I am confident that you are either engaged in this scheme or a fucking schitzo

>> No.12020880

Do you live in PR and Southern CA, OP?

>> No.12020966

>what would it look like
A well hidden Raspberry Pi with transmitter/receiver. Placed in high traffic areas. Financial districts, public transport hubs, etc.

>what would it take to track it
AIMSICD or something similar may work. I've never seen the devices I'm talking about in operation, so I honestly couldn't say. You'd want something to check/track consistency of the towers in your area, or something to whitelist known good towers (but would be a pain in the ass to manage, especially if you travel).

>> No.12020972

>last phonepost
you still have your last phone id because you didn't reset it
what are you even trying to achieve? everyone can google how ssl works and realize you're full of shit.

>> No.12020979

there are a lot of faggots on biz nowadays
I appreciate your information ITSECfag
Be careful ;)

>> No.12020997

Lol you are sad, man. That's another anon.
>still thinks SSL cert protects you from authentication protocol vulnerabilities
You're too much work, and know far too little.

>> No.12021035

Alright, gotta run. Hope I at least helped 1 anon today. Cheers. Be safe out there and may all your coins moon.

>> No.12021040

>still thinks SSL cert protects you from authentication protocol vulnerabilities
TLS is the authentication protocol.
You didn't fool anybody.

>> No.12021070

Oh look, it's already on the front page of the register, you fucking retard. Bye.


>> No.12021104

So if i turn off data and use wifi im safe on my phone?

>> No.12021105

which has absolutely nothing to do with breaking tls security.
Again, the whole point of ssl is to protect against insecure base layer, like this attack.

>> No.12021121

If I use my smartphone as a hotspot, if my laptop has a VPN installed, am I protected when accessing sites/exchanges on the laptop?

>> No.12021123

Haven't these type of attacks been happening for years now? Why should i all of a sudden start worrying and when will using data become safe again?

>> No.12021152

Thanks man.

>> No.12021154 [DELETED] 

What if i have funds on my coinbase app on my phone? Should i not use coinbase now?

>> No.12021164

these attacks can make sms-code based 2fa insecure, but that's insecure in general because it's relatively easy to social engineer a replacement sim.
They also could potentially allow someone to record your calls or spoof numbers (ie. you call 911, but it's picked up by the attacker instead). If there's a security hole in a phone's 3g/lte stack it could be exploited to hack the phone.

That's basically it, connecting to exchanges over https is still safe (assuming unhacked phone, obviously), at worst an attacker can cut off your internet.

>> No.12021167

What if i have funds on my coinbase app on my phone? Should i not use coinbase now?

>> No.12021198

Aren't the transmissions of credentials to apps/webapps encrypted as a result of ssl/tls? Even if they can intercept your traffic, it's going to be encrypted as long as you are communicating with a valid certificate https address...

>> No.12021200

holy nostalgia
take me back to college fb message spoofing

>> No.12021220

who cares
crypto is dead now

>> No.12021244

do they know about ChainLink OP???

>> No.12021328

fucking retard. go look up mitm

>> No.12021446
File: 83 KB, 1440x720, harris-stingray-ft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that hard you fucking retard. go and google "police stingray" and do some reading on it. fucking brainlets like you should be gassed, I swear..

>> No.12021591

You are retarded for calling someone retarded in affairs you have no clue about. Keep doing your thing, arrogant cunt. OP is trying to help

>> No.12021994

That's not how shit works. Nice LARP "ITSEC" guy

>> No.12022014

Nice fud you filthy little kike

>> No.12022036

Thanks op for the heads up. There’s a special place in Heaven for you

>> No.12022037

Neck yourself with your mom's lattice and I will throat fuck you with a trail of cum spilling out of your slit neck

>> No.12022039

If a man is in the middle then yes since your dick will go into his ass.

>> No.12022047

Faggot who thinks Hackers can magically get around 2FA and Sign and Verify Transactions through PIN.

>> No.12022066

What about an old phone no SIM card WiFi only?

>> No.12022245

Why would they want access? To steal my shircoins ?

>> No.12022547

The absolute state of this board. Fucking newfags spreading misinformation because they’re reckless with their 4 figure portfolios. OP isn’t a larper he has nothing to gain out of this.

>> No.12022568

SSL, nigga

>> No.12022569

Op is a faggot pajeet nigger

>> No.12022680

If your mum knew you were posting gay trash about her lettuce she would be soooo angry.