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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 225x224, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11986 No.11986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets make a cryptocoin that we can all get in early on and go straight to the moon

>> No.12007
File: 4 KB, 295x66, bD1DOig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i allready got 2.2 btc from wolong's pandacoin, and still 2 million left

god I love taking advantage of scammers

>> No.12020

bitcoin is the futur

>> No.12013

I think we should do a coin with high reward amounts

>> No.12029

It'll need a good name

>> No.12042

And maybe we should call it something silly, like Dogecoin.

>> No.12058


>> No.12061

We should make it TangCoin

Backed by Wu Tang financial

>> No.12070

if you're gonna waste your earning on a trip to the moon you may as well take an internet motor. Be the first person to post a meme on the moon!

>> No.12074

yes or top coin

>> No.12111

top coin is the best name

>> No.12113

i like it

>> No.12100

You know, "it's safe for business".
You need to appeal to everyone.

>> No.12293

ok so bizcoin
lets use kimoto gravity well for diff retarget
we could do something like this for block rewards
1-10000 = 250000
10001-25000= 500000
25001-50000= 1000000
200001+ = 100000

>> No.12340

OP, I've been thinking about making LGBTcoin.

It would exploit the SJW demographic. We would do a 10% premine and say the proceeds will "go to civil rights charities for LGBT."

Once we pump, we dump and run off with thousands.

Investment is just $15 for coingen.io and time to promote it.

anyone interested?

>> No.12350

This is pretty damn brilliant.
I like it.

>> No.12358

why use coingen whe we can build it for free

>> No.12406
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too lazy haha, but yes, we could build it for free too.

Well, if anyone is interested here is my throw away email.

All we really need is someone in the community to promote it and someone who is good with getting server nodes to support the block chain.

>email related, I feel like a have a decent grasp of how people exploit emotion for money (a.k.a reparations etc.)

>> No.12421

It's a beautiful scam.
Consider me sold on the idea.

>> No.12442
File: 71 KB, 1500x1000, Bitcoin-Alternatives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool. I'll start working on the logo then.

>> No.12446


>> No.12460

It's gonna have to be rainbow.. right?

>> No.12463

freenode #LGBTcoin

>> No.12530

A simple rainbow won't be enough.

>> No.12540

A rather matte coin, in rainbow colors with some variation of the C on it would be best.

>> No.12564
File: 208 KB, 530x526, xa0ak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12574

Guys, listen

>> No.12590
File: 94 KB, 501x585, 1391355448259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to be a thing? I would love for this to be a thing

>> No.12615

How'd panda get you so much?

>> No.12631
File: 281 KB, 473x469, prototype1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look? Do you think it should have the letters on it instead?

Yes, apparently, based on how much response I'm getting here, it seems like it's going to be a "thing"

>> No.12644

Could you somehow get that weird symbol thing to look more like a C?

>> No.12642

okay, I've joined the channel.

waiting on more people. Thanks.

>> No.12655

sure. Give me a minute.

>> No.12685

No really let's make bizcoin..

>> No.12695

We should make both bizcoin and LGBTcoin but one at a time, we need to have a Crypto Creation General or something like that so we can organize these projects

>> No.12690

This'll take a artistic touch. I'd say only make the center the Rainbow patern and make it go from left to right instead.

The icon make it smaller so it fits its entirety in the center

Maybe we could a rainbow like outline

>> No.12732


>> No.12742

huh no spoilers here

>> No.12771
File: 285 KB, 473x469, prototype2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look?

>> No.12780

still looks pretty gay

>> No.12793

Good, good.
That's the goal, isn't it?

>> No.12796

That is a pretty good idea.

>> No.12800
File: 18 KB, 229x227, CAWQLG63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late:

>> No.12804


seriously though, it does still need quite a bit of work. Please throw your suggestions at me, I'm going to make a quick mock up of >>12690
this guy. and I'll post it in this thread ASAP.

>> No.12820

we already did that.
it's called dogecoin.. maybe you should've lurked more before missing the train

>> No.12831

Is this idea gaining any traction? I'm seeing coin logos being made, should I start paying attention yet?

>> No.12840


What kind of retard will fall for that? Do you really expect that someone will put real money into that shit?

>> No.12844


what will it be called?


>> No.12848
File: 302 KB, 800x800, 1390902832056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if srs but lots of people put real money into FUCKING COINYE

>> No.12853

>What kind of retard will fall for that?
No serious miner would ever fall for this. But if we can get it to the markets there will be plebs begging for it.

