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11971662 No.11971662 [Reply] [Original]

How does anyone get excited by stocks, shares and bonds? I looked into it and I quickly lost interest due to the tiny returns after many years. I'd rather just spend my £10k than leave it as stock for a year only to make £375 in dividends or whatever.

>> No.11971676

You use leverage, unless you're from CuckUSA, then no leveraged trading for you burgerfag.

>> No.11971761

AMZN went from $1100 to $2000 in 10 months
>inb4 MUH CRYPTO 10000000% RETURNS
yes, and what happens after that? you sit on the 90-95% loss while bagholding ponzi schemes

>> No.11971775
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>Slow and steady gains vs losing 95% in crypto

Zoomer investing for you.

>> No.11971792


>> No.11971866

Dividends are the conservative return. If you do individual stock picking, you can easily make £3k in a year on top of the £375 dividends

>> No.11971920

Perhaps making 5-10% a year isn’t a lot for you, but imagine if you had >10x your current net worth. You could probably reach that in a couple of years if you increased you saving rate and invested your savings. I have €450k in stocks. Averaging €22.5k-€45k/year “for free” is a lot of money. Assuming a 7% return and compound interest I will have doubled that €450k in 10 years. The ‘£375 is nothing’ mentality is why so many people never make it. £375 is a significant amount of money if all you have to invest is £10k. If £375 is a tiny amount of money, why have you only managed to save <30x that amount?

>> No.11971935
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I don't see how this could go wrong

>> No.11971992

Well when I make a shit load of profit from Armn don't cry when I start bragging about it. But the key is start small, then add to it over time; the return over the long haul (20 yrs) + reinvesting the div is a hell of a lot higher than what you'd get from savings or CD.

>> No.11971999

But it's basically gambling at that point, unless you have a lot of knowledge which the average pleb (me) doesn't have
That's what it comes down to you have to already be rich to make a decent income off of this.
Probably hype, crash soon. Tech market is short and cut-throat, they are lucky to last this long.
At least crypto gave poor people a chance.

>> No.11972011

20 years??? I'd be willing to wait 5 but 20? Fuck that, I want money now while I'm still young and able to enjoy life.

>> No.11972028

Take Disney; you buy 5 shares now. each share pays out 0.88 semi annual. You tell the brokerage to reinvest that div. You hold those for 20 yrs. After 20 yrs you turn that drip off and pocket the nice fat payout. This is assuming you don't buy more shares over time. If you bought more, then your return would go up.

>> No.11972056

Trade Options then. Big returns with limited losses.

What are you talking about? We have leveraged etf like

>> No.11972081

That dip was Soros's selloff.

>> No.11972096

+5% means x2

>> No.11972124

How does it work?

>> No.11972136

I made 200k off amrn, was holding since 2016
Trust me, iv been having lots of fun and excitment just not sharing it with bizlets

>> No.11972140

Twilio is up 250% year to date?

>> No.11972144

Also, amrn will reach 100+ look into reduce it and their other heart meds

>> No.11972216

You just got lucky in Sept 2018.
Alright what if I bought up cheap stock on new tech companies, would that work?

>> No.11972225

Yes; this is a goldmine in waiting. the only thing holding it back is the FDA. They've got patents on this drug locking it down for 11 years. That's 11 years of profit rolling in to just them (and shareholders)

>> No.11972227

if you want fast returns and have less than $10k, options are your fren

>> No.11972242
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My country's economy is fucked anyway.

>> No.11972275

Okay what are options and how do I do it?
Can I buy US stock?

>> No.11972358
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Basically u buy a contract Lets say GPRO 1 contract= 100 shares with a time limit on them, and they decay over time.
So what i usually do is Ill buy a contract and sell it the same day, Some big money to be made with winners.

Ill post one of my Option wins in one day next post

>> No.11972372
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>> No.11972436

Heh, 20 years from now I'll be 55. That's not old, least anymore. Thanks to my workplace regs; I can retire from there at age 50 w/full payout + 401k and medical. Combined with my investments and savings I'll be able to just kick back and enjoy life. I won't have to work unless I just want to. So, yeah I may not be raking in the big money now but in the long run It will pay off for me big time.

>> No.11972669

this is so complicated I may as well just get a normal job lol
yeah great, spend the best years of your life poor just so you can sit back and do nothing but drink beer while your fat wife drains what money you saved over the years.

>> No.11972681

Basically you are just renting 100+ shares of a stock for a very cheap price. and betting on if its going to go up or down.

>> No.11972853

"Poor" is a very flexible word, just like "rich" is. If you mean I'm poor as in one dollar away from losing it all then friend your wrong. Right now I'm married, living in a decent nice size house that's in great shape. Located in a sub division that is not a crime infested rats nest. I drive a car that is only 4 yrs old and is paid off. Due to my driving habits this car will last me a very long time. The only debt is credit card and the house. My wife's car is paid off. We both have steady jobs. We save a decent portion of our paychecks. So all in all things are great. Am I a millionaire? fuck no. But least I ain't a bum out on the street begging for handouts.

>> No.11973691

Is that the bitcoin chart until January 2018?

>> No.11973736


>> No.11973850

stocks 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x within a month all the time and steadier gains over the course of months happen too. Shit, I've had my portfolio double within a day once.

How the fuck does crypto even compare to that? 2.5% gains one day, -10% the next? no thanks. coins either go sideways or fall. fucking boring.

>> No.11973879

>How does anyone get excited by stocks, shares and bonds?

Why the fuck would I need to get excited about them? I'm not gambling for entertainment, I'm investing for long-term profit.

You shouldn't trade while emotionally unstable anyway. You'll make stupid decisions when you chase excitement like a drug high and I honestly pitty you if your ADD makes you unable to appreciate long-term gains. Always looking for instant gratification must really suck and it'll shaft you in the long run.

>> No.11973914


That why it is called investing. Implying that you have the capital for investments. Otherwise you should get a job. If you're good at investing, than you can invest it other people's money and make a living doing that.

>> No.11973927
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You're looking at the wrong stocks retard

>> No.11974038

just remember that everything is risk adjusted. so when you have retards in here mentioning you can 2-3x your money in a year, odds are just as likely that your account goes to $0.

>> No.11974241

What's the site homes

>> No.11974340
