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File: 523 KB, 1536x2732, 72F11AE2-A695-4482-8719-43716844DBB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11971047 No.11971047 [Reply] [Original]

Exit on or before December 7th.

>> No.11971048


>> No.11971054


>> No.11971056


>> No.11971057

>he sold the bottom

s-s-sell guys

>> No.11971061

>Exit on or before December 7th.
Thanks anon. Just shorted 100k

>> No.11971076

oh fuck it's him again

>> No.11971077

probably same thing gonna happen when the futures close as last friday only bigger.

>> No.11971085

another fake willy

>> No.11971086

bigger because hopefully we will be higher. $5.5k if i remember correctly.

>> No.11971096

Fuck you Willy Stormcrow- always bringing bad news

>> No.11971099

how do you know that ?

>> No.11971122

well that's what Willy said i'm not a 100% that this tripfag is him more like 40%.

>> No.11971134

ok thank you

>> No.11971136

when lambo

>> No.11971171

How high / low are we going to go leading up and after dec 7, respectively?

>> No.11971176


>> No.11971187

But you're not Willy, aren't u boi?

>> No.11971231

Only one post by this id, this isnt willy i hope some angry japs harpoon and eat this fake one though

>> No.11971249

Pretty sure this is the real willy

>> No.11971251

Can confirm that OP is Willy, I’m the faggot that made him trip fag. Not a bad idea considering know we know for certain he is indeed the holy one

>> No.11971255

this moon trading, do you just trade on new moons and full moons? and ignore the quarters?
btw new moon on the 7th

>> No.11971257

Fuck you willy !

>> No.11971262


>> No.11971269


>> No.11971268

What the fk do you think he's doing by posting retard

>> No.11971273

what do you think about bitcoin SV?

>> No.11971284

Willy posted multiple times in the same thread, providing more explanation. This one is a fake willy.

>> No.11971290

Ignore them for the most part I don’t focus 100% on exact timing of news and fulla but the dates combined with TA as well, bitcoin lagged a few days on the last full. S&P was right on the money though
Ahem.... Fuck jannies
When/If BTC goes to 1300 next year, buy BSV at the low and save yourself ;)
Art of war, you should’ve sold at 120-140 though.

>> No.11971291


>> No.11971294

i remember !willyqVoNI called you a faggot and a larper
but now you are buddies?

>> No.11971298

Will BTC pump into $5K region before dumping on and around Dec 7 oh holy one?

>> No.11971299

How low do we go willy?

>> No.11971303
File: 95 KB, 450x405, DB1EE99D-8FD4-4B7F-8C9B-A23976DCAB7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is/was a faggot larper but he tricked me into a tripcode so he aight

>> No.11971305


>> No.11971311

Hence why I said im that faggot, he made some great calls and with this trip code his identity is secured, ill take that

>> No.11971316

Im not doing price predictions but that 4500 top the other day resisted pretty hard, I said before that 3-5k with wicks to 2k was possible however now I feel like we may retest 1300-1800 in 2019

>> No.11971320

The blue chips better make some good gains before that. Wtf with DCA my average is like 116 for ETH. Exiting at this price level still means a net loss or negligible gain after gay exchanges take their pound of flesh

>> No.11971325

I just don’t have the balls to tether up my linkies

>> No.11971328

What about link is it going to fall aswell

>> No.11971330

Probably it had a massive run from 17 cents to 60 in a bear market. Profit takers gonna take profit

>> No.11971334

Thank you based Willy

>> No.11971337

I'm so torrn, is this the real willy or not guise

>> No.11971339

I’m a larper I’ve said this many times before ;)
Welcome fren

>> No.11971341
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I hope you're right anon, gonna short with low leverage before the 7th.

>> No.11971348


so this may be Willy again huh. But you guys remember the other anon telling us the week after Thanksgiving would be the start the GBR?


The friend of an "insider". I don't think you whales really talk huh?

Willy, what do you think about this? I think that thread was legit. Maybe you should too.

