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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11998053 No.11998053 [Reply] [Original]

can we use our autism to figure out a way? this would unironically be THE game changer for crypto.

>> No.11998079

ATMs > Exchange > Trading > ATMs

Not sure how laws would work aroun the world

>> No.11998087


GOX tried it. They got assfucked.
Kraken tried it. They got assfucked.
BAKKT wants to do it. They've already got assfucked.
Bitfinex has gotten assfucked so many times, they can't maintain banking for more than 2 months at a go.

You don't get a magical off ramp to launder real money for 'good enough' money, or a way to change 'good enough' money into good money. Every nation on the planet, even shitholes in Africa, have laws and regulations to prevent this nonsense.

>> No.11998145

Too hard, too many compounding fees along the way.

There needs to be a button to press to transfer money to/from my bank account to/from a decentralized exchange.

This means either getting a bank(s) to somehow play ball, or coming up with some alternative to banks for storing fiat money.

>> No.11998271

nahh you gotta get and sell your coins like it was drugs tbqh ;)

>> No.11998304

the more important thing is to get true decentralized margin trading.. imagine bitmex without any single point of failure


>> No.11998319

It’s not a technological thing, it’s laws and regulations.