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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11941111 No.11941111 [Reply] [Original]

Do redditors really pay so much for auto insurance?

>> No.11941128

I'm assuming that amount is for 2 cars. Depending on where you live, yes it's that expensive. I have a new car, over 30 yrs old, clean record, no tickets, no accidents and still pay $180 a month in NYC.

>> No.11941137

Goddamn, and I thought I had it bad paying $450 a year for car insurance.

>> No.11941139

Now that is a very good goy

>> No.11941161

>not buying an old car and only having liability insurance for it

Not gonna make it.

>> No.11941169

It's unironically cheaper to just Uber

>> No.11941171

I pay $4k every 6 months for wife and I for 2 cars. I've shopped around and couldn't get it any cheaper. One minor wreck over a year ago, no other cars involved. No tickets.

>> No.11941189

I have full coverage on a 2008 with roadside assistance. It's $1,002/yr. My fren in another same story, 2008 full coverage but hers is $1,6xx. Apparently state makes a huge difference. I can't imagine paying more than 1,500. That's just jewing at that point.

>> No.11941248

I pay $350 a year for full coverage with a $600 deductible because I've only had a license for a few months, it goes to $250 deductible after 2 years. I'm a drunk driver so it has already paid for itself (side swiped a parked car while drunk).

>> No.11941260

I wrecked my car a few years ago. So I pay like $3500 a year for car insurance for my Mustang.

>> No.11941277
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$180/mo is pretty good for a new car (did you get a car loan? in my state gotta get comprehensive coverage if bank has title)

>> No.11941336

You are witnessing sample bias in action
>a personal finance subleddit
>le front page of the internet
>shocked to find 100 IQs

Try youtube next

>> No.11941356

Holy fuck I pay $3400 a year for me and my wife and she got a DUI over 2.0 and got into an accident and the lady she hit sued us LOL.

>> No.11941594

or bicycle if you don't care about never getting laid

>> No.11941600

Yeah i don't get it. I've always paid a lot but it doubled after the wreck.

I think you mean .20 if you're talking BAC

>> No.11941646

no her blood was 20% alcohol the cops never seen anythhing like it

on another note I will be so happy when the stock market collapses and all those plebbit vanguard fund faggots get justed it will be glorious

>> No.11942251

>20% = 0.20 you stupid motherfucker! There must be an additional retard surcharge on your insurance which you absolutely fucking deserve. Dumb motherfucker

>> No.11942264

I paid £2000 ($2500) kill me

>> No.11942317
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>> No.11942341

That looks stupid as hell. I just put my car in my moms name and pay dirt cheap insurance.

>> No.11942383

I pay $600 a year for full coverage on a 5 yo vehicle with an original sticker price of $54k.

>> No.11942387

biz is so dead we need to steal content from plebbit.

just go back

>> No.11942399

Some parts of the country are insane for car insurance.

Me, I pay $600 a year. Been with State Farm since forever. Good driver discount, low mileage discount, no sports car, and the area I live in is low risk. Full coverage, and rental insurance, less than $600 a year. State Farm has never fucked me over, with accidents or damage.

$4k for insurance is insane. That's more than what my car payment was.

>> No.11942405

>switch to cheaper insurance
>he didn't read the fine print
>"Sorry, but due to some bullshit clause you didn't read, your insurance doesn't cover this situation"

>> No.11942418

Mend your drunkie ways. DUIs ruin your life and will make your insurance rates go on a golden bullrun

>> No.11942438

I pay 133 a month for a new car is that good

>> No.11942446

...I pay $600 just for liability.

>> No.11942485

0.2 BAC means there's 0.2mg/ml of alcohol w/v in your body

did I just respond to bait?

>> No.11942502

Shop around and get a local insurer. I used to pay 230 a month for 2 cars with geico. “Local insurer” is 140.

>> No.11942515

What's your age, location, car, and salary. If you're under 30 and paying that, pretty good.

>> No.11942546

I thought I was overpaying when I was paying 1200 a year. I have one of the highest insurance rates in the entire country in my province because it's all through one company ICBC. Reddit cucks are fucking retarded and have no idea how money or anything works

>> No.11942555

exact same here I think it's fine

>> No.11942558

Geico is such a fucking ripoff.

Couple of years ago, my then gf was fighting Geico over something minor, they just would not pay. I told her to talk to my agent at State Farm. "No way, they're expensive!" No, CALL. Finding out is free.

