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11959845 No.11959845 [Reply] [Original]

G-guys? Satoshi just posted "nour"

>> No.11959853

what the FUCK does this mean? Last post was in 2011...

>> No.11959873

Meh. Probably Craig larping again.

>> No.11959896

did u fucking go to the website? its actually him...

>> No.11959917
File: 77 KB, 175x179, 1543426838447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meet the real satoshi

>> No.11959960 [DELETED] 

This guy is Brazilian.

I'm screening his social media and blogspots

The guy is into tech since 2004, WTF

>> No.11959985

Favelanon look into him. Find out what u can and I'll forgive u for scamming me

>> No.11959994 [DELETED] 

Fuck you I'm not a scammer

>> No.11960069

You quite clearly are though

>> No.11960072 [DELETED] 

I'll do a new POST, LOOLLL

>> No.11960077

or someone else fucking with the account or a bored admin taking control of it or just throwing around sql inserts... dude it could be anything.

>> No.11960135

CSW = Satoshi confirmed
Market crash to 0 when? Better get ya shorts out lads. Seems like this will be a one way ticket.

>> No.11960147

What does nour mean?

>> No.11960151

you are a scammer, you're using trips and you constantly try to get sympathy from other users here.

>> No.11960197

Nour is a pajeet actor you fucking idiots. Just type it into google for fuck sakes I hate how retarted you dumb fucks are.

>> No.11960208

nour is pajeet for dump it

>> No.11960212

I think Nour means moon in Arabic. Also fake website, what a surprise. I thought the failed bsv pump was over already

>> No.11960220

Holy shit "Nour" has been activated. FKKKKKKKK

>> No.11960224

>you are stupid!
>no ur

>> No.11960246

Nour means light or illumination. BTC is an illuminati project for sure. Makes sense now. Illuminati consists mostly of scientists.

>> No.11960254

what do u mean fake website?

>> No.11960300

dunno but it doesn't look like a recent manufacture unless you think wikipedia is hacked also.
craig is more clumsy than this.

>> No.11960361
File: 629 KB, 680x778, goldenbullfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> “nour” is the Asian pronunciation for “now”
> Golden Bull confirmed

>> No.11960537

If it's not fake, this is the same shit that happened with the twitter handle: fake satoshi pays stupid amount of money to gain account access (probably 100k or more), gets caught and losses everything.

Same story, different website, same ending.

>> No.11960557

Someone probably hacked the account satoshi is dead

>> No.11960568
File: 8 KB, 285x210, IMG_20180914_002136_115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masri is arabic for money
That is all

>> No.11960574

arab fag here it means "light" bro

>> No.11960588
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>> No.11960591
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presented without comment

>> No.11960616

CSW could be outed as a fraud pretty easily now. Even if it's a hacker all they'd have to do is say "Craig Wright is not Satoshi." He already tried to claim the "nour" message, so unless he actually has control of the account he made a big mistake.

>> No.11960627

This tbqh

>> No.11960637

yeah except craig posted that 2 hours ago and 'satoshi' posted it 16 hours ago

tho it wouldn't surprise me if he somehow gained access to the account. still not satoshi.

>> No.11960647

Nour means light lmao satoshi csw confirmed.

>> No.11960660

craig posted the tweet 11 hours after satoshi tweeted nour, brainlet

>> No.11960693

he's deffo got all you brain dead people where he wants you though arguing if he is or isn't satoshi

>> No.11960703
File: 106 KB, 789x805, 37e304fb7b677f06de3bfa6539eac282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's talking about his kike nemesis Nouriel (((Roubini)))

>> No.11960736


>> No.11960740

fine i give up
i have held on long enough
but if crpyto is anti-semitic
then i am anti-semitic

>> No.11960761
File: 19 KB, 654x173, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what language? I notice Craig posted "The light haunts the darkness." in Arabic on his Twitter earlier, wtf is going on?

