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11979503 No.11979503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Benefits you've received from NoFap, and personal redpills

>Longest Streak
>Current Streak
>Noticeable changes
>Timeline of what benefits happened when
>Tips and advice for first timers

Post anything else related to NoFap, things that don't get mentioned often are beneficial


>> No.11979504

Back to/pol/ retard

>> No.11979506

shit i ment to post this in /fit/

also fuck off faggot

>> No.11979510

nofap is actually the only good idea /pol/ has ever had.

>> No.11979511

Just 7 days waterfast you retard. Same and even with better benefits except you dont have to wait 90 days.

>> No.11979521

Nofap is literally from reddit retard

>> No.11979531
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How the fuck is nofap related to politics? Jesus Christ you hurrrgobacktopolfags are fucking deranged, seek help

>> No.11979696
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(((They))) want you a slave to masturbation and pornography, to keep you demoralized and complacent. Jews own porn

>> No.11979708

Why would I jerk ofc when I can just cum in my gf whenever I want

>> No.11979723

Black mirrors ie computer monitors and phone screens are portals. Demons absorb your sexual energy when you masturbate

>> No.11979725

Gone 2 months before and it does nothing because you're just replacing one extreme with another. Better off just quiting porn but still masturbating when you feel like it off the head

>> No.11979746
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the earth is flat
atomic bombs doesn't exist
satellites doesn't exist
the elite worships saturn
pizzagate is real

>> No.11979747

8 weeks
3 weeks
No benefits
A chastity fetish helps

>> No.11979776
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Benefits you will receive from fapping
>Less chances of prostate cancer
Benefits you will receive from working out and few faps per week
More than nofap and no working out

>> No.11979788

>>Longest Streak
~90 days
>>Current Streak
0 days
>>Noticeable changes
more agressive, but also sometimes more anxious. more energy is noticable for sure.
>>Timeline of what benefits happened when
I've had sex with thwo different girls at the end of some of my streaks. I must say the way I dominated after not having spilled juice was nice
>>Tips and advice for first timers
edging also takes away your edge.

>> No.11979840


Not /biz/ related


>> No.11979848
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I got varicocele from fapping too hard after a month of noFap.

>> No.11979854

where does this prostate cancer thing even come from
just sounds like one of those "very interesting facts" that turn out to be complete bs

>> No.11979888

Based and redpilled

>> No.11979901

1 month
0 days
Changes depend on how often i masturbate. If i fap every day for a week or more, i have generally low mood, low motivation, low sociability. Once i start nofap, i start to feel much better after a week; more energy, positive mood, enthusiastic, personable. After a few weeks on nofap, i crank one out because fuck it, it feels great.
As long as i fap ~3 times a week, i don't get the negative effects of masturbation, so i try to keep it at that. Nofap definitely helps me when I need it tho.

>> No.11979912

It is an old meme just like "delete system32" or "prostate orgasm".
You get prostate cancer from genetics or consuming way too much calcium.

>> No.11979928

-earth is round
-sattelites and atomic bombs do exist
-the elite are into some weird shit, we are the future elite and we're into kek and pepe, so it wouldn't surprise me
-pizzagate is real, there are lots of evidence
-the jews are trying to subverse european and american culture, there are lots of evidence
-nofap works
fixed it for you faggot, just because some people in /pol say some weird shit like the eart is flat doesn't make evething said there false.
This type of reasoning is useful to us though, that's why reddit are shunning link because they think >green frog bad

>> No.11979999

>atomic bombs doesn't exist
>satellites doesn't exist
I am aware of the other ones, but how do these not exist? Atomic bombs don't seem to be that difficult to create with current tech and every country holds them. As for satellites, how does most of the wireless communication work if they don't exist? Unless you're trying to say gravitational field works differently from what we're told in space.

>> No.11980058

This is the only logical explanation.

But really, sex transmutation is an exercise in conquering the will. If you can control your will you can do anything.

>> No.11980123

>28 days
>Have a gf now, so banging her 2-3 a week, fap once a week.
>reality got sharp and edgy af, a lot of creativity, imagination kicks in, brain fog decreasing.

