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File: 268 KB, 587x629, paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11989806 No.11989806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I short France?

>> No.11989823

you kidding me, this protest is bullish as fuck
fuck the government, all they do is steal out money

>> No.11989826

Jesus fucking Christ, France. Get your shut together.

>> No.11989830

fuck the goverment senpai, this is the begining of the third french revolution and like the last ones it will spread to the world.
Get ur gas mask bitch.

>> No.11989835

on it senpai

>> No.11989836

Diversity is our strength, you're a bigot if you don't think this is a good thing.

>> No.11989839

This is what France gets for taking in all those foreigners

>> No.11989841

Happy to see revolution is still possible in a 1st world

>> No.11989845

Are you aware that it's a fake ?

>> No.11989857
File: 122 KB, 962x640, DtW_qZpWsAExhZ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. So how do I long France?

It's not.

>> No.11989868

Also for the record I'd like if it was true, lots of parisians dying would be the best thing to happen.

It is, there was a fire in the street but the art gallery is intact.

>> No.11989914

Fuck off cuck, it's times like this when I can actually respect the frogs

>> No.11989929
File: 341 KB, 657x527, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just gonna pussy out and go home soon and nothing will change, isn't it

>> No.11990094

I say the government will announce some tax drop, but also warn that some gibs may be cut. That would be the less bad option.

>> No.11990199

The police are starting to side with the protesters. Macron is finished and the elites are on suicide watch


>> No.11990207

I'm going to Paris on Saturday.

>> No.11990228

bring a yellow vest and molotovs with you

>> No.11990232

This is actually wh*tes protesting because of increased fuel prices as niggers and *rabs can’t afford car

>> No.11990243


what are these low lifes protesting against?

>> No.11990245

Not just about fuel for your car. Increased fuel prices means EVERYTHING gets more expensive, this was a tipping point for the poorest workers in France. Meanwhile, Macron gave tax cuts to the wealthy elites at the same time as increasing fuel prices.

>> No.11990251


>> No.11990260

>wealthy elites
I make only 36k€/year and Macron tax cuts are great.

>> No.11990287

how much interest do you get on a french saving account?

>> No.11990294

(((art))) gallery


This is capitulation

>> No.11990310

Generally you have 3 options for savings
>Livret A
Tax-free stock account, limited to french stocks, can only cash out 8 years after opening the account. Interests are as much as you make.
Tax-free mix of the two above, also REITs and assorted investment. Same deal, you can't cash out immediately. Interest are around 3-4%/year if you take a conservative plan.

>> No.11990322

Seeing as most people will chose Livret A. And inflation is about 2%/year. Every year that passes, you'll lose money.

It's the same here in Belgium, happened after the crisis in 2008. Not sure how much the wages are indexed in france, but if it's less then 2%/year you're at a loss.

>> No.11990331

Somebody’s gotta pay for the new French

>> No.11990335

Most people actually choose an Assurance-vie if I'm not mistaken, Livret A has been losing money for decades now.
Salary rise too, but I'm not sure they rose as fast as inflation this year.

>> No.11990336

GOVERNMENt AND T>>11989806

>> No.11990342

Probably nothing for you to worry about, you brainwashed metropolitan gutter rat.

>> No.11990350

>"u r brainwashed"

>> No.11990362

Brussels nigga ?

>> No.11990370
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Bullish as fuck

>> No.11990376

These riots are them getting their shit together.

>> No.11990381
File: 283 KB, 499x513, 1519264554870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the begining of the third french revolution


>> No.11990384
File: 63 KB, 680x906, 4736EDE9-370A-4D31-A001-4BFAC19F9DEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you believe those Fr*nch idiots actually voted in a grannyfucker? I mean come the fuck on, you have to be severely brainwashed to even think about voting this guy into office.

Fr*nce shouldn’t even bother existing. It’s such a silly nation!

>> No.11990389

That dried up cunt is just a beard.

>> No.11990391


>> No.11990394

Yup his true lover was her son.

>> No.11990400

Link to this?

>> No.11990413


>> No.11990423


>> No.11990428
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Niger, please.

>> No.11990538
File: 63 KB, 1200x600, 1543223828888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French are finally uncucking themselves. Now they understand Americans. This protest is the consequence of living in a multi-ethinic society. When live surrounded by people from different ethnic groups, you're less likely to want to pay taxes (because you see taxes benefitting people that aren't your kin). That's why the US has a tradition of fighting tax increases and welfare. The US has always been more fragmented.

