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11939573 No.11939573 [Reply] [Original]

Just a random sample, recently format my computer. I've easily traded for over $200k today probably closer to $300.. Dunno you lose track of money. I wont say how, but there come small glitches where it´s possible to make a fortune in no time (did 1 BTC in 1 week, easy), but they are rare.

Most of the time you gotta short trade and make 0.01-0.05 per trade. Risk a lot to gain a little, I have a 95+% success rate though.

Ydad I gambled away 0.56 BTC almost made all of it back today

>> No.11939585

>Ask a trader pro anything
>I've easily traded for over $200k today
> I wont say how, but

yeah how about you fuck off you stupid LARPer

>> No.11939588
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>Pro Trader
if 5 link 1000 eoy

>> No.11939589


How do you manage taxes with all this trade ?

>> No.11939591

Explain your thought process when you look for a trade, what factors do you evaluate?

>> No.11939593

>risk a lot to gain a little

>> No.11939594
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A successful value investor will always be more successful than you jittery day trading faggots.

What you're doing is almost no different than gambling.

>> No.11939602

Favorite coins? You use bitmex?

>> No.11939606

>pro trader
>only uses market click bottom
you HAVE some things to learn

>> No.11939617

tell me whether fun has a chance to shine

>> No.11939649

I pay them, but I don't show all of the trades.
Low risk low reward. Retard.
Agree on that it´s a big form of gambling and I freaking love it. I get to gamble with $ millions every month if I feel like it and win anyway.
This is value investment btw.
All in tether

>> No.11939687

Bitcoin ofc, I love XRP and TRX cuz of the volume you have when you trade with them. BTC, ETH, LTC NEO, favourites by heart.

coinmarketcap d0t com here you can see the different currencies, I base my trades to 90% on that.

>> No.11939713

Bitfinex, Cex.io right now, CEX has really cheap fees and a good referal system (my ref got $800 in a month once it's crazy, its my secondary site so not so many trades there.. BFNX is by far my favourite much security and mane different coins. Like Binance but serious (yeye it was a joke take a chill pill) - Bitstamp banned me without explonation 2 years ago

>> No.11939746

A weak attempt at troll.
Many coins have a chance to shine but the one that's gonna conqueror BTC one day is probably not around. If you are smart you put 3-4% of the eggs in the "wishful thinking" baskets.

>> No.11939841
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1 /3 of the trades I did today on BFNX. I´ve probably done around 200 trades total today.

>> No.11939950

quick question
are you a jew

>> No.11940000
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I am starting to suspect that yes :( I promise to not hate jews any less, I can be a mole moles are badass. Btw thats the meanest thing you can say to someone this is what causes school shootings mate.

>> No.11940013

how much do you make on a good day

>> No.11940035

>Dunno you lose track of money
Want to know how I know you're not a pro?

>> No.11940109

Please enlighten me. And look up the term pro while you are at it.

>> No.11940156
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I never really calculated it like that but the weeks when the $20k drop happend I made over $1k a day easily by spending 30-60 minutes in front of the computer.

Picture is of an ASIC 333 mhz USB miner, used to have 20 of them. When the 15-20k craze was happening I got $60 each for 3 of them... People are dumb as shit.

>> No.11940228

c'mon man, you can push small edges by providing liquidity and countertrading greed/fear


>> No.11940251
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How do I turn $100 into a $1000000

>> No.11940287
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would you buy this op?

>> No.11940303
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There are 2 kinds people in BTC threads that are insanely annoying. In b4 someone mentions what I've written and includes me somehow. :)
The thinks-he-knows-it-alland when argued they change the subject stop replying.
The second one is the worst one because people who enjoy Crypto usually do so with all their heart, at least if they have it as a living. And here comes The nazi troll frog *triggered ShiaLiteCoin*.
Still waiting homedawg

>> No.11940340


good job op, also nice get

>> No.11940370

Is it BTC? Yes I would, but not over night. That being said the comming week are going to be dangerous to short. Too little info

>> No.11940379

nah it's RVN

>> No.11940454
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Thanks nothing special tho. The missing part is EUR/GBP/USD differing a few % between eachother than it would have been like stealing teeth from children. But less noisy.

Also look 30% change in a moonth, 1/3rd recovered today, I love Bitcoin so much.

>> No.11940483

No idea I don't dabble with alts unless I see numbers. I'´ve learned too many times that "THIS IS REVOLUTIONARY BECAUSE THIS AND THAT" then it isn't. I sit back and jerk it till a real winner actually proves the value of his coin and then I'm off!

P.S Why ask me that without showing more stats? Just curious if you just fucking with me

>> No.11940494

pffff. I traded 200million in coins over the last few weeks. I bought BTC worth of 3 million when it was $10 and sold everything in December. Can you even calculate how much money I have now? And I have 100% success rate. Not a single bad trade ever.