Tbh im not sure about the whole thing.
I totally agree that porn fuck up biochemistry of the brain and the reward system. But i believe that non-fap is merely achievable for a regular Joe due to the amount of impulses and seduction of modern life..I know that It would be good to re-program yout entire life, change things, do more of this and do less of that but for me, it was impossible so far. Maybe im a pussy. Dont give a fuck. I want to say that quiting any sexual stimulation for like a 90-100 days is more about becoming a monk than a human being. But remember that those bald bastards live I mountains. Not NYC full of hookers and thoots. They have no fuckin stress at all. They dont get angry too much as far I remember (been to india/kashmir/himalajas)
I guess now I would just try to avoid porn BUT would work on getting sex with female. Its hard, cos once u set up a profile on tinder etc u get triggered:/ I wouldnt demonize sex and getting physical relief. I recommend understanding better the womens and how I can get their pussies more easly. Redpill book is good, im half way with it and now I read things that were in my head since few years..

>> No.11980135

Masturbation is fine, it's pornography that's the true killer.

>> No.11980140

This is true

>> No.11980190


>Longest Streak
about 1 month or ~1.5 months

>Current Streak
two weeks give of take couple of days

>Noticeable changes
none, only got more nervous, peeing becomes kind of more difficult (as usual after long abstention)

>Timeline of what benefits happened when
no fucking benefits

>Tips and advice for first timers
stop listening to con artists, pol/tards and YT clickb8 adsense revenue farmers

nofap is a hoax and make belief bs
I often skip fapping for weeks (when binging on video gayms or doing something i'm fully engaged in).

Maybe if you're jerking off and ejaculating 20 times a day, then yes, maybe you'll stop feeling so dizzy all the time if you cut the shit to a couple times a week.
But there was no "magic power" effect of sudden enlightenment all these nofap shills constantly told me about, no super-high productivity or concentration when i don't do it. I actually felt better every time i've jerked off after a long pause. I fucking wish these fairy tales were true, but they just aren't.

>> No.11980195
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>Post anything else related to NoFap

>> No.11980220
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>> No.11980252

NoFap makes me horny 24/7 but fapping daily makes me lazy and unmotivated. I think once or twice a week is best.

>> No.11980302

Well, nofap is ofc better for you. You have to find someone to fuck to end the urgency. With nofap you have no choice but doing so.

And think about porn:
1.You literally watching a man fucking a women.
2.Such sites are full of incest fantasies and other wierd stuff.
3.Many people are watching more and more hard stuff to be able to fap to a video. Since "normal" stuff isn't interesting for them anymore.
4.While watching a video alot of you know you shouldn't do so. Some of you even fear that people will find out what kind of shit you watching.

Please, don't be degenerated.

>> No.11980431
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pic related really solidified the jew theory and gave me way more motivation for nofap.

>> No.11980449
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>Mass dump of anecdotal nofap evidence:https://imgur.com/a/g4eGH
>Book on beating pornog addiction (very good, has helped many anons):sites.google.com/site/hackbookeasypeasy/home
>Donald Trump says he has been on nofap for DECADES:https://vocaroo.com/i/s0WDrBXoB33l(embed)(embed)
>Supernormal Stimuli: The Seduction of Our Senses:https://imgur.com/a/ibMUn
>Increased estrogen receptor alpha immunoreactivity in the forebrain of sexually satiated rats:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17239879
>Viewers of pornography have a smaller reward system:https://www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/en/media/2014/06/viewers-of-pornography-have-a-smaller-reward-system

I highly recommend pairing nofap with daily mindfulness meditation, it decreases cortisol and will help your brain recover faster, especially the pre-frontal cortex which plays a role in motivation and shaping your personality. See:www.ergo-log.com/meditationhormones.html
It also shrinks your amygdala, which is responsible for the fight or flight response (what makes you sperg out around women and people in general and avoid them). See:journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0064574

Good luck, we will all make it.

