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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 81 KB, 540x725, Jebus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11943363 No.11943363 [Reply] [Original]


Get the fuck out while you can, they never have transferred 100% of their funds like this before, it makes it impossible for them to process withdrawls.

>> No.11943372

Dude stop I have a limit on my withdrawals. I need more time, delete this shit

>> No.11943378

Delete this asap


>> No.11943381

the absolute state of fud

>> No.11943383


>> No.11943388
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>> No.11943392
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Holy shit my withdrawal got rejected with an error 500 what the fuck does this mean Anons? I am freaking out.

>> No.11943400

oh so this is why my withdrawal was frozen 40 minutes ago...

>> No.11943414

Oh shit it's over isn't it

>> No.11943423


>> No.11943424

It’s not it will just disable withdrawals which will be fking annoying

>> No.11943446


>> No.11943465

I am slightly relieved I only have .1 btc on there, but still fuck chinks for freezing my acct you absorute pieces of shitto

>> No.11943467

Stop spreading fud dude

>> No.11943479




>> No.11943480
File: 413 KB, 811x767, nervouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead buddy try to withdrawl one of those tokens, let us know how it goes. I have 5K linkies stuck on this chink shithole.
Fuck this is bullshit.

>> No.11943482

CZ here.
Several coldwallets were drained by a hacker. Binance is going bankrupt.
Just got off the phone with Jihan, he will set a hitman on me. We used to store a lot of their funds.

I need to dissapear

>> No.11943483
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>> No.11943492

>i have
>implying your links arent just IOUs
>implying part of the 100 million tokens transfered arent "your" 5k links

this is why you use a paper wallet. JUST

>> No.11943494

My current withdrawals are still pending, support said it will go through within 24 hrs

>> No.11943504

did they tell you why?

>> No.11943508

what is 500 server error and why do i keep getting it? funds are safu?

>> No.11943515

>over a billion usd worth of tokens randomly moved out in the span of an hour
>no word yet from any binance official

>> No.11943516

They would have said 'something' if funds were going to be frozen during the transfer. But then again if they were exit scamming they would have said something to prevent alarm and buy themselves time.

>> No.11943518

The final stink of ChainLink.
*big mac container hits ground*

>> No.11943522
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, Funds = Safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people here not trust a man with a head this large?

>> No.11943525

it's not a hack, just whales taking profits after dumping on you pajeets

>> No.11943527

haha that's what happened to me on gox
It's never gonna clear.
Calvin warned us at the beginning of the week: investigations of market manipulators are proceeding

>> No.11943537

binance shills will tell you thats normal and that youre just spreading fud.
>taking profits
>by withdrawing shitcoins from the exchange

>> No.11943545

Guys I figured it out. Cz is moving our funds into a more secure wallet

>> No.11943549
File: 7 KB, 179x282, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep your money on an illegal casino that keeps moving from country to country to dodge law and taxes
>get surprised when you get exit scammed

>> No.11943552
File: 65 KB, 800x732, endit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% of the funds, with zero outgoing transactions meaning 0 outgoing withdrawals for all of these coins?
Get real Anon, this shit is bad.

>> No.11943568

Binance will never exit scam, cz is too well known. He’ll probably be gutted anywhere he goes if he scams

>> No.11943589

Tell that to Jordan Belfort.

>> No.11943596

>keeping your assets on an exchange
>keeping your assets on a shady chink exchange

I'm not a candlecuck so I don't need to keep anything on an exchange anyway. Don't play around with shitty coins that don't even have a desktop wallet with access to private and public keys.

>> No.11943604

Jordon is paying everyone back dude

>> No.11943606

>he doesnt know the "it was a hack bro, i swear" meme
have you not learned anything from mt gox?

>> No.11943612
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>> No.11943619

He's not chinese

>> No.11943634

You guys are honestly fucking maniacs. No one in their right mind would give up the steady, honest cash flow that Binance makes in exchange for fucking being hunted by every major government just for some quick cash. The dude is a BILLIONAIRE. You think he gives a fuck about stealing money? He has an will continue to have more money than anybody knows what to do with. Why would you ever risk losing that? FFS, shut up.

>> No.11943637

Lmao why the fuck would he steal that he makes that much in a few days. If he literally only cared about making money he would keep doing exactly what he's doing

>> No.11943649

i got 500 server error when i try to enter binance, i am in the philippines, what does that mean? i will get a refund?

>> No.11943653
File: 31 KB, 500x486, pepegun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said this was an exit scam, looks more like a hack to me.
I am still not able to withdrawal my 5K link it keeps erroring out. Support says wait 24 hours.
When they cold wallet they never do 100% of the funds.
These new wallets have 0 outgoing transactions.
This is real, they got exploited somehow, or some employee with too much access.

