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11957158 No.11957158[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>stop masturbation for 2 weeks as I was becoming extremely tired
>forgot about porn and was starting to enjoy life
>had to go to dentist appointment yesterday
>cute asian hygienist begins cleaning my teeth
>she's wearing some perfume
>never had sex before and still a Virgin at the age of 29
>begin to realize I've screwed up as I haven't masturbated in forever
>she begins brushing my arms and I begin getting a boner
>she leans in to get av better angle and I feel the side of her breast touch my shoulder
>first time I've ever felt a breast
>I begin to lose it and squirm in the chair which causes a lot of pain
>she puts her hand on my chest and apologizes I cum in my pants
>realize what the fuck I just did wearing sweat pants and the stain begins to appear
>I panic and tell her im cold can she pass me my hoodie
>put it over my legs so she can't see my cum pants
>thankfully she didn't notice
>tells me im done for the day a while later and I thank her with the freezing still in my mouth
>still holding the hoodie in my waist I tell her I forgot my credit card at home and can't pay until next visit
>quickly run out of the room before she can notice anything
>skip paying at the front desk and run to my car and quickly drive home with sticky legs

Guys I'm a 29 year old virgin who has never touched a woman before. That whole experience changed my life. I didn't know woman had that kind of power over me. Please guys you have to help me. I really don't want to begin masturbating on a regular basis as I was beginning to feel born again with youth and energy. How can I not masturbated and still prevent myselft from cumming in my pants when a woman touches me? please I really need some advice here.

>> No.11957168

masturbate at least once every 5 days, you'll get prostate cancer otherwise.

>> No.11957167

What does this have to do with link

>> No.11957190

Well I'm 19 and lost my drive to masturbate or anything sexual since age 18. Became really tired and feel old

>> No.11957192

You will never make it just kys as the shame you feel now will never go away

>> No.11957193

Its your average link shillposter in a nutshell

>> No.11957204

go to a hooker.

not a professional one though. a private one.

>> No.11957210

Op if you can confirm this is no larp i will send you some sheckles and a quick list of shit to do to not be a kissless fag

>> No.11957212

Private hooker? Thats called a wife.

>> No.11957216

Eat more iron you dumb zoomer

>> No.11957224
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Congrats fren. In my view you just lost your virginity. Go back and ask her for a number. Proud of you fren.

>> No.11957256

the fact that you fucking retards are seriously responding to this thread is exactly why this board will turn in to a compete fucking shithole.

>> No.11957276

not sure my stomach can digest something that solid

>> No.11957284
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I hope she doesnt get pregant now

>> No.11957296


Hahaha holy shit. I fucking told you nofap faggots this would happen.

Not making just makes you pathetic and allows a woman to dominate your mind if she wants. You literally came because a woman brushed against you for christ sake.

If you had just jacked off before going to the dentist none of that would have happened. The breast brush would have been nice feeling, you might have gotten a semi from it even, but premature ejaculation instantly. That is fucking pathetic.

How do you fags ever expect to have sex? Masturbation is important and you should be wanking at least every 2-3 days you faggots. You are low testosterone retards trying to cheat by not wanking so you can experience what it's like to be high test for a while, feeling all that energy and youthfulness that high test people have all the time regardless of weather we fap or not. You want what we have, but you are putting yourself in a position where you will just random cum if a woman bumps into you to get there.

Christ nofap is pathetic.

>> No.11957307

>at least every 2-3 days you faggots
Are you sure that's enough? Better do it 2-3 times a day just to make sure

>> No.11957311

Reminds me of the time I did nofap for a while and went to go do some pullups.

Somehow the strain and pressure of my groin tensing made be cum.

Good thing I was at my home gym that day.

>> No.11957329


I personally try for once a day if I have time. But you need to be cumming a minimum of once every few days to stay healthy. You risk prostate cancer if you go too long without cumming.

>> No.11957335

Because we can relate and there's nothing we or you can do

>> No.11957346

what about all these graphs i saw of monks (who i presume don't fap) living the longest of all males? doesn't their mindset (of which not fapping is a part) lead to a long and happy live?

>> No.11957353


They jack off and just don't admit it.

>> No.11957355

you stupid fucks actually want relationshit on this board. great. my board list reset because of 4channel domain. time to take off the list again.

threads like this is literally maximum shitposting. worse than any shill pump thread.

you retards chose your fate.

