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11944959 No.11944959 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest financial opportunity of your life. Will you answer the call?

>> No.11944969

No, AION is. Coinbase listing imminent. Check their github

>> No.11945389

Buying more, I dont even care anymore

>> No.11945478
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>> No.11945480

What have the developed so far?

>> No.11945486

Motorcycle anon here. I am so fucking lucky that I couldn't fomo in when this was 50 cents. I can't believe how hard it fell. I am holding some bags but nowhere near what I would be if I had gotten paid this summer.

I still think we will be fine in the super long term but it will take half a decade for us to get rich.

>> No.11945514


>> No.11945516
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>> No.11945547

Scamelcoiners fuck off

>> No.11945629

when i think about all the retards who unironically fud jnt, i just have to smugly smile to myself

>> No.11945794

spoiler alert: they are ironic

>> No.11945953

Generational wealth. First successful pilot with bank.

>> No.11946347

How likely is it to reach $10 in two years?

I have 100k and I am down a lot. I make $1M off it or nothing, there's no other way around.

>> No.11946362

About 100%.

>> No.11946396

why are you so sure?
where are all the dedicated fudders, I'm getting uncomfortable

>> No.11946435

Better question, where is walletbro?

>> No.11946625

I don't think half a decade will be needed, 2019 will be another year of building out the required infrastructure, finishing pilots and acquiring additional liquidity providers/customers. 2020 will most likely be the year that JNT truly starts to shine and it'll co-incide nicely with the next BTC halvening.

Quite likely IMO. We already know for a fact that they have several pilots going with different instutitions (including central banks). Add to that Monday's announcement that Jibrel, ADGM and Al-Hilal Bank are developing a platform for tokenized Sukuks that will utlize Jibrel infrastructure (aka CryDRs backed by JNT) throughout the entire value chain. This is HUGE.

It's fucking insane that this has a < 10M marketcap right now. I know it sounds like common bagholder bingo but if you've got additional cash sitting on the sidelines right now and you're not investing at least a portion of it in JNT at these prices, you're pretty stupid.

>> No.11946645
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Imagine being scameled by this.

>> No.11946768

>Nervously repeats the Jibrelet bagholder
to himself since 0.7$


>> No.11946836

Why would I be nervous? They just made a huge announcement that confirmed the authenticity of the company by proving the trust that it has garnered from banks, regulators and institutions. Add to that FINMA's approval and a successful audit.

I guess by your standard I should be nervous because there has been a couple delays and a low token price. But congratulations, you successfully triggered me enough to type out this fucking post

>> No.11946875

100% is a hyperbole of course, but I understand business.

>> No.11946901


>> No.11946958

I agree man, got 50k of these I'm just a little sauced that for the same price now I could've had 250k instead.

>> No.11947048

Sure, but it's very easy to be a perfect investor in hindsight. Truth of the matter is that you make a bet on the future price of an asset based on the knowledge available to you at that time, we couldn't have predicted the various delays that was ultimately reflected in the price of the token.

Either way, it's a robust company with a lot of influential backers and connections. I'm confident that in a year or two, we'll all be glad that we invested when we did, whether that be at 0.40 or 0.04.

>> No.11947052

Yeah most definitely. I just wanna be rich now dammit!!

>> No.11947428

Thank you sir. Hope we'll make it! How many do you hold?

>> No.11947875

The bank announcement isn't really that big of a deal.

>> No.11947898

This. Unironically anons please sell this rally, I fucked up by not doubling my stack at 4 cents.

>> No.11947899
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>Coinbase listing imminent
inderesting. tell me more about it. I'm all in on AION already. Looked through their github and didn't find shit tho, hope you're not larping

>> No.11947977

Don't be like that Anon. We both know it is only a good signal and doesn't really mean anything significant.

>> No.11948018

No trolling fren. I have never been so bullish on JNT before. The good signals are stacking up and I am still just barely outside top 500 holders.

>> No.11948066

I wouldn't say I'm bullish on it. I'm more positive towards it since coverage seems to be picking up and there are alleged listings happening in Q4 to increase liquidity.

>> No.11948356

I've been buying just about every week. I'm down majorly, but have a bigger stack than I ever thought possible. The sandnigger bank news was really needed. If this ever gets any traction we're all going to make it. My only concerns are it going to 0 and selling way too early.