>> No.11940504

Checked. Also can you give me a basic roadmap to go from wagecuck to your level, like where should one start?

>> No.11940659

Good on you, glad you stayed and mined when I thought it sucked to no longer be able to game.

Show me that trade please. I´d love to see it. Also didn't say 200k was exceptionally high I am soon at 10+ BTC then we can start talking..
Well you can't I've got a 7 years head start. But https://www.twitch.tv/cryptotraderstv these guys are entertaining and know what's going on. I also plan on starting to post my trades on a twitch stream for 5% of everyones winnings (see jew 100%!)
One thing to know,if you short trade you risk tens/hundreds of thousands to gain a few hundred dollars sometimes. So if you aren´t nearly 100% detached from the money you are going to suck at it and make misstakes.

Anything less than $10k is not worth it for short trading imo. If you got less than that then go long, and do it fast.

>> No.11940681
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>> No.11940705

Anon, what im looking for is the fastest,most efficient and clearly defined self learning path, now that could mean 2years it could mean 7. Im asking what your learning "path" was, did you work at trading firm? And pickup the skills there? Or are you self taught?

>> No.11940711

i bought some and wanted some confirmation
shaky hands etc

>> No.11940743

Good on you OP! And checked. I've already had my question answered but thank you for posting. I started shorting TRX with 3K last month for pocket change and have found mild success. I hope I can reach your level of success and quit wagecucking one day. :)

>> No.11940748

Do you have rich relatives / friends? Fake your own kidnapping and demand BTC as ransom.

I dunno man I invested all money I got from my insurance, prior to that I did some less than legal shit that gave me a decent amount of BTC, mining but thats no go now. I used to sell invites to torrent sites for 0.02 BTC (!) Just use your fantasy. Bitcointalk.org used to have some casinos etc using banners where you get payed per post. Primedice.com gambling site. Buy shit from dx.com depending on where you live you can 10x the money on every auction.

>> No.11940777

Fastest way? Go to primedice.com go with 0.01% win chance and then bet some more done.>>11940743
Great thats the spirit! Everyone gotta start small, at least in order to feel successfull about it.

>> No.11940793

Checked again. Do you think holding Link is worth it, or do you not care about/follow long-term movements?

>> No.11940827

>looking for is the fastest,most efficient and clearly defined self learnin
Good question. I have followed the curve since 2012 pretty crazy https://bitcoinwisdom.com/, I knew early that this is internet gold since I saw that drugs shops stopped using u-cash and this instead. I have a huge interest for numbers overall, prior to Bitcoin and buy cheap sell expensive on ebay I posted over 500k auctions in World of Warcraft. I did equations at 9 years old when the other kids drew.

I guess my advice is study the curve, MANY hours a day see how it has functioned so far. It crashed now some plebs paniced sold off real men HODL. Try small, really really small and expect failure. I started at 2014 at BTC-e and I mixed things up, fee ate me up among other things.. But I learned.

As I said in the post above, do internet services for BTC/LTC. You have a skill? Maybe you can translate a paper for 0.001 BTC? Or make a C++ calculator for 0.1 LTC. If you know any rich BTC people recruit them to stake,com or primedice,com you will get 10% of the house edge (1%) every bet they make. I have wagered over 200 BTC there so it would be 0.2 BTC from just me, if you get 20 degenerates you are set.

>> No.11940849

When did you buy?
Up 4% today
I would sell if you have made profit/gone break even. Get something more stable instead, XRP has almost died and recovered time after time for example.

>> No.11940869

good thread, for a change

>> No.11940874

I look at my crypto as the money im gonna be buried in. It's long and I short it, I long 70%, 50% if I feel frisky but I have the majority in Cold Storage wallets that I wont touch. I look at the short money as money that I am hell of good at increasing, but I need to have my pension and BTC always goes high sooner or later.

>> No.11940889

And no, https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/chainlink/#charts
HODL one of the big coins instead of some random small, it hasn´t gone anywhere in 2 years why would it go somewhere in another 2?

>> No.11940902

youre a fucking idiot

>> No.11940910

honestly, anyone who thinks they can make it in retail trading needs their head checking.

>> No.11940914

Thanks for the advice anon. Do you have a proton mail account that you use to keep in touch with other traders? I'm Cryptofren@protonmail.com if you ever feel like chatting. I really appreciate the advice.

