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11982891 No.11982891 [Reply] [Original]

HAHAHAHA, they are actually making a Hollywood crypto movie. This is what /biz/ has predicting for over a year already. Hope it takes off and normies learn more about cryptos.

>The news outlet elaborated that “Crypto may not be as satisfying for die-hard cryptocurrency enthusiasts,”
Probably wont be focusing on the tech too much sadly.

>> No.11982921

>Kurt Russel

nice. btc to 1 million

>> No.11982931

pretty big, can see the FOMO

>> No.11982932
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>Fear is the ultimate currency

>> No.11982951
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>> No.11982954

Let me hear some predictions on the plot, without you reading any articles about it.
The Big Bang Theory episode plot was perfectly predicted by /biz/.

>> No.11982955

It's going to be shit. Not necessarily because Hollywood doesn't understand the matter but because it produces nothing but shit flicks these days.

>> No.11982964

Fear of killing yourself when this market goes to shit yeah

Does it have anons killing themselves in it?

>> No.11982984

>frens me made along the way, the movie

>> No.11983006

>they run Hollywood
>he thinks they don't run crypto

>> No.11983009

Yeah, would be neat if they would depict that. Won't happen though because Hollywood doesn't take risks for some strange reason. The average person pirates anyway (am I out of the loop with that claim?).

>> No.11983014

But will it show biz brapps Asian grills and linkies is the real question

>> No.11983017
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Everything will be around some wallet (mentioning private keys would be confusing to most demographics) containing gazillions. North Korea, Pedogate, Russia, you name it, everybody involved. If the wallet falls in wrongs hands, everything could collapse for some reason. Banking institutions are the good guys the heroes need to protect. And at the end, the cryptocurrency creator is revealed to be a deaf trans black woman lactose intolerant.

>> No.11983023

People who think that "they" control everything are dumber than the ones who think "they" control nothing.

>> No.11983029

I see a rifle, FBI raids etc so probably they'll make up some shit how it is used for money laundering or drug related shit. Way out of reality fantasy movie probably.

>> No.11983054
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>> No.11983056

>it’s the key. The master key. And everybody wants it.
>105 minutes of Dan Brown-esque cryptographic puzzle chasing, National Treasure but with crypto.
>One betrayal at the end
>Three mandated action scenes, and one hacking scene in the climax - with another hero holding off armed goons with the line “can you hurry up, PLEASE??” to the hacker character
>movie resolution is that either a) the wallet is empty (setting up a sequel) or they walk off into the sunset Scott free

>> No.11983061


>> No.11983070

you can't make a realistic movie about crypto because no one wants to watch 2 hours of a hairy neet in his underpants in a basement

>> No.11983082
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They already did.
I think you could also pay admission in BTC back then to watch this too

>> No.11983091


>> No.11983105

FUD movie about crypto? bullish!

>> No.11983137

the movie will be entirely negative. probably deep web criminals and hackers being pursued by law enforcement. hell they may even throw in some pedo stuff so the goy think crypto is social poison on top of being a (((scam)))

>> No.11983152

Garbage film no one will see it.

>> No.11983173
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>fear is ultimate currency
it’s more like a compounding leverage that makes things either really cheep or really expensive (driving markets to be overbaught or oversold depending on the happenings). In other words, fear is what can generate big gains requiring little margin, blood sweat or skin on the part of those capitalizing on fud and the perception of chaos.

>> No.11983210

>be Hollywood
>make movie about evil dark web network of seedy characters who pay for shit with blockchain
Orange Coin Bad!!! Don’t buy!!!! Let the insitiutional money consolidate it all before the global reset!!!!

>> No.11983220
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Veronica is going to get wet af when this movie comes out. Crypto traders are going to become the “bad boys.”

>> No.11983259

One or two hot shot penny stock traders make a pitch about crypto to a number of old guard investors with access to real walking around money. Nobody believes them except one; semi retired grizzled old trader with a coloured possibly criminal past. They team up to trade crypto. Make bazillions, second act; they find out there is seedy underbelly to crypto, there is argument. Hacking scene. Scene in strip club run by organized crime, perhaps old grizzled has a contact there. Boobs. Drugs. International flight to somewhere hot and sweaty. Chase scene. The January crash plays a role in conclusion. One protagonist dies. One gets away clean with bazillions to tell the tale.

>> No.11983285

it'll be about a man claiming to have found an anomaly witihn the whole crypto space
they then look for him and try to kill him

>> No.11983295

well shit

>> No.11983300
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The state of snowflakes. Keep dreaming. It won't matter when we wake you up.

>> No.11983326

Young agent gets lured in to crypto by aforementioned hot shot penny stock traders. Agent warns traders of corruption, they don't believe him, he joins them because he's greedy. Rest plays out same as post above.

>> No.11983376

something about russia, china or north korea

>> No.11983380
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Reminds me of The Net.

>> No.11983436
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>We're the early adopters

Yeah you losers keep telling yourself that lmfao

Anyone with a brain cashed out last year and moved onto the next ponzi

>> No.11983469

What's the next ponzi? TELL ME!!!

>> No.11983490
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What do you mean? There is still money to be made!!!

>> No.11983502
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everyone on /biz/ is a early adopter !!!!

