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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12006218 No.12006218 [Reply] [Original]

Dero will be hosting a live event on December 6th, 2018. This event will be livestreamed (steaming site tbd) starting at 11:50 am EST. A link to the stream should be posted on /biz/ by that time. All the tickets have already sold out, but you can find more information about the event at https://www.eventbrite.de/e/derocon-derodag-and-the-future-tickets-52919326129

Some features about Dero:

- First ever and still the only crypto to be using a BlockDAG
- First ever crypto to implement bulletproofs
- Completely immune to 51% hashrate attacks
- No orphan blocks or double spends
- Complete SSL/TLS on the P2P layer
- Code rewritten into Golang
- 12-second blocktimes with 2-minute confirmation times
- 75 tps completely on-chain with no need for a lightning network
- Open source, auditable code

Dero will also be releasing private smart contracts onto its testnet no later than the end of this month. These private smart contracts will run on the Dero Virtual Machine and have a coding language that any 5th year student would be able to program in successfully and easily far surpassing the limitation of the Ethereum smart contracts.

Dero is to the crypto space what Nintendo was to the gaming space in the 80s in that the Dero team does not care about the negative sentiment the markets are current in and keep moving forward with producing the technology. The technological innovations this project is providing will re-energize interest in cryptocurrencies and lead the way into real world adoption.

I'm here to answer any technological questions you may have about the project. Copypasta questions and drive-by one-liner posts will be ignored.

>> No.12006261

What makes you think Monero won't just take everything good about Dero and put it into their code?

>> No.12006289

>what makes you think bitcoin wont take everything good about ethereum and put it in their code
because monero are against smart contracts. they want their currency to be simple and "do one thing and do it well". thats literally a quote from one of the devs on why not smart contracts.

>> No.12006308

Buy my bags

>> No.12006331

how do you have bags? its still up like 500% in terms of sats since 2 months ago

>> No.12006390

Will Mr. Hosp or comparable people from the German community be there?

>> No.12006395

It's less that they're against smart contracts and more that they've already made millions of dollars and are complacent. They don't care about improving the crypto market as Monero could go to 0 right now and they would all be fine as they've already cashed out enough Monero to live well for the rest of their lives. They have no motivation or drive to do anything more and are only in the position they're in because once you reach the mountain top, you don't have to climb anymore. They will fight any real arguments about secret mining or ASIC resistance treating you like a kid as if you don't understand how it works -- and they're right the majority of the time since most people actually don't understand how it works. The simple fact of the matter is that Monero is outdated technology soon to become obsolete once people hear about Dero's innovations.

And please note when I say "obsolete" I don't mean "going to 0". Bitcoin has been obsolete for years yet is still #1. I fully expect Monero to still be in the Top 10 five years from now as it is the most popular privacy coin on the market.

>> No.12006413

The names of the attendees are being kept private. However, there have already been some "interesting" names signed up for the conference, and they're not all German-exclusive. This isn't some backyard pool party. This is a 4-hour professional business conference where the technology will be discussed and networking will be encouraged.

>> No.12006416

>5 years from now
im not sure about that. look at how much everything changes in just 2 years. pretty sure peercoin used to be in top 10 a couple years ago as well. monero isnt cemented enough to stay like bitcoin is. very few places (even DNM's) accept monero.

>> No.12006454
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Sorry, wrong answer my friend.

No publicly denying, that known scammers like "Dr" Hosp are of course NOT part of your "conference" is a sign for professionals, that your "conference" is yet another ego-stroking sharade to sell vaporware to the gullibles.

>> No.12006466

What's the inflation rate of Dero?

>> No.12006477
File: 381 KB, 1376x1040, Screenshot 2018-12-04 at 19.13.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12006489


>> No.12006516

Monero, despite claiming to be "private", is backed by a lot of big players. Unless an exit scam or severe code vulnerability happens, it's not leaving the top scene any time soon, although I'd love to be proven wrong.

No offense, but I don't know who "Dr. Hosp" even is. Can you give more information about this scammer?

Also, you are aware what the term "vaporware" means, right? You can say you don't believe in the technology's principles and argue that a crypto like Chainlink with its oracles or Ethereum with its lightning network is a better solution to what Dero is offering, but to just call it "vaporware" is the same as saying "it doesn't exist" which makes you look uninformed and foolish.