>> No.11980456


You can just watch softcore, pics of naked / half-naked girls. I don't see how it's that much detrimental. If you watch recent HBO/Netflix shows like GoT/ViKangs/etc, the sex scenes there are far more explicit and hc-like than real softcore already. They already show genitals left, front and center. Sometimes you even wonder if they're really faking sex or actually fucking each other on the set.
Yet no one shills #NoHBO or NoNetflix as hard as this #noFap bs for some reason.

>b-but muh slippery slope from softcore to hc trap furry cuck shit

Hasn't happened to me in decades, still mostly jerk off to softcore pics, or even sex stories. Hardcore in general is just tedious and soulless, it's like watching a hydraulic press or moving pistons in cylinders of a combustion engine.

>I think once or twice a week is best.

Right. Maybe it's not a solution for people with hyper-high libido, but for most people it should be fine.

>> No.11980476
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>Longest Streak
100+ days, stopped counting at 90
>Current Streak
3 days
>Noticeable changes
It completely turned my life around, removed the symptoms of depression, while giving me the willpower and energy to destroy the underlying causes.
>Timeline of what benefits happened when
I felt super energetic as early as the first couple of days, so I put the energy to work.
I don't think there's many benefits outside of mental clarity, increased energy and the fact that you're training your willpower, which will bring you lasting benefits even after you stop nofap
>Tips and advice for first timers
If you're going to have sex with a girl, fap beforehand and don't count it as a streak break. I didn't follow this advice and had one embarrassing situation that was not enjoyable.
Also, meditate on the image of you having fulfilled your life goals. 20 minutes each day. Imagine you're already living the life you want, imagine your surroundings, how your body feels, what goes through your head, etc.
Then get to work with your newfound energy.

I'd gladly answer questions this evening but I'm now going out exploring Vienna so see ya

>> No.11980748
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The internet has artificially raised people through social trends and so much entertainment at the palm of your hand. Kids growing up in the early internet days struggled to find porn, but now its almost like you can tie it to your hip. Unhealthy habits and loss of vigor from masturbating excessively while you watch other people have sex through a computer screen.

>Watching other people have sex through a computer screen.
>other people having sex
>through a computer screen

Get out in the world even if that means jogging around the block. That's what kids need to do and put the tablets down. Unless they're learning to code, go to a park.

>> No.11980847

>Book on beating pornog addiction (very good, has helped many anons):sites.google.com/site/hackbookeasypeasy/home

you guys need to read this, trying to beat porn addiction with "will power" and porn diets (restriction) is futile.

>> No.11980947

Will vouch for that book, Allen Carr method is the only way to do it.

>> No.11980954

>binging on video games
Dude... get help and grow up. Nobody take advice from this loser.

>> No.11980998

good advice even if boomer tier

>> No.11981010

What is the title of the book? Ain't clicking that link

>> No.11981021

It's a hackbook of 'Allen Carr: The easy way to stop smoking', its been edited for pork addiction. Its on fucking Google sites, you won't get a virus from it


>> No.11981028

>pork addiction
Kek, fucking phoneposting was a mistake

>> No.11981044


>> No.11981084

Thanks my hindu mother will proud, I will finally sate my addiction to pork

>> No.11981114

Cringe and bluepilled. Nofap is broscience and the deep state doesn't exist. Pizzagate is a bunch of retarded dot connecting masturbation from pol incels

>> No.11981125
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Tried nofap before for a month. Had constant blue balls that made it hard to even walk sometimes, my dick got smaller, and I became a minute man until I started edging to get my stamina back. Didn't even help me with my lifts or my cardio training. It's a total meme. I don't know what jesus freak started it, but I dont mind it because nofap dicklets eventually cease to be competition in the sexual marketplace.

>> No.11981212 [DELETED] 


"Doctor, please help me, some anonymous judgemental prick on a green frog picture posting board thinks my hobby is inappropriate for my age"

Why are you wasting your time here then, Mr. Grown Up Adult?
Get help up go fuck yourself, hypocrite.

>> No.11981225


"Doctor, please help me, some anonymous judgemental prick on a green frog picture posting board thinks my hobby is inappropriate for my age"

Why are you wasting your time here then, Mr. Always Productive Grown Up Adult? Mr. "My hobby is wholesome, your hobby is degenerate"?