Here is a prediction: this is going to spread all over Europe. Say goodbye to socialism and 50% tax rates for the middle class. Either Europeans expell migrants or government budgets will shrink.

>> No.11990568

I'm pro-EU but anti-darkie, so I'm pretty okay with seeing a mainly white protest that isn't couched in euroskepticism.

What message is this image trying to send?

>> No.11990574

Look up the richat structure.

>> No.11990626

you don't servile goy
France is going to short you and your (((friends)))

>> No.11990638

arts are safu

>> No.11990836


how close are we to mass deportations?

>> No.11990852



>> No.11990857



>> No.11990863
File: 138 KB, 765x402, napoleon emancipates the jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly - how much cuckery throughout history originated in France?

>> No.11990920

having to pay for MENA and their spawn

>> No.11991002

>Somebody’s gotta pay for the new French
So much this.
Europe has been stagnating for 20 years under diversity.
We'd be flying in spaceships if we only let in the best 20% of what we did

>> No.11991016

Now the question is how Macron will ride this popular wave. I mean, he was already lowering taxes before, can he continue ?

>> No.11991032

this is what happens when we try to live in a community with non-whites.

>> No.11991057

Long Germany or the UK

>> No.11991063

can I get a basic gestalt in the form of a greentext?

>> No.11991110
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>> No.11991217

anyone wish they were in france right now to steal artwork?

>> No.11991223

>wishing to be in p*ris

>> No.11991232

wouldn't it be funny to be in those riots and throw poo at people like poo in a bag and then just throw it at buildings and stuff

>> No.11991298

I hope to god you guys kill the Arabs

>> No.11991356

Can we... tokenize artwork? Put it on blockchain?

>> No.11991367

immigration works..

>> No.11991377

>The Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume is an arts centre for modern and postmodern photography and media.
Nothing to see here, just a money laundering operation, move along.

>> No.11991396

>The Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume is an arts centre for (((modern and postmodern photography and media)))


>> No.11991435
File: 21 KB, 637x302, 1517541211854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pro-EU but anti-darkie
Absolutely glowing!

>> No.11991445

But why? All that shit is catalogued and you wouldn't be able to sell it anywhere for anywhere close to its value. It's not like in the movies, you basically just end up with a valuable souvenir. I'd be much more interested in stuff like gold trim (lots of those old buildings are trimmed with gold around interior ceilings), silver fixtures, etc. Stuff you can melt down after and actually get rid of without going straight to jail

>> No.11991484


>> No.11991495

History repeats?

>> No.11991664

This is really fucking cool. I wish we could see something like this in America instead of everyone, cops and citizens, just bootlicking the bankers, CEOs, and corrupt politicians that and thrusting them into poverty and corporate rule.

>> No.11991712


Nope everyone here is cucked on some blue lives matter copsucking bullshit

>> No.11991786

I've been anti cop my entire life, but the BLM shit picked the worst cases to highlight. The fucking pig telling that guy to fucking play twister before shooting him should have kicked off some Nathan Bacon shit.

>> No.11991848

Yeah, that shit was crazy. That guy was a plumber, an honest American worker. The cop made him crawl on the floor and then shot him with a rifle repeatedly for no reason. I've found Ogrish back in the day and was watching women have their faces peeled off when I was 12 but that video was way more disturbing. That cop was found guilty of no misconduct either. Party mindset is fucked.

>> No.11991878

short the CAC40, but I know this is a larp and you have not the brain nor the wealth to do it anyway.

>> No.11991900

Has America had any protests that weren't leftwing retards or just a general chimpout lately? That could explain it.

>> No.11991926

American protests are trash tier. It's just a bunch of people holding signs and screaming. You know how our forefathers protested? They had a tea party and destroyed the products of the people who were taxing them unfairly. Instead, we buy more iPhones, then scream when someone smashes a (((bank))) window in a protest and demand him death. And when that didn't work, they went to war. Meanwhile, we've got signs.

>> No.11991931

Goedferdek Ik woon In La louviere and werk in brussels, maar Ik heb een formatie vandag in antwerp (sorry voor my nederland..)

>> No.11991935
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>> No.11991945
File: 439 KB, 750x784, 5EB87C50-9540-40AD-AE64-C235C1618D10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He bought?

>> No.11991950

I don't see any police holding them back.