>> No.11971350

ok so when do we get back in?

>> No.11971354

I larp as Willy from time to time also
People are so gullible

>> No.11971355

It could be a few days afterward as well but I’m already combine some Basic TA with your entry

>> No.11971363
File: 146 KB, 1164x810, C080D5D3-2F35-4B63-872E-7FAB05578D39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gentle Bitcones to $1500 in December

That much is clear



C'mere Orcle-non, faggot. I'll show you a pump

Pump that ass

Some people will think they lost everything

Sieze the opportunity

Bitcoin to $1500 in August


>> No.11971367

1 trillion mcap eoy is as deluded as link 1000 eoy not gonna happen not a chance.
Depends if you know how to trade or not but around Christmas may work.
Based and renkopilled

>> No.11971368

will you visit us before then fren, dont be a stranger

>> No.11971376

>Depends if you know how to trade or not but around Christmas may work.
you said originally that mid 2019 was the optimal entry

>> No.11971382

Short term entry

>> No.11971383
File: 164 KB, 720x1181, 20181201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it mean ETH will go back to double digit soon?

>> No.11971385

this was your sell signal

>> No.11971402

so you still saying we will go to $5k before revisiting the bottom or punching through?

>> No.11971412

yeah he didn't realize his "friend" took him to a nice hotel to fuck him in the ass.

>> No.11971422

Everything is a larp fest. Don't lose your ass, anons. There are no btc "insiders". It is open source and public

>> No.11971439

This, Willys calls are just made on TA, most people predicted his last one.

>> No.11971442

Listen, willy genuinely cares about Anons financial well being.

>> No.11971452

Don’t worry willy my boy, naysayers will come around to your side soon enough. True believers be rewarded

>> No.11971458

pump and dump groups exist and there are people out there that can sway the price with a flick of a finger. but yeah it's fucking memeing.

the last """insider""" tripfag mr gepetto got burned so bad and exposed as fraud again thankfully the internet remembers so we can score his track record which is at -3 right now. doesn't mean he won't try again in a few months.

>> No.11971461

The only call I did not understand was your Nov 23rd full moon call. You said it was going to pump but then it dumped the hardest, what was up with that

>> No.11971464

what's your view on satoshi's vision, willy?

>> No.11971485

Perhaps support is weak
Based and redpilled inshallah
It came a few days late it’s not always accurate to the exact day, I loaded up on SV during the last full moon so it worked in my favour but yeah BTC and overall market lagged by a bit, key is to combine trad TA with the moons.
I like it. Art of war, Craig is a genius.

>> No.11971487

3-5 minutes
Orcas usually have a diving pattern where they take several shallow dives of less than a minute, followed by a deeper dive where they stay submerged longer. They will generally surface to breathe after 3-5 minutes on these deeper dives, but can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes or more on occasion.

>> No.11971496

so is full moon bullish or bearish to you?

>> No.11971502

december 7th is a new moon

>> No.11971507

Bullish or temp bottom most times, do yourself a favour and add “moon indicator” to your tradingview charts and look at the moons on BTC, SPY, Dow etc..

>> No.11971547

Yea, follow an 16 year old anon on a Mongolian dick wiggling board. Take a hit on big taxable events on relatively mild price swings. What the fuck do I know

>> No.11971562

that moon indicator makes it look easy to trade wtf

>> No.11971588

dunno i looked at some charts and it seems like a 50-50 at best
there were great rallies through new moons and dumps during full moons.

>> No.11971617

XRP 589 EOY?

>> No.11971625

Not in the next 10 years

>> No.11971627

What's your take on massive amount of open shorts currently? Aren't we about to see a squeeze?

>> No.11971633

Short squeezes only work until they don’t. Look at BCH pre fork for instance

>> No.11971656

Anyone listening to this is seriously about to get BTFO, don't over leverage, we're going sideways for a year.