>> No.11940919
File: 51 KB, 600x351, Takashi-Kotegawa-world-top-investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're dumb and will never make it.
buffet got lucky with his timeline. happened to live in an age when the strategy he made up worked. doesn't mean its the universal law of trading at all.

value DOES matter. so does every other factor of trading. and just like determining value involves luck, so does every other factor. but none is pure luck, and very much different than gambling.

pic related is daytrader who made over $200mil in 10 years

>> No.11940933

Cool story bro. So the fact that I´ve made my portfolio 300+% bigger in 2 years through trading is moronic?
I think you need your head checking mate. There are people on twitch shorting for millions every trade and they have it pretty nice.

>> No.11940953

I wish I had the patience to sit more than 1 hour a day... I could have $10m in a few years if I just kept grinding 16 hours a day. But FML I'd shoot myslef.

>> No.11940997

i just bought, i'll wait a few days and see if it goes up and watch xrp for a dip, thanks anon
also looking like xrp will make an ath again soon, it's forming "that" pattern again
you upset him because you shit on his precious link

>> No.11941000

fuck. for those watching, this is the kind of idiot you dont want to be.
the attrition rate for retail traders is something like 95% over 2 years, approximating to 100% thereafter.

listen to me: you will not succeed retail trading. it is literally impossible.
nasim taleb wrote some pertinent things which illuminate this a lot. not just the black swan garbage, just basic bitch stuff like the fact that any edge you have in the market will get obliterated by trade fees and tax.

think about it: most people's edge is liek a fraction of a percent. taxes alone will wipe that out. this isnt controversial. this is simply why no-one can make a long term living off of retail/day trading.

>> No.11941002

But I have to disagree that it's totally different from gambling. Compared to normal stocks tho it's less of a gamble but you risk losing = you gamble (just my opinion) - even if this type of gambling is high reward no/very low risk.

>> No.11941059

Show me source on that.
Both on the fact that it´s impossible to succeed and that all they do is trade during their daytime?

Trade fees? Are you joking they are lower than a midget without legs, https://www.bitfinex.com/fees 0.3% per trade you just need to take it into calculation.... Don't do trades where the fee destroys you.

And taxes are different in all countries. Remember not everyone are from your country...

P.S Quit trying to sound smart by using big words when you can't even put a capital letter at the start of a sentence. It just makes you look even dumber.

>> No.11941088
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Samefag trolling btw

>> No.11941090
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>> No.11941125

listen, i've been there. i've done it. i know more abt this than you do.
i dont say all this for fun, i say it as a genuine warning.
if you think you can make it, then have at it! good luck. i honestly hope you succeed. but i know you wont.

>0.3% per trade
this demonstrates exactly why youre a "know nothing".
0.3% is huge!

look, what's your edge? can you even tell me!! i bet you dont eve know.
most instiutional traders have an edge of 1%, there about, and they are paying nominal fees on that.
if an institutional investor had to pay 0.3%, they'd find another day job.

there are these shibboleths that give you novices away. thinking "0.3%" is one of them. cmoe back in a few years and then we'll talk...

>> No.11941138

Yes? Whats your question?

>> No.11941209

Can you read?

0.3 is not per trade, it's for both buy and sell. And thats only for the first $500k you trade with. Yes it's big so go to CEX.IO instead and recruit yourself through a friend? 0.16-0.25% and the friend gets a big % of the fee.

My edge? Being good with numbers, having studied the Bitcoin curve as a hobby for many years, always loved economics. Having things set in stone when cryptotrading is beyond dumb imo, if you see something thats gonna go through to 99% why limit yourself?

A few years has passed and I made buck. I am tirede of arguing with you you did not bring any proof as I asked you to so now I know you are just trolling. Have a nice time wasting yours.

Want me to send you my CSV from Bitstamp? That acc is closed anyway.

>> No.11941280

>My edge?
for fuck's sake, you dont even know what i'm talking abt do you?
your edge is the %profit return per volume of trades you make e.g. an expected 1% edge on $100 traded (including winning trades and losing trades) would yield a return of $101.

you should know your edge if you know your trading strategy. you have to know your edge to gauge your staking strategy a la Kelly criterion. this is like basic stuff.

look, i'm not knocking you personally. i really do wish you luck. but i've been there, and this stuff isnt simple. it's the marginal costs that will kill you. you only know abt these once you really get into trading. this is why so many old timers like me are bitter - you can have a great trading system (i did) and it still wont make money.

if you dont have a system that you can quantise and describe to another person to execute in your stead, you're not even a trader, just a gambler. and that's all you are, just a gambler.

>> No.11941293 [DELETED] 

>A successful value investor will always be more successful than you jittery day trading faggots.
You don't really have any empirical evidence for this, you're just parroting what you've heard other people say. Pathetic.

>> No.11941425

That's called ROI where I come from, you know return on investment.

