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File: 271 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181201-104200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11972519 No.11972519 [Reply] [Original]

Link is the only project on Binance info that has a 5 star rating. The biggest exchange in the world rates that.

>> No.11972536
File: 654 KB, 1125x851, D09DF1A0-AD12-4CF0-8435-176872533610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why wouldn’t it have 5 stars with all of the money being laundered? I’m sure they can buy some great reviews.

>> No.11972545

Based CZ
That man has so much fuggin LINK

>> No.11972546
File: 585 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181201-164518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking link shills

>> No.11972563

top kek

>> No.11972565
File: 30 KB, 480x480, 1543643375170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did I even bother buy this literal shittoken?

Even if Link's price would reach $5, it would mean 3rd place in the whole Market Cap. 3rd fucking place, it would mean unbelivable rocketing, hundreds of partnership and Ethereum-tier hype of the project and even then it would only barely reach $5 dollars in price

This fucking shit token has no future for normal poorfags like us, only people like this guy will make it

Chainlink was never meant for poorfags like us, even when bought at ico prices you would have had money to put like 60k to Link to actually make it. We were never meant to make it, the dream is over. Even $5 dollars a link is pushing it beyond your wildest dreams. Just fucking kill me

>> No.11972571

Maples is their outside counsel, in a commonly used jurisdiction for tax reasons. Ugh I miss the well-thought out FUD

>> No.11972585

Such is the lyf of a hodler..

>> No.11972591

Hahahahahahahahahahaha the end is near

>> No.11972604

linkisa safu

>> No.11972611

You realize $5 would put it at 9th or 10th place right?

>> No.11972656

Binance gave skycoin and verge a "gold label" rating for being extra legit. I'll pass on the rest of their ratings thanks.

>> No.11972805

>second place
>a literal chink scam
very legit rating sir

>> No.11973165

Only once will I post this. Only once.

Those of you who have been blindly following the chainlink shills are absolute fucking retards. If you had an IQ above 90 and spent 30 minutes researching, you'd actually understand why you are making the best investment of your lives.

The problem with this board is literally most of the Chainlink shills could not explain to you why Chainlink is actually an amazing bet. The few anons that do get it and post legitimately useful information get ignored because most of this board is dense and dumb as fuck and when they can't understand something they act like it wasn't even posted.

Chainlink is next gen. It will make all current holders with 10k+ millionaires. You may have to wait 2-3 years, which most of you will be too dumb to do. You'll see a 5x a year from now and because you've been checking the price every fucking day for over 1500 days you'll think "fuck it, I'm selling, this isn't going anywhere!". When the token actually goes parabolic you'll be holding the keys to your piece of shit Corvette and those of us who weren't total brainlets will be having you park our Bentley's because you work as a fucking valet now.

This is not pasta. Do not repost this. This is simply the truth. Fucking screencap and check back in 2021.

>> No.11973177

$1000 eoy

>> No.11973227

saved. thanks

>> No.11973393

This is such a cringe fud. Holy shit. Like hundreds if not thousands of companies are registered to the same address

>> No.11973455

we just have to wait two days and then the following weeks we moon