Don't risk your long term gains for short term greed

>> No.11971702
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big number impossible

>> No.11971733
File: 14 KB, 558x614, BFE861DC-93B1-43BA-A20D-DB5049DF3D83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Market cap gonna 10x in one month

>> No.11971823

My TA is saying 4800 next week on bull

Or 4400 top attempt again on bear.

You see 4800 possible?

>> No.11971878

With the amount of leveraged positions it can happen yes, 4400-4500 was a solid resistance point however. The next few hours are critical 4200 has to hold on finex.

>> No.11971955


Seriously. There are lots of stops on shirts just behind 4400 now. Easy for whales to force them and sell for a higher price. Whales cant sell without huge slippage ao beat way is to pump into that liquidity and let retails stops trigger into whales sells. They can use that liquidity till about 4800 (4hr 200ema) then begin dump with no slippage

>> No.11972058

I assume if we can't hold 4200, we will then go straight to test lower lows assuming 4000 doesnt hold?

>> No.11972067

But some coins will still moon while BTC is dead r-right?

>> No.11972120

Are you associated with this fella: 18mkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

>> No.11972205

>1 trillion mcap eoy is as deluded as link 1000 eoy not gonna happen not a chance.
ok retard

>> No.11972353
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>> No.11972842

except rsi already hit 2015 atl levels

>> No.11972976
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What do you think of bigdogg?

>> No.11972986
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>> No.11972993
File: 8 KB, 128x128, sv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When/If BTC goes to 1300 next year, buy BSV at the low and save yourself ;)
mah nigga.. willy you're alright I don't care what anyone says

>> No.11973126

Where was that 5ksats link i was promised? Fucking pussy

>> No.11973166

rsi means nothing

>> No.11973246

rofl. xrp shills in a constant state of btfo

> they'll find a way to deny this

>> No.11973252


> Imagine being the person who gets upset at reality

>> No.11973255

Willy willy.


>> No.11973304

>rofl. xrp shills in a constant state of btfo
Ill find you
And I will kill you

>> No.11973326
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the absolute state of bottom shorters

>> No.11973327


Just buy BAT instead.

>> No.11973330
File: 409 KB, 900x1200, 6A5F10BE-4AB9-4198-84D6-0DF615372A00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, noticed that resistance threshold. I’d expect the market to tap liquidity pools/sweep stops above 4533 before a significant reversal and push to 2800.

Also seems like $133 is the target before ETH dives in the next sell off.

>> No.11973335


Plus I was unironically a marine sniper. Can post proof.

>> No.11973358

>they can print "usd" out of thin air
>then they can buy actually finite btc with it
i never understood this, why would anyone sell btc for usdt? not that usd itself is such a deflationary wonder...

>> No.11973359

Is Craig bluffing about a fatal flaw in Bitcoin?

>> No.11973383


>> No.11973401


What do you think of metanet from Craig?

What price is good to buy BSV?
I have 15 BSV? What price do you think it will be in 2 years?

Tell us something else, we don't know. E.g completely new and missed

>> No.11973431

>Can post proof.
Post it

>> No.11973447

If you want something completely new look into BCHABC and watch out what they are trying to implement.

>> No.11973530
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> pic related

>> No.11973542

Ignore both of these tripfags...



Also you guys remember this fake bullshit?

This is the first thread
>If BTC cannot close above critical support tomorrow, expect low $5000s. You have been warned.
Doesn't help us at all. He didn't predict the dip to 3.5k

Then fakewilly makes a thread
>Hope you bought
>Bitcoin crashes to 3.5k within 2 weeks of this

But seriously neither of them knows anything. They're just guessing and ignoring any predictions they made that didn't come true.

>> No.11973547

Had you killed someone?

Do you guys to do onion jobs?

Just asking.

>> No.11973572

>calls a blanked cert with no timestamp proof

>> No.11973584

How do I know that it is yours? :^)

>> No.11973615

I'll admit I was LARPing for the fun of it, never denied that. I did it to fuck with "Willy" when he didn't have a trip code, as I figured If I didn't do it, someone else was going to. So "Willy" then makes a trip code in response.. He did call the full moon and the temporarily reversal. His calls are rough but they do paint a picture that isn't very far off

>> No.11973628

this is actually where it all started, the tripfag larpers came later
in this thread Willy claimed he is not going by TA but has some powerful friends.
these tripfags keep babbling about TA and moon phases.