As I said I have no wish to waste more time on you have a terrible day for once again avoiding my points and derailing the conversation. My little sister trolls better than you

>> No.11941511

traders dont use ROI. ROI is defined as:

ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

a trader's edge doesnt take into account cost of investment. this is why it is calculated per volume of trades - ROI gauges return on a single investment(s). trading IS NOT investing!!

>> No.11941530

everything is gamble to an extent, e.g. founding a any business.

>> No.11941550

>you should know your edge if you know your trading strategy. you have to know your edge to gauge your staking strategy a la Kelly criterion. this is like basic stuff.
Beginner here. How many trades/how much volume do you think is necessary to assess the edge of a trading strategy? I mean, I could make 10 trades with my strategy, win 9 of them through pure luck and assess that my strategy has a 90% winrate and plug that into kelly, but obviously that may not be accurate. How can I assess "true" winrate?

>> No.11941603
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> I have a 95+% success rate though

>> No.11941647

Make a list of your trading tools

And a your trading routine.

>> No.11941703

Susscesful trader here too, started on wow ah too.

Developed a script to auto-bid shit back in the day, now i have my own algos(dont let them trade tho, they give me signals).

Nice to see another ah sperg.

>> No.11941791

there isnt a universal approach to calculating your edge, but the important thing is that it can either depend on uncontrollable specifics e.g.

1. the market you are trading in
2. the asset you are trading

or, alternatively, known advantages to you that the market/other traders dont have eg. insider trading, your own activity as a whale etc.

in practice most traders will derive their edge empirically from past trading data, or monte carlo simulations if youre using a trading bot.

>> No.11941816

thank opie what a good hammock for getting neighbor girsl to shit on my chest like j mac

>> No.11941882
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I do when it comes to BTC/USD. This going from coin A for coin B and then trade Pound instead of USD or EURO instead of USD I am still learning. But I came out with profit today so fine.

>> No.11941960
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Not many, I am pretty Vanilla.
Got a wallet
Member on Cex.io and Bitfinex.com
https://bitcoinwisdom.com/markets/bitfinex/btcusd and coinmarketcap are starting pages.
I set alarm on the graphs here and there. Put out some trades, then chill till alarm goes off when price hit right.

I do 99% of my trading on the top of my head. For example the picture posted here, last 2 trades I do tonight. Why? BTC was dropping, was selling at 4250 but inet connection died, so 4220 instead. I think all of them are going to hit tonight.

The ETH I sold off what I had left cuz it's been dropping. Putting buy others 6% below what it was when I sold

In short, routine is spontantius. I can take breaks for months sometimes, sometimes I can sit for whole days. Most of the time I do 2-4 trades a day and am happy with making $100-$200 while sitting on my ass :)

1 BTC sold off split up in 4 buy backs, the total profit will be 0.02. ETH I dunno I changed my mind took like 8% on 2 of them, but it's so little money just making something of obvious trades is good.

>> No.11941995

Hehehe the AH was my heroin I remember when auctions came total profit started going back til it was a lot of minus coppar, then back up than back down. Miss those times, I think we learned a bunch habout trading there.

No idea what algos is, can you link it? My guess is that it signals for several graphs, not just ETH BTC LTC?

>> No.11942196

How does one into stock market.

>> No.11942241


>> No.11942260

Plz stop talking about something you know nothing about. Yes you have read some but you really don't get that unlike normal stock exchange you can do this in so many more ways and win.

Its all about market and assets, and you can control them by keeping and eye on them and see when its time to swap a coin for another.

Can you show me some of your trades? Or we can swap CSV files for our best year? Talk the talk..?

>> No.11942327

Pick and choose.
List of top 5 cryptocurrency trading platform:
1. https://www.coinbase.com/ only good for buying BTC for money. Not many alt coins.
2. https://www.bitfinex.com/
My favourite. Good security, many alt coins, several wallets so you can't accidently missclick and sell it all and more. But min deposit is $10k so you gotta have a bit of money over (or buy on coinbase and transfer).
3. Kraken. I have heard only good things about this. According to the link cons: lack of user-friendly, Weak support for mobile platforms.

Bitstamp.net (I got banned with no explonation, after many many many trades), CEX.IO has a nice referal system if you trade a lot you make a lot back there.


Personally I love Bitfinex, more than I loved Bitstamp. I buy my coins at coinbase, it sucks 3% fee but the others have long waiting time.

>> No.11942334

Was directed at you

>> No.11942351

And this thread is for you.
Need to sleep..

>> No.11942721

that guy also got big trading the dotcom bubble.
timing = luck = skill. from a practical standpoint there is absolutely no difference

>> No.11942858

And all three combined together through randomness equals overpowered shit.

Guys !!! https://bitcoinwisdom.com/ EUR is -6 USD/GPD = -2 good chance to make a buck