>> No.12006607

If you are talking about this Dr. Hosp: https://www facebook com/julianhosp/

As you can see by his official Facebook page, he is a part of a TenX team event on Thursday, the same day as the Dero conference. So no, this Dr. Hosp will not be participating in the Dero conference.

>> No.12006663

>No offense, but I don't know who "Dr. Hosp" even is. Can you give more information about this scammer?

Also no offence, but how can you actually call yourself an expert or even "skilled" in cryptocurrencies, if you dont even know whom to NOT be connected with in the first place?

Even if you know your shit on the technical level, this alone disqualifies you on so many levels on the business level, this cluelessness tarnishes the reputation of your project.

Also just post a list of whom to expect, what they talk about and be done with it. No professional who values his time is attending a conference without knowing the speakers. With "interesting people", you bait the gullibles to buy mining contracts, but not professionals who are worth networking.

>> No.12006959

>No professional who values his time is attending a conference without knowing the speakers.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious you didn't read my last post since I confirmed Dr. Hosp isn't attending the event (and even if he was it wouldn't matter since anybody could attend the event to watch the presentation) and the link provided in the OP clearly lists who will be speaking at this conference.

>> No.12007179

I did read the post.
You just did not adress the problems.

There are actually three problems with what you write here:

1st: you dont know Hosp
He did one of the biggest ICOs of the first half of 2017.
He was at time the most prominent German speaking person in crypto, even though he was known to be a hyping scammer and wannabe-expert.
Even here on 4chan, people shilled TenX for a couple of months.
The fact, that they lied in their whitepaper regarding the role of Vitalik was quite a toppic in crypto for at least three weeks.

How much can I expect from someone, who is not long enough in crypto to remember all this?

2nd: you still do not distance yourself from him or his kind
When you are asked if a know scammer will attend your conference, "Of course not, why should we invite known scammers?" is the correct answer.
Not "He wont attend, because he is elsewhere". Maybe another one of his kind is among your speakers. It makes your judgement with whom to make business look bad.

3rd: you dont disclose the speakers as well as the toppics
Why should I attend your conference, if I dont know if people are there, which are at my level of competences or at least interests in crypto?

>> No.12007279


>> No.12007314


You seem to be under the impression that I'm somehow in control of the conference or work for the Dero team. I am not and I do not. I am just a member of the community who has looked at the technology. I do not care about other crypto projects, so I'm sorry if I don't know every hodgepodge in the space.

Like I said, you can't attend the conference anyway as all the tickets are sold out. You can choose to view the live stream or the stream at a later date, or not. I don't care. I'm just here to answer whatever questions I can about the technology as all I see on this board is FUD about how "Dero's technology doesn't exist" when it very clearly does.

>> No.12007347

>December 6th
Hey, that's the first Tuesday of the month. On this day, in Berlin, there's also going to be the monthly Bitcoin round-table in the bar "Room 77". You can also pay with BTC & Monero there.

>> No.12007407

>I'm just here to answer whatever questions I can about the technology

This still leads to Dero being a retarded project, because their devs are too insecure to attract enough actual business professionals from the sphere to their "conference" with their speakers and toppics.

>> No.12007416

December 6th is on a Thursday

>> No.12007429

And who would you like to see attend? It's clear that unless the people attending are on your personal "approved and vetted" list that it doesn't matter.

>> No.12007592
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>a privacy coin with a proprietary license that fails in the Howey test and is a security that will be easily regulated (and even controlled) by government and has a 10% premine which belongs to a single unknown person that is also the central (and only) authority behind it

The absolute state of shitcoiners

>> No.12007670

>And who would you like to see attend?
No one specifically. People with verifiable proven merits in business, finance or tech. Or people with known academical achievements in these fields.

You know... people professionals like to listen and talk to.
At best the speakers are such people.
At worst, they waste my time.

And in the end, no conference with unknown guests were worth my time so far.

>> No.12007705

>1 developer
>centralized asic mining
>closed source binaries
Not even once. If your lucky, a real TEAM will come along and fork derro. But as long as only a single pedophile controls your shitcoin it Could be worth a million a token and nobody with any common sense would touch it. Stop posting retards.

>> No.12007708


>> No.12007737

>closed source binaries
this is not true. you can compile from source and make your own binary.

>centralized asic mining
not 51%able so it doesnt make a difference.

>1 developer
*3. also satoshi was just one developer as well. 1 very capable dev is worth 100 average devs.

what will it take for you to stop calling this a scam? smart contracts actually releasing?