>> No.11973644

The key thing to remember is these people aren't prophets, they do not see the future. They see who is trading what and hear who (in big leagues) has what plans. They do NOT come back to the past and tell you exactly what will happen. They tell you what it looks like is going to happen, using info you don't have. Too many ChainLink and Q threads made people believe in fortune telling again.

>> No.11973651


Ya I killed a couple of guys. The job mostly consists of overwatch and observation though. Like go out and watch an intersection for three days and shit like that. There's really a lot of misconception about Marine snipers. I always see the following:

> who's the sniper and who's the spotter

Anyone who passes sniper school can, and has to, do both. At the schoolhouse you're paired up with another dude and you guys work as a team pretty much throughout the whole course, unless someone gets dropped. This includes shooting and spotting, so for instance on the range you shoot from 300 meters back to 1000 for known distance qualification in different positions (sitting, standing, kneeling, prone). So at each yard line you shoot five shots, and if its your turn to shoot, your on the gun and you partner is on the "glass". He give's you your dope (or if he sucks you get it yourself), you take your shot, he gives you a correction, take the final shot, rinse and repeat five times. Then when you're done you guys switch and he grabs his gun and you grab your own spotting scope and do it again.

> the job is all about shooting
99.9% of being a sniper is moving out to a hide and sitting there anywhere from an hour to a couple of days to even weeks. While you're there you're observing movement, making range cards, keeping radio, patrol, activity logs, etc. Its mostly bookkeeping and reporting. Its just a Battalion level asset after all, which means that you're kinda special but not really. You're not seal team 6 out there.

>> No.11973668
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>he took the meme seriously
*ting* *ting*

>> No.11973687
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>> No.11973704

>when whales accumulate they spread fud and try to dump on the market to induce a flash crash then load up on the vary market. he is implying he is part of such a group. but the reality is it either works or not. the faggot doesn't know shit. if nobody sells the price doesn't go anywhere, if you panic like a little bitch and set stop losses and shit then it can be crashed by a few thousand btcs. since there is no trust between the investors everyone tries to dump first and looks for signs of drop like a hawk. so there is that. but the market rejects lows more and more violently. so we end up knowing nothing despite this insinuating faggots vague claims nothing might happen.

this was my post back then, oh boy it's kind of embarrassing now.

>> No.11973724

Willy my bro. You are the second guy i have talked to who i know as Willy today. The other Willy was my FedEx man.

Anyways, i am long term hodl person because i suck at swing/day trade thing. It is an art form and I dont have the time to dedicate to it right now. All of that being said, can you give me an honest opinion on the coins i have. I am small time so i admit these are small stacks to most but for me they are a good start.

LINK 1000 aprox.
TRTL 670,000

I also mined some dead coins.
0xCate and 0xDoge. They are dead but i hope the cate comes back because was interesting concept.

These are all put away in a wallet that i do not intend to to touch for years. Am i good or nah?

>> No.11973728
File: 134 KB, 1200x630, naughty_snipers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> you go out alone or in 2 man groups
You either leave the wire attached to a patrol and they drop you off at a hide or you push out with pretty much your own squad of hogs, pigs, and slack guys. There was the high speed 2 man team shit early in the war until a 4 man sniper team got smoked in Iraq because they all fell asleep. They were all found with bullet holes in the heads and their ipods still playing. They took the guns though. That was fiasco for a while too.


Reverse image search it I guess. I'll post a couple of deployment pics too. I would rather not doxx myself (because 4chan) but honestly its not a big deal really. Its not like being a sniper was a super high-speed job or anything. I'm just a dude in college now.