>> No.11943667

Rogue nations have thousands of hackers working full time on breaking into accounts, exchanges, emails, etc. to steal as much crypto as they can. This is a fairly dangerous industry to be in and the majority of all "hacks" are actually hacks and not the owners running away with money. Or just both, most funds hacked, then the owners run away so they arent gutted with whatevers left.

>> No.11943669

I hope the hackers destroy the private key.

>> No.11943695

Yeah..cause bnb is worth something if binance got drained...m

>> No.11943696

CZ who's that?

>> No.11943700
File: 44 KB, 423x615, 1540257318592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i successfully withdrew 100 LINK, not that that means too much

>> No.11943705

You can scam the kind of people that belfort scammed and get away with it, but when it comes to crypto, you better fucking watch out because there are would-be-pissed-off criminal syndicates using binance for sure.

>> No.11943713

500 errors in a row? That's a lot of errors wtf

>> No.11943719

10 head smart

>> No.11943722
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Funds are safu.

>> No.11943730

its another binance wallet you brainlet

>> No.11943749
File: 79 KB, 848x565, lapbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why can I not withdrawl my link?
Why is it 100% of their holdings?
Why are there no outgoing transactions from these new wallets since the transfer?

>> No.11943755


It's HTTP error code 500 you brainlet

>> No.11943758

all tokens and eth are going to the same wallet. seems like they are just changing the hot wallet

>> No.11943779

Can't you just trade link to another token for the time being?

>> No.11943800
File: 322 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-11-29-06-26-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they moving the links to the Chain Link contract???? WTF

>> No.11943807
File: 183 KB, 560x612, 1538750174609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? That's like $500m in coins hacked?
If this is real binance will unironically shut down. And that'll spur BTC to fall to $100
bros... tell me its a joke

>> No.11943809
File: 110 KB, 969x1000, 04862087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no what are they doing those don't go in there

>> No.11943820

Brainlet here what's this mean

>> No.11943844

Tha tye fud was real. Shit I had 35k links and I recieved only 29k in my wallet. No pedning transactions. Fuck at least i got the 29k

Shit fuck why is this happening

>> No.11943866

It’s not even a fking wallet

>> No.11943889

This. It's a contract that can not be tampered with. Probably they have their own conditions that has to met to free those tokens. Fuckfuckfuck the smart contract thing is turning against us.

>> No.11943901

Binance is too big to fail retards. They are just moving some funds around. Jesus.

>> No.11943906


yall think the worst. you guys are worse than my gf.. I don't even have one

>> No.11943910
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>> No.11943959
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>> No.11943962
File: 151 KB, 1357x892, 1531443537339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck. dont tokens sent to a contract address get lost forever?
did 96 million linkies just get burned?

>> No.11943992


>> No.11944015

stinky linkys didn't thinky now their money will be shrinkied

>> No.11944020

They were sent to the 0x4e9c... address. Literally in the screenshot.

>> No.11944032

Post your short position OP ;)

>> No.11944039


>> No.11944062

don't be a fuckin retard check the details properly. Receiving address is '0x4e9...' whereas the contract is '0x514...'

>> No.11944104
File: 435 KB, 659x1200, 1509195659110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be silly, look at the "Tokens Transferred" line showing From and To.

Token recipient is is 0x4e9... not the link contract which is 0x5149....


>> No.11944161
File: 967 KB, 245x180, 1394838363325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you don't know what on earth is going on, but by pure serendipity pulled every last ETH and LINK you had off Binance and onto your Ledger earlier in the evening without a hitch.

>> No.11944168

What a bunch of larpers. Although it's true everyone should never leave their LINK there. Drain the wallet to not let the bots control the order book.

>> No.11944181

This will start the singularity

>> No.11944295

damn, all the linkies burned. might as well buckle up I guess

>> No.11944308
File: 2.53 MB, 1088x1942, surge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't put your trust in Binance. The name of the game is trustlessness. All true marines know this by heart.

>> No.11944360

broke ETH contracts kek

>> No.11944446
File: 29 KB, 630x246, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck reddit knows , this is not good

>> No.11944455

Don't trust these cunts, it's coordinated fud, I shat myself when I saw everything, managed to withdraw in a timely manner. fuck all of you

>> No.11944465

So much larp here

>> No.11944478

my discord found a vulnerability
we got their hot wallet
they still have some left but are insolvent

>> No.11944481

epic story bro

>> No.11944489

Plz delete my funds are pending still

>> No.11944603
File: 19 KB, 231x244, foilpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our shared shitposting actually reached this chink:
Imagine if we used our powers for good.

>> No.11944647
File: 541 KB, 656x913, 1539011817472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played , well played

>> No.11944796



>> No.11944981

I literally just withdraw some LINK just fine. Go fuck yourselves you pathetic faggots.