>> No.11983504

I hate this

>> No.11983521

You guys give this movie a shit rating wherever you can. I hate to do this to you kirt russel i love you man but this js too much. Crypto should still only be talked about in hushed tones

>> No.11983524

We are early adopters, emphasis on adopt. Not pump and dump for overpriced USD

>> No.11983557
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>tfw a nigger is smarter than 99% of biz

>> No.11983566


Looks like millennial degeneracy

>> No.11983581

if they make it about battling the bogdanoffs id 100% watch it. if not then forget about it. but sadly in reality it will probably feature some wealthy james bond itll be an average movie that people will barely watch villain russian crypto miner try to do a 51% attack on the btc network and kurt russel will save the day but not without getting hurt a lot like bruce willis in diehard. generic action flick incoming.

also people will barely watch this unless they advertise the fuck out of it and tell normies "this is the next big thing believe us goys." in which case the public will eat it up.

>> No.11983582
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Who's playing Sminem? Hope it's pic related

>> No.11983610

The old guy was a wall street big shot. Wife kills herself when she learned he was fucking ladybois on the side. He moves to lousiana and is now a alcoholic mechanic. Some kids learning about crypto find out who he is. They want to be traders and learn from one of the best. He looks at charts for first time in 20 years. He throws them a bone. They get other investors involved. Shit doesn't go as planned. Theyre hiding now. Old guy says fuck it. Pulls out a rusty 12 gauge. Bang bang. People die. Old guy fucks one of the kid's aunt. Everyone agrees not to fuck with crypto again.

>> No.11983634

It's obviously going to be about terrorists and warlords using crypto to get guns. Maybe some wallet stealing and a corny scene with a brushed steel briefcase containing a flash drive

>> No.11983637

It could be like a Social Network type movie. Could even have the winklewii as characters again.

>> No.11983706

A crazed hacker called ASSBLASTER is holding New York (and therefore the entire world somehow) hostage with one Bitcone in a wallet (doesn't have to make sense). FBI rookie tasked with bringing him down- but who can he trust? The wise old Jewish grandfather who gives him good advice? The white people who are crazed by money and power and deep in the crypto world of money laundering, drugs and child delinquency? The sassy POC woman? Turns out it's the woman and the Jew. Crypto is evil and the good guys win

>> No.11983951


>> No.11983982

This has to be the gayest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.11984149

The NEET starring Jaden Smith

>> No.11984171

I unironically think that this movie will make all of us multimillionaires.

>> No.11984189

Plot was that the black kid got caught up in the drug trade when his backpack got mixed up at a party, and he had to figure out how to sell it all and get the money back before the police and a gang got to him. Solution was that he sold it on Silkroad essentially.

>> No.11984203

If I was in that situation I'd let myself get found by the gang, give them the backpack and beg for my life, I think it would be much safer than doing shady shit behind their backs

>> No.11984235

Bizonaci script written here.

>> No.11984288

>0 results

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.11984469

Movie about random people doing random stuff, a man dabbles in crypto and so he is an expert who is super crypto geek yet he uses the most superficial form of crypto

>> No.11984582

FOMO is the ultimate currency


FUD is the ultimate currency

>> No.11984592

>protagonist isn't Jason Parser

>> No.11984630

Wasn't TRUST MACHINE about crypto?
It came out a few weeks ago. Media didn't want to cover it. Wonder why.....

>> No.11984675

if it doesnt have wau coin in it its fucking shit

>> No.11985146

>bankers - jew
>hollywod - jew
this is a propaganda piece by the good goy crowd. everyone is going to think its real and that crypto needs to be stopped

>> No.11985159

i honestly thought csw was the ultimate cringe, but this, oh boy

>> No.11985238

>early adopters

>> No.11985379
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gibs milk

>> No.11985695

everyone said this move was shitty

>> No.11985698

the bizonacci version, that i would watch

>> No.11985772

At the end of the movie, the movie cuts to a homeless person asking for money in new york. Satoshi Nakamoto makes an appearance, and the homeless person tells Satoshi Nakamoto "I lost all my money in bitcoin during the btc bubble". Satoshi says "Don't worry, here have some real money". The end.

>> No.11985799
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>Fear is the ultimate currency
>But crypto is the ultimate fear

>> No.11985812
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>> No.11986454

>muh snowflaked
You're just a mirror image of SJWs. I merely expressed a viewpoint with which you don't agree with and all you can do is to project a far left mindset onto me.

>> No.11987113

>John Stalberg Jr.

every fucking time

>> No.11987117

>it doesn't star Michael Cera
not going to watch it

>> No.11987143
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>Fear is the ultimate currency

Imagine the fucking CRINGE

>> No.11987153

there will be gratuitous importance placed on ledger nano s as a plot device/visual tool/macguffin. there will be a white redneck type of guy that goes mad with power as his crypto moons and does dumber and dumber shit involving guns and drugs. kurt russell will have the last laugh because he invested in small income real-estate and stock index funds like the fucking boomer he is.

>> No.11987174

well I think it should explore the ramifications of and nearly instant global payment system that can be anonymous.

so dealing drugs, hiring hitmen, etc suddenly is easier to do... I'm guessing that's what this movie will be about.

>> No.11987177

>movie is just some guy sitting in a dark room staring at private keys and candlestick charts for 2 hours