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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 408 KB, 751x733, chainlinksdead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12017283 No.12017283 [Reply] [Original]

"The Future of Finance: OpenLaw, using the @RhombusNetwork oracle, is opening the derivatives market. We've streamlined the creation and execution of a legally enforceable option contract, lessening the need for intermediaries. "



WTF is this rhombus shit? Are we goys gonna wagecuck forever??? I was told that Chainlink was the standard? And WTF XRP + Corda? What's going on anons? I feel so depressed right now with my 100k link

>> No.12017296
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Official marine ranks
We rekt bois !

>> No.12017305

Chainlink isn’t an Oracle you fucking retard. Rhombus will be available on the Chainlink network

>> No.12017306

Private enterprises have NO NEED for decentralized oracles.
Holy fuck. They can use anything that offers faster solutions like non decentralized oracles.

Imagine a consortium of 1000 banks and top enterprises on a private blockchain. everyones reputation is at steak, everyone knows everyone. there is no need for some random plebs to join the network to facilitate data swapping, which means no need for decentralized systems to prove the plebs reliability

>> No.12017307

Sooooo why is everything that we thought was going to use chainlink network actually not using the chainlink?

>> No.12017326

Yet another centralised oracle provider. Yawn.

All of the benefits they claim to be able to provide can be provided by a single node on the Chainlink network.

These centralised oracles are literally just JSON parsers.

>> No.12017340

Rhombus network oracles can access over five trillion real-world data point. They are not decentralized oracles, but the quality of the data they provide in quantity and quality is much more better than the data provided by Chainlink oracles.

Chainlink network could not handle as much requests, 5 trillion data points would mean over $46000 worth of Ethereum gas and it would overload the system. Only solution would be scaling up the token quantity to over 100 billion to perform those requests.

Not only that the network itself cannot handle it, the Intel SGX Town Crier encryption would take weeks, if not months, to encrypt all the data from 5 trillion data points.

It is unironically over for Chainlink.

>> No.12017345

Im gonna KYS because no singularity is gonna happen, you guys lied to me

>> No.12017351


Jesus I can't believe people are this fucking stupid

>> No.12017353

why would a single contract need to access 5 trillion data points in a short period of time

>> No.12017371

What method are we going to use to kill ourselves, boys?

>> No.12017379

>5 trillion real world data points

You realise that’s just a number pulled out of their arse about the number of data points on accessible APIs right?

>> No.12017383

Eating big macs untill death...

>> No.12017460

we are fucked

>> No.12017482

Where do i buy rhombus tokens sir?

>> No.12017494

Im gettin raped by a rhombus. Wonderful

>> No.12017671

Why don't we just sell all of our LINK and make i go to zero together? Oh wait let me guess some of you are too pussy to do it. Fuck outta here.

>> No.12017701

Fuck sergey. Fuck steve. Fuck thomas. Fuck ari juels. Fuck linkpool Fuck openlaw. Fuck aaron wright. Fuck wanchain. Fuck swift. Fuck gartner. Fuck IC3. Fuck town crier. Fuck World economic forum. Fuck zeppelin_os. Fuck accord project. Fuck market protocol. Fuck factom. Fuck Clintex. Fuck bravenewcoin. Fuck morpheus network. Fuck Fuck kaleido. Fuck hydrogen. Fuck kaiko. Fuck bZx. Fuck gamedex. Fuck Fuck web3. Fuck gavin wood. Fuck anyone who shilled chainlink. It's over.

>> No.12017741
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>> No.12017756
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>> No.12017774


>> No.12017806
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not cool to have shilled this shit to us

>> No.12017846
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>> No.12017875

is link kill now, for real?

>> No.12017901

yes sell it all, I also just sold 100k

>> No.12017912

I never owned link, the design is susceptible to sybil attacks

>> No.12018000
File: 4 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna buy some Rhombus stocks right now,
link token is almost useless,
i'm gonna dump my LP shares as well...

If within 2 years Link reach 10$ i'm gonna KMS twice

>> No.12018054

>And WTF XRP + Corda?

Is this unironically a good sign to buy XRP? Can we discuss about it?

>> No.12018085

only sub 100 iq brainlets fell for this chainlink spam scam. how does it feel knwoing that we rode many many 10x's while your links stayed same price last bull run? fuck you niggers die

>> No.12018189

The fud has really been getting to me lately. We're taking some genuine hits. Fuck.

>> No.12018217
File: 150 KB, 1000x1192, 1544020560336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the root of nearly every piece of Link FUD is one base sentiment:

"You loser NEETs and your NEET software will never amount to anything. The system will chug along just fine without you, go die in a hole."

Let's prove these fuckers wrong, shall we?

>> No.12018312
File: 52 KB, 544x235, 1512392741185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry mate but i'm done with link,
i feel like swimming in an ocean of shit rn