>> No.11991955

This is just more sign holding, but with lawn torches instead of signs. In order for anything to happen you need to directly attack the ones causing the damage. When the twin towers got nuked we didn't send ISIS a letter, we bombed the shit out of them and went to war. American citizens need to do the same or nothing will change.

>> No.11991966

There is a lot of police mate

>> No.11991999

What's with all those France fake news lately?

>> No.11992012

tfw americans fight over some bullshit statues being torn down
the french fight over things that actually matter. the economic plight of the working class

>> No.11992026

kek. the absolute state of ameritards.

>> No.11992176

if you have enough money, and just go 100x long on bitcoin now, how can you get burned (only of it goes to 0)

>> No.11992197

Holy shit, the globalist internet defense force is out in full force today, eh? Fuck you, and fuck immigrants. Viva la revolution, you cocksucker.

>> No.11992208

This time it should be the globalists' turn.

>> No.11992223

Civil war is inevitable in Europe, minimum of 5 years away

>> No.11992231

This is what right-wing Americans actually believe.

>> No.11992259
File: 843 KB, 1024x883, 1523703502164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992291

>glow in the dark
>yellow vests
Oh shit, CIA ops

>> No.11992296

rip terry

>> No.11992354

France is again one step ahead, hope they just put Macron in jail

>> No.11992434
File: 34 KB, 600x617, americans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macron is an idiot!

>Also Americans:
These rioters against Macron are a bunch of idiots!

Americans are too beta to protest or riot against the Government. Imagine this shit going on in DC - our government would literally kill us before letting any protest get this serious.

>> No.11992439

>Ok. So how do I long France?
You buy their currency and hold.

>> No.11992474

That's because USA is probably the worst country on earth.
They do wars, they impose their shitty Mcdonald and Coke all over the world, will sell their mother against $$.
This is the most dangerous country against humanity and earth.
Well you guess right, the head of capitalism

>> No.11992489

>elects banker elite poster boy
>surprised when it goes sideways and he introduces more (((taxes)))
>add fucking grannies for extra diversity points

France y?

>> No.11992509

How can I make money off this stock wise

>> No.11992518

>b-but i need to carry my firearm to protect myself against the gubment :-(

>> No.11992561

Beautiful city. Also love stopping in at Schipperskwartier wheneve I'm in town.

>> No.11992566

>destroying the history of western civilization
I look forward to your country being overrun by third worlders, you frogs earned it.

>> No.11992573

Wasn't there a huge protest about grazing rights on federal land and the militia was out there full force with firearms? That wasn't pussy sign holding.

>> No.11992574
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 1485671056217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can't help but blame americans for everything while they're burning their city down like a bunch of niggers
God I love being the center of attention. lmao

>> No.11992618

Is it true gas is $16/gal in Paris? Someone said that in a /pol/ thread but Google says its closer to 6/gal

>> No.11992631

Yeah, that was pretty cool. Humorously enough even though the ranchers were directly acting out against the federal government, who the liberal left is so adamant against, they were also against the ranchers since they were on "occupied native land." While that may have been true, they totally overlooked the issue of these people directly going against the feds. They should have been supporting them, despite their differences. I think the American media did a lot of work to discredit the ranchers too, though. People need to stop listening to party politics and news media and stop fighting each other and realize you don't need to agree on everything. They need to start fighting those in control instead of playing into these division games.

>> No.11992649

paris isn't paris anymore

>> No.11992658

You long Germany

>> No.11992744

>not in French

>> No.11992753

The EU doesn't need to be an inherently globalist institution any more than the US does. I'm surprised white nationalists don't see it that way more often. Turkey is no longer an option, thank fucking god, so the EU really is limited to Europe. It's just a matter of generational shift of opinion before a sense of European nationalism comes along.

Brexit may have been a win-win: slapping sense into the EU on migration and also giving it an issue to unite around.

>> No.11992759

>be me
>tell you to google it

>> No.11992876

Macron will be guillotined
screencap this


>> No.11992906


Codex Protocol.

>> No.11992925

Thread theme

>> No.11992928
File: 2.94 MB, 359x346, Merry xmas goys!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992933

You actually think things will stay the same (slow burn into 3rd world status) and history is over?

>> No.11992943


You forgot to add to your list multiculturalism and political correctness. America is a golem of the zog.

>> No.11992988

Erasing history. France sucked anyway, but they are now erasing history.