Get help and go fuck yourself, judgemental hypocrite.

>> No.11981234

>judgemental hypocrite
the delicious irony. Typical of oblivious gamer-tards

>> No.11981496


What is so delicious about it? Bitching about how other people spend their time(why would you even care?) IS judgemental.
Writing platitudes like "grown ups don't play games" while wasting your time on an anonymous shitposting board IS hypocritical.

>> No.11981649

>muh videogaymes
>muh judgemental muh hypocrisy

>> No.11981679

I'm sorry fren, I wish you a speedy recovery.

>> No.11981703
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>> No.11981708

since it's a rising theme a lot of people are interested in I'll try to put in some effort sharing my experiences:

>Longest Streak
>Current Streak
0, just came off a 6 day streak. been doing "nofap" in cycles like this for 1-2 years now. honestly fapping once every 7~14 days is fine but cut out the porn
>Noticeable changes
-day 1~3 of nofap during first year I watched a lot of porn in my dreams, pretty fucked up now that I think back
-dreaming of women more, mostly sexually not much romance
-take care of my appearance more
-more energy
-more anxious (lol)
-men more aggressive towards, never happened before abstinence.
-women initiate more contact with me, smile more towards me etc., girls I know touch me more when we chat. it happened every now and then before abstaining but nowhere near as frequent. Im too stupid to know how to proceed from there but nofap is good motivation because of this.
I know most of you find this one to be the most important change so to give a concrete example: I found this girl who I hadn't seen since high school and we chatted for like an hour. couple days later she basically invited me over through facebook messenger with some bullshit excuse. I was on a nofap streak but I was still too autistic to realise she just wanted to fuck until it was too late

>Timeline of what benefits happened when
I dont know, I wasnt really conscious of the changes right away. I can tell you at about 14 days I was so much more extroverted, this sort of made me feel 'alienated' from myself if that makes sense
>Tips and advice for first timers
Remember if you are abstaining you gotta look to put yourself in situations where you'd be able to notice them. phenibut wouldn't do you much either if you just stayed in all day.

>> No.11981777
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>> No.11981787
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>22 days
>2 days
>felt much better after 7+ days, more motivation and energy, after breaking nofap i feel lethargic an depressed for the next 3-4 days
>gradual changes go unnoticed for me, i only notice how shit it feels a few days after caving in and fapping
>avoid looking at women online

>> No.11981804

moaarr plzzz

>> No.11981809

Benefit from nofap: prostate cancer

>> No.11981838

>tfw when in a week long lapse and feel like death
>tfw this is how I felt thorough all of my adolescence

>> No.11981841
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>> No.11981844

yeah. I think I never went through puberty properly because jacking off, and now Im 25 and its weird going through changes

>> No.11981926

>only good idea /pol/ has ever had.

Just kys

>> No.11982022

This was an interesting read. Do you think the reason that statistics show that women perform better in schools and universities than men in the current century is exactly because of this? As in, women can't ejaculate and "lose" their life force, but most modern men and boys give into the temptation thus severely hindering themselves in most aspects of life, especially where the brain needs to perform.

>> No.11982068


>> No.11982311


Jesus christ why the fuck does /pol/ want everyone to stop fapping so much? What do "they" gain out of it? Personally I've noticed a correlation that every time I have an extended jack off session my investments go up a bit.

I am seriously starting to actually hate people who are against porn and masturbation now. They are just appearing everywhere, and are so goddamn pushy. You see someone start a nice thread witha picture of a hot brapper and some little shit comes in and complains that it's ruining his nofap streak. When did this fucking craze start? When will it end? Why the fuck are people actually trying to not masturbate? I want to go back to when everyone loved tits and ass and fap to everything jokes where common. I hate this nu-4chan(nel) culture of being some celebate faggot who doesn't watch porn.

What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? I hate all of you nofappers. Shut the fuck up and stop trying to spread your cancerous lifestyle. Not fapping can LITERALLY lead to cancer in your balls you faggots.

>> No.11982391

Thanks for this

>> No.11982444

Only if you don't transmute the excess sexual energy

>> No.11982547
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That doesn't even make sense. Do you think you are some fucking wizard? WoW skills don't translate over to real life you fucking virgin faggot.