I will say this though, the guys who got in trouble back in 2012 for pissing on the Taliban bodies were in my class though. That was a massive fucking shitshow. And I'm sure the /pol/ guys will love this but for some reason there's a huge obsession with the ss because naturally usmc snipers are mostly rednecks. So I was also in school when the whole SS bolt thing blew up too and we had to take almost literally every plaque off the wall because they had SS bolts on them. The the recon unit got in trouble for the SS flag and its was even worse.

After that the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps took all the snipers on Camp Lejeune and brought us to the base theatre to chew our asses.

I'm sure there's a couple of other Marine's on here (hopefully east coast grunts) who can at least confirm I'm not full of shit so I can get gbp's from the jannies for not larping.

>> No.11973746

>I would rather not doxx myself (because 4chan)
just put a fucking timestamp on the cert pic man, no need to compromise anyone!

>> No.11973760

he's a pathological liar

>> No.11973765

or post tits and gtfo i guess!

>> No.11973793


>> No.11973827
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rofl. Shit's at my parents house though and I'm too stoned to go get it. Have faith anon, no larp here sirs, I know too much about this shit anyways. Plus I actually went to 2 of the 4 usmc snipers schools so there's that. They are: the basic course, urban sniper, mountain sniper and team leaders course. I went to the basic (you have to go there first) and then I went to mountain sniper in bridgeport CA.

>> No.11973843

Not sure.
Metanet is brilliant needs execution of course. Something you don’t know, one of the best crypto investments atm isn’t a shitcoin or crypto currency but a penny stock
Thank you for your service marine huah
With that portfolio you’re probably gonna need some low caps like that, don’t forget to take profit on pumps or learn to trade. Don’t know much about turtle link is aight long term
Rome wasn’t built in a day

>> No.11973863
File: 143 KB, 558x553, 6526F0F6-51A9-4815-972E-C0E5E1114966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m out of here but before I go id like to leave you with a message
*comes closer to microphone*
Fuck niggers and fuck jannies

>> No.11973871

>Have faith anon
i'm fresh out of that on this board... no actually it's a standing condition. i have been looking up sniper training and equipment and tactics this morning for unrelated reasons i bet i can google everything you are allowed to provide. i'm sick and tired of this fucking rampant larping and how everyone always have an excuse not to provide proof. but go on it's not like i'm the 4chan police or anything. i just thought maybe this once just this fucking once i get some actual evidence. guy has his cert he just puts a post-it on it snaps it with his phone and yay.

>> No.11973877

fucking kek, this guys must be smart.

i guess the 83iq its not a meme after all.

>> No.11973907

which penny stock please im trying to save my gains

>> No.11973946
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btw i'm just gonna take advantage of this opportunity (assuming)
i'm trying to compile some basic infantry types on the assumption that in the setting some form of early power armor (at least stanag vi with a load bearing capacity of 3-400kg) is available and hybrid gyrojet rounds actually work. (the 20mm guns fire the rocket assisted grenades at about 1000fps and an other 2000 is added to it in the first 30 feet out of the barrel or so) i thought this caliber would with a precision barrel work just great as an anti-materiel heavy sniper rifle.

feel free to give me ideas about the marksman and spotter gear because compared to some of the other dudes they are not carrying shit.

>> No.11973969


>> No.11973977

That's my birthday... I don't wanna

>> No.11973997


Hey thanks man. Are you the one who's been going on the jannie tear? What did they do to you lol.


Nah man I hear you, I'm the same way. I'm sorry my bro ask me for it tomorrow, I'll grab it in the morning.

>> No.11974025

>Fuck niggers and fuck jannies
Based and redpilled

>> No.11974030

>exit on December 7th
>buy back in December 8th

>> No.11974037

This, but I know of an RSI derivative that means everything, and it says we're only just getting close to ATL

>> No.11974064

TY TY friend

>> No.11974071


Just judging by your list you are way more current on weapon systems than I am right now. As far as anti-material rounds the Barrett .50 was pretty good unironically. Everyone calls it a sniper rifle but in reality it's an area fire weapon with a scope on it. But if you throw some raufoss rounds in it you'll at least take out an engine block or some other critical component. Although those are kinda hard to come by in country as the only way to get ammo for that thing is to steal a can from the machine gunners and de-link it.