>> No.12007739

Let it be known that on December 6th dero will exit scam

>> No.12007764

It's all true, and you can't deny. Just accept it.

>> No.12007809

>*3. also satoshi was just one developer as well.
Even though BTC could be called premined, Satoshi did not organize dodgy conferences to hype his product and therefore his stack of coins.

You start to see the difference?

>> No.12007813

>this is not true. you can compile from source and make your own binary.
You're clearly a brainlet who doesn't have a single clue what closed source means. You also forgot that the source code wasn't availible from April to June, when the single unknown developer started to make changes in the code, pre compiled and released the binaries with obligatory updates without a way to know what he did to that code. You can see this by checking the github repository commits history from that period.

You can't prove that are more developers. Only 1 speakks, and nobody knows who he is.

>> No.12008401

Yeah, you're right. I've meant Thursday, not Tuesday. Every first Thursday of the month, there is a Bitcoin roundtable in the bar Room 77.

>> No.12008436

you can literally compile from source. how the fuck is that not open source you retard. your the one that doesnt know what it means. https://github.com/deroproject/derosuite

>You also forgot that the source code wasn't availible from April to June, when the single unknown developer started to make changes in the code, pre compiled and released the binaries with obligatory updates without a way to know what he did to that code
so the source code wasnt available for two months. please name a single attack on the chain that could have been done. not muh "anything could have been done". name a single specific attack that could have been done on the chain that would not have been detected by now. post your address. I'll send you 5 bitcoin right now if you come up with one legitimate way.

>> No.12008594

I am sick of you assholes. Fuck all of you faggots in your faggot asses!

>> No.12009237

Anything that has to do with safe random number generation.
Maybe he preseeded the RNG so he can easily enumerate all wallets generated in that time.
Maybe instead of generating random tx public keys, the dero wallet actually generates them by taking the private key and encrypting it with a key only dev has access to, publishing all wallets on the blockchain in plain sight.
There, took me about a minute to think of 2 ways, I won't even post my BTC address since you don't have 5 BTC anyway.

>> No.12009297

Actually, a much easier one would be to have some identifier hardcoded somehwere (a specific payment id or whatever), and when it's present the client just skips the rangeproof verification, allowing negative values and the creation him of infinite coins. The possibilities are truly endless.

>> No.12009298


Since he doesn't want your bitcoins , give it to me!

>> No.12009562

I honestly believe that even when private smart contracts releases, people will still find something to whine about.

They whine because they're scared. They want to believe that their own cryptocurrency (Monero, Turtlecoin, etc.) is the pinnacle of what can be done and nothing can ever surpass it.

Notice how these people NEVER argue against the technology. They always argue these unverifiable tidbits of "what if?" or "he COULD have done this, you don't know" because they literally CAN'T refute anything on the technological side.

>> No.12009657

this is not to do with the chain itself. this is all offchain stuff that can be the same in any wallet you use in the future. it also only effects transactions that were spent during those two months. so anything thats being sent now is secure. if you really believe he has stolen everyones private keys then just create a new wallet and send it there instead.

>skips the rangeproof verification
thats not possible since the code is available now, you can check all rangeproofs.

>> No.12009991

there is nothing technologically advanced about your centralized closed source shitcoin. It is merely a rewrite of Monero in golang. Sorry to burst your bubble. But there is no way a single pederast anonymous dev could ever hold a candle to the dev team of Monero. Just deal with it. If your shitcoin hits $.10 again, you should dump it ASAP.
Now seriously, stop making yourself and anyone associated with derro look like such desperate shitbags.

>> No.12010100

Buzzwords: The Post

>> No.12010116

>But there is no way a single pederast anonymous dev hold a candle to the dev team of Monero

the creator of cryptonote (which 95% of monero is based on) was literally created by a single anonymous person. same with creator of mimblewimble. kys

>merely a rewrite of Monero in golang
>12 sec block times vs. 2 minutes
>10x faster bulletproofs
>smart contracts

>> No.12010157

The fact that he's calling the Dero dev a pedophile is making me thing he's just trolling with as many buzzwords as he can fit in one post. Next thing he'll do is call the Dero dev a conspiracy theorist who supports Q and that we are all getting sleepy and should probably get some rest in a Chainlink thread somewhere.

>> No.12010824

Greetings fags, a better meme coin that you can mine is WOWNERO.