>> No.12867


People put money into something called Dogecoin for gods sake.
This is infinitely less stupid and it actually has clearly defined idiots who might fall for it, e.g. LGBT civil rights fags, whiteknights and tumblr.

>> No.12870
File: 255 KB, 473x469, prototype3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree it looks better this way. What do you guys think?

>> No.12879

needs less border

>> No.12875

please do adaptive n-factor, not scrypt. too many scrypt shit/fun/fagcoins already.

>> No.12882

Good, but the rainbow needs to go from top to bottom, like the flag.
Also can you try not to use a photo of a flag?

>> No.12885

Does anyone think queercoin would be a better name? LGBTcoin is a little heavy handed and they actually like calling themselves queer

>> No.12894
File: 253 KB, 473x469, prototype3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, it's late, sorry guys.

touch up. lol

>> No.12895

We'll have to look into that, definitely.
Queercoin would be good if that's actually true.

>> No.12898


It has to be scrypt, otherwise the faggots with ASICs will steal the party.

>> No.12891

I think LGBTcoin is fine bro hahah

>> No.12903


Qcoin is better no?

>> No.12906

Let's make our own mining protocol. Well call it "Faggotry"

>> No.12911

Looking better

>> No.12905

This guy says from left to right, but I think you're right, top to bottom is better, more accurate.

I'll see if I can get just a matt color flag.

>> No.12914

Qcoin would be even better.
It's simple, it's catchy and it carries a message.
Exactly what those people are gonna eat up.

We might as well call it Homosex.

>> No.12924

QCoin is great

>> No.12929

From Wikipedia:

The use of the term queer is not uncontroversial. Many LGBT people refuse to use the word, and there are others who also do not use it.[13] There are several reasons for this.

Wouldn't we have maximum benefit if we avoided all criticism and just went with the more widely accepted term LGBT?

>> No.12938


LGBTcoin sucks as a name

>> No.12935

There is controversy around LGBT too because it doesn't include some even more speshul snowflake orientations. Amongst gayfags there is controversy about fucking everything, although LGBT is probably better off than "queer".

>> No.12949

yeah i think so, LGBT is a title that they all seem to accept, it is used by the media too, so it has mainstream acceptance.

lol, with so many divisions, it would difficult to have everyone listed. see facebooks 54 different genders for an example.

>> No.12955


SMG was the alternative i think

Sexual minority group or something

>> No.12960

Why not FagCoin?

>> No.12970

/lgbt/ here ... QCoin is just fine and is actually a better name. No matter what you do you're going to offend someone. Use QCoin.

>> No.12973

Also from wiki:

>Beginning in the late 1980s, some political and social LGBT groups began to reappropriate the word to establish community and assert a political identity, with it becoming the preferred term to describe some academic disciplines and gaining use as a descriptor of non-heterosexual identities.[1] Queer may be used by those who reject traditional gender identities as a broader, less conformist, and deliberately ambiguous alternative to LGBT.

>The term is now used in the name of some academic disciplines, such as queer theory, to denote a general opposition to binary thinking. Queer arts, queer cultural groups, and queer political groups are examples of expressions of queer identities.

>Criticisms of queer include those who associate the term with its pejorative usage and those who associate it with political radicalism.

My point is that the people we're marketing this to are the same group that use queer because LGBT is too "limiting" to them.

>> No.12980

If only there were a way to shorten the syllables in LGBTcoin.

"LonG BiTcoin"

>> No.12984

Alright then, QCoin is a great choice in my opinion if we decide to actually do this

>> No.12988


>> No.12995

I have a lot of faggot friends and acquaintances, queer works fine and "QCoin" is catchy and these SJW fucks are hooked on catch phrases.

>> No.12997
File: 97 KB, 563x563, 1390907822347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12999


>Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill

>> No.13000

Lol nice one but yeah Qcoin is the best option imo

>> No.13002

Trips confirmed

So when are we going to get more serious about this?

>> No.13007


This should be turned into a Q then

>> No.13008
File: 43 KB, 319x310, nice board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should make a coin that's a little more...Nice™

>> No.13009

Make it so it is designed to be scarce with a finite final number of coins, this makes people want to buy it quickly.

nice get

>> No.13012
File: 205 KB, 473x469, 1392372027730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, revised.