>> No.11960781

Arabic, farsi, urdu, hindi and a few more

>> No.11960785

>wtf is going on?
craig is 10 hours late to the party
that's what

>> No.11960791
File: 45 KB, 662x347, 11111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also in Chinese, with a gif of a dragon being slain

>> No.11960793

You fucking fag Satoshis emails were hacked in 2014. It's not him.

>> No.11960805

thanks fren

The overwhelming amount of evidence against him being satoshi suggests that he is only trying to pump bsv one more time before going 100% broke. bsv was his biggest bet and I can guarantee you that the first pump failed miserably.

>> No.11960814


>> No.11960824


fucking zoomer newfaggot

>> No.11960853
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>Deep breath


>> No.11960861

Well done

>> No.11960876

let them be newfags

>> No.11960890

>Reply by Satoshi Nakamoto on March 7, 2014 at 1:17
>I am not Dorian Nakamoto.
that's the last post he made that could possibly be made by him. we should suspect the account is compromised yeah.

>> No.11960905

Satoshi Nakamoto replied to Satoshi Nakamoto's discussion Bitcoin open source implementation of P2P currency
"Dear Satoshi. Your dox, passwords and IP addresses are being sold on the darknet. Apparently you didn't configure Tor properly and your IP leaked when you used your email account sometime in 2010. You are not safe. You need to get out of where…"
5 minutes ago

You think so genius?

>> No.11960917

why do i not see this post? you got a link?

>> No.11960928
File: 108 KB, 500x375, Nour ovaltine....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11960934


>> No.11960938

well if he put it up for sale we all know who the buyer is don't we?

>> No.11960966

so this guy hacks satoshi's account then sends this email to theymos
>Michael, send me some coins before I hitman you.

>> No.11960977


>> No.11961005

Satoshi wasn't that retarded to leave personal identifiable information on his email, still whoever got a hold of his emails is irrelevant and doesn't matter, even if it's some script kiddy or Craig larping again. Satoshi isn't real just a pseudonym persona and disappeared either got killed or went anonymous, and it wouldn't make any sense for a "person" who obviously posted under pseudonym used Tor and in general hid his identity would suddenly come back to life and start shitposting on some forum or from his email.

Call me back when he signs a message into his transaction.

>> No.11961014
File: 399 KB, 664x4124, csw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that was hacked too. He has been hacked for ages. Ver/Craig are addicted to proof of social media so they buy any account that they could use to scam people into supporting their shitcoin by possing as satoshi (meanwhile no genesis coins are moved)

>> No.11961042

yeah i know, altho like i pointed out, if you reg on a forum i have admin control of i can do whatever the fuck i want in your name. so there is that. the email was compromised the account was compromised but even if they haven't it's still not proof. and i'm not even sure it would be any good if he showed up and started throwing his founder weight around killing competing ideas among devs and turning them all into sheep high on reverence.

the only good thing that could come out of satoshi revealing himself is craig being blown the fuck out once and for all.

>> No.11961059



>> No.11961115

craig satoshi wright

>> No.11961259

you mean craig "sucky-sucky" wright right?

>> No.11961310
File: 330 KB, 447x539, 1543592861514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I would sucky

>> No.11961320
File: 22 KB, 595x737, itsokeay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig has nothing to be ashamed over

>> No.11961619

The satoshi p2p foundation message was posted 10 hours before craig wright started autistically posting on twitter about it anyway

>> No.11961632

Are you saying Satoshi is larping as Craig?

>> No.11961662

Chainlink is going to be $1000 eoy

>> No.11961683

that would be beyond confusing

>> No.11961888

first of all, Satoshi is not human. it's either alien, artificial intelligence or some ultimate being that's over our understanding in form of energy.

>> No.11963112


rolling to confirm that its AI

>> No.11964400
File: 19 KB, 332x351, 1543593130208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11964436
File: 89 KB, 600x450, 1t5r65e1h566716k917846565g0k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its "now" with an Australian accent.
check em