>> No.11948388

I'm surprised all the jiblets having an hero'd yet.

>> No.11948393

9 am wallet anon
bruised and beat up from all the downturn
even though i still think the market is manipulated as fuck (not talking JNT but the market as a whole) i feel like we've reached bottom
200k bag here and will buy more if it reaches 3 cents and downward to keep my avg buys low
i love u guys, hope we all make it

>> No.11948536

Talal was just seen fleeing the country with bags full of money. The exit scam is happening.

>> No.11948539

why didnt you stop him?

>> No.11948560

One of the bags had gold bricks in them and he hit me with it.

>> No.11948570

this Talal kid
never ceases to amaze, those sandniggers i tell ya

>> No.11948590

reading this

>> No.11949277

Get Comfy and get rekt. Never get comfy.

>> No.11949299

I am fucking rekt by this pump.

>> No.11949337
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>> No.11949360

The volume is still nothing. It isn't really a pump so much as low liquidity combined with one or two people buying.

>> No.11949530

That's true, but the opportunity to get JNT at 1k sats seems to be gone.

>> No.11949691

Depends. If there is a listing like they said it will be the gone. Otherwise it is likely to bleed.

>> No.11949741

I would very much appreciate such an outcome, but BTC is bullish first time since the massive sell-off.

>> No.11949802

It would be ideal timing. Listing on some larger exchanges right as BTC becomes bullish and with major news about banks. But that is optimistic and you really shouldn't be optimistic with JNT.

>> No.11949834

Optimistic for me is a huge fat red candle so I can double my stack.

>> No.11950331


Oh boy... JNT to the moon soon?

>> No.11950575

Old news and the entire bond is 500M. Jibrel is settling 1M.

>> No.11950628

I still don't understand whether that $1M has anything at all to do with on-chain solvency.

>> No.11950717
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I mean possibly.

>> No.11950733
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They can always go back on what they said though and have before.

>> No.11950814

Price predictions?

>> No.11950826

So does this mean that JNT will be pumped to >$0.20 within 2 weeks? This sounds too good to be true, I'm sure we're just misunderstanding something.

>> No.11950858
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>> No.11950906

It won't be pumped. You see all that is required is that 750K USD worth of JNT is being held on-chain as solvency.

Odds are the liquidity provider who is the one to provide the JNT for this has been scooping up JNT for few months at rock bottom prices and probably controls a quarter of the supply right now and can just put up the 15M JNT to provide solvency without buying to pump up the price.

>> No.11950918

Like the jCash vs jBond debate, the 250m tokenizing deal, the big partnership announcement on twitter or the imminent beta wallet release.

Yes we are misunderstanding the whole project. Just get me out of this bagholder bingo shitcoin.

>> No.11950932

do you think staking could be an option in the future
i feel like staking will propel this to the stratosphere, especially if they're completing real banks transactions

>> No.11950974
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Again maybe. It depends on what exactly comes of this. You really shouldn't take anything either of them say definitely because they have been quite clear things change.

>> No.11950987
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Seriously though don't get your hopes up. It won't be as significant as you think it will be.

>> No.11951009

There was simply not enough selling volume to accumulate 15M JNT, much less at <10 cents. I don't care too much either way.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Kill yourself.

>> No.11951062

I disagree. There was plenty of selling volume to accumulate that over the past few months.

>> No.11951136

thank you :)

>> No.11951268

50% link 50%jnt, comfy af

>> No.11951345

Either way, it sure does seem like someone is accumulating aggressively right now. It wouldn't take much to get back to 20 cents.

>> No.11951350

Best portfolio

>> No.11951369

Based and redpilled, but I sure wish I wouldn't sell half of my LINK stack at 1:3 ratio for JNT.

>> No.11951630

I'm sure really sure it is aggressively. Volume is still only in the 100K range but it is real volume. News and threads like this are probably causing people who sold higher to buy back in and catching the eye of new investors.

>> No.11951747

>I'm sure really sure
I'm a moron. I meant I'm not really sure.

>> No.11951797

This, If they don't deliver on a listing (they won't) it'll be back below $.04 again, and probbly will be in a long enough timeline even if they do deliver a listing.