>> No.11974113

alright i know it's fucking overkill, to shoot 20mm auto-cannon rounds at 3000+fps, altho for an armored truck or car i like it just fine. for a regular bastardized hilux the .50 would do just fine.

what sort of heavy shit do snipers actually have to carry aside from the weapons and ammo? how much water would you take for a weeks assignment and food? i mean by my calcs it should be at least 2 mre per day and a gallon of water (which is a fucking lot).

how the fuck do you transport everything to site? or you get supply runs regularly?

>> No.11974199

i think i'm gonna go all dune on this, the armor (or an external powered water filter unit) must recycle piss (or any water) for drinking water nobody can carry so much water volume and useful stuff also. 2 flasks maybe, hm... this gonna be good let's drink piss!

>> No.11974231
File: 3.07 MB, 4608x3456, anp_thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, dude a hilux with a .50 or a DSHK would be fine. You can always weld some steel plates on the sides.

> what sort of heavy shit do snipers actually have to carry aside from the weapons and ammo

Batteries and radio's weigh a lot. As far as water and MRE's you actually open the MRE's and strip all the shit out of it that you don't want/need, like the accessory packs, heaters, and condiments... You'll always have a couple of warming layers and extra pairs of socks so that adds a couple of pounds. As for water you at least have a camelback, and another in your pack. And then there's the tiny ancillary stuff like flashlights, compasses, gps's, smoke grenades/flares, extra .240 ammo, etc. So a typical combat loadout is around 80 to 100 pounds for gear/ammo/weapons. Although this does vary greatly depending on the mission. We only did a handful of missions that were greater than 12 hours, we mostly just tagged along with a crunchie patrol and provided overwatch.


Fuck that. I'll grab an extra case of water for the truck.

>> No.11974280

>Fuck that.
in theory a very low micron ceramic filter takes everything out of water that makes piss piss they just very low flow unless you use a powered pump.

>> No.11974284


Oh, forgot to mention that the ANP wanted to buy the kid all the way on the left so they offered some opium and an AK. It was funny as fuck and we never let him forget it.

>> No.11974292

I believe it does, but still, I'd rather just drink out of water bottles.

>> No.11974569

How is it functionally different from fractional reserve banking?

>> No.11974573

Fake Willy be gone

>> No.11974599
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mmmm what he mean by this.

>> No.11974623

well in fractional reserve banking you borrow prosperity from the future (or rather you bring the purchasing power of your future performance into the present) when you take out a loan. the reserve amount in this aspect is meaningless it really just there for covering the risks. if everyone would pay their debt we could run zero reserve.

when you print money of thin air you create purchasing power with nothing to back it up not in the past present or future.

>> No.11974689

i'm not american, but i find this awesome

>> No.11974826

But the federal reserve does print money

>> No.11974853

When do we look for reentry grandmaster?

>> No.11974894


Thanks man, it was really interesting experience. I'm sure you're country has something comparable.

>> No.11974905


I think he was a larping cunt.

>> No.11974931

Sniping seems cool though it seems terrifying that you could get reverse sniped at anytime.

>> No.11974956

This looks like a though job, waiting on a spot for a long time. How realistic is it to hit a standing or moving target from 700m+? I can't even believe a human can be hit from 1000m because most targets will be moving.

>> No.11974969

Oh shit this was meant for

>> No.11974983

Fuck I missed the target twice.
Was meant for

>> No.11974996
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>> No.11975010

Why are you trying so hard?

>> No.11975027

indeed which causes inflation alright.