>> No.11957357

> bonner
> sweat pants
> she didn't notice

Jesus how small is your dick anon

>> No.11957362

They also eat healthy and live up jn the mountains and far away from other people so the air is better

>> No.11957373

That's a coregasm. Shit's so cash.

>> No.11957376
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He's a low test faggot beta doing no fap. There is no way he has anything larger than a micropenis.

>> No.11957399
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I hear you can get iron in tide pods

>> No.11957418
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What type of faggot male would want to become a monk anyways?

Imagine being a monk or a priest and having to deal with nuns and knowing that the nuns are nude under their clothing?

Who the hell would want to give up this? You have one fucking life, and people want to reject this just to sit and meditate. The more I learn about how other people on this planet think, the more fucked up I realize how everyone else is. How do other people end up falling for collectivism when the mindset and goal of most males on this planet is the most retarded beta shit imaginable. I think 99% of most males are beta faggots and you are all pathetic.

>> No.11957425

>The more I learn about how other people on this planet think, the more fucked up I realize how everyone else is
You should've realized how more ignorant you are.

>> No.11957457
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It is just so rare that I read another anons post, or a book, or someones lifestyle philosophy and think "this is based and redpilled I like this man."

No, so often people life cringe and bluepilled lives. Why are so many males naturally cringe and bluepilled losers? I don't want to be friends with people who are cringe and bluepilled in their lifegoals. How do I meet other people who are based and redpilled? I want to meet another guy and want to be friends with him and hang around him, I'm not even gay. Just want a bro I can share experiences with who will understand. But almost every fucking faggot I meet is a cringe and bluepilled loser who I want nothing to do with.

>> No.11957464

No one wants to chill with you faggot, thats blue pilled shit

>> No.11957481
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I don't want to waste my time with faggots like you either.

>> No.11957486


>> No.11957494
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How fucking ancient do you have to be to think the girls I am posting are too young to be legal. What fucked up your senses so much anon?

>> No.11957495

Get over yourself and make interesting things happen. You sound like a roastie expecting everyone to fit your schema. You want based and redpilled? Go do cool shit that you like in front of other people until you meet or inspire someone who is tolerable to be around, and then cram your inevitable whiny misgivings. You are completely responsible for the environment that you experience.

>> No.11957502

kek that hoes like 36

>> No.11957507

Who said anything about the ugly ghost you’re posting, faggot?

We know about those sites you’ve been visiting in Tor. I’m not going to warn you again.

>> No.11957517

So a normal woman then?

>> No.11957527
File: 1.28 MB, 2020x3041, 352374276_2009_01_17XueXue00_028_123_551lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I know what you're saying, but I live in a tiny as fuck country town on a farm. Only chance I get to do that is my yearly holidays. There are just no faggots around to meet.

Most of the times I've met actual people that I think are based and redpilled and I like being around it's meeting foreigners overseas and I know them for only a few weeks. Sucks.

Too many people let the afterlife belief cuck them out of their one life. Or their goals and desires in life are just far too standard and generic.


I don't even have tor installed kek. Dunno what you are trying to pull here.

>> No.11957531

Mostly normal women, fren, mostly.

>> No.11957542

We have the exit data asshole, your dumb ass didn’t turn off java script.

>> No.11957543
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I have a wife and two kids.
So we dont always have time for sex every two days or so.
So I still fap.
Feels good man.

>> No.11957551
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Keep trying to scare me. It means I get to post more ladies with my replies.

>> No.11957633

Fuck you.

>> No.11957643

look make, your favourite board hasn't been deleted, hiro jsut split it off, you can head over to >>>/r9k/ and get some advice from the lady experts.

>> No.11957662

But I want to be a virgin and have money too, fren.

Life is all about having a god-tier body, tons of $$$, and success, but avoiding the sex, dating, relationship,?family part.

>> No.11957682

>OP Failed No Nut November, on the last day...But it wasn't his fault

>> No.11957703

You will die alone and unloved.

>> No.11957705

I got in 10 solid days and couldn’t take it any longer; pulled up a steamy ffm POV film and edged for 4 hours before spraying a huge rope on my carpet that wasn’t cleaned good enough. There are parts that are all stiff now in some spots.

>> No.11957706
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>Life is all about having a god-tier body, tons of $$$, and success, but avoiding the sex

This is the cringe and blue pilled shit I am talking about that makes me want to avoid all you plebs. Why the fuck would you avoid sex? Why would not at least fuck escorts if you want to avoid dating and relationships.