I fucking hate you anti sex faggots.

You nofap shits are literally the male version of anti sex feminists. I hate any "human" who is anti sex. >>11981787 Look at this fucking nonsense drivel of some sex negative loser reading the writings of other sex negatives losers who were scared to death of sexuality because of their fucking religion. Fuck you. I want you and everyone of your kind dead.

Sex, nudity and orgasms as a good thing. When my Link takes off I will be using a portion of the funds to produce my own pornography that I will be hosting online. I am not a Jew. I am anglo and fully white and I fucking love porn. I fucking love naked women. I love sex. I love whores and I love sluts. I love nutting in them and love nutting while looking at them.

A life without sex, nudity, porn, orgams and whores is a life not worth living. I fucking hate you people on such a personal level.

>> No.11982580

The truth often hurts. We will pray for you that you will at some point change your ways of life.

>> No.11982587

I'm not anti sex, im against wasting valuable life force energy.

>> No.11982629
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And you are a fucking moron who believes in magic and demon's coming out of your monitor to steal life energy. What the fuck are you doing on /biz/. Get off my fucking board and back to your containment board you little shit.


Yeah it hurts, and it's in my post. Go read it and stamp your feet you little sex hater then fuck off.

WHY ARE YOU ON /BIZ/ FUCK OFF TO LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE. I swear if you fags continue to shit up this board I will use part of my Link funds to destroy this nofap movement. I will fund investigators to find all the dirt I can and drag you fags through the fucking mud so no one can fall for your lies or you shitty world view and your horrible fucking lifestyle.

Fuck you.

>> No.11982639

/Pol/ changed its name to /christfagboomers/ a while ago

>> No.11982641

I bet you think bin laden did 9/11

>> No.11982648

Seems a lot of people misunderstand the point of nofap (both advocates and the haters). It's not about being anti-sex. It's primarily about being anti-porn, which is poison of the soul, and secondarily about forcing yourself to go out and interact with women rather than sitting alone in your dark room, substituting real life with fantasy. If you have no problem getting laid, haven't devolved into tranny/interracial/cuck porn/other fucked up fetishes, and don't spend hours every day watching porn instead of being productive, nofap probably isn't going to improve your life.

>> No.11982654

I can't do No Fap. I'm seriously in love with Vina Sky. She's the cutest Asian I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.11982670

See this right here is an example of someone who would benefit immensely from nofap. Imagine falling "in love" with a porn star on your computer monitor. That on a mass scale is how society collapses.

>> No.11982683


I know and it's sad. I used to browse /pol/ a few years back, started in 2011. It was decent back then, and believe it or not, /pol/ used to have a lot of decent porn posted on it. I used to save all my /pol/ and /new/ images to a named folder that I still have on one of my drives. One that sticks out in my memories is all these anime dickgirls being tied up and dipped into a lake of fish women who came up and sucked their dicks. This was around 2012 and was the OP image of a large /pol/ thread. No one complained, everyone had a laugh and went about discussing Ron Paul and other good old /pol/ stuff. I wish /pol/ had remained like that. As soon as the stormfags starting getting more serious, as the christfags, boomers, "degeneracy haters" and alt right shit was starting I left.

I miss when /pol/ had good quality porn dumps. It was a red board so full nudity posting was fully permitable. Fuck I remember when in nigger threads people would try to persuade racists to like blacks by posting full nude images of black girls for a whole thread, and after a while it became a meme that /pol/ racists had the best black women porn on the internet.


I don't care who did 9/11 it's irrelevant. Stop wasting your time and energy on conspiracy theories you fucking moron.

>> No.11982696

You sound like a gigantic faggot

>> No.11982697

Blue pilled to fuck and back. You are an embarrassment to humanity

>> No.11982721

Imagine being such a pointless individual that your life revolves entirely around the repetition of a fleeting carnal sensation, to the point where you gamble on speculative markets hoping to strike gold so you can devote large sums of wealth just to attain the means to do the same thing over and over in slightly different settings and with cameras rolling. Lmao.