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12005120 No.12005120 [Reply] [Original]

"Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality." - John Tyler (10th president of the United States)

>> No.12005133

like I care what an ancient muricunt said

>> No.12005134

lmao that dude sounds like a literal who boomer

>> No.12005170
File: 155 KB, 444x582, karl-marx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The secret of the self-expansion of capital resolves itself into having the disposal of a definite
quantity of other people’s unpaid labour."
-Carl Marx

>> No.12005192

>implying this is applicable today with btc

>> No.12005206

That man was one of the most inept Andrew Jackson immitstors of the early 19th century. Considering that he was a totally ineffective executive (with the exception of the acquisition of Texas) who was mostly parroting whatever the Jacksonins wanted to hear.

Why should we care what this dead guy thinks again?

>> No.12005207

fuck you


>> No.12006236
File: 5 KB, 159x230, 344A72AE-D169-4D5F-8EA7-99619992FDEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit Tyler