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11960543 No.11960543 [Reply] [Original]

I only have 50k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it. Even with 50k LINK, there are over 250,000 wallets which have more link than me. I am not even in top 1% of the holders. All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. I need to make it to 100k before mainnet for fucks sake. Link is only going to $13 max.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link where about $60 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

The singularity is cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $20. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this board will hold from 50 cents, to $20 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the 1k eoy memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 19k, you will do the same with Link at $20. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 50k Link, nowhere near enough to make it. At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.

>> No.11960544

My patience is getting tired. The chainlink website literally says they are partnered with swift. Still 50c. All these speculated partnerships are just that. The partnerships that have been announced are either worthless or "so important and bigger then people think" but its still 50c. The team cant even tell us whats going on even in a low key way, i guess i do know they dont need to say anything to the average joe. I want to believe everything link has to offer but when the practical side of me comes up, its all too good to be true. Im all in and will hold til zero, it just really fucking blows that my life savings are in this (a whopping 4,000 dollars) and the notion that i dont have what it takes to even get a dishwasher job, my moral is the lowest its ever been in my life. Im not even asking for $1000 eoy, i just need maybe 5 dollars a link to just move out of my parents house ive been living in for 30 years of my life, i just want to feel whats its like to go to your own house and have my own room. Im so fucking tired of being a loser.

>> No.11960764

then get a job. problem over.

>> No.11960836

are you retarded? only 20k people can have 50k link.

100k can have 10k.

>> No.11961868

>Still 50c

I wish it were at 50 cent 8(

>> No.11961922
File: 69 KB, 624x294, 1542819601462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muuuuuh $1000 EOY
>Muuuuuh even linklets will make it
It's sad. Pic related shows the absolute state of deluded linkies.