This is the:
*left to right flag
*matt color flag
*solely on the inside of coin

Also, I've been talking on the IRC and it was unanimous to have Queercoin or QCoin.

>> No.13016

>So when are we going to get more serious about this?

Its a scam, so never

only one motherfucker would profit from this

>> No.13018

Hey it's starting to look good, looks kinda gimmecky at the moment though, it needs to look a little more polished. Maybe make the symbol stand out from the flag or something.

Should the IRC be #QCoin then?

>> No.13028

can you turn it into a circle again and let one of the genders symbols go from inside to the outside of the circle so it looks like a Q

use both male + female symbol if possible

>> No.13029

A bunch of people profited from wolong's pandacoin

There would actually be legitimate interest in this one

>> No.13035

>only one motherfucker
No, pretty much everyone who's premining would.

>> No.13043

hmm yeah you are right

but the guy who started it tends to profit the most

>> No.13051

Some guy is basically going to be throwing free money at us.

>> No.13075

i guess it doesnt matter

So will it be the same system as Dogcoin where the hardware of the user wont matter for mining and would only be time based

>> No.13082
File: 203 KB, 473x469, prototype5_Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, how does this look?

The arrow might be better for the stick of the "Q"

>> No.13101


you are right, i just didnt want a contreversy over picking a particular sex/gender over the other

Try increasing the shaft of M+F symbole and doing it, if it still looks ugly use the arrow symbol

>> No.13098

Don't make that bottom arrow over the top of the circle, have it blended so it all looks like one piece.

>> No.13125

Where the fuck is pandacoin even traded

>> No.13150
File: 201 KB, 473x469, prototype5_Q_topbottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when are we going to get serious about this?

I am fully prepared to spend the money for coingen.io, otherwise we'll need someone with experience in launching a coin to help us with:
*forking the coin to QCoin
*getting pools to adopt it to mine.
*making a wallet
*having nodes to handle the block chain.

We need these to be successful, that means we need promoters and adopters.
If fucking antimatter, sexcoin, fuckcoin and monacoin (what?...just, wait, what is a mona?) can get all that attention, I think we'll find adopters.

Lastly, I'm going to host these files. If someone wants to work on the logo, please do so and email updates to me, thanks.
sluttyduckface.com is where I'm hosting the files, please don't judge.
my email is guyfrompol@live.com

I really need to get to bed now.

>> No.13168


Here's all the source files.
Again please ignore the domain. Great suggestions guys,>>13101
I really appreciate it, but I gotta go to bed now.
guyfrompol@live.com is my email.

>> No.13175

i will set up a pool and can setup a blockchain node

>> No.13189

Does it make us gay we mine queercoin?

I don't want to be gay. I'm sure there are nice guys out there, but they have/had penises, and penises are nasty.

How will queercoin address this? Is it only for queers?

>> No.13192

Can we make it to any larger exchanges though?

>> No.13208

>letting the people of 4chan conduct business

Oh Moot what have you done?!

>> No.13216

No. Being a man who likes the D makes you gay. Watching certain movies, eating certain foods, wearing certain clothes, or mining certain coins does not make you gay.

The jury is still out on whether or not 4chan makes you gay.

>> No.13232

No it just makes you a tolerant ally of the persecuted minority! Support Qcoin!

>> No.13248

It's like we're a fucking corporation in a stock pool.

>> No.13265

I see. I won't have to become gay to mine it then.

Maybe there should be a gimmick to show it supports queers.

>5% of Qcoins will be donated to an LGBT charity

Also, at least one queer should be acquired to promote the coin

>> No.13266

>implying that's any worse than the people on wall st.

>> No.13280

>Maybe there should be a gimmick to show it supports queers.
The gimmick is right there in the pitch.
There'll be a 10% premine which goes to civil rights charity stuff.

>> No.13277

Does it have to be a famous queer?

I know a tranny that we could probably convince. She's (we need to get pronouns right if we want to be convincing) an attention whore.

>> No.13283

>I know a tranny that we could probably convince
Get her on board, that's important.
The more fags we have the better.

>> No.13297

5:47 AM - Anon: hi
5:47 AM - Anon: moot opened a business board
5:47 AM - Anon: they're making a new cryptocoin with an LGBT angle so that everyone can get in early and out when the bubble starts
5:47 AM - Anon: do you want to be the figurehead y / n

This is what? We're doing what?

