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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11974992 No.11974992 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11975013


>> No.11975036

The absolute state of link fud

>> No.11975038

Chainlink is the one organizing the event you dumbfuck.

>> No.11975053


>> No.11975054

Lmao op this is a ticket to their meet up, how dumb are these fudders holy shit new level of dumb lmfao

>> No.11975057

OP is retarded but I'm the one who feels shame

>> No.11975070

the FUD can't be this bad, this has to be bait

>> No.11975078


>> No.11975089

yeah they are THAT dumb

>> No.11975108

This is bait. That's my ticket I just posted it another thread. Can't wait to stare into sergeys dreamy eyes for 2 whole hours on Monday.

>> No.11975123

>ctrl+f "chainlink"
>1 result
How can OP recover?

>> No.11975137

>How can OP recover?
this is private chainlink, nothing to do with the token

>> No.11975174

Shadowforked based and redpilled

>> No.11975188


>> No.11975191
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>> No.11975241

I'd go, but its on a Monday ugh.

>> No.11975285

I'm gonna be at this meetup. What should I ask Papa Sergey?

>> No.11975311


>> No.11975463

what does he think of $1000 eoy

>> No.11975475

Stream his arrest

>> No.11975517

How does he see things proceeding in the future? Have they done game theory/ simulations on ideal number of nodes for contracts of 'x' value? What do the results look like? What do their customers have to say about this? Have they tested reputation schemes? What does the legal side of things look like? He's said that in order to replace current digital agreements, you need to offer the same functionality but better - faster, more secure, lower cost, whatever. What are the biggest challenges he foresees wrt the above while everyone is still developing solutions that use chainlink?

>> No.11975544

lol they have to give away tickets. any conference i've ever been to worth anything or anyone's time has a fee of thousands of dollars, obviously paid by one's employers, but at least random joes can't just wander it. this is frankly really embarrassing for the chainlink team.

>> No.11975563

It's a developer meetup not a conference you fucking brainlet

>> No.11975589
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No this is for linelink

>> No.11975647

bring a champagne glass with you, as well as a fork
then go
>*tink tink tink*
into the microphone, and once you have the attention of the room, take it away from there

>> No.11975656

>Vishakh Null head of ‘Cryptonomic’ is going. Former Vice President of JP Morgan (literally who)

>Alim S Gafar is going. He is founder of ‘DIRA market dynamics’

>Andre Proteosa of “System of Systems” cloud computing is going

>Joseph Bender ‘Consensys’ is going. Michael Wuehler ‘infura’ Consensys is hosting it.

>Preston Van Loon is going. Google and Prismatic labs (they are working on sharding ETH)

>Dave Conroy is going to the talk, Oh he’s now at Meridio ‘Consensys’ of course

>Alexandra Jacoby is going. She heads up real estate at ‘imbrex’ and does vagina art projects

>Gage Mondok a long time bizraelie link fan and employee of some big defence contractor (LM I think? Is going)

>> No.11975673

ask him about the whereabouts of jason parser, but be ready to tame him with a big mac beforehand as it's a very sensitive matter to him

>> No.11975701

to witness the main netting deployment announcement.

>> No.11975708

this thread was obviously make by a linky pretending to be retarded. how gullible an one be

>> No.11975900
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>> No.11976137

I appreciate the actual suggestions, I'll try and run some variation of these past the team.

>> No.11976191

Write "love" "you" on your eyelids and blink at him.

>> No.11976371


Btw, I'm Gage lol. Don't work for Lockheed anymore, quit to pursue the glorious neet life. I messaged Rory and think I'm actually gonna be helping with the event. Not sure what I'll be doing, probably working the entrance or something? Feel free to say hello if you come by.

>> No.11976389

Wish I could attend. Enjoy bro.

>> No.11976436

Thanks. I was in France when Sergey was in Berlin for the Web3 event. Almost changed my plans and paid to attend that hah. Glad I didn't now. Hope you get a chance sometime.

>> No.11976458
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>> No.11976490

>free tickets
The absolutly state of stinky linkies

>> No.11976973

I see what you did there