Calls, and they offer her a policy of the same coverage as Geico, for half what she was paying.

I got a lot of BJs off that advice, lol.

>> No.11942586

I also live in NYC and I'm 26. My policy is $700-something for 6 months through Progressive. It was >$600 but they bumped me up and I need to redo my defensive driving. Might need to renew that and shop around. Granted, that's for a beater with no collision.

>> No.11942588

i use progressive, like $340 for 6 months. i figure one day ill get to fuck flo

>> No.11942593


>> No.11942612

i legally changed my gender to female and saved 2k a year in car insurance :)

thanks libcucks

>> No.11942629

No clue but my car insurance is 70$ a month.
But that is because I have full coverage so if I get in a accident I get it fixed even if its my fault.

>> No.11942645
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Wtf i pay 30€/month and i thought i was getting ripped off by the kike insurance.

Burgerbros, you are getting literally scammed seriously. The absolute boldness of the jews in your country will always astonish me. The insurance provide literally nothing and you have to pay so much for 0 services, and the day you have an accident they always try to find a way to fuck you up the ass and literally hire detectives to trind to find a fake excuse to not pay you what they owe you.
It's fucking disgusting seriously.

>> No.11942655

pay your insurance loicense, winslow

>> No.11942694

Nice projecting anglo scum! And i didn't used £. I am french and i really feel bad for you bros. Seriously how can they justify a 150$ bill each month for a fucking tag glued on your windshield?

>> No.11942715
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and for 30€ it's a car tagged as sport car by the insurance, i could pay half this price if i was driving the usual yuropoor cuck minicar.
Pic related is my vroom vroom. Nothing too fancy but i love it.

>> No.11942727
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holy fuck dude she sounds awful and you sound like onions face.

>> No.11942733

Pay $35/mo to insure my indestructible shitbox '98 civic. Feels good.

>> No.11942754
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oh also i pay close to $900 year for full replacement on my tacoma, and $33/mo for liability on the jimmy. i let my lady drive it, she's not a cunt.

>> No.11942755
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finally smething reasonably priced.
Plus based nippon indestructible shitboxes.

>> No.11942781
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it's a comfy smug waifu you have here

>> No.11943020
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kek. unironically will wife. >>11942781

>> No.11943049
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give us non generic tips on a relationship faggot

>thx in advanced

>> No.11943112

same. I pay like 1200/year for home and car, but I dont drive like shit so its basically throwing money to the wind.

>> No.11943284
File: 532 KB, 4032x1960, 20181008_200240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adult women are more closely related to children than adult men. generic shit works: man up, be a provider to some degree, but you got to keep that shit on lockdown. flex, be a man, express your angers when you have them. she needs to see your strength, be successful, be cool, be an alpha.
shit takes work, especially with how the modern 18-30 year old hetero female fits in modern society. women believe the liberal memes out there, but they truly want a traditional, wholesome family. even if they don't know it. i have completely redpilled this girl over the last three years. she has proved herself, and i am fairly demanding. she knows i will put up with very minimal shit. i have created value around myself; she knows that if things were to go sour between us, i would find a girl five years her younger and shower her with the love that was once hers. i am always fair, i am almost always right, and she trusts me completely. i am a loving partner, and even though it would hurt temporarily to split, i would find peace and a new, satisfying partner much quicker that she would. if i came home and told her to pack what she needed, that we needed to leave, and i'd explain in the car she honestly wouldn't even ask, she would just do.
i see so many people here struggling with females in some capacity or another. my best buddies in real life are all struggling. it sincerely saddens me to see my fellow man hurt.
we do cool shit all the time. concerts, shooting, camping, little vacations. we literally do fun shit all the time. this is very important. so is fucking. not everybody is always in the mood. i'm a busy guy and want to shitpost when i get home. sex is very healthy and relieves much stress. have lots of it.
i have a lot to say on this topic. given our format, it would be easier if you asked some questions (specific or general), in hope that i can provide an answer. i've honestly considered doing a chad general on some boards.

>> No.11943314

I pay 2600 a year for full insurance for my 30k car, but i live in the highest cost car insurance state in the country, i have no wrecks or tickets but im a 25 yo male

>> No.11943407


actually based

>> No.11944362

Don’t forget to pay your life insurance goy

>> No.11944366

Yeah kek