>> No.11993007

There isn't a single White country that has it's shit together at the moment unfortunately we've all been subverted. Don't mention Poland or Hungary those countries are cucked in different ways.

kys whatever subhuman monkey breed you are

>> No.11993012

Have you ever considered you kind of suck, as a human being. Art doesn't hurt anything, in fact it makes life charming. But instead you are excited for mindless destruction. Fine, maybe you don't like modern art--why I don't understand--but what's wrong with the old stuff, and what's so great about lighting shit on fire? Do you want life to be even harder than it already is? And if you do, what does that say about your own integrity? Maybe you're the bad guy here, think about it.

>> No.11993016

This. They elected a granny fucker. Did they really trust his judgement / morality? What a bunch of morons

>> No.11993028

you goddamn idiot, ISIS didnt even come close to existing in 2001. You were born in 2000 werent you? secondly, YOU didnt do shit. people that joined the military did while you sat around a waved an american flag at waffle house.

>> No.11993087

Invest in Chinese companies producing large rubber boats. I'm being serious.

>> No.11993180

modern "art" is trash and objectively isn't art

>> No.11993198

>pro eu

>> No.11993210

they are painting a masterpiece of their own. i am sure there are people who see beauty in their creativity the same way you see beauty in yours.

>> No.11993281
File: 3.48 MB, 900x1200, Circumcised.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11993414

It's an art gallery doofus, not the fucking luvre. Modern art is a bunch of overpriced bullshit used by oligarchs to launder money with.

Get fucked you bootlicking cunt

>> No.11993511
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>> No.11993518
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>> No.11993552
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>postmodern art

>> No.11993561
File: 56 KB, 609x895, t-thanks EU mandates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11993619

Easy. Short Renault lol

>> No.11993637

Sound like fun too me.

>> No.11993649

This is why it’s all the more important to uncuck/undo the subversion of USA so it can save the others from self-destruction before it’s too late. But I’m afraid it’s already too late, Trump was so late in the game that the big boys financing this multiculti tolerance bullshit have almost finalized their goals. There’s really nothing he can do if anything at all aside from delaying USA’s progression of self-destruction, which is minimally effective at most.

This will give time for the other Western countries to cast down their own subversive tyrannies but they need to act quickly on a yearly timeframe.

>> No.11993655


How are the proles of France so consistently based, bros?

>> No.11993670


its a 3X inverse ETF of Euro stocks

>> No.11993944

They just burnt some dumpsters outside the building
Gilets jaunes (that’s how they’re called) are a bunch of retards asking for less taxes and more public services. They complain about being poor but spend all their money on expensive smartphones, branded clothes, Netflix subscriptions and 5€ Starbucks.

>> No.11993960

why people angry?

>> No.11994059
File: 350 KB, 456x524, 1510672206959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine police escorting a massive line of globalists, SJWs and immigrants to that guillotine, being worked day and night, constantly hearing the blade sing when it falls down along the slide only to end with a wooden thump and a severed head

>> No.11994117

You mean like, the fourth
Or fifth?
It's hard to keep track

>> No.11994123

how to profit from this? srs question

>> No.11994133

oh god i found the literal one gen z neocon-in-training that exists.

hey buddy, the official narrative on 9/11 is a scam. it's the juice.

>> No.11994305
File: 62 KB, 387x550, 1476290676260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being that much of a bluepilled NPC
Good zoomer-goy

>> No.11994369

french grog reporting in; we are alrdy to the brink of a racial civil war. Wont take 5 years, 2 at best.

>> No.11994402

This, we are historically high inequality.

>> No.11994520
File: 12 KB, 250x241, 1538360474088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute state of Zoomers.

>> No.11994749

>its only the government
(((They))), the royalty are at fault with this too. The government is the messenger that is all. People don't seem to see that the government is a puppet and that the rest is decided by the rich. There will be a new revolution soon.

>> No.11994786

Not sure, but investing in pharmaceutical companies keeping african nogs alive will worsen the decline.

>> No.11994953

Bon voyage kek

>> No.11995012

based and redpilled

>> No.11995016

Are not the Bogdanoffs French?

>> No.11995094


>> No.11995306

Probably. Isn't it always?

Ugh. I hate living in the most boring and depressing time in human history.

>> No.11995342

>The EU doesn't need to be an inherently globalist institution any more than the US does. I'm surprised white nationalists don't see it that way more often

Well Richie Spence has expressed pro-EU sentiment in the past. Further evidence of being controlled opposition IMO.

