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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11973875 No.11973875 [Reply] [Original]

Holo Must be Boomer Scam Right?
>Chief Enablement Officer.
I understand we want to be edgy, we all get it, we all want to be recognized individually. But no classically trained investment analyst would take a company seriously with meme job titles. Holo as a company is pretty much just a fork of the FreeNet project. They saw an opportunity to raise funds through an ICO otherwise they would have NO seed or operational funding otherwise. There are people who analyze companies professionally, meaning they are paid good money to forecast business revenue and they all say the same. Holo just isn't it, frens.

>> No.11973892
File: 382 KB, 520x596, holochain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this then. Why would she do this if it wasnt legit?

>> No.11973896

If you're buying coins that have corporate teams and are basically just start-ups looking for easy capital, fucking lmao at your life.

>> No.11975022

you want to stay away from anyone claiming to have a brand new consensus that's going to fix everything, but refuses to say how it works in the slightest.
>looking at you skyfaggots
i don't know why people keep falling for this.