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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11939221 No.11939221 [Reply] [Original]

>there are combinations of mouseclicks that could unironically make me a billionaire

>> No.11939230

yep, this must be a the matrix.

>> No.11939261

It’s like entropy. You have a glass bottle full of air molecules. The chances of all the air molecules to move to one side of the bottle is insignificant, yet it is still possible. The clicks you must make will never be guessed correctly or chosen correctly, because there are so many possibilities to go wrong.

>> No.11939263
File: 145 KB, 645x756, 9u6xkrajp0p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I always misclick

>> No.11939274

People have made combinations of mouseclicks that have led to suicide. And those combinations are a lot more common than the billionaire combinations.

>> No.11939275
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>there are combinations of mouseclicks that could make me homeless

>> No.11939286

I could go up to any Stacey and say a non-illegal combination of words that gets her to fuck me that day.

>tfw will never crack the code

>> No.11939306

Thinking about these things really gets you going doesn't it

>> No.11939328

Is there a combination of words I can say to get a big titty qt gf

>> No.11939329

>tfw there are a combination of ways in which i can move my arms and legs that will lead me to becoming a Hall of Fame NFL star

>> No.11939342

every post here is big if true

>> No.11939348

mind blowing

>> No.11939356

everyone on this site is so retarded theyll set themselves back a billion dollars

>> No.11939359
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whoa dude... you just, like, literally blew my mind

>> No.11939477

How do you ironically become a billionaire and how is it any different from unironically becoming a billionaire you dumb fuck

Why the fuck don’t we have filters on the words ironically and unironically, fucking “I can’t even” for male tweens

Disgrace to your fucking gender and your fucking race too

>> No.11939506

>there are combinations of letters I could type to write the next Harry Potter

>> No.11939530

I wish I had some kind of foresight ability kinda like doc strange.

>> No.11939540

>there's a combination of 6 numbers that will make me an instant multimillionaire

>> No.11939543
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>> No.11939553

Jeff bezos ironically became a billionaire

>> No.11939572
File: 11 KB, 250x366, peepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is a combination is clit-licks that could unironically make my gf cum

yet i'll never find them. that's life my man

>> No.11939579
File: 67 KB, 680x454, tenx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And if you have them stacked on the floor and could wave a magic wand so that the cost of rearranging the atoms was zero, then what would the cost of the rocket be?
u r now thinking like elon

>> No.11939592

Theres also many varying possibilities for you to be right. Theres more than one place to invest online

>> No.11939620

Just finger her faggot

>> No.11939645

you wouldnt get it friendo, but just shut up and listen for a second: there unironically are such kinds of filters you're just too much of a grandpa to figure it out. yikes!

>> No.11939877

And far more that will make you broke af, living in a box under the nearest freeway while you ex Stacy sucks dick for meth

>> No.11940481

>click mouse at an unlucky time of day
>lose savings

>press fingers on keyboard in a certain forbidden pattern
>get arrested

>send specific series of electrical impulses to fingers
>start world war

wowewww wtf

>> No.11940519


>> No.11940536

wtf i'm finally profitable on bitmex

>> No.11940554


>> No.11940572

Based and redpilled

>> No.11940593

There are also a combination of limb movements and sounds emitted that can make you a billionaire as well.

>> No.11940612
File: 301 KB, 1242x1820, 1543373022195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are combinations of pixels that could unironically make me rich with patreon bux