TL;DR "EU authoritarianism is good because once the alt-right takes power, we can use it to suppress our opposition."

Ok, Mr. Totally-Not-Controlled-Opposition-Closet-Homosexual-Man :DDDD

>> No.11995349

Increase kebab in the premises :DDDD

>> No.11995360

We'd finally know what it was like to live in times when anything made sense or anyone cared about anything ever.

>> No.11995378


They better stay away from the Louvre, unless they want the army to open up on them with machine guns.

>> No.11995420

should've voted for LePen stupid frenchies. Enjoy your fires

>> No.11995476

based gif maker

>> No.11995523

These protests are backed by Putin, irrespective of Macron’s shitty tax increase

>> No.11995544

Would never happen.

t. actual IRL frog soldier who's doing vigipirate in Marseille and has been given explicit orders on not shooting

>> No.11995570

Why haven't you joined the prols yet, globalist monkey?

>> No.11995589

I need to eat, my nigga. These bills don't pay themselves.

>> No.11995602

>modern and post modern art
nothing of value was lost

>> No.11995615
File: 223 KB, 1080x720, Photo le 05-11-2018 à 17.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alors la bite volante, on fanfaronne sur le web?
moi j'ouvre le feu en fonction de la gueule des individus

>> No.11995660

Just chill with the French fighting here. I have a feeling that they will censor your internet if this keeps up and you want to keep getting to the 4(((channel)))

>> No.11995686
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>when its actually british special forces acting as agent provacateurs

>> No.11995719
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>> No.11995750

niggers and wetbacks, mostly. but yeah the government too. there would be a waco every day if we weren’t armed. these elitist types really hate us a lot.

>> No.11995787
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>> No.11995809

>French finally uncucking themselves
>not just a regularly scheduled riot in France
Sacre bleu!

>> No.11995853

Spencer isn’t controlled opposition, he’s just a confused gay man who likes to be punched. Like an Alt-Right Milo.

>> No.11996900

>no misconduct
Fuck this gay country. He should have been lynched.

>> No.11996915
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>> No.11996946

There is literally nothing wrong with Putin destabilizing western countries. I wish he was better at it. The communists bought weapons from Jews on wall street after all.

>> No.11997118

Wow you're a fucking idiot and it would make us all genuinely happy if you kys

>> No.11997130

Yes, it's globohomo HQ.

>> No.11997375

Whoa cool who gives a fuck
How could they possibly ever give you the OPPOSITE of that order :OO
Don't leave the military

>> No.11997544
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Apparently when the Muslim faith was new they had to pray something like three times per hours, fuckin lulz.

Even them realized how retarded that was so they nerfed it to 5 times per day (10-15 min per prayer). Apparently God's word wasn't so important.

Also Muslim's pray to the moon God originally, which explains the flag. But that has been covered up as best as they can.

>> No.11997574

America hasnt had any protests worth a shit since the 50s

>> No.11997768
File: 19 KB, 219x266, eeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just get covered up and shut down in media

>> No.11997821


Occupy wall street? Remember when people were being arrested when for trying to close their BofA accounts?

>> No.11997846

>ex "socialist"
>pro-bussiness, pro-rich
>actions show he hates workers and the poor
finally these fucking fake socialists are getting their shit destroyed
hopefully they will end up putting the anti-revolutionaries in the guillotine

>> No.11997863

This is how it starts. Library of Alexandria all over again. Remove sea people.

>> No.11997903

Why do you want to go to war with a race that literally owns the entire planet including all the money and media and oil and half the fucking weaponry.

Whites are mentally challenged. We’d fucking gulag you cunt.

>> No.11997907


>> No.11997931

you dont own shit, you only have the illusion of ownership. Push it too hard and you'll be shown who's boss, dirty kike

>> No.11997961
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never understood people claiming jews to be a "race". i could become a jew tomorrow if i wanted to. it's not a race no matter how much anybody wants it to be, including jews themselves.

>> No.11997965

They own the federal reserve which means they own the entire united states government, military and your blood sweat and tears in taxes. What you gonna do, quit your day job and go on welfare?