>> No.11952001

In this instance, volume tells us nothing, simply because there is no selling volume. You have to only look at the percentage price increase to get the whole picture, and indeed, we're looking at ~50% price increase in 3 days (disregarding the brief dip inbetween). That is VERY aggressive in my opinion.

>> No.11952107 [DELETED] 
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Reasons why Tzero and Overstock use FLO

1. floData is accessible and easy to read. You don't need to decompile a smart contract or have a special software to read it. It's in plaintext on the chain. This helps with auditing and explaining how it works to regulators. Any extra steps are a barrier to adoption.
2. floData is easy to write. It is appended to the blockchain using a simple RPC command. This makes maintaining the software around the solution less costly.
3. FLO is a fairly launched blockchain with no premine or ICO. Again, this helps for practical regulatory reasons, but also is a philosophical choice made by those who maintain the software. It guides the decision making for our software and also allows those implementing it to check off a box they couldn't check using another chain without those features.
4. FLO is secured by proof of work. This is arguably the best security a network can get, requiring actual buy in of physical devices and constant operational cost in both manpower and electric power
5. FLO has open source software built on top of it (OIP) that can be used for building more advanced applications (this is how etdb.caltech.edu became a thing).
6. FLO transactions are cheap and fast. This will always be the case - we will likely increase block size as the network grows
7. FLO's main use-case is floData, unlike other chains who support complex smart contract languages and operations unrelated to storing data. Sometimes it's best to use a tool that's meant to perform best at a single job rather than bringing around a Swiss army knife and using it for only 1 of its functions.

Look for free and fairly launched coins.They go to BINANCE.

Follow Follow @cz_binance
More CZ Binance Retweeted Binance
Back to listing. Ravencoin, no ICO, community project, humble people, no listing fee.

Check out the binance description page for RVN.Look how similar it is to FLO

>> No.11952339

The fact that there is a lack of selling volume kind of proves the point. Under normal circumstances where there is reasonable volume these kinds of buys would do nothing to the price. But the lack of volume leads to these sudden rises and drops.

>> No.11952604

What I'm trying to point at, is the intent of the accumulating party (or parties) to continue buying despite it resulting in a drastic price increase as a result of the non-existent selling volume. In other words, it's in an overbought territory, which, in my opinion, proves my original point about the accumulation proceeding in an aggressive manner.

The low volume tells us one thing - that we don't know how deep the buyer's pockets are.

I didn't mean to go so deep into this btw, as I don't care about such speculation, but I couldn't let the challenge of my usage of the word "aggressive" go unanswered. Originally I simply wanted to point out the absolute lack of resistance so far.

>> No.11952702

I won't disagree with that I guess. Those buying do not seem to care about the price increase or simply cannot acquire the amounts they desire within a given timeframe without increasing the price because of the lack of volume.

>> No.11952785

LINK/JNT/QNT is the chadfolio, long term elite.

>> No.11952847


>> No.11953036

Because of his bags

>> No.11953681

I thought it was link/jnt/req

>> No.11953700

I'm sorry to say you got astroturfed by the eternal bagholders.

>> No.11953790
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My friends, I met Talal in Dubai today, parking my camel in the designated camel lot. We conversated on the topics of Allah and finance, and do you know what he said to me?

JNT $1000 2020

>> No.11953807

>pajeet times
O i am laffin

>> No.11953843
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Im sorry friends, I mispoke, he said

JNT $1000 2019

>> No.11953852

The thread was pretty good until you arrived with your shitty "memes" no one finds funny. Go back to telegram and spare us your facebook-tier sense of humor.

>> No.11953871
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Maybe it was

JNT $100 EOY

>> No.11954091
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Thread should die but before it does I wanted to post the google trends. You can draw your own conclusions.

>> No.11954098
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>> No.11954272

No, because they solve Interoperability the right way. Big companies have built their own blockchain and won't trust a foreign Blockchain for Interoperability.
Research it, AION ICX etc are a hurdle for adoption.
Big companies won't rely on those due to Integration issues, security, trust etc.
Think about it like TCP/IP, it's a layer which connects our Internet.
Overledger is an overlay for a blockchain and is easy to integrate (3 lines of Codes) which doesn't require to change your blockchain.
Compare the Internet to now, blockchain is in 1997 and needs their own TCP/IP.
Quant is imo the best Solution for enterprises.