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11973428 No.11973428 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11973443

id rather fuck eric in the ass than give her any type of pleasure

>> No.11974344

>tfw no dumpy, psuedo-intellectual, asian GF

>> No.11974372
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>> No.11974541

I don't actually mean it. Idiot yet intellectuals are annoying. Mother in law is a doctor and recognized in her field. Super humble, and a charm to talk to. I can't imagine the gap between talking to someone like her and someone like this girl.

Any woman (or man, for that matter) that says/posts "talk to me about X" is posturing and compensating for their other shortcomings.

Very insecure and easy to smash, but they are abrasive in LTR's and socialite repellant. They lack couth. Some by ignorance, others by hubris. I believe that in her case it is hubris because it's common for asians (even 2nd and 3rd gen american Asians) to believe that they are above such tact

>> No.11974564

Could you stop posting my picture?

>> No.11974568

She'd have to give you LINK

>> No.11974768

The last time someone doxxed themselves here, his pics were posted for about a month before people got bored with it.

>> No.11974832

Is this the person who made the LINK husband application post earlier?

>> No.11974848
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>> No.11974860
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If you're good looking and charismatic you could probably get a girl like this while holding 1k-10k link, but if you're an average guy you won't have a chance of getting a gf unless you hold no link whatsoever.

>> No.11974869

canceranon already hit that

>> No.11975310
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>> No.11975324

Can someone post the original

>> No.11975325

desu Eric appears based on his facial structure and glimmering eyes to also be a chad.
He's being overmemed by jealous neets and pajeets because he was alpha enough to post pics of himself and NGAF

>> No.11975351


Yeah pseudo-intellectuals, or intellectuals with too much pride in some niche subject can be tremendously annoying. Some are just insecure and compensating, while others genuinely think they're above others.

>> No.11975409

Shuya is that really you?

>> No.11975607

he didnt post his pics. shuya did because she's a cunt

>> No.11975660

He posted her face first and it was her own fault that all you had to do was Google "shuya Harvard" to find every single little bit of personal info about her. She posts her entire life on social media and even lists her phone number public.

He unironically got what he was asking for when he doxxed her.

>> No.11976508

I got incurable yellow fever and let me tell you I have smashed some really dodgy chinks and gooks due to this mental defect, some of them complete whales, some were below average even by my standards, sometimes I feel regret but I still would make the same mistakes if possible tomorrow because I just can't resist the appeal of yellow pussy, I don't discriminate much, but even a terminal case like me wouldn't give her a chance.

>> No.11976515

i'd be willing to breed you for a greencard ma'am

>> No.11976587
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>> No.11976709

>asking an autist politely to stop being an autist
That’ll never backfire

>> No.11976718
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>mfw when thinking about yourself hurting

>> No.11976725

streisand effect much?

>> No.11976746

Ye, thanks for teaching me a new word

>> No.11976762
File: 47 KB, 220x193, tenor(4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11977255

people are shitting on the bald conehead not eric

>> No.11978275


timestamp with sharpie in pooper in the standard procedure to get us to stop

>> No.11978303


>> No.11978410

you wana know my favourite part? it's at 2:13

"Hugh Jackumahn"

>> No.11978435

Sorry, you have to marry conehead now

>> No.11978449

post benis

>> No.11978601

Ur a fat, dumb stanky chank, 1/10

>> No.11978623
File: 131 KB, 254x280, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think it's too late for me?

>> No.11978915
File: 383 KB, 450x667, 1531850630892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your picture!?

>> No.11978919

>t. Eric