>> No.13340

It's really simple.
Basically like bitcoin, but with a gimmick to appeal to the LGBT Demographic.
We get in early, grab a lot of coins, they get valueable, we sell.

>> No.13363

Every expenditure should have a *mandatory* transaction fee of 0.1%; coins "burned" by the transaction fee are destroyed, essentially allowing them to be re-mined.

>> No.13378

Okay, sure, I'm in. Someone was talking about an irc earlier, where's that?

Also this sounds pretty pump and dumptastic, how do we not get raped by the SEC?

>> No.13379

no. could be that adaptive nfactor shit like vertcoin and pandacoin. that gives even better protection against asics.

>> No.13370
File: 6 KB, 145x145, 1369173470605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deleting sluttyduckface

What the fuck man?

>> No.13395

>implying i earn money with this shit

whats about taxes? how do i do this? i live in germany

>> No.13406

Ask your lawyer if you care but in most cases the govt won't give a shit until you're raking in hundreds of thousands.

>> No.13403

It'll be called "queercoin". Do you find the word "Queer" insulting?

>> No.13420

Well to be fair it's Qcoin. Q stands for queer of course but it isn't as blunt.

>> No.13423

Nope, I'm cool with that. How do I get onboard?

>> No.13455

B-b-but i want to make hundreds of thousands

>tfw i started studying law this year

>> No.13459




>> No.13474


you can still have it, in your cryptocurrency, just get your coins in something worthwhile and then sell part of them every now and then.

or do a cash in hand deal and sleep on money

>> No.13491

In the event that this gets some kind of attention, you'd need to be prepared to bullshit about this being created to benefit queers like yourself.

And how queer are you? You'll need to be fairly queer for this to work.

For now, email this guy. >>13150

>> No.13494

Realistically you won't be doing that any time soon but if you get lucky and do make a pile of dosh you can worry about taxation after the fact, since having it at an exchange doesn't mean shit, it gets problematic when you're withdrawing.

>> No.13520

I'm a transwoman that identifies as lesbian. I've been on HRT for nearly four years, and suffer from SJW-friendly mental illnesses like OCD and Generalized anxiety disorder. I'll admit I'm a little nervous about putting myself front and center. I'll need to purge a LOT of my internet history if I don't want to have the living fuck embarrassed out of me, won't I?

Also, I e-mailed him. If he wants to check this thread to verity, my email contains the letters _u__a___h___@gmail.com

>> No.13524

Have LGBT coins
buy with them Bitcoins
buy with bitcoins gold and other stuff

would that be possible? does someone sell gold for bitcoins?

>> No.13537


probably, no idea why you would want too

>> No.13539

lets decide on:
Coin cap
Block rewards
Block time

>> No.13550

Cap: 2.5 million

>> No.13542

You can sell bitcoins for cash on localbitcoins, but gold is possible just pointless.

>> No.13559

nah 6 bazillion is better

>> No.13566

Not PnD enough.
Less coins means higher value per coin.

>> No.13581

I'm still confused on the mining process of bit coin.

Who is issuing the coins to be mined? Why are maths problem used? Where do the maths problems come from?

To me this essentially sounds like free money.

>> No.13595

This is a very retarded thing to ask because you can find all of that on Google. An utterly TLDR'd version, if you really only want the surface of it, the miners are solving problems that verify transactions, the miners are basically doing the work of the office workers in a bank that verify your bank transaction and say it's legitimate, the miners get paid for that. Detailed explanation, again, Google

>> No.13627

So transactions carry code that other miners computer solve, and then are rewarded for the work their computer did?

Still sounds like free money.

>> No.13644

>To me this essentially sounds like free money

it essentially was free money 2 or so years ago but now with people running dedicated ASIC mining machines you will lose money mining now

>> No.13645

Nice dubs, eyes on the prize

>> No.13640

You sound queer enough for this to work.

If this does get attention, it'd probably be from some low tier web-only media outlet, I don't think they'd dig too deeply.

But there's a decent chance that shit about the true purpose of this coin will hit the fan eventually, so you'd need to be prepared to pretend you were duped just like everyone else.

>> No.13658

It's still free money if you get in early on the non-sha256 coins.

