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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1198534 No.1198534 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you buy DWTI tomorrow. Easiest money you can ever make. Oil will crash hard. 5+% crash.

OPEC meeting/deal failed.

>> No.1198541

id rather sit on the sidelines with my cleared money till wednesday morning and buy up CHK and NE at discount

>> No.1198545


>> No.1198548


>> No.1198550
File: 551 KB, 1170x882, 345468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going back to $25 a barrel. Feels good.

>> No.1198552

Good stocks to buy?

Should I just get VDE etf? Are us oil stocks still risky because none have gone bankrupt yet?

>> No.1198582

They don't make profit under like 40 dollars a barrel I think.

Things are just going to get worse for US oil companies.

>> No.1198597

Probably going to stay away from north American oil

>> No.1198606

will vaseline get cheaper too?
i don't use much crude oil to my purposes.

>> No.1198688
File: 51 KB, 563x600, elena-kampouris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT the lolli faggot trying guru

go fucking report yourself retard pedo and stop trying to shill that shit.

>> No.1198694

who's that train whore?

>> No.1199375

a lot of companies are still hedged in the 80s.

>> No.1199426

Won't it open up super high?

I guess the first 2 hours or so might be up for DWTI, but won't it revert to a normal value?

>> No.1199471

yes, most of the gains are premarket

>> No.1199479

Selling GLD Puts all week this week.

>> No.1199484

Oil is already down 5% and was down almost 8.

>> No.1199485

I would but all my money is tied up in Trump right now.

>> No.1199496

The easiest money we could ever make was buying DWTI on Friday. Tomorrow is too late.

>> No.1199568

will wait till drop and sell puts on my oil companies.

if I can get them cheap will buy some puts while volatility is low to hedge.

>> No.1200004

nobody knew how the Doha meeting would turn out for sure

>> No.1200460

That's not a girl

>> No.1200476
File: 347 KB, 500x750, Dow Psychic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oils up. DWTI down. your psychic power is weak

>> No.1200503

(C89) [Gujira 4 Gou (Gujira)] Gal Bitch sho-nen no INSEI [English] [CGrascal]

>> No.1200909

oil short squeeze coming up? all it would take is some sudden tense situation in the middle east and oil could be up to $50 on short covering.

>> No.1201002

how do you get internet under that rock?

>> No.1201060
File: 44 KB, 500x432, 3e9301e817fca283dcf984447c244092baaf715692ef38db69be58a9f5bce993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucked up retard FUCKING IDIOT

>> No.1201183

Kikes are manipulating the market. It will be to 35 or below by Friday. I am 100% sure about this.

>> No.1201201


the kuwaiti oil workers strike will end within a week. we will drop even further now because of the delayed decrease in price. this isn't the time to buy into the threeletternews commentary.

>> No.1201246

kuwait already remedying the situation.


>> No.1201299

luckily it is going down right now. At 39.7 from 40.1

Such a coincidence a strike happens right after doha meeting failed...

>> No.1201358

>kuwait already remedying the situation.
"NOAA is confirming the presence of very low concentrations of subsurface oil,"

>> No.1201437


>> No.1201532

Fucking idiots don't know about leveraged etn and time decays

If you would a bought DWTI at open on Monday you would have lost hard

>> No.1201595

crude implied volatility $0.45 don't even care.

>> No.1201636

been holding uwti and im up like a mofo bru

>> No.1202290


>> No.1203064

how much you betting
i did all of $700 worth...

>> No.1203640

Only like 6500 dollars.

Oil is crashing right now. Kuwait strike is done with. Oversupply of oil.

Probably will be 35-36 by Friday. I want out though. Oil market is irrational. It should have stayed down after Doha meeting instead of spiking back up. Either way I am selling on Friday. I got in at 115 last week.

Already below 40. Hopefully manipulators don't do any more bullshit rumors.

>> No.1204171

nothing fundamental changed after Doha. Why should crude have crashed?

>> No.1204175

Because it should have never bounced back in the first place.

>> No.1204178

>i put on my tinfoil hat

>> No.1204179

I think the bounce was just a recovery from oversold territory once production numbers in the U.S. established a floor. Everyone timing the bottom put a new floor in the high 30s to 40 and Doha shouldnt have changed that. I doubt we will go under 35 again

>> No.1204298
File: 407 KB, 1260x1782, 1459236748887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil is crashing

>> No.1204304

Yea I am out. This whole market makes no sense. Took my loss of 50 dollars.

It should be down but it just keeps going up.

>> No.1204374

>market makes no sense

You should stay out. Let someone handle your money for you. (unless you can hedge a preferred portfolio)

The dollar is moving the markets, not oil.

>> No.1204389
File: 392 KB, 1680x1050, Cute-Crying-Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should be down
>implying you have any control over how the market acts

>> No.1204437

>press [F] to pay respects to OP's lunch money

>> No.1204449



>> No.1204460


>> No.1204548
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