>> No.11997966

Fucking hilarious. All you faggots do is literally WAAAAAAAH THE JEWS HAVE EVERYTHING AND WE HAVE NOTHING ITS NOT FAAAAAIR. It’s so beta and pathetic. All you do is complain about how Jewish power and influence. As soon as someone is like “um then why would you piss them off then” you’re like NO IT DOESNT COUNT JEWS ARE POWERLESS.

Pick a side you intellectually challenged white monkey.

>> No.11997976
File: 49 KB, 375x455, 1505316455368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ppl that want racial war in france a brainlet, we need to welcome our new french brothers and help them feel pride in being french.
I would have prefered a bit less immigration but we cannot change that now. We need to be strong together !

>> No.11997989

>the ashkenazi's are not a race

>> No.11998015

Why are you pol assholes invading biz.

>> No.11998037

The jews have what they stole and defrauded innocent or naive strangers out of. That is a long way from everything, but it is recorded immutable fact that they took control of the US money supply and enginneered economic disasters that wrecked the lives of millions of Americans. And for that they must perish for the wellbeing of humanity. Sorry cohenbergowitzstein you have to die, it is the will of all gods who live

>> No.11998056


i'm sure this is bait but anyway: in 100 years the descendants of these people will not feel french, they will not have (or want to have) any connection to the history of france or its people.

>> No.11998062

i think you are confusing zionists with stupid brooklyn slum jews who go to temple 5 times a day and work in a bookshop. a religion isnt a race, nor is a subset of that faith. 'white' isnt either in case you were wondering.

>> No.11998063

they own the money system true. But its only sustained by faith in such system. When that faith crumbles you are left with nothing. Without the white man getting up, going to work and paying his taxes, you got nothing. You are leeches by nature, you NEED a host. Not the other way around. As soon as people get fed up with your bullshit you're going straight to the ovens.
You used to own Germany pre Hitler too. It was turned around quite quickly as soon as there was a bit of cooperation among whites. You needed to launched a mass media campaign and world war to stop it. Next time it wont be a localized cooperation but international and you'll have no one to turn for help.

>> No.11998067

>French wagies have to pay $30 a gallon just to get to commute to their wageslave job


>> No.11998101

not a jew and not trying to argue i just wanted you to expand on "you only have the illusion of ownership"
and hey, its not like a kike controlled government has ever enacted martial law during times of civil unrest

>> No.11998141
File: 77 KB, 620x380, ancestry_whitepaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this bluepilled
Ashkenazi Jews are 100% an ethnic group and are a totally different haplo group than whites.
There are Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews who all are genetically distinct from the people they live next to.

>> No.11998178
File: 424 KB, 1280x1623, 1542410986055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to make sure they will for our own country's good

>> No.11998207
File: 14 KB, 600x332, what you get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11998217

illusion of ownership means they feel like they're in control. They think they can keep going on with these economic cycles, creating endless debt and buying shit on the cheap during depressions. But its not them who run things, they're not the ones with the technical knowledge to build stuff, they're just financiers. And when people lose faith in this financial system, their supposed power evaporates. It only takes one determined leader and the cooperation of whites and they're either expelled or back to being poorfags living in ghettos. Thats been the case throughout history.

>> No.11998227
File: 158 KB, 720x370, 1_rwMnzHKhjnff7jBIcVoINQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this retarded

>> No.11998686

France died in 1789

>> No.11998709

Not sure but Mauritania still has slavery and they used a picture of a wall with bullet holes as all the evidence they needed to bomb gadaffi. Fun stuff eh?

>> No.11999315



>> No.11999333

Protests are being made violent by russian operatives. Group think is a hell of a drug.

>> No.11999351

Everything you said also applies to the British.

>> No.11999380

>What message is this image trying to send?

>> No.11999392

>cuts taxes for the rich
>raises taxes that mostly affect the poor
>hurr durr putin
>hurr durr russia
why are americans so gullible and retarded?

>> No.11999407

also, for the poltards in here:
reminder that there as many jews in the US as there are in israel

also >>11999351 , anglos are a bunch of thieves and hypocrites

>> No.11999506
File: 13 KB, 334x334, 1416005790592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first step to solving the problem of unfair wealth distribution combined with sharp increase in living costs in France is likely beating up the bourgeoisie and taking their stuff

>> No.11999619
File: 1.24 MB, 1382x2112, African pygmies and a European explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this retarded.

...Feels bad, huh? And you probably didn't exactly get convinced by my "argument" either.

>> No.11999635

>he thinks France has any effect on global politics whatsoever
Anon... I..