>> No.13656

its not free money cause there is work being done for it. Its more like fiat magic internet money

>> No.13661

People have to be willing to buy them, if people are willing to buy them, more people will want to get free money, getting free money gets harder. But yes, there's a rather small risk involved in mining, you just need to invest a lot of money and hardware is hard to get. Mining requires electricity so that's the profitability cutoff and that's also what makes it not 100% free money.

>> No.13683

I am not understanding this.

How would a person lose money mining? They're pulling free money from the Internet.

>> No.13691

They pull less free money than what they spend on very expensive hardware and what they spend on electricity. With bitcoin mining electricity costs are a very serious concern, altcoins, LTC and whatnot are mostly free of that for now.

>> No.13697

It's free in the same way that you'd have to do work to pick up a $20 bill off of the ground.

>> No.13705

I'm going to bed. I sent the e-mail, like I said. Should I leave my e-mail here or just wait to hear back from that guy?

>> No.13712

yeah except if someone shows them thsi thread you look liek a dumb ass

>> No.13707

more like 0.5c

>> No.13711

If you used a huge CAT digger to pick up $20 bills in a big field where they're spread out, that'd be a more apt comparison. You have to either buy the big-ass expensive digger or rent it, and you have to buy fuel. If you pick enough $20 bills then all is well.

>> No.13718

Dogecoin is the exact same, it was always meant to be a pump&dump, what do you think TO THE MOON means?

>> No.13728

We need to find a good charity to donate to, one that the tumblrites would approve of

Doing that will give a lot of legitimacy to the coin because you can say it's for a good cause it whatever

>> No.13734
File: 62 KB, 439x486, scared-quebec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from Quebec and I want to ask you, can you please not call it QCoin because QC is the initials of my province, and I dont want it to be associated with faggotry.
Call it Qoin instead, you'll have frogs support.

>> No.13735

Pretty sure tumblr hates 98% of charities for having religious ties.

>> No.13736
File: 6 KB, 211x104, pointlogotype204852[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one.

>> No.13739

What about the Human Rights Campaign? It's what EA donates to every time they release a bad game and need to curry favor with LGBT folks.

>> No.13751


>lgbt charities
>religious ties

>> No.13765

quebec hates it so you know it's good.

>> No.13772

>you can find it on google so its a retarded thing to ask

>> No.13783
File: 173 KB, 445x290, In-vogue-Irish-studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah shit i should have formulated my question differently, im irish if that can change your mind

>> No.13784

Exactly. I mean, you can find most things on Google if you try hard enough, but with this you don't have to try at all.

>> No.13791

ladies and gentlemen
the first person from /biz/ that uses a trip-code correctly

>> No.13812
File: 20 KB, 329x357, feelsgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia will punish you for this if you desecrate the name of Quebec!
Mark my words!

>> No.13817

Fuck russia

>> No.13821

Knowing that this displeases Quebec somehow makes it more appealing.

>> No.13832

I know you hate both Russia and Quebec you edgy little capitalist.

>> No.13839
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate them since they won't speak american

>> No.13855

I've always dreamed of making money by scamming homos. Let's do this

>> No.13968
File: 81 KB, 620x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14036

what about having a vote at launch that people can choose, or time limited charities e.g. every 3 months it changes. if there was a vote at launch, then that could be a way to get some attention to the coin.

maybe the initial miners choose the 1st charity, allowing us to mine a little before exposure and then the miners/promoters put it to a vote to get attention.

>> No.14061

That's a great idea, the voting for which charity to associate with

Attracts attention initially and gives people a reason to involve themselves. Also sustains interest if it's up for vote every couple months.

>> No.14069

guys, pls make it happen

>> No.14112


Are we going to go through with this? We have to keep pursuing this idea.

>> No.14677

Noob here.

Never did anything with cryptocurrencies.
If shit gets real, what do I have to do to mine this?
startbitcoin.com says I should use GUIMiner for Bitcoin. Will I have to use this for Queercoin, or il till be another software?

Thanks in advance

>> No.15017

you would use guiminer-scrypt

>> No.15100

what if really the mtgox when the block when price goes down to the paradigm breaking moon?

>> No.15122

Then we all tighten our sphincters and prepare for the ride.

>> No.15142

What the fuck did you just say?
I love it.

>> No.15162

can we make Shekelcoin?

>> No.15216


this one i'd assume, or is it litecoin only

>> No.15316

what if really the mtgox when the block when price goes down to the paradigm breaking moon??

