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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1201624 No.1201624 [Reply] [Original]

is there not a genuine way that we could all ban together to help each other out to make a lot of money?? ive been thinking about this for a while, and I need some help. and no I don't mean short bull shit penny stocks. and nothing to do with cryptocurrencies. gtfo with that. but a legit way, in a legit stock or some other fashion where we all help each other out? I know money is power, and one man himself like us cant make a difference, but together we could all make a difference. any ideas? has biz tried to do this before? big money has the little man follow him, but if small money band together to pull the rug out from under big money...im sure theres something we could do?? right??

>> No.1201652

nothing from nobody on biz? really?

>> No.1201656

I can only answer the stock aspect of this post.
The problem with your plan is that you're counting on the people with the vast resources to be the suckers.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. The big players won't bag hold a pumped stock down to zero while everyone else sells, and that's the sort of thing you'd need to happen. The gains would have to come from somewhere.

>> No.1201658

smells like ponzi scheme

>> No.1201663

I see that point, but if it were so quick as big money wouldn't know about it...? couldn't something happen there? maybe a week at a time? but I understand your point. im just trying to come up with ideas, and the biggest problem I have would be a coordinating issue and a trust issue with everybody.

and no. that's not what im looking for or trying to do. if I did wanna do that id start a scenty product or some bull shit like mary kay and just be a distributor

>> No.1201668

I was thinking of starting a blog or something similar, having enough people/money to make a significant difference in price. put out a mass email to make a purchase order, hold for day/week/month then we all put in a sell at the market open/set price so well all make a 5-15% return and repeat on another. in and out before big money catches on, or they become bag holder. rinse and repeat. if that makes any sense. there IS A WAY for what im trying to say to happen, just idk how though? I may be crazy.

>> No.1201671

We could short a stock of some trendy genius that "died" and get /b/ and /pol/ to shill the media until we get the stock down

Elon Musk looks like a good target

We could also find a decent stock and get people from /g/, /biz/, /b/ to hype the stock up and create a lot of buzz through fake websites, reviews, etc.

Keep shilling until it's spread as a trend

Blackberry looks like a good stock

However, this might be illegal so idk if I'd advise people to do this...

>> No.1201672

Too high of a chance of ulterior motive. Some people may make some money. But a couple people, primarily existing stockholders that shilled their ticker to the other investors, are going to make a ton of money, and know exactly when to get the fuck out with their big positions, crashing the price even more. Leaving the novice and gullible out to dry, even if originally it all seemed like a team effort.

>i.e., almost every stock shilled on robinhood general

>> No.1201673

And by "died" I mean a fake death, kinda what /b/ did with apple to bring the stock down

>> No.1201678
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Lol it sounds illegal as hell. It's perfect

>> No.1201695


ITT:/biz/ gets vanned because of Pump and Dump scams

>> No.1201696

im really not trying to make a pump and dump, I was trying to see if anybody could come up with and idea.

>> No.1201722

You know, I started a business last year and starting another new one this year.
You dont need a lot of money at all.

I just started importing stuff. And with 12 clients that each buy 100+ products I'm already good.
I just start little and expanded my imports with each client.
And every new store as a client means profit.

Now I'm starting something online and that just requires time. I didnt know how to code, but I just started doing it, I finished it and now Im just adding content before going online. And if you have visitors mayve next year you can sell them anything. 4chan has a fucking video game board and fishing fans but where are the fucking video game store and fishing poles for sell? Wow moot and hiroshima are retarded. If I was 4chan I added a fucking tech review blog and store for /g/ and lifting food for /fit/.

You can all do this as well. But when I read /biz/ I just see stocks this, crypto shit that, scraper so. All useless shit. There literally is no value in working with that. The only anon I saw that did something worthwhile was a drawfag who wanted to sell his skills. Come on man.

>> No.1201724

See ya in the FBI van

>> No.1201726

*12 returning clients

>> No.1201731

Clients so your business is B2B? Or are you B2C? What kind of thing are you importing if I may ask, and what got you started? And are you not worried about Chinese ripping you off?

>> No.1201732


This "online" business, does it has to do with apps by..any chance

>> No.1201734

B2B. It are electronic personal hygiene products from Germany.

>> No.1201736

WELL...the complete opposite of what I was looking to go, but that's a really good idea. sadly the /fit/ idea is WAY overdone. theres a supplement store next to every gym that already sells supplements next to the smoothie shop that sells supplements. and a frozen food thing is kind of out of my league. I was going for trying to turn the tide on who controls the money (long shot I know) but I guess I really outta look into it for myself?

still not gonna give up on my first idea though

>> No.1201737

That's market manipulation and you will go to prison for doing such a thing.

>> No.1201740

I just pretended to be a small warehouse when buying and selling. :^)

>> No.1201741

im not looking to go to jail lol im guessing my idea may be already done with

>> No.1201760

No. I wouldnt know how to market an app. With websites people at least Google for certain terms when they need something. With apps this doesnt happen as much. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.1201792

Be slightly less poor fag, spend 15-20k on a CNC machine, (yes there are decent machines in that range)
Just make your website optimized for Google, yelp etc... Call sign shops, cabinet makers, furniture shops and design/architexture students at local colleges and let them.know your machine is available. I.e. they produce the files and send em.over.
Spend roughly 20 hrs a week max, mostly on phone or at computer working and let the robot do the rest.

Literally get laid while you trade stocks or camwhore.... Lol

Then expand to laser cutters and 3d printers and let the replicator tech be run by temps or plebs for $15/hr and take the remaining from the.machine run times.

I charge 1$ per min.btw
For now
Looking to get a vertical laser cutter soon.

>> No.1201906
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The only thing I've ever come up with and attempted on here is starting a company.

I rounded up probably 100+ /biz/raelis and we all chatted on for probably a few hours to get to know each other. I set up a form for everyone to fill out, practically like a resume but mostly with
>name, age
>what skills do you have that would be useful to a company

This brought the group down to about 40 people. We kept talking about what we wanted to do. We made a private forum to organize everything, made project groups for who wanted to be involved with with, etc..

It just doesn't work. Even if you're clearly the leader of the group, organizing and managing everything, everyone thinks they should be the CEO/president/swinging dick. I explain how we're going to actually become a legitimate company soon. Everyone gets butt blasted that there is obviously no fucking payroll because the partners would have to be the ones funding all of it being that we have no income for the business yet.

It just doesn't work. Some people didn't treat it like a job and they just fucked off eventually. Unless I already set up the company beforehand and I'm looking for bodies with skills relevant to everyone elses skills, I wouldn't bother trying to do this again. There has to be a lawful order.

>> No.1202300

Sadly, I'm not surprised at this result.

This board has way too many 'i wanna make 1M this week, pls help!'

No one is interested in business, they just want a short bullshit scam to make a few grand.

>> No.1202344

Surely it'd make more sense just to start a 4chan CFD based on frequency of stock mentions instead of trying to start a 4chan hedgefund?

>> No.1202493

Anything to do with stocks or crypto in that scenario is just pissing into the wind. A better option would be to band together in a private business network and offer something to an end user that is financed by third-party customers. Something like a network of niche websites specializing in products sold by networked individuals, who pay other networked individuals for guerrilla advertising.

>> No.1202604

I would love to actually see the accumulative effect and buying pwr of the chan

>> No.1202664


>> No.1202860

This desu, we could have a g2a gold pyramid scheme going if we wanted

>> No.1202902

Can you go in more detail? This sound interesting.

What machine do you specifically use?

How hard is it to learn to use?

How many customers do you have, and are they returning?

Where do you store it?

How long have you been doing this and where do you get the idea?