>> No.11975030

It is possible, but where I was at it wasn't likely.


lol, and we only practiced shooting "movers" out to 500m, with the target area being 7"x21" roughly and moving at around 3 mph. Honestly shooting anything that's farther and faster than that isn't likely to get you a first round impact. But if you have the correct dope on the scope and can estimate the speed you can use the mil dots to get you pretty close. I forget what the formula was but honestly you wouldn't really have time to remember anyway. I'd just end up winging it when I had to shoot that far and fast.

>> No.11975119

Whaley the Whale says 15k eoy
Remember this post

>> No.11975146

that's why snipers need ballistic computer assisted holographic sights with integrated weather sensors and automatic tracking and adjustment. smart guns are the future we just have to make sure they are not wifi hackable like the last attempt.

>> No.11975158
File: 159 KB, 1000x700, How+To+Sell+Your+Shares (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>but i am at a minus with some stocks i don't wont to sell at a minus
the minus will be bigger in a month
you will regret it

save your ass and sell

>> No.11975164

Exit before we pump it so that way we get you to FOMO and pump our bags higher.

>> No.11975178


Eh, I'd be ok with a fully integrated system like that if it still had the option of being reverted back to a regular old rifle when it breaks in the middle of a mission. And honestly, sniping is as much an art as a science. Plus at the end of the day, how much R&D buck are you going to spend on a platform when instead you can just hit it with a JDAM. Unfortunately that's the reality of modern warfare.

>> No.11975199

Also what was that? Is whalebro legit after all?

>> No.11975227

>Craig is a genius
Aaaaaaaand we're done here. Thanks for the larps dickhead hope they're paying you well enough, I'll drive you out like I drove off oracle nigger.

>> No.11975231

WILLY do you still have no position on XRP? other than you guys think it could be a security?

>> No.11975277

It won't hit 1trillion by end of year because chainlink doesn't have main net up to be the catalyst yet.

>> No.11975284

LINK 30$ when?

>> No.11975302

well since we have the technology components it's mostly about software and integration that's fucking cheap compared to hardware development.

i would assume you can just snap on an analogue scope if there is a critical system failure and disable the target silhouette fire control or even flip a switch for legacy bolt release mechanism. i agree with always having fallback options.

>> No.11975411
File: 83 KB, 1190x308, Screen Shot 2018-12-01 at 3.27.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey man, no larper here, XRP is a heavily centralized cryptocurrency, I have deep state info that a cryptocurrency and an exchange will be hit with a hammer. My personal info is either XRP or XLM, for the currency, and then I still cant wrap my head around the exchange.

Binance has been doing some really shady shit, with USDC and its BNB coin withdrawals as well.

Dont know what the fuck is going on.

Pic related.

>deep state lmfao

>> No.11975637

Binance came out and said that was them. i was asking willy, you bitch

>> No.11976008


>> No.11976177
File: 22 KB, 640x360, based_whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you mr. whale

>> No.11977264

why xlm :(

>> No.11977657

Based, thanks for the thread willy I was in the last one.

>> No.11977709

fags clearing the space for fag mini whalw

>> No.11977714
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1541808114963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, bearfag.

Trying to shake us out before the Bull Run of 2019.

Go fuck yourself. We bull now.

>> No.11977733

dolphinfags on suicide watch

>> No.11978725

Piggiebacking these digits to say that SV will feed off of this crash. I don't think SV can drop below 75 dollars.

>> No.11979824

Yea, no. You blew it. Good luck tho!

>> No.11979850

Seriously fuck you willy, I don’t give a shit that you are right, still going to call you a faggot and I’m not selling so fuck you with you no info bullshit. I hate you soo much

>> No.11979872
File: 112 KB, 656x644, sefasfsrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked willy)))))

>> No.11980926

(he isn't right tho)

>> No.11981780

Just exited, thank you

>> No.11981781

Op is a faggot why are other faggots playing his larp

>> No.11981793

What is a trip fag and why do you fags fear a trip fag so much
This us seriously beta and gay
Ur all scared of some dude named willy on a chinese finger trap emporium

>> No.11982051

i think he is the same larper as the one who said he tricked the real willy into getting a tripcode. He also shilled SV all of a sudden