>> No.15342
File: 195 KB, 480x480, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15360
File: 278 KB, 882x592, mawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guiminer is for inbreds who practice vampirism.

cgminer and cuda is where its at lil nigga

>> No.15403

already been done

>> No.15588

pls someone who is into kryptocoin take initiative and make it happen

also how long do you need to realise this?

>> No.15595

yes you would use that one. as long as you have an ati video card

>> No.15617

i'm kind of stuck with a integrated intel gpu

>> No.15656

then you would the cpu miner included in the guiminer-scrypt package

>> No.15712

Did you already forget about Dogecoin?

>> No.15833

gay and ugly

>> No.15889

10% premine will make it look like shit like it is

make the premine smaller like 3% and make it harder to mine witch will make the value much greater at start

>> No.16002



This is why Rapidcoin died at launch.

>> No.16036

I (think) a couple of people from /g/ are making one called Credits, and it's intended for normalfags.

>> No.16097
File: 387 KB, 719x388, android.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see some people still remember.

We're implementing a unique block reward system(done), KGW(done), marketplace(done), android wallet(almost done), and official pools(in development) for launch.

To clarify on the block reward system. It ensures a sense of fairness and obligation to spend Credits during the first 6 months as it acts in an inflationary manner. After this period the block reward will drop to 1/6 and then halve twice more over the next 4 years.

Overall, you get a fair system that forces users to stimulate the economy and features potential for huge return

No premine btw

>> No.16131

My suggestions:

Coin cap: around 80million, plus add some shitty type of calculation to allow a maximum per year after that. Like: "2.5% of number of coins mined the 4 years before reaching coin cap". That way people would think there's some heavy sort of market analysis blahblah behind it.

Block time: 2 minutes. Then it's "faster" than litecoin and vertcoin and more "suited" to real life. Lol.

Block reward: 50. It's a nice round number, and will make it possible to mine around a million in a few weeks with perhaps 400-500 mh/s, assuming we go for variable n-factor.

To da ass! (all genders have assholes).

>> No.16145

also. NO PREMINE. Do hard-capped difficulty of max 3-4 if really necessary. This way it'll stay believable :)

>> No.16171

Responding to this I just wanna say this community should stop focusing on releasing shitcoins to make a quick buck. If we all take our time, develop something with potential, and support it, not only will we make a "quick buck" but many others will hop on and actually allow some of us to make a very significant return on our initial investments.

>> No.16245

That's the exact opposite of what we're doing (releasing a gimmicky shitcoin to make a quick buck). Our block reward system gives you incentive to mine in the long term, and none to mine just for the first few days/weeks.

>> No.16258
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>> No.16265

>Nice to see some people still remember.

>> No.16358

>straight to the moon

no more shitcoins please

>> No.16380

Did you guys forget FedoraCoin was made by /g/? The client was first posted in the /g/ thread too.
The dev is adding an inbuilt mixing service to it today, I'd get on it while you still can

>> No.16392


no thanks

>> No.16404

So what?
Once it's pumped we'll just dump.
It'll get get value no matter how stupid it is, I mean dogecoin, of all the possible things, did.

>> No.16407

It's already one of the most profitable coins to mine though, despite the name.
Once the new update is out it might become the most profitable.

>> No.16429

>more shitcoins

No thanks

>> No.16418

tfw keep forgetting I own 4m fedora

>> No.16421

Making shitcoins for a quick buck is where it's at, though.

>> No.16440

And how much money are you consistently making on shitcoins?

>> No.16456

I know that feel

>> No.16511

FedoraCoin was around just before the new wave of shitcoins though. It's actually got unique features coming too, see http://pastebin.com/VhzKqZpw

>> No.16570


Dude we've just made a new shitcoin in here last night - Pandacoin (biz version).

We've got twitter, facebook, reddit, bitcointalk, irc etc all set up and running and we've already got thousands of followers on the twitter and facebook too.

We just need a couple of pools now to test for launch.

>> No.16784

It's where it's at if you want a quick buck, maybe. Make a sustainable coin, with legit pools that take a fee and you'll have a steady income that will do nothing but rise as the value of your coin rises. And if you really want to get dat cash flow, make a secure exchange. If someone makes a reliable one, the price of every coin will rise.

>> No.16902

A quick buck was exactly what I needed, because I had almost nothing to start with.

>> No.17048
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emailed, what can a random anon do to get fagcoin I mean lgbtcoin going?