Celibacy obsessionists are the most cringe of all the blue pilled fags out there. Unironically taking that character from Dr Strangelove and making his "muh fluids" argument into a real lifestyle.


Mad faggot.

>> No.11957714

>29 years old
>never had female encounter

yep sounds about right. honestly what you expect you fucking bum? stop dressing like an autistic 12 year old retard

>> No.11957717

And you think this is a bad thing?

I was born to to alone and unloved, fren, molded by it. You merely adopted the feels.

>> No.11957731

I’m not mad or advocating celibacy, stop projecting fren. Just doing what works for me. If you’re too autistic or cringy to interact with women, it’s better to focus on other pursuits instead of embarrassing yourself and failing. Go be a morning somewhere else if the chins aerent doing it for you, bish.

>> No.11957738

Get your act together anon. Drain the rod once a day for a week. Pop some cialis and visit a premium hooker. Dick will be throbbing and ready for a brutal pounding. Confedence level up. Proceed to tinderbraps, same formula.

>> No.11957748
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Ahahahahh kek anon this is a larp right

>> No.11957757
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That's why I ask why don't you get a fucking escort. You barely have to interact with an escort other than telling her what you want to do.

I believe male celibacy and virginity is a fucking plague and it's a dangerous bad thing that contributes to unhealthy mental states, mindsets and views in the population. Male virgins can never be trusted. Fucking fix yourself virgin faggot.

>> No.11957760

You're pretty alright bro but desu it's pretty beta of you to fall for all these larpfags might want to see a doctor to check your hormone levels and stop consuming so much soi

>> No.11957764

I’m more worried about the collection you’ve amassed of swamp donkeys concealing their birth canals.

>> No.11957784


I'm just bored and want to post bottomless bitches to be honest. Fuck the Janny. Plus I didn't want to clog up the board with a shit thread complaining about the plebs so thought may as well just vent it in this shit thread made by the exact people I dislike.


>these words to describe fertile young women and their sex parts

Never gonna make it. What you are doing is literally cope. You are trying to subconsciously turn yourself off women and their genitals by referring to them with nasty terms. I've seen /r9k/ virgins do it before and you are falling for the same tricks.

>> No.11957796
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Whoops, forgot the bottomless bitch.

>> No.11957799

Your replies are absolutely unbearable to read
>muh cringe and bluepilled
>anyone that doesnt agree with me is beta and...
>muh cringe and bluepilled
No fucking way nobody wants to be around you
Fucking huge gigantic shocker there
Truly unbelievable when you think about it

You'll discover one day how skewed your thinking is...
and you'll regret it

>> No.11957818

Be gentle with the biy, he thinks we care about what he has to say..

>> No.11957819
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thats what I do

>> No.11957838
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>thinking you can analyze an anon from shitposting and using a shit thread to complain about plebs


I don't give a fuck what you have to say. I just want to make it known that you virgin fags are cringe and unbearable to be around.

>> No.11957845

Okay, hook nose.

>> No.11957850


>saved by your pants

this kills the wearing pants posters

>> No.11957859
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>bottom of the barrel insult

I'm Anglo though BTW. But more on what this fag >>11957799 said.

I don't have a problem with finding people to be around. People want to stick around me all the time. It's that I don't want to hang around others. I have to find ways to get away from people because I'd rather be alone than with fucking plebs.

>> No.11957881

Try ingesting some lead orally then faggot

>> No.11957888


>I didn't know woman had that kind of power over me.

I don't know man, that copy pasta made me want to try nofap desu. Sounds kinda nice just randomly cumming in my pants. I've tried it for like 2-3 weeks sometimes but I usually just end up automatically cumming in my pants at night lol(the dreams at that point are better than porn lol). How can people even hold their cum in for a like a month lol? I don't get it.

>> No.11957903


>> No.11957915

People like me, fren. You’re a bad person.

>> No.11958000
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>Good person
>Bad person

Cringe. How do I get away from people who keep making me cringe?

You're a cringe person.

>> No.11958038

I’m going to kill you.

>> No.11958052

I miss Imperator

>> No.11958058
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Nah. You're not.

Anyways I'm bored of this thread. See you sad faggots later.

>> No.11958079


>> No.11958088

I had this actual issue happen to me not long ago.

Asian dentist lady (actual dentist, the usual guy was busy) and she did this weird thing where she like, ran her hand around the skin underneath my chin, basically on my neck. I have no idea why she did this, but it's stuck with me since then, it felt amazingly, ASMRish.