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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11999756 No.11999756 [Reply] [Original]

All of you ruined my life. I lost everything. Before you assholes convinced me to go into crypto, I was in uni and on track to a decent career, had a small but existent social life and was healthy. That was a year ago. Now? Now I'm but a shell of a person. I failed out of uni, I have no friends,I jerk off to things I once found disgusting I'm addicted to nootropics,and I'm not going to be able to make rent next month and it's the beginning of winter all because of crypto. I HAVE NOTHING! I AM NOTHING!!!! I hate each and every one of you who shilled me into this fucking scam. I would flay you all alive if I could and feed you to maggots. see you all in hell.

>> No.11999763

Even the ones that told you to sell at $17000 but chose to ignore?

>> No.11999771
File: 30 KB, 512x512, eos-cryptocurrency-crypto-currency-coin-logo-3cbf68c28ac9549e-512x512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u can still rectify those losses, anon. pic related.

>> No.11999778

Nobody forced you to click BUY or SELL, you know it was your own greed that pushed you to do it. Either way everybody here is so much down from ATH its not even funny. You sound like a dumb zoomer too

>> No.11999919

just buy LINK you faggot

>> No.11999928

>Don't invest more than you can afford to lose
First rule of crypto kiddo, and that doesn't apply to just money.

>> No.11999938

link $1000 eoy

>> No.11999949

You're weak and wouldn't make it anyway.

>> No.12000032

hahahahahaha Tron is everything you wish EOS was, with an actual CEO committed to it instead of running off to scam money from a new one.

>> No.12000145

You have on last chance to save yourself from being a total failure OP. Bet it all in DecentraX
They are 60% off right now 173 DCX for 1 ETH
They are building the tools for things like concert tickets, home titles, car pink slips, etc to move onto the blockchain and a DEX where peer-to-peer or enterprise-to-peer trades can happen. This means that they will take over companies like Ticketmaster and it will be impossible for a con artist to sell a fake ticket, just like you can’t sell a fake BTC.
Honestly this project is going to be huge, plus their team is networking and ASIC chip specialists who pioneered their respective industries, good luck

>> No.12000159
File: 68 KB, 305x458, 1543801797537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communist blame le ebil capitalism and speculation for his own mistakes

this is 4channel

this is redit

>> No.12000169

>He actually thinks Tron isn't a scam

>> No.12000184

same. I unironically became a recluse this year

>> No.12000185

Web 4.0! Jack Ma! Bittorrentconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeect!

>> No.12000190

Why did they bother to buy BitTorrent?

>> No.12000406


>> No.12000414


>> No.12000430

>don't invest more than you can afford to lose
that's not just rule #1 of crypto, but all investing

and rule #2 is past performance does not guarantee future results

>> No.12000482

>trusting 4chan