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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11986812 No.11986812 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/. What is the best crypto platform for creating dApps? I am aiming for speed, up time, freedom, true decentralization (no censorship or wrong think), and cost (free is best of course). Language difficulty is a secondary, reliability is primary.

Current list:

Ethereum - (too slow/costly, has issues scaling),
EOS - (they aren't really decentralized are they?)
ADA - (same as above?)
Tezos - (unsure about this one)
IOTA - (DAG IOT dApps?)
Byteball - (DAG dApps?)
TRX - (centralized garbage amirite?)
Waves - (???)
HOLO (centralized holoport with re-issued wireless routers?)

Hoping to make some killer content that I don't want censored or controlled, as well as invest in such a project. We talk of the decenralized internet, but who is the most able to bring it to our fingertips? I really doubt a blockchain based solution exists, so I am looking for speed, but it cannot be centralized either, so it will have to be based off of a DAG or some other novel system (holographic storage?) in order to fully function and upload the same amount of data that a heavy usage modern website does.

>> No.11986822

Constellation, obviously.

>> No.11986841

Waves is a DEX
I would do ETH there's a project called DecentraX that is working to allow contracts, history, coins, and do token mapping from ETH onto their network.So once they are up and running you'll be able to get onto a Decentralized Network that offers DEX Applications that are easy to use and their network can handle 250,000 TPS+ they are working to get to 1million
Also NEO is a good one.

>> No.11986877

This thread and other concerns I have read turned me off. It is temping to buy near 5% of the network for a cheap 50k, but if the project is doomed to fail, it would be quite silly to invest in, especially as it is quite late to the game already.

Take a company like IOTA for example, who already have working products being built with their engine. IOTA has its own issues however, and is not a surefire ticket to lambo land...

>> No.11986892
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I just worry that ETH, and anything that is resource heavy will get expensive with time. I am not a fan of blockchain based consensus mechanisms due to scalability concerns, which affect cost, the environment, and transfer speeds. Do NEO or DecentraX solve these? If so, how?

>> No.11986901


Sorry, meant to link to the Constellation DAG thread which can be found here: >>11984244

>> No.11986903
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she's fuckin hot

>> No.11986944
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Yes Nasim is a goddess and I am building an app to testify to her greatness.

- Tanir Lou "Louie" Pajet

>> No.11986956
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No better choice.

>> No.11986984


>> No.11986985

I started the NASIM memes ama.

>> No.11986993

Wait for Ark VM

>> No.11987009
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>> No.11987088

Are there holochain dApps out right now that I could test out?

>> No.11987116

this publishing platform is live -


>> No.11987131

It’s too early anon. We’re still in the infrastructure/plumbing phase of this technology. The whole “blockchain tech is where the internet was in 1990” saying is true. Scaling decentralized platforms is going to take time. There will be projects like EOS that trade off some level of decentralization for increased throughout but ultimately it’s just too early. If you want to get started right now then EOS might be your best bet. It’s currently the only platform that can process enough tx/s to make an app usable. I’d suggest building your idea to be as blockchain agnostic as possible, that way you can swap chains when the more decentralized options scale. Its refreshing hearing someone talk about making dapps instead of prices. Use this time to experiment with your idea so that once the timing is right you can have the first mover advantage. This is the next phase of the internet. Your attention and tinkering now will be rewarded. Good luck anon

>> No.11987141 [DELETED] 


>> No.11987155

Here is the thing. Say I want to create a decentralized video streaming website. Some of these videos may be offensive. What would prevent EOS from disabling my account after enough complaints? Just the same, who else can actually keep videos uploaded via consensus or related decentralized solutions. The answer has to be out there.

>> No.11987404

Out of that list I would go with either Ethereum or Tezos. As others have mentioned, it's too early to tell which platform will be superior.

>> No.11987437
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>> No.11987438

eth is the best choice, its really not slow or costly.

>> No.11987503

I agree that is a problem. EOS is more decentralized than existing web/app hosting methods but that doesn’t mean the platform itself isn’t a potential threat to an apps existence. You need to decide if the risk is worth it to create NOW or wait til better decentralized platforms scale.

As for decentralized content hosting, IPFS is probably your best bet. Granted what we’re talking about now is basically DTube on Steemit. Maybe look into some of the issues that platform experiences and modify some components.

>> No.11987541


Holo. It's not "centralized heliport with re-issued wireless routers." The holoports are devices that are simply designed to allow normies to host and make sure they have nodes for the network up and running when mainnet goes live in a couple of months.

The Alpha works beautifully and is the future of dapps because it is magnitudes faster, c cheaper, and more efficient than the rest. The drawback is potential censorship issues because they don't want people putting kiddie porn and darknet type shit on their network.

>> No.11987580

or alt right, radical vegan, and general conservative value type stuff

still, sounds like a decent investment choice if they can hold up to their promises

>> No.11987621

ive developed on ethereum before and am starting to dev on EOS. EOS seems like the way to go for now. Techwise its remarkably far ahead of everyone else, but consumer adoption is kind of slow right now. Their ecosystem is fairly well developed too.

Go gamble on https://dice.eosbet.io/ and you will see what im talking about right away.

>> No.11987624
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Built on holochain, bringing together the worlds farmers and consumers

>> No.11987634

>is the future of dapps because it is magnitudes faster, c cheaper, and more efficient than the rest.
This is just not true. Other blockchains are going to evolve quickly over the next couple of years. For example, I know Tezos will be able to scale easy for OP if the Avalanche consensus get voted for. I'm still unsure about ETH but miracles do happen.
>The drawback is potential censorship
That's why you would never touch Holo

>> No.11987649

who wants to feel like they're making out with a fish wtf

>> No.11987670


Tezos has backers behind it, but right now what Holo has got in terms of scaling is lightyears ahead of other crypto precisely because it's not a blockchain-based system. Blockchains are full of redundancies that bog them down and the scaling solutions tried so far have failed to produce products that can handle the load that dapps would put on the system. Holo actually gets faster the more it's adopted and used because of the fundamental nature of holochains.

>> No.11987776

>Blockchains are full of redundancies that bog them down and the scaling solutions tried so far have failed to produce products that can handle the load that dapps would put on the system.
Agreed, though Avalanche has only been created earlier this year and pretty much solves these issues you are describing. Check it out


>> No.11987832


>> No.11988041

Wait and see what happens with skycoin and if they drop their consensus algo with mainnet. If that comes then sky would be the pick. You can download the textbook for CX which is their programming language for dApps, they have storage/hosting and computation all available in the platform. Not sure of the throughput but i think something like 3000tps, but you can horizontally scale by deploying another interoperable chain on skyfibre.

>> No.11988135

DCX has proprietary hardware their network runs off and they are being built by network pioneers, and asic chip engineers. I am pretty sure they will do fine because they aren’t reliant on a 3rd party for any of their networking needs

>> No.11988307
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Ethereum Classic. It is cheaper than ETH and less faster due to less congestion. Also, Ethereum Classic is the original Ethereum

>> No.11988328

>Didnt look at Aeternity
Its like you're not even trying anon

>> No.11988740
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too pure