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11953412 No.11953412 [Reply] [Original]

>9pm EST
Prepare to die, bears.

>> No.11953422

dumps and OP is a douche if i have dubs and green id

>> No.11953424

what is special about 9 PM EST

>> No.11953439

>muh 9pm
kek, at least you got it right this time

>> No.11953442
File: 145 KB, 701x854, Screenshot_20180620-181931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your best shot

>> No.11953451

Welp on the The Chan app so all IDs are pink.

>> No.11953458

Will you look that. Congratulations (you) finally made it. Anon show us what he's won!

>> No.11953461
File: 297 KB, 878x657, bobo mosley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will not agree with us if you are content with things as they are, if you are willing to let this market just drift to bull traps, but you will at least hear us with sympathy - if you are aware of the gravity of the market manipulation - if you believe that pumps by manipulation must at last give place to dumps by capitulation.
We believe that we cannot muddle through this time, but we also believe that with effort and with organization this market can get lower and more JUSTed than ever before.
We do not propose going to zero because the control of setting up buy orders is still retained, but we do propose a drastic revision of the dumping machine in order that the will of the bobos may be carried out.
We have no real market at the present time because again and again since the bull run, the bobos have voted for cheaper prices and for decisive dumps yet again and again their will has been thwarted by manipulation in the "tether printing shop" at bitfinex. True trading only begins when the will of the bobos is carried out. For that purpose we propose a new machine.
The fight lays before us. A fight for desperation. for capitulation. for despair and blood in the streets. a fight against the forces of belief. of thrill. of euphoria.

>> No.11953516


>> No.11953579

still not as cringy as your "i lost everything" suicide thread in mid 2019 when bitcoin is at 2400. you were the greater fool, cope

>> No.11953586

Oh how foolish you are.

>> No.11953603

Holy fuck what a faggot

>> No.11953649
File: 228 KB, 1755x817, 4234523526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bought the top of a 3 year bull run. cope harder permabull

>> No.11953725

Why are there two different threads talking about a bullrun in similar times?

>> No